Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes IV (Do not post Current Politics Here)

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The Lunarian War of Independence was arguably the most violent, intense war during the decolonization of space.

Moon was never a kind mistress to Earth. The last refuge for various outcasts, it has become filled with a variety of nationalists and particularly weird fringe political movements as well as many, many uplifts and modified humans who the "normal" humans of Earth could never really accept. A "melting pot", Moon was arguably a nuclear explosion waiting to happen.

It happened at May. In Funakami, a small Japanese colonial resort town, a shootout occurred between a local ethnically mixed, primarily Muslim Arab gang and a Japanese gang. During it, a young modihuman girl of Okinawan descent was assaulted, kidnapped and murdered by a Japanese criminal, Izumi Shigetoki. The Japanese courts rated that he would not be executed, as he attacked the girl in "self-defense". Shigetoki would, however, serve only a few days of his sentence and would go freely at 28 May. However, a conspiracy theory began to circulate on the Internet that the murderer served so little because he was a Terran, and the descendant of the rich, war veteran Izumi family. This angered the Lunarians, and tensions began to rise. On 11 July of 2341, fire broke out, and the Lunarian War of Independence began, between the Earth Union and the ragtag bunch of misfits that was the Lunarian Independence Front. Consisting of Russian nationalists, Ukrainian nationalists, American ex-soldiers, Okinawan nationalists, modified neo-Incas, vampires, vacuumorphs, monarchist rabbits and communist dogs and many, many other groups, the Lunarian Independence Front fought each other much more often than they did the Terrans, but they were united in one goal: the Earthlings must leave.

Of particular note are the Hopi Nation, which was one of the few Lunar states that supported Earth (though, in all fairness, they had territory on both Earth and the Moon) and had a badass enough army to survive; as well as the crazed, wildly ultranationalist, stateless "Indian Space Force" which was full of war criminals of one sort or another, and Uyghuristan, which had a tiny outpost on the Moon, but hated the rotting Chinese hegemony enough to actively support the Lunarian rebels.

And the Earthlings did leave! Of course, at the cost of general devastation of the Moon, but Moon was finally independent... and full of many, many different states that really, really hate each other.

Thus began the Lunar Wars.

Very creative box! What exactly are 'exohumans'?

And just how edgy is the Army of Everlasting Night? :p

Generally modihumans intended for space exploration or created in offworld environments. Often have weird skin coloration.

Aside from consisting of young, bitter, "Young Turk"-style liberal vampires, batpires and werewolves (modihumans, uplifted vampire bats and uplifted wolves respectively) that use disco clubs as hideouts and have a fetish for the night, crimson jackets, androgynous looks and sharp knives, not very. :p
After 16 year reign, pontiff dies at age 92; world-wide mourning by faithful
-Western Reserve Chronicle

With no clear favorite, long wait expected for announcement after cardinals enter lockdown
-Alta California Daily

"No unlicensed water traffic permitted within marked exclusion zone, use alternative routes; Fine Schedule IV imposed for violating diplomatic cordon."
-Yerba Buena Harbor Authority Notice

"'No substance' to 'wild claims' of debauchery at conclave, asserts Church spokesman"
-Morning Call



Nice infobox! Strange there isn't that much of an Italian section of cardinals. Wonder what happened.

Psst... you spelled habemus papam wrong...
The Americanist faith is a religion that came into being in the early 23rd century. As humanity began to explore the North American continent after the event, they came upon the remnants of great monuments and temples dedicated to the presidents of ancient America. Since these beings had so many monuments honoring them, the first survivors assumed that they where gods and started to study these monuments and a handful of holy texts they salvaged from various places. Not so long after they re-established the Presidency, the popularity of the religion started to soar and attracted some locals rulers to the cause. The church gained it's hierarchical structure when in 2266, it was made the official religion of the Kingdom of Hudsonia. The head of the church is the President which is elected to hold the office until he dies. After the death of a president, the rulers of the realms of America nominate an Elector from among their clergy. These are mostly Senators or Congressmen, but in theory they can nominate anyone over the age of 35 who is ordained by the church. Even tough the religion is highly centralized, some denominations exist. While Republican and Democrat are widely accepted, Libertarians are less common due to their specific belief that emphasizes the divinity of Lady Liberty over all other gods of the Americanist pantheon. Some holy orders also exist.
Capitalists, Dedicated to the Almighty Dollar, They are charged with the church's finances and have branches in almost all Americanist nations.
New Dealers, Dedicated to Franklin Roosevelt, They are charged with repairing and maintaining the church's properties and infrastructure.
Reaganites:, Dedicated Reagan, the hero-president who defeated the evil Red Men in battle. They are charged with the safety of the President and members of the clergy.

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Just how many years has the budget switch been in effect exactly?

Haven't worked out the specifics yet, but the space race never really ended.

Do you think NASA could pull in the dough to have a budget that expansive? I know asteroid mining would be lucrative, at least.

Oh yeah, dude. When you are THE space administration, who has dibs on the Helium 3 deposits on the moon and precious minerals from asteroids, land rights to Martian territory, and ownership of the only Hyperspace Gateway's in existence, you pretty much get to write all the blank checks you need.


The Annulment Treaty of 2196 was signed by the representatives of six African nations, condemning Sino-Nigerian hegemony in the solar system and the corruption of the African Union's founding principles by radical transhumanists and imperialist wreckers. After the Ceres nanomachine outbreak of 2192 (the first of many), the leaders of the conservative faction saw clearly the dangers of endless advancement promised by the Nigerian futurists. The treaty finalized the withdrawal of the six largest members of the Union and laid the foundation for the formation of a rigidly anti-progressive Rim Alliance for the Realization of an African Future (RARAF), leaving only Nigeria and its Trojan satellites in the rump organization.




The Free Systems Treaty of 1965 established the well-known Free Systems, a coalition of small planetary empires on the farthest reaches of humanity's knowledge of the galaxy. During the End War, many smaller nations collapsed under the sheer pressure of the war's emergencies. Many ethnic groups became 'homeless', and became 'new Prussias'; armies without a nation. In the late 1950s, proposals emerged to settle these ethnic groups without homes into new planetary systems far away, to spread humanity's seed. The first group to have this done to them were Albanians. Originally from the lower Balkans, the Imperial Space Association under Emperor Benito Augustus, ordered the mass movement of Albanian refugees from Italy to the stars. Zogqytet became the capital of the new adventure, and after it succeeded, more nations sent their minorities packing... at least, those whom were troublesome.

Through out the late 1950s to 1965, five more states appeared--Bosnia was home to over 1.1million Bosniaks whom were exiled from Bosnia in the aftermath of the alien invasion and refused passage home by the Croatian and Serbian forces. They were soon joined by their brothers, the Slovenians, whom established Carinthia as their counter-state. Fredonia came in 1959 after the mass deportation of African-Americans from the American South by order of the local governors whom were fighting alien incursions. These disenfranchised African-Americans were made into colonists, and sent to Fredonia.

Makhnovia was originally founded as a far-off Soviet colony full of Ukrainians, but a revolution against the local commissars lead to the establishment of Makhnovia, a throw-back to the anarchistic republic of the interwar period, where Ukraine was lawless. They are by far the most militant and mercantile of the states of the Free Systems, and are home to the black market networks connected to the (future) members.

Sorbia was the last colony to appear, dispatched in 1962 by the German Reich, whom decided to finally dispense themselves of the annoying and disparaging Sorbian problem. The slavic Sorbs were sent away, never to return, and created their own state in the outer rim.

In 1965, these six states formed the Free Systems. They would be joined, in time, by other system federations of exiled people whom were no longer welcome back home. Ranging from the first systems (Zion in 1968 and Wolga-Deutschland in 1970) to the last ones (Tibet, Manchuria, Tianxia, Mongolia 1989; Turkestan, 1990).

The Free Systems has engaged in warfare against the Confederate States numerous times over the last 50 years, and the two have entered into a deeply unsettling Cold War. Genocide of villages and planetary colonies is not uncommon, and citizens of both nations are often press-ganged into slavery by each other. Foreigners, particularly those from Terra, are left alone, as both sides are scared of retalliation from the superpowers such as the United States of America, the Eurasian Soviet Republic, the German Reich, among others.
Oh yeah, dude. When you are THE space administration, who has dibs on the Helium 3 deposits on the moon and precious minerals from asteroids, land rights to Martian territory, and ownership of the only Hyperspace Gateway's in existence, you pretty much get to write all the blank checks you need.
Heh, fair enough.

Haven't worked out the specifics yet, but the space race never really ended.
The original video said that was the most likely scenario, right? I was thinking that maybe the Soviet Union has a less total collapse, but still becomes capitalist and trades with America . That way, space is less militarized than it would otherwise be, as NASA seems relatively peaceful here. The Space Race is more about whether NASA or Russia can mine more asteroids, and less who has more missiles on them.

Afro-technocracy is an ideology that rose out of interest in Neo-Memetic theory and the African Miracle.

Neo-memetic theory is a revision of traditional memetic theory. Memetic theory held that historical dynamics could be explained by the self-propagation of meme and the conflict and hybridization when different memes came into contact. While this interested historians and anthropologists that had become critical of the dominance of environmental determinism, it became clear that the school had multiple issues that undermined its predictive power and use as an analytical tool. Conflict over whether particular cultural aspects were part of a meme or simply coincidental structures began to undermine the theory, as well as the pernicious issue of memetic mutation. Even greater problems emerged between the parallelists, who saw similar memes as independently formed products of enviornmental conditions, and the primordialists, who saw similar memes as derivatives of nascent primordial memes. While the school of though was relevant throughout the '30s, it ultimately became mostly irrelevant and never had a major impact on politics or the popular conscious. Neo-memetic theory was a revision of traditional memetic theory that began in the late '40s. The neo-memetists resolved many of the previous internal disputes through the conception of the memeplex (meme complex). While traditional meme theory holds that individual memes compete to self-propagate, neo-memetic theory is based on the concept of a "value bundle." Value bundles form the core of memeplexes, which have a variety of embedded memes. These embedded memes serve as the vectors for the memeplex, shaping structures to self-propagate the memeplex. These embedded memes could then be hybridized, discarded or mutated, while the value bundle remained mostly static. Masena Ndembe would use the concept of the memeplex, specifically the "Indo-Aryan memeplex" to explain the mutation of governmental structures in western civilization, as well as its tendency towards hegemony and exploitation.

The African Miracle is the term for the effect that the Long Crisis had on Africa. Specifically, while every other region of the world experienced economic contraction and a sharp increase in armed conflict, Africa saw an average decline in violence and steady, albeit reduced, growth rates. There have been many explanations for this phenomenon, which contradicted pre-crisis predictions of Africa becoming the most impacted by climate change. These theses include the positive effects of automation on African social mobility, strong family structures and in-group solidarity, the impact of African Christianity, the more fluid adoption of clean energy and decentralized production, and increased competitiveness and investor attraction. Regardless of the core cause of the Miracle, and despite the fact that conflicts like the Second Nigerian civil war did have a temporary destabilizing effect, Africa did come out of the Long Crisis stronger than before.

The neo-memetists of Africa had their own explanation for the Miracle, the fact that African was, in their terms, a "memetic breadbasket." While most the world was dominated in whole or in part by the Indo-Aryan memeplex, Africa was home to dozens of indigenous memplexes that had not been wiped out by colonization. While still suppressed by the Indo-Aryan memetic hegemony, these indigenous memeplexes were able to mutate and hybridize. While the Indo-Aryan memeplex was malignant and highly vulnerable to the impact of its over-exploitation, the African memeplexes had more embedded memes that increased resiliency to environmental catastrophe.

This explanation for the Miracle led to the formation of Afro-technocratic ideology. Afro-technocratic ideology is primarily concerned with the well-being, propagation and implementation of Africa's indigenous memeplexes. This worldview has led to a variety of political ideas and programs:

African market: In Afro-technocratic lingo, an African market is not a single-market zone for the country, but rather a "market with African characteristics." This includes an acceptance and integration of informal exchange and gift exchange, as key parts of African culture.

Afrocentrism: While not unique to Afro-technocratic ideology, afrocentrism is the affirmation of the concerns of African peoples and nations outweighing the concern for foreign issues.

Afro-federalism: Not to be confused with African federalism, the idea giving the African Union (AU) greater power over its constituents. Afro-federalism involves recognizing the rights and powers of traditional tribal and ethnic groups. For this purpose, Afro-technocrats reject African federalism as a threat to memetic diversity.

Anti-monotheism: Many Afro-technocrats are opposed to monotheistic religions, specifically the Abrahamic faiths, which they see as a colonial imposition. Many committed Afro-technocrats instead practice reconstructivist African faiths.

Balance of influence: A form of "colonial accounting" a balance of influence takes in trade, international agreements and cultural transmission to determine whether a nation's culture has a net influence or subversion. Afro-technocrats usually argue for a positive balance in order to allow for the self-propagation of their memeplex(es).

Counter-colonialism: Counter-colonialism is a revision of post-colonial politics, and argues that a country must actively seek out and prevent attempts for foreign countries to impose colonial influences.

Consensus administration: As their name suggests, Afro-technocrats usually oppose democratic structures, seeing them as vectors to propagate the Indo-Aryan memeplex. Rather, many Afro-technocrats seek to reconstruct and modernize traditional indigenous tribal structures. Such an administration, while not democratic, would be selected by merit and good standing with the community, and would seek to form a consensus on policy and programs.

Cultural sovereignty: Cultural sovereignty is the idea that a nation or subnational group is sovereign over its culture. It rejects the idea that censorship is unjust, rather holding that a degree of censorship and neo-protectionism is necessary to combat subversion and cultivate indigenous memeplex.

Deconstructionist democracy: Not all Afro-technocrats reject democracy. These afro-technocrats call themselves deconstructionists, and seek to deconstruct the Indo-Aryan meme, intentional grafting useful memes into indigenous memeplexes.

Federal communitarianism
: A piece of Afro-federalist thought, Afro-technocrats reject excessive individualism, and instead stress solidarity and participation within ethnic or tribal groups.

Guided egalitarianism: While Afro-technocrats hold that equality is piece of most African value bundles, they tend to also emphasis the necessity for leaders of wisdom and merit to guide their peers.

Informalism: The acceptance of informal transactions and political structures as complements to formal structures.

Memetic breadbasket: The idea that the African continent is a unique center of memetic diversity.

Memetic cultivation: While Afro-technocrats aggrandize the indigenous memeplexes of Africa, they also acknowledge that these memeplexes are ultimately nowhere near as strong as the Indo-Aryan memeplex. Thus, Afro-technocrats call for memetic cultivation, in which African governments should aid in the propagation and maturity of African memeplexes, to allow these memeplexes to exist on a global scale without conscious intervention.

Neo-protectionism: Neo-protectionism is the application of protectionist thought to higher tier industries, such as the information, education and cultural industries. Neo-protectionism holds that native high-level industries need to be protected by the state to ensure the development of a strong middle class.

Post-negritude: Afro-technocrats reject the ideal of a Black or African racial identity, instead placing value on the diversity of African identities. More extreme Afro-technocrats claim that "Blackness is White project," and that Black identity serves to propagate the Indo-Aryan memeplex.

Reconstructionist traditionalism: Reconstructionist traditionalism is the reformation of traditional pagan and tribal structures and beliefs, modernizing them will modern scientific and philosophical knowledge.

Of course, there is a wide variety of criticisms against Afro-technocratic thought. Paleoliberals and civil libertarians see Afro-technocracy as a form of authoritarian retro-conservatism. Socialists and feminists see Afro-technocracy as simply the aggrandizement of the African bourgeois and patriarchy. Political Christianitists and Islamists see the ideology as an attack on their faith. Post-liberals see Afro-technocracy as the abandonment of efficiency and reversion to archaic structures. Of course, there are many that reject the value of neo-memetic theory, and thus have no interest in a politics derived from it. However, Afro-technocracy has see a rise in popularity among several African countries' intellectual and cultural classes, who appreciate neo-protectionist policies and are suspicious of the impact of further AU integration. Afro-technocratic parties also have an easy time making alliances with traditional ethnicist or regionalist parties, which has helped increase their reach and visibility.
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Logo alone would have earned the like, and then you go and put all this cool stuff on top of it.

The only downside is that 'meme,' already tenuous at best and made even moreso by 'memeplex,' has completely stopped looking like a word.
Logo alone would have earned the like, and then you go and put all this cool stuff on top of it.

The only downside is that 'meme,' already tenuous at best and made even moreso by 'memeplex,' has completely stopped looking like a word.

I hate it too, but it makes sense as a portmanteau, and is the sort of thing you'd see come out of an academic discipline.
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