Rumsfeldia: Fear and Loathing in the Decade of Tears

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I think that the critics, while bringing valid points to the discussion, ought to be careful about declaring things "impossible". Tons of "impossible" things have happened IOTL in the last century, some of them with very serious consequences. And not to mention that AH doesn't exist in a vacuum, it's for our enjoyment and interest, it is not and can not be a scientific exercise.

Yes, something close to that -- perhaps also think in terms of the model Ryzhkov is using, Chile - where Pinnochet ran an authoritarian state politically while his "Chicago Boys" created a free market model.

With regard to the USSR and Europe - an entente cordiale may describe it, although there is a dual dependency at work here - Europe needs Soviet gas and oil, and Ryzhkov's reforms require access to European markets and capital. This reciprocity of needs will draw both sides closer together. As a consequence, there is a declining tendency in Europe and Moscow to view the other as a potential military adversary (with the exception of the Russian historical wariness of the Germans) and more a sense that they have more in common than what separates them.

This can hold provided the Europeans don't take on a reform the Soviet political system crusade.

What of the Warsaw Pact? Any comparison with OTL Europe needs to take into account the fact that ITTL half of the continent is still under Soviet control. How are things going in countries like Czechoslovakia and Poland, as compared with the USSR itself?
Greatly enjoying as always, I'm guessing this coup will backfire and thus lead to more Rummy insanity. Either way I wait with bated breath to see what happens next.
This will be my first post on these forums, and it simply has to be in praise of this timeline and its precursor. I've been following the Gumbo-verse on and off for several years now, and I've finally got around to making an account here. FLaG is a magnum opus, and rightly deserves to be ranked among the very best AH fiction.
Thank you for creating this amazing (and often terrifying) world, and keep up the great work!
This will be my first post on these forums, and it simply has to be in praise of this timeline and its precursor. I've been following the Gumbo-verse on and off for several years now, and I've finally got around to making an account here. FLaG is a magnum opus, and rightly deserves to be ranked among the very best AH fiction.
Thank you for creating this amazing (and often terrifying) world, and keep up the great work!
I joined for the same reason nearly three years ago!
It's a Rummy World - Brought to you by better living thorough investment banking


“If you are not criticized, you are not doing much.”

“The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, or vice versa.”

“If you try to please everybody, somebody’s not going to like it.”

“I'm not into this detail stuff. I'm more concepty.”

“Look at me! I'm sweet and lovable!”

“The Federal Government should be the last resort, not the first. Ask if a potential program is truly a federal responsibility or whether it can better be handled privately, by voluntary organizations, or by local or state governments.”

“Prune - prune businesses, products, activities, people. Do it annually.”

– Donald Rumsfeld (OTL)


The Economist

George Wallace – Still defiant in the doorway.

Five years ago he left the White House in ill-health, his Presidential legacy the subject of much controversy and few clear achievements.

On January 20th, 1981 George Corley Wallace could well have been regarded as a populist meteor that had once burned bright, but had long since faded in the morass of day-to-day politics. During his four-year Presidency he made bold – and often controversial – pronouncements on how he was going to change the American system of political and economic power. In fact he did very little to transform those announcements into substantive policy. At one point his Vice President attempted to replace him. This and other controversies alienated then President Wallace from his own Democratic Party, and that split in turn gave rise to the We The People Movement which has caused the national Democratic Party trouble ever since.

Mr. Wallace’s Presidency ended with him in a sickbed, the product of the strains of the job aggravating the permanent injuries he had suffered a nearly a decade earlier at the hands of a would-be assassin. At the time commentators and historians looked upon his departure from the national stage as a dismal end to what had once been a dynamic, populist force for change in American Presidential politics. American historian Robert J. Donovan titled his 1982 seminal work on Mr. Wallace Thunder and Rain – explaining the first part of his title as encapsulating Mr. Wallace’s career up until he became the nation’s fortieth President and the latter half – in Mr. Donovan’s words “a dismal, mid-winter, all-day sleet made-up of chilling droplets that slowly wear-down the will to live” - describing that Presidency.

It might have stayed that way, had it not been for Mr. Wallace’s successor, Donald Henry Rumsfeld. In his own words, the forty-first President so “pissed-off” the fortieth, that he willed himself to get out of his sick-bed and marshal what energies he had left to re-enter public life.

“The day I left office, I knew there was something wrong with that man,” Mr. Wallace now says in his Montgomery office, “and within three months I could see it. Gavin saw it, Reagan saw it. Any American with an ounce of common sense could see that what Rumsfeld called a revolution in political management was code for nothing less than a fascist take-over of our democracy. And damned if he hasn’t pulled it off.”

“Seeing that, knowing I how my own mistakes had opened the door, I wasn’t going to lie on my back and let him walk all over the Constitution. No sir, as long as there was breath in my body, I was determined to fight this,” Mr. Wallace adds.

In 1981 and early 1982 George Wallace worked with a physical trainer, and two spiritual guides, the Reverend Billy Graham and the former singer turned spiritual teacher Elvis Presley.

“Reverend Graham and Elvis, they both opened my mind, helped me to find Jesus, and understand where I had failed as a man, and a President, and to see how I had to put the rest of my life to making amends – starting with fighting back against Rumsfeld.”

Significantly, both Rev. Graham and Rev. Presley are two leading evangelical Christian figures who have often spoken out against the rise of the Christian Values Movement, which has been embraced as a political cause by most of their fellows. Both Rev. Graham and Rev. Presley have condemned the mixing of evangelical religion and politics as a corruption which will do more damage to the evangelical movement – and to the spiritual well-being of its followers – as it gains power. Rev. Presley has called the Christian Values Movement un-Constitutional. Both men have in turn been condemned as turn-coats and apostates by the Christian Values leadership.

In George Corley Wallace they found an experienced political operator who was willing to fight back. As Rev. Presley put it, “I don’t like politics, but even I recognize that we can’t let our churches be corrupted by a narrow, misguided interest. I know Mr. Wallace will fight to bring back Constitutional government.”

In 1982 Mr. Wallace announced his political comeback by running for election as Attorney-General of Alabama. Even though the Christian Values ticket carried all other State-wide offices that year, George Wallace, who retained much of his earlier popularity in his home state, won a decisive victory running as a Democrat.

“I chose to run for Attorney-General, not Governor, because I knew that as Attorney-General I could use the courts to fight these fools, and Rumsfeld’s encroachment on States rights. That was where I could best lead the fight from,” he explains.

The irony is that Mr. Wallace, once an ardent foe of de-segregation (in 1963 then Governor Wallace and his future Vice President, then Deputy Attorney-General Nicholas Katzenbach, faced-off in the doorway of the University of Alabama’s administration building over Wallace’s refusal to allow a black student from registering for classes at the then segregated institution), has relied largely on black voters to elect him to office. During the campaign Mr. Wallace visited a number of churches and expressed his regrets for his previous views. He reminded black voters that prior to his first term as Governor he had been in the forefront of allowing black lawyers to appear in Alabama Courts, and that as an assistant to Governor “Big Jim” Folsom in the late 1940’s and 1950’s he had fought segregation in public resources. Given that Mr. Wallace received eighty percent of the black vote in 1982, all seems largely to have been forgiven.

“In 1958 (after losing a Gubernatorial election to a strongly pro-segregationist candidate) I said I wouldn’t be out-niggered, and that was the beginning of what lead to my segregation now and forever remarks in 1963,” Mr. Wallace remarks, referring to the 1963 inauguration speech for which he is still well remembered. “In the sixties I fought federal incursion on State’s rights over the race question. I admit I had it wrong – that the real fight against federal tyranny was yet to come. Now I’m carrying on the same fight, but against a real attempt by a federal dictator to take away State’s rights, and citizen’s rights.”

Of course neither the Rumsfeld Administration nor Governor Tom Gilday were content to leave Attorney-General Wallace alone. He was subjected to a number of prosecutions by the federal government, led by now Assistant Attorney-General Kelsey Grammer, on charges of corruption and subversion. Mr. Grammer is known as Malleus Democrat (Hammer of the Democrats) for his success in prosecuting state-level Democratic Party office holders across the United States. His success at jailing Democrats on the thinnest of pre-texts has, according to many sources, intimidated many would-be Democratic candidates. In the case of Mr. Wallace, Mr. Grammer experienced a rare defeat when a Montgomery jury acquitted the Attorney-General on all charges.

In the ultimate irony, given all that has happened over the years, the lead attorney in Wallace’s defense during the 1984 trial was former Vice President Katzenbach, aided by former U.S. Attorney-General Ramsey Clark.

“They tried to take me down, but only showed a jury of twelve good Alabama men and women what dumb-asses Rumsfeld’s stooges really are,” Attorney-General Wallace remarks with a defiant flow in his eye. “I look forward to the day that Grammer is on trial,” he adds with a sinister smirk. “I’m working on that case.”

Mr. Wallace has announced that he will seek the Alabama Governorship in 1986. “I have to stick in Rumsfeld’s craw, and that’s the only way,” Wallace explains. “And I am not going to have a nervous breakdown either.”

Asked about his health, which still remains a sensitive subject, Mr. Wallace will only say, “I am in this to my last breath, and that will be up to God Himself to decide when that is. Until then, I will fight this fight to the best of my ability.”

Mr. Wallace was also asked about a future Presidential run, to which he remarked, “I can’t say I did that well, and I guess my Presidential days are behind me. No, I’m here to fight a tyrant, not to be President again. Besides,” he adds with a sinister scowl, “what makes you think Rumsfeld will allow anyone else to be President while he’s around? Let’s face it, (former New York Governor Hugh) Carey and (California Governor Paul “Pete”) McCloskey got bamboozled. In eighty-eight, ol’ Rummy won’t be so polite. But I’ll be here, as Governor – God and the people of the great sovereign state of Alabama willing – to call him out on it.”

Mr. Wallace’s son, George C. Wallace IV, is currently a Democratic U.S. Representative, the only Democratic Representative from a state which was once a bastion of the Southern Democratic Party.

The Economist

Four years ago Olga Palyova stood in line for two hours for a few vegetables. Now she can shop in a modern grocers and return in under an hour with a shopping bag full of fresh food. In her home she has a new television, a new stove (still somewhat primitive by Western standards but an improvement over the sixty year-old appliance it replaced just last year) and a new Japanese refrigerator.

“It’s paradise,” Olga Palyova explains.

Hers is not a unique situation, nor is she a privileged member of the Communist Party hierarchy. Her late husband, Semyon Palyov, was a machinist in a local factory. Mrs. Palyova worked for thirty years as a traffic warden. Across the Soviet Union living standards are rising as ordinary citizens are gaining access to an increased level of imported goods and domestic services. These are the result of the economic reforms introduced by Premier Nikolai Ryzhkov.

Political change, of course, has not been mentioned.

“The Communists provide for us now,” Mrs. Palyova explains. “As long as they can make life better, who needs any other politicians? My grandsons get good meals, and they can go to school and become better men as a result. That is good enough for me.”


1984 – 1986

The Rumsfeld Administration engineers an Article V Constitutional Convention to by-pass Congress and get adopted a 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution. The new amendment would repeal the 17th Amendment and in its place provide a formula where the President can appoint one of a State’s U.S. Senators, while the Governor can appoint the other. This alternates by election cycle, with the President getting the first selection in 1986.

Thirty-four state legislatures agree to this for a combination of reasons. Some have a genuine desire to change the election of Senators, and much is heard of the argument that the Senate has become a “millionaires’ club” which is out of touch with the people. Many argue that this move will move the legislative initiative back to the House of Representatives, whose members are “closer to the people.”

This is backed by a widespread publicity campaign to convince people that this is a restoration of the original Constitution, and taps into a widely felt public perception that Washington needs fewer politicians. The Hughes Network in particular takes the lead in trumpeting this as a restoration of “founder democracy.” Hughes and other conservative outlets bring forward an endless parade of “constitutional experts” who argue that this is a restoration of the “Founders’ democracy,” and are quick to blame the New Deal for corrupting the political process with the Seventeenth Amendment. Hughes is joined by the Christian Broadcast Network in what becomes the first joint Hughes-CBN “truth collaboration.”

Mainstream media, producing a number of distinguished experts, in turn points out that the original Constitution required Senators to be appointed by State legislatures – not Governors and the President. They also try to correct the historical lie that the 17th Amendment is tied to FDR and the New Deal (it was ratified two decades earlier – and incidentally was supported by the Republican Party at that time). They also point out that having the President appoint up to one third of the Senate’s members every four years (and thus two thirds within the first four years of implementation) is a serious violation of the separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches.

The Hughes propaganda machine quickly turns the academic criticism (including the corrections about how Senators were appointed under the original Constitution) into a populist “common sense Americans” against “liberal elites” contest.

Geraldo Rivera: “Most of these liberal elites, these gas-bag eggheads, throw out technicalities to say why this isn’t what the Founders wanted, or it isn’t the Founders democracy. On-and-on they rant, telling you, the ordinary, hardworking American people, the people who make this country great by working hard and paying the over-the-top taxes which pay for these millionaire Senators to feed at the public trough, that you can’t have back the Constitution our Founders in their God-given wisdom created for you. The Founders created a Constitution for the freedom of all the people, not the political avarice of millionaires and the woolly headed pretensions of east-coast, liberal egg-heads. So it’s up to you, my friends. What do you want? Tell me now, call in and tell me, what’s your choice? Millionaire Senators or a Constitutional government by the people for the people?”

95% of Rivera’s callers supported the amendment. One even suggested it be altered to abolish the Senate altogether. Another suggested that it be expanded to include appointment of the members of the House of Representatives as well.

Rivera: “Here, I’m reading from the words of George Washington. This is what he said to Congress and the American people in his final address:

“To the efficacy and permanency of your Union, a Government for the whole is indispensable. Sensible of this momentous truth, you have improved upon your first essay, by the adoption of a Constitution of Government better calculated than your former for an intimate Union, and for the efficacious management of your common concerns. This Government, the offspring of our own choice, uninfluenced and unawed, adopted upon full investigation and mature deliberation, completely free in its principles, has a just claim to your confidence and your support.”

Rivera: “There it is from our first President, the man who made freedom and liberty possible, right professor?”

Professor: “Exactly. Washington, like all the founders, believed in the strength of Constitutional government. He believed that, without it, we would be lost. But with it we would be free. As a result we are the only free country on Earth, or were until the Democrats and left-wing types passed the Seventeenth Amendment to undermine our freedom.”

Rivera’s show continued in this vein over the year from mid-1985 to June 1986. Several callers even suggested that Congress be abolished altogether – in the interest of making the country more free by getting rid of “useless politicians”.

As more than one observer on the remaining mainstream networks noted, the whole process demonstrated a woeful ignorance of their Constitution and of the mechanics of Constitutional government (and even the basics of Constitutional law) by a significant majority of Americans. Hughes and its partners were willing to feed that ignorance with a repetitive diet of lies, distortions and biased half-truths which, for their constant repetition, lead many to believe that Hughes had educated them on the issues.

For Hughes it was a rating bonanza. Their audience numbers increased by thirty percent over the period: viewership of NBC and CBS declined. ABC salvaged its ratings by moving closer to the Hughes line. It seemed Hughes presented a better story, while the mainstream networks found themselves having to resort to legalistic and complex arguments to counter the idea that they were somehow defending the percs of a class of Washington politicians. Hughes didn’t help matters with its nightly exposes of misdeeds of Senators with public money (and ABC leant it more credibility by picking-up several of the Hughes stories as ratings boosters).

Unfortunately, one of the critics of this whole media process happened to be the British Foreign Secretary David Owen who, unwisely as it turned out, commented on the matter on a BBC program – correctly pointing out the Constitutional and historical errors being propagated by Hughes and its allies (and being as loudly debunked in the “liberal” media in the US). Hughes picked-up on Owen’s comments, and broadcast them in the U.S. as a direct attempt by the British government to interfere in the domestic U.S. political process (omitting to transmit he part where Owen told his interviewer that his comments were his own and not made on behalf of the Kinnock government). Under Hughes’ spin, Owen’s comments were presented as those of King George VII (referred to as “King George” without the number by Hughes). The present King George then became a figure to evoke King George III, and excoriate the British comments as an attempt by Britain to reverse the Revolution. This quickly gave opening to another orgy of biased Constitutional originalism wrapped in the mythos (as interpreted by Hughes) of the American Revolution. This in turn allowed Hughes to accuse its media and academic critics of being “pro-British” and by implication “anti-American.”

In the first full test of the Liberty Battalions, massive protests are organized in a number of state capitals, to convince wavering legislators to support the measure. After Owen’s comments, British flags were often burned, and anti-Amendment figures denounced as “foreign agents” and “Tories.” This results in open conflict and sometimes riots with anti-Amendment protestors. Hughes Network moves these clashes to the next level by portraying them as attempts by “the liberal elite” to “block democracy” and “preserve the special status of millionaire politicians.” Often these are set against the images of liberal Democratic Senators who are often disliked in more conservative parts of the country. Hughes also does a series of flash polls which tend to show support for the amendment (though the question may have been asked in a way to elicit a favorable response, or a question such as “do you favor more accountability for politicians?”, to which the answer is usually yes, is re-interpreted by Hughes’ pollsters as support for the amendment). Such push-polls are then widely distributed, to convince state legislators and Governors that the amendment is a very popular movement in their state.

Conversely, attempts to conduct actual polls in many states are disrupted by the Liberty Battalions, who harass pollsters and conduct “education sessions” in local communities to warn them that organizations such as Harris and Gallup will “lie about the results” to support “the liberal, millionaires agenda.” People are invited to report the polling attempts, so that “truth squads” can be deployed to “preserve the truth.” Similar tactics are deployed against anti-Amendment grass-roots groups, some of whose members are jailed for “efforts to overthrow the United States government with violence.” The charges would later be dropped – after the Amendment was passed.

An estimated one billion dollars or more is raised to support the Amendment. This is used to fund local rallies, and provide contributions to legislators who vote for the amendment. Many more legislators are threatened with potentially well-funded primary challengers, should they vote against the Amendment. Many state politicians understand that their incumbencies rest on low voter turn-out and a lack of resources on the part of their local challengers. The Liberty Battalions turn this threat on legislators with the spectre that they could lose their offices in the next election as a result of this (or find their paths to higher offices blocked). The Hughes Network also begins a process of shaming local legislators who waver, often questioning their motives or digging-up dirt on them, or their family members. Many legislators and several Governors are coerced into silence not by any threats against them, but by the possible threats of public humiliation or prosecution of a close relative.

More resolute Governors are threatened with the withholding of Federal funds (and a credit squeeze where necessary) unless they comply. Where a Governor is still inclined to hold-out, this is communicated in to the state legislators, who in most cases need federal money and projects as largess to justify their own tenures. Legislators and Governors are played-off against each other. In States where the Lieutenant Governor is a separately elected official (and especially where the Lt. Governor is from a different political party) the ambitions of Lieutenant Governors are stoked by promises of support in the next election against the incumbent Governor.

Legislators in Iowa and Oregon are sufficiently cowed that they attempt to impeach their own Governors over the issue. Republicans in Iowa, helped by the Christian Values Movement (which is strong in Iowa) actually succeed in removing the Republican Governor of Iowa from office over his opposition to the amendment. “The Iowa lesson” is heard in many capitals, thanks to Hughes (which gives little attention to the failed attempt in Oregon).

Another cadre of Governors cynically decide that they want the appointment power, reasoning that having that power will give them a voice in Washington (especially when appropriations and transfers to the States are decided on). Governor Fred Harris (D-OK) even suggests that this power will give the States an opportunity to impeach and remove President Rumsfeld. Governor Harris (who won with 38% of the vote against a Republican (26%) and Christian Values (35%) challenger) is considered hopelessly naïve by many.

New York’s stern Republican Governor Lewis Lehrman (he won with 42% of the vote, against the Democratic challenger (39%) and the WTP (16%), supports it, though his legislature balks (at first) until about 10% of Democrats in the Assembly are “converted” by Liberty Battalion-Hughes tactics.

To aid in the process the Republicans and CV members in Congress force through a decision requiring State ratifying conventions for the amendment, and these bodies are then further manipulated and coerced by the Rumsfeld Administration. The FSB and the Liberty Battalions proved particularly useful in this action, particularly where conventions are engulfed by pro-Amendment protests.

In the end thirty-eight state legislatures approve the amendment by a combination of these techniques and out-and-out bribery of legislators and delegates.

Of note are the twelve states who refuse to participate in this process: they are Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Florida, Ohio, Minnesota, Oregon, California and Hawaii.

New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Iowa, Illinois and Washington had also refused initially, but a combination of political pressure and questionable tactics brought about final votes for ratification, often with the barest of minimum votes required to pass Constitutional amendments.

The twenty-eight amendment is ratified on June 23, 1986 and comes into force for the 1986 mid-term elections. It’s ratification precludes a hearing by the United States Supreme Court on the Constitutionality of either the UCEP or The Religious Liberty Act.

Jerry Falwell: “We should take advantage of this Article five convention to make further amendments to the Constitution.”

Douglas Coe: “Not this time. We already have achieved much with the amendment as it is. In fact our people should be vigilant to make sure no freak or nut gets anything even remotely off the mainstream into this process. We want this to work smoothly for Rumsfeld, this time. Later we will have our turn; this will set the precedent for us.”
The White House

President: “Reverend Falwell, I appreciate your support, and that of your colleagues, in this great effort to free our economy from the tyranny of regulations, and of course to correct the great wrong of the seventeenth amendment.”

Falwell: “There is much to admire in this amendment, Mr. President. Not only is the economy freed, but our churches are once freed from the oppression of secular regulation which has so persecuted the faith community in this country. We also believe a greater control of our Senators by wise public executives, such as yourself, Mr. President, will trim the desire within the federal system to interfere with the faith freedoms of our people – praise be to God!”

Thursday, January 23, 1985

Federal Anti-Terrorist Bureau Director Alexander Haig is reactivated as a four-star General and named Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. At the time he is believed to be a Rumsfeld loyalist on the JCS.


Friday, March 1, 1985

Soviet Premier Ryzhkov gives the approval for work to continue on the Buran Space Shuttle program.

Monday, March 4, 1985



The Family Responsibility Act is introduced. This act would hold the family members of an offender culpable as accessories to their offences, unless the family can show that they took all reasonable steps to inform authorities of the “criminal” or “seditious” actions of their relative, or can prove that they genuinely had no contact with their offending relative and therefore no knowledge of their intention to commit criminal or seditious offences.

The Nuclear Power Expansion Act is introduced. It calls for the building of twenty new nuclear power facilities in the United States. It is sold as a method to produce “clean energy” as opposed to the “dirty energy” production of coal. It passes the House of Representatives 290 – 145, and the Senate 54-46.

Wednesday, March 6, 1985

Airbus Industrie, British Aerospace and several other European partners, together with Nihon Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation sign on to a joint development plan with the Soviet Tupolev Design Bureau and the Mikoyan-and-Gurevich Design Bureau. Included in the plans are a design for a joint long-range passanger aircraft that will be able to service Japan and other Asian destination points from Europe direct across Soviet and Chinese territory. The deal rescues the NAMC from near bankruptcy (although military aircraft manufacturing in Japan has already allowed NAMC to remain afloat).


Thursday, March 14, 1985

The Rumsfeld Administration consolidates the FBI, the Federal anti-terrorism Bureau, the Customs Service, the IRS and the Immigration and Naturalization Service under SNICO William Casey. The consolidated federal law-enforcement agencies will become known as the Freedom Security Bureau (FSB). A dedicated Marine Corps officer, Lt. Colonel Oliver North, is named Director of the FSB.

Saturday, March 16, 1985

Nutterin Ersin, the dictator of Turkey, is sworn for a second seven-year term as President of the Republic.


Thursday, March 21, 1985

The moribund National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Reconnaissance Office are slated to be privatized under a consortium of defense contractors, the leading member of which is TRW.

Wednesday, April 1, 1985

Despite the vigorous opposition of Defense Secretary Connally, the Defense Research Agency, the Defense Procurement Agency and elements of the Army Logistics Command are slated for privatization by the Rumsfeld Administration.

Thursday, April 2, 1985

The Uplifting Corporations as the Engine of Our Economy and the Creators of Prosperity Act passes the House of Representatives by a vote of 220 – 215.


Thursday, April 25, 1985

Defense Secretary John Connally is relieved after suffering a nervous breakdown. White House aide William Kristol is named to replace him. In his confirmation Kristol promises to make church attendance mandatory in the services.


Friday, April 26, 1985


The Religious Liberty Act is passed by the House of Representatives by a vote of 219-218.

Wednesday, May 1, 1985

Congress passes legislation abolishing the Commerce Department, the Transportation Department, the Department of Housing and Urban Affairs and the Department of Health and Welfare. The federal jurisdiction for these agencies isn’t repealed, rather under the Rumsfeld Administration plan the operations of these departments are out-sourced to private contractors in contracts worth billions of dollars. The companies are charged to develop “innovative management and revenue tools” in order to fund their operations and wean these programs from dependence on federal tax dollars. The date of the announcement is deliberately chosen to coincide with the international Labour Day.

Monday, May 6, 1985

The Uplifting Corporations as the Engine of Our Economy and the Creators of Prosperity Act passes the United States Senate by a vote of 51-50, with Vice President Edwards casting the tie breaking vote. President Rumsfeld signs it into law.

Within weeks of the UCEP Act being passed it is challenged on Constitutional grounds in several federal courts. Up until June 1986 enactment of the Act is staid by several Federal District Courts and upheld at the appellate level.


Tuesday, May 21, 1985

The Religious Liberty Act is defeated in the U.S. Senate 52 – 47.

Wednesday, June 5, 1985


The U.S Senate President’s Office

Jack Edwards: “I’m certain that Rumsfeld has gone too far. The vote on the Social Security Act is going to be close, and I might have to cast a vote. If I am called to do that, I intend to vote against, and then resign as Vice President – to make statement.”

Sen. Jimmy Carter (D-GA): “No, Jack, you musn’t do that. I know this piece of legislation is very bad, and I intend to vote against it, but you must hold fast to Rumsfeld for now.”

JE: “Why?”

JC: “On faith, Jack. There would be a worse outcome if you were to resign.”

JE: “Really? I don’t see that I’m doing any good – and I may well be abetting the bad – by sitting here in this useless office.”

JC: “Hold fast, Jack. You will soon be needed.”

JE: ‘I don’t understand what you’re saying, Jimmy. What do you mean?”

JC: “I mean, you have been called to stand in a place from where you could save the republic, under the right circumstances.”

JE: “The right circumstances?” Edwards paused for a time, staring at Carter, who remained impassive and unrevealing, and yet whose silence clearly inferred a deeper meaning Edwards understood, yet didn’t want to understand. And, he understood why he couldn’t press further, lest he learn what he shouldn’t know. “I hope your faith is rewarded, Jimmy.”

The House of Representatives passes the Social Security Freedom Act 219-218. The Bill passes the Senate by a vote of 51-50 with Vice President Edwards casting the tie-breaking vote. The SSF will allow for investment of the Social Security trust fund in the equity markers under the control of private investment cartels.

President Rumsfeld: “Today I sign into law the first retirement freedom Americans have known in over fifty years. Gone are the days of the socialist dictate, that one cheque fits all. Instead, today, everyone can save for their retirement as they see fit, and if they choose not to save for their retirement, then the consequences are wholly their own. That’s the American way.”

Within several days its implementation is stayed by court actions in all of the U.S. Federal Judicial Districts.

Friday, June 7, 1985

The Family Responsibility Act passes the House of Representatives 220-215.


Tuesday, June 11, 1985

The New Japan Party wins a third term in office under Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone.

Monday, June 17, 1985

The Family Responsibility Act passes the U.S. Senate 52-46.

Within several days its implementation is stayed by court actions in all of the U.S. Federal Judicial Districts.

BBC Interview – July 1985

Tim Sebastian: “What people in Europe don’t understand, Mr. President – what causes so much doubt – is how you can so easily proclaim America to be a free society when what’s really happened is a descent into repression, which is – well, very authoritarian at least, and not very free.”

President Rumsfeld: “Decent into repression? Authoritarian? My goodness, where do you get ideas like that? There’s been nothing of the kind going on at all.”

TS: “With all due respect, how can you look at the increase in information control, the chilling of public debate by, well – thugs, really – and not see an authoritarian streak at work?”

P: “Authoritarian? You keep using that word, but without context, Mr. Sebastian. What do you mean by that?”

TS: “I mean that polices that support your administration receive open support, and dissent of any kind, even peaceful dissent, is suppressed by state policies, and by armed force if necessary.”

P: “Until recently you were stationed in Moscow, weren’t you?”

TS: “Yes.”

P: “So, you should understand what authoritarian really means, having lived in the heart of the Communist web. Can you seriously compare what it is like there, to what we have here? In America we have a free press and a free market, which the Soviet Union doesn’t have. Heck, not even Great Britain has those anymore.”

TS: “I have to take issue with that, Mr. President. Britain most certainly has a free press, which a visit to any corner newsstand on any High Street would prove out. The Soviet system is more controlled, I agree with that. But, what we see going on here, comparing to what we have in Britain, I can only say that there is a growing lack of freedom. Frankly, much of the American press increasingly has more in common with its Soviet counterparts than it does with a genuine free press.”

P: “I think our media will take issue with that, Mr. Sebastien. But I have to question how you use the word freedom. To me, you use the word freedom as a stand-in for chaos and anarchy.”

TS: “When I say freedom I mean freedom as you would find it in any reputable dictionary. I mean it in the sense that was incorporated into your First Amendment. What do you mean when you declare your polices are for the purpose of freedom?”

P: “I don’t mean chaos, I don’t mean anarchy and I certainly the false kind of freedom your corner news stand on the English High Street has. What you think of freedom is just a kind of anarchy, a screaming of voices all looking to tear down civilization with their nihilistic, self-serving attitudes. More to the point, under a Socialist government, and at the mercy of Soviet Communism, you have a borrowed freedom, which is no freedom at all. What you have is controlled squabbling that distracts from the real need for free-market reform and a true agenda of freedom.”

TS: “So, are you saying that the free-market, an economic concept, is the only true freedom?”

P: “There can be no freedom without a free market, yes. But freedom is really a discipline, a way to organize toward building a better economy. Freedom is a central, disciplined direction, around which the right-minded will form-up to build what they know is a better nation and world for everyone.”

TS: “The – freedom – you describe is no freedom at all, but a suspiciously centralized message of the authoritarian – a very un-democratic idea, really.”

P: “There you go with the authoritarian word again. You throw that around like respect for authority is somehow a bad thing. That’s exactly what I mean by chaos and anarchy. Freedom is about respect for authority. Our nation was designed as a controlled democracy, with all respect to the authority of constitutional government. That’s why only the House of Representatives – one half of one branch of the Congress – was directly elected in the original Constitution. The founders knew that for the nation to remain free, a strict respect for authority, and an oversight and control of the chaos that comes from undisciplined expression, that had to be at the heart of our form of free government. When this nation understood that, in the 1940’s and 1950’s, all went well. When we gave in to chaos in the 1960’s and 1970’s, well, our freedom became imperiled, not only by the forces of chaos, but by organized Socialists and Communists, who prey on disorder and chaos to further their agenda –“

TS: “But-“

P:”-let me finish. In Britain, you have rejected true freedom for chaos, and the result has been the increasing grip of Socialist economic and cultural tyranny on your society. The Socialists who govern your island have done very well in that way. Of course, in making common cause with the Soviet Union, they have had good teachers. But, of course, the Soviets have been pursuing that aim throughout Europe, where more and more they are using the chaos you mistakenly call freedom to tighten their grip.”

TS: “I can’t help but feel that I’m sitting across from Orwell’s Big Brother today.”

P: “I don’t understand.”

White House

Cheney: “No more foreign interviews.”

President: “No, I enjoyed that.”

Cheney: “Maybe you shouldn’t be so candid about our goals, not with media we can’t control.”

P: “What are our goals, Dick?”

C: “I don’t understand?”

P: “What are the goals of this administration, Dick?”

C: “To restore the power of this nation, which every President since Kennedy has squandered, and to return to a free market economy – like it was before the New Deal destroyed it.”

P: “Yes, that what we discussed, once. But since I have been here, in this chair, I have come to see that isn’t enough. For our second revolution, our freedom revolution to succeed, we have to something else, something that’s truly out of the box.”

C: “How out of the box?”

P: “I’m surprised you don’t see it too, Dick. We have a chance to re-make this country, to make it what it should have been – except for the fact that our Founders lacked the vision. It wasn’t their fault, of course. They were limited by the times and the fact that the British Empire threatened them; but that’s past now, so we can use our revolution to re-make this country into what it should have been from the start.”

C: “What is that?”

P: “We were intended to be a democracy of companies, or merchants, of the market. This idea of democracy for the people was an aberration, a seed of chaos planted by the Jeffersonians, the ones who loved the French Revolution and all its pro-state tyranny chaos. We revere Jefferson, but Hamilton was the true visionary. This city should be named for him, not that jumped-up General and Hamilton’s statue should be out there, not that Socialist Jefferson.”

C: “So, where does this take us?”

P: “To finish what the revolution started. I don’t just want to be the President who secured the revolution either, Dick. I want to be the last President, period.”

C: “The – last – president? What does that, ah, mean?”

P: “Yes, I know you wanted the job after me, Dick, and I’m sure you would have been a good one. But we need to end this whole government thing right here, with me. When I leave, I’m the one who will turn out the lights and turn this place – and that Congress down the road – into a museum – or a mall development.”

C: “What do we replace it with?”

P: “A governing board of corporations – the best of the best. Government will no longer be an agency of the state. Instead we’ll do away with the state as we understand it, and give total control to the free market, with corporations making sound, economically rational policy decisions without the need of politics or the re-distributive impulse of professional government. It will be a new model for the world, and as the last President I will deliver it, I will be the final founding Father. Relax, Dick. The new order will need a CEO, and perhaps there’ll be a place for you there. You can help to consolidate the new order, make it the dominant form of conducting business across the globe. In one hundred years, you and I Dick, ours will be faces of history.”

C: “I see.”

P: “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

C: “And these Jesus nuts you’ve got around here. What role do they have in all of this?”

P:”What? Oh, no. I haven’t gone religious, nothing like that. They are dedicated – more so than any other you could find –“

C: “I’m not sure about that.”

P: “No, no really. Our vision (Cheney had to reflect on the term our vision) is part of their religious mission, so they have to follow through, because it’s what God wants, etcetera, blah, blah, blah. Lenin pulled off his revolution because he had a group of really dedicated fanatics to do his bidding. With these guys I’ve got the same, maybe more. But I’m not one of them, so unlike Lenin I haven’t sniffed the glue of their fanaticism. I can just use it – to make my own revolution.”

Cheney didn’t want to tell the President he was crazy, but he could begin to suspect it, and wonder how things had gotten to this level.
Soon after the interview with Rumsfeld, Tim Sebastien of the BBC was deported from the United States.

Douglas Coe and Pat Robertson listened to the tape of Rumsfeld’s waxing about his revolution.

“The man is a black hearted sinner,” Robertson commented.

“As with Judas, he is an instrument in God’s design,” Coe remarked. “but surely as he opens the gate to heaven, he will not enter.”

Only CBS showed unedited portions of the interview. NBC ignored it. ABC and Hughes showed edited versions. The Hughes version was heavily re-edited to make Sebastien’s interview look like an attack on Rumsfeld, while Rumsfeld was shown to stoically be defending American values against the agent of a Socialist government.


Wednesday July 17, 1985

Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas is elected president of Mexico, for the term December 12, 1985 - December 12, 1991. He announces a nationalist and mildly anti-Rumsfeldian policy program.

Both Houses of the California Legislature pass a non-binding censure charging that the Federal Congress has “run amok” and “shredded the meaning of Constitutional government” in the previous spring 1985 session.


Thursday, August 29, 1985

The Federal Bureau of Prisons and the Federal Bureau of Engraving are to be privatised, their functions outsourced to private corporations on a for profit basis.

June 6 – September 26, 1985

The Soyuz T-13 mission rendezvous with the Salyut 7 space station.


September 17, 1985 – November 21, 1985

The Soyuz T-14 mission rendezvous with the Salyut 7 space station.

Monday, October 14, 1985

Due to an adjustment of the electoral balance in Italy’s left governing coaltion Enrico Berlinguer steps down as Prime Minister and becomes Foreign Minister. Socialist Party Francesco De Martino becomes the Italian Prime Minister with Guliano Amato as his Minister of Finance. Former Foreign Minister Sandro Pertini retires from public life.


Monday, November 4, 1985

The European Space Agency and the Soviet Space Agency sign a Statement of Intent to co-operate on the development of the Buran Space Shuttle program.


Tuesday, November 5, 1985

Spiro T, Agnew is re-elected to a second term as Mayor of New York City (January 1, 1986 – December 31, 1989) with 33.6% of the vote.

Agnew (Independent) 33.6%
WTP 32.8%
Democratic 31.1%
Others 2.5%




Monday, January 6, 1986

The functions of the Immigration Service and the Internal Revenue Service are outsourced to private contractors.


January - February 1986

The Labour government attempts to introduce an Inheritance Tax as well as further restrictions on capital flow out of the UK. The result is rancorous debates. The Tories defence of free trade and unfettered capital markets, as well as their opposition to both the Capital Transfer and Inheritance taxes, allow the Kinnock government to portray the Conservatives as “peddlers of Rumsfeldism.” This is helped by some Conservative remarks, such as:

Airey Neave (Conservative Leader): “I would rather a Rumsfeld than a Kinnock any day.”

The issue causes deep division within Conservative ranks, which both Labour and the Liberals pick-up on.

Heavy snow and sub-zero temperatures affected most of Britain during February 1986.

The United States intervenes to prevent the ouster of Jean-Claude Duvalier as dictator of Haiti. US forces remain as an occupation force.

Supported by the United States Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos declares martial law and instigates a brutal crackdown on his opponents.


The Rumsfeld Administration continues support to Protestant insurgents in Northern Ireland.



Wednesday, February 19, 1986

The Soviet Union launches the space station Mir into orbit.


A Coup In Time

Monday, March 3, 1986

Black Monday. The United States cuts off credit to the United Kingdom and induces a run on the pound. The Kinnock government rebounds with a series of loans from continental banks, underwritten by the Soviet State Petrol Bank, which insures that what could have been an economic crisis only results in a minor recession.





The House of Commons

Nigel Lawson MP (Cons. – Balby): “We read that this government has signed a loan agreement with, of all things, the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union? Can the Chancellor, with a straight face, in anyway justify how Britain will benefit from having our future mortgaged to the colossus of world communism?”

Speaker: “Order! Order!”

Peter Shore MP (Lab – Chancellor of the Exchequer): “My Honourable friend would have us turn the other cheek when we are slapped by the United States? Perhaps he would prefer that we crawl hat in hand to the foot stool before King Donald’s throne and beg for crumbs from the great champion of freedom’s larder? It is a silly question, Mr. Speaker, and one not rising to the dignity of this House. We did not choose to have the run on the pound, though I can imagine Tory bankers are well prepared to weather that storm. No, they will do well enough, while ordinary, hard working Britons are forced into the cold dark. This government has chosen not to allow this. We discussed a loan deal with the Soviet Union only because the great United States slammed its door in our face.”

Nicholas Ridley MP (Cons. - Cirencester and Tewkesbury): “The Chancellor may mock President Rumsfeld all he wishes, but he cannot escape the fact that the United States remains a free market economy, while Soviet Russia has been anything but for the past seventy years. Even if America has slammed its door – and goodness knows this socialist government has given them enough cause to do just that – how can he justify, to use his own words, going cap in hand before Commissar Nikolai to beg table scraps from the big red box?”

Alan Beith MP (Lib. - Berwick-upon-Tweed): “Clearly we are faced with an intransigent America which, contrary to words spoken in this House, is not as free as it once was. But I must press the point to the Chancellor that, even when faced with the truculence of the American Administration, how he can feel safe tying the financial security of Britain to a communist power of questionable intent?”

Peter Shore MP (Lab – Chancellor of the Exchequer): “The fact of the matter is that Britain did need a source of funds to stabilize the pound, and the oil based ruble of the Soviet Union is a far more stable currency than it was even a few years ago. I have met Mr. Ryzhkov and I have seen his efforts to reform the Soviet economy with my own eyes. It is the nature of this bargain that Britain and the Soviet Union are cast in a symbiotic relationship. Perhaps it is our influence which will change the course of the Soviet system, or at least act as a model for which ordinary Soviets can strive. Have you thought of that? Or do you Tories have so little faith in the power and influence of British liberal democracy that you must run and hide within your shells, for fear the whole structure should collapse with the slightest wind from the East?”

March 13 – July 16, 1986

The Soyuz T-15 mission vistis both the Salyut 7 and Mir Space stations.

Saturday, March 15, 1986

The six-story Lian Yak Building (1971) in Singapore, housing the Hotel New World, collapses in less than a minute due to structural failure, perhaps caused by a gas explosion, trapping 50 people and killing 33 of them.


Tuesday, March 18, 1986

King George VII dissolves Parliament at the government’s request. A general election is called for April 15. The government seeks are re-newed mandate on the inheritance tax, capital flow restrictions and the Soviet loan.

Thursday, March 26, 1986

The Mexican government announces a visa restriction program on American citizens entering Mexico. American visitors must prove that they do not intend to illegally immigrate to Mexico before being allowed entry. Membership in the United States Republican Party is also to be considered “a security factor” at all checkpoints.



Airey Neave (Leader of the Conservative Party): “Of course we find some aspects of the Rumsfeld program objectionable, and I have spoken to that many times. There is no question that the abandonment of NATO was a low, cowardly act, which has forced Europe to accept Moscow-dictated Socialist policies. It need not have been so. But a Conservative government will stop the spread of this pernicious disease of Socialism at the Channel. We will stand-up for an independent Britain, which can be prosperous under a free market, just as America is prosperous under free market policies. I will not condemn that part of Rumsfeldism which works, and I will call for a little of that medicine for Great Britain. As for Ulster, the path to a solution is clear. The complete surrender of the Republican terrorists and a firm and final disavowal of the IRA philosophy will bring peace in an instant. That is the peace plan our Conservative government will pursue.”

Kenneth Clarke (Leader of the Liberal Party): “This election you have a clear choice before you. You can choose the state socialism of the Labour government, which for the past nine years has poodled around while unrest and stagnation has destroyed our economy, has done nothing to counter the unrest and endless violence in Ulster, and which has shacked-up with the Soviet regime, becoming little more than Moscow’s straw man. Or you can choose Mr. Neave’s lot, and so assure yourself of a British Rumsfeldism, with all the qualities of enforced poverty and privation in the name of some chimera god called the unchecked market. Or you can choose our party, which will put jobs and enterprise ahead of state planning, independence for British foreign policy ahead of bowing to either Washington or Moscow, which will seek to bring a peaceful end to the conflict in Ulster, and which will never loose sight of the fact that the purpose of government is not just to make the rich richer, or the bureaucrat more powerful, but to ensure the opportunity of all Britons to participate and prosper in a balanced, free economy.”

Neill Kinnock (Leader of the Labour Party and Prime Minister): “Mr. Clarke calls this an election of clear choices. I agree. You can have Tory Rumsfeldism, or a party of the people working for the people. Make no mistake, there is no other choice to be made. If you look to the third party, you must ask, are Mr. Clarke and his associates – many recent converts from the Tory party – not merely peddling Rumsfeldism on a slower boat? In the end the choice you have is between a Great Britain which seeks to comfort the sick, house and feed the poor, and create for each and every one of our people a greater commonwealth, one where business can flourish, but where at the same time we are protected from the ravenous greed of unchecked capitialistic monstrosity. That’s what has become of the States under Rumsfeld, and that is what Mr. Neave and Mr. Clarke want to bring here. In the past nine years our Labour government has stood-up to the forces of greed and terror and said no – no to unchecked capitalist exploitation of the middle class, no to foreign wars and intrigues – no to Britain as a dependant of any other power. Ours is the path of the common welfare and an independent Britain, prosperous in business, yet caring for all of its people. That is your choice, and that is what Labour offers to you.”

ITV Interviewer: “Prime Minister, you have stated that your policy is one of avoiding foreign adventure – to quote your own words. At this moment British troops are serving abroad in Cyprus, Madeira and Hong Kong to mention but three, and a small garrison force remains in Syria. How does this square with your campaign statements of no foreign adventures?”

Kinnock: “These, of course, are legacy projects which this government inherited. However, we remain firm to the principle that no UK government should run from its commitments. During our tenure we have worked to minimize or end our role in these areas, but so far have not completed a process of honourable withdrawal. In each case, British forces are serving to preserve freedom or peace, against a chaotic situation or an aggressor. Above all we wish to see the peace preserved, and in the case of Hong Kong we have a strong historical commitment to what is, for all practical purposes, British territory. What we will not do, as a government, is to plunge into any new conflicts as our Tory friends would have us do.”

ITV: “But surely Madeira is the odd man out there. It was originally occupied to prevent the Portuguese revolutionaries from getting their hands on it. But since we, and all of Western Europe, have reached a new understanding with the Soviet Union, shouldn’t we leave that to the Portuguese to sort out themselves?”

Kinnock: “No, that would be wrong. The government in Lisbon is still following a Stalinist line, quite apart from what is happening in Moscow. I would urge our Soviet partners to encourage change in Portugal, and a tolerance for democracy on Madeira, but until that happens, I believe we must stay and protect Madeira. I would also point out that the Americans still occupy the Azores, and if we were to leave Madeira, we would more likely be abandoning our friends there to Rumsfeldism than the likelihood of Portuguese invasion. Certainly we could as a buffer between a US and Soviet clash.”

ITV: “But the Americans clearly have little interest in tangling with the Soviets in Europe. President Rumsfeld after all single-handedly undid NATO and withdrew American forces from Europe.”

Kinnock: “Aye, but that was Europe, and not the Atlantic. President Rumsfeld has created his peace dividend by counting on Western Europe as buffer against the Soviets, one he can exploit with little or no investment, while he spends is military dollars on adventures in Africa and Asia – and in building a police state in America. However, when America withdrew from Europe, they stayed fast in the Azores, mainly to block a direct axis across the Atlantic between Portugal and Cuba, which is a direct threat to their own security. For that same reason Rumsfeld will not allow Madeira to fall into Portuguese hands. That is why UK forces stand as the clear buffer between both Portuguese and American aggression, and why we have a commitment to stay there until the regime in Portugal can be brought to accept the basic principles of democracy, or there is a change in Washington – or most likely both.”
ITV: “So, Prime Minister, how do you respond to Kenneth Clarke’s recent criticism of your government’s sales of outdated weapons to the United States?”

Kinnock: “You are referring to the sale of a few aging carriers, mainly during Mr. Healey’s time. We have stopped this. Nonetheless, the policy did gain the British taxpayer some cash, and spared us the cost of destroying the old ships. I am informed that the ships were used by the Americans as practice targets, so they have not materially increased the American naval power.”

Kenneth Clarke (Leader of the Liberal Party): “The unfortunate truth is that America has been gripped by a destructive right-wing ideology and that has wrecked our once Grand Alliance, beyond repair I fear. The dissolution of NATO was wrong, but we cannot be said to have been responsible for it, and I do not condemn this government of that. What I do take issue with is this new coziness with the Soviets, which to me is dangerous because the Russians, even with Mr. Ryzhkov’s reforms, is still a Communist dictatorship – and that means it can easily slip back into bad habits. The Labour government has been incautious in its approach to the Soviets, and that has presents a real threat to our national security.”

ITV: “But surely the Ryzhkov reforms have taken the Soviet threat beyond the point of no return. After all, they have allowed Germany to re-unite, and in so doing they have allowed their East German puppet to disband. There are no longer crisis lines along the Berlin wall – which doesn’t exist anymore. Is this not a substantial sign of good faith?”

Clarke: “And of a Soviet client government in Portugal? And the unrest in Greece? All of this ga-ga love affair with Ryzhkov and his “MBA Communism” omits reference to these situations – text book models out of the old pre-Ryzhkov Soviet way of doing things I might add – and that is a weakness in our policy which could rebound on the United Kingdom if the peaceful intentions of Moscow suddenly change. And should Mr. Ryzhkov fall – or be pushed – we can’t know that the next leadership will not change back to the old ways.”

ITV: “So what is your policy?”

Clarke: “I think of an old Russian expression – trust but verify. A Liberal government would engage in developing relations with the Soviets, but we would also build a stronger defence and demand more from the Soviets in terms of their behaviour in places such as Portugal and Greece.”

ITV: “So what is your policy?”

Airey Neave (Conservative Leader): “War between the Communists and the West is inevitable. All the wishful thinking on the part of this government is nothing but soft-headed nonsense which places us in deadly danger. Our government will rebuild the relationship with the United States.”

ITV: “But it was the United States that left Europe? What could you do to possibly re-engage them?”

Neave: “The United States was driven out by the soft-headed Socialism of Europe which offered them neither thanks nor true partnership in defending the Continent. Over the course of the last forty years the Soviets have systematically penetrated every government on the Continent and undermined it from within, and I’m sad to say the same has occurred here, with this government. No wonder the Americans left, the defence of Europe was sapping their resources, even while those they protected were closer in belief and world-view to the Soviet adversary than they were to democratic ways. The result has been a disaster for all Europe. We will re-engage the Americans by showing them – very clearly – that there is one ally on this side of the Atlantic whom they can trust to be steadfastly anti-Soviet.”

ITV: “You have recently endorsed many of the economic programs of the Rumsfeld Administration. Do you really believe that this pro-corporate extremism would work in Britain?”

Neave: “What you call extremism, I call common sense – as do most forward thinking Britons, in my experience. I embrace what President Rumsfeld has done with his economy and I wish to do more of it here. For instance, when we form the next government, we will begin by sacking at least ten percent of the public service, to reduce the cost of a bloated bureaucracy. And we’ll give all those layabouts on the dole a swift kick. The problem with Britain’s so-called safety net is that it has become a net ensnaring the nation in a web of bureaucracy, inefficiency and wasteful hand-outs. We’ll have to get rid of that net to get the nation working again.”

ITV: “Won’t that cause a lot of distress, and hurt people. After all, some need the net to survive.”

Neave: “Perhaps, but they’ll have to learn to live without it. They’ll thank us for it after a time, I’m sure. I liken the welfare state to a giant heroin dealer, which has been injecting the veins of the nation with a feel-good drug for a generation now. This drug makes everyone feel euphoric, but it is a poison to the soul and to the good character of our people. Our government will cut-off the drug. Now there will be a period of withdrawal, which of course is painful, but once that is past, people will understand that they have been freed of a terrible addiction.”



The United Kingdom General Election, April 15, 1986

Outgoing Prime Minister: Neill Kinnock (Lab.)

Total Seats: 650 (325 needed to form a Majority)

Party Sept. 1981 Change April 1986
Labour 326 2 328
Conservative 214 -29 185
Liberal 58 41 99
SDP 13 -1 12
SNP 10 0 10
UU 5 -1 4
SDLP 3 1 4
DUP* 2 -2 0
Plaid Cymru 2 0 2
National Front 0 2 2
Ind Republican 1 0 1
CPGB 0 1 1
Ind Unionist 1 1 2
635 650

*=Democratic Unionist Party was banned prior to the 1986 General.

Labour Government returned (majority)
Incoming Prime Minister: Neill Kinnock (Lab.)

In the immediate aftermath of the General Election Airey Neave resigns as Conservative leader. After a heated leadership campaign Francis Pym (South East Cambridgeshire) is elected to replace Neave as Leader of the Official Opposition. One of his first priorities in office is to affect a rapprochement with the disaffected Tory “wets” now resident in the Liberal Party caucus.

The Kinnock Cabinet 1986

Prime Minister: Neill Kinnock
Chancellor of the Exchequer: Roy Hattersley
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs: David Owen
Secretary of State for Defence: Gerald Kaufman
Secretary of State for Home Department: Peter Shore
Attorney General: Richard May
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry: John Smith
Secretary of State for Northern Ireland: Jack Straw
Secretary of State for Europe: Eric Heffer
Secretary of State for Health and Social Services: John Prescott
Secretary of State for Education and Science: Antony Beaton
Secretary of State for Housing and Construction: John E. Crow
Secretary of State for the Environment: Lawrence G. Spigel
Secretary of State for Social Security: Shirley Wright
Secretary of State for Employment: Robert M. Hughes
Secretary of State for Transport: Stanley Orme
Secretary of State for Energy: Peter Archer
Leader of the House of Commons: John Silkin

The Kremlin

Nikolai Ryzhkov didn’t mind that the Poles were turning their state into a right-wing economy which paid only lip service to Communist ideology. They were improving the economy, which in turn was reinforcing their iron grip on power: the people loved the generals because they delivered progress. Ryzhkov only wished he could impose a similar system on some of the sclerotic Stalinists who still ran some of the other Eastern European states.

Of course there had been a challenge in Poland from Cardinal Woytiwa, who it seemed would settle for no kind of political control, save for that of his church. No matter. Ryzhkov had allowed western pornography into Poland, along with some protestant missionaries to stir up theological troubles. Suddenly Woytiwa had found common cause with the leaders, and he had found backing the generals not so bad after all, not as long as the expelled the protestants and the porn.

Andrei Kirllenko: “Comrade General Secretary, how can you justify abandoning our comrades in liberation in Southern Africa? Haven’t they suffered enough under the yoke of American imperialist militarist tyranny.”

Ryzhkov reluctantly turned his mind to the present.

R: “Comrade Kirllenko - Andrei Pavlovich – you can read the studies for yourself. There was little to gain in Southern Africa, our allies though eager for liberation proved less than capable on the battlefield. A strategic, economic decision had to be made. Of course we continue to sympathize in their struggle for liberation, and we shall press their case in the United Nations with all the increased influence we enjoy there, but we must make practical decisions.”

AK: “I believe we have made things too soft for the people, and as such we are losing our discipline. This South Africa business only shows we are losing our direction in the world too.”

R: “My friend we will win our revolution by presenting the best model for living. Look at our new bargain with Britain. Whatever you may say about the British system – and I say it is still imperialistic and too slavishly devoted to capitalists – you must agree we have anchored them now to a more progressive political outlook, and will continue to do so by doing business with them across many areas. The days of American domination are gone. Ours is now the time, the time to build a progressive world. But we cannot do this by responding with troops and gold to every fight in every corner of the Earth. This is the mistake the Americans made – and look what it has left them with. No, ours must be a policy of choices – correct choices – well thought out choices.

Sunday, April 27 to Sunday May 11, 1986

French President Francois Mitterrand is elected to a third term in office, defeating his UDF challenger Raymond Barre 51.3% to 48.7% in the run-off. Mitterrand is inaugurated on Monday, May 26 for the term from May 26, 1986 – May 27, 1991




President Rumsfeld: “All I can tell you is that many so-called leading historians – ivy league egg-heads really, people who read books instead of doing real jobs – they all liked FDR. So you have to draw your own conclusions about their objections.”

Tuesday, April 29, 1986

Father Cuerda and his movement establish control over areas of central Chile, gained through the defection of several Chilean military officers to their cause. Within these areas Father Cuerda oversees a program of land re-distribution from landowners to peasants.





TRW Headquarters - Cleveland

Chairman: “What’s with all these religious nuts in the White House?”

Cheney: “The President seems to think they can help him with our agenda, and he wants the Christian Voice support locked in for our political moves in Congress.”

Chairman: “Really? Well, these shits don’t know their place, Dick. Used to be I could call the President, and the White House staff put me right through. I called the other day and got one of these religious nuts. At first he didn’t know who I was. Then, he read me some religious mumbo-jumbo from the bible – imagine, a bible reading on a business call! – then the freak had the nerve to hang-up on me. On me, Cheney! That will never do. Do you understand me?

Cheney: “Yes, I understand.”

Chairman: “Who the Hell do you think is paying for your romp in the White House? If it wasn’t for us you and Donald Rumsfeld would be an after-thought in a national joke called President Spiro Agnew. Our money rescued you from having to take a real job, so we damn well expect a little gratitude in return. You understand me?”

Cheney: “Yes, sir.”


“The strategy is obvious,” an ailing Minoru Genda said. His voice was heavy, his breathing laboured. Nakasone guessed it wouldn’t be long before the end.

“Yes, I can see it. The Americans pit us, the Koreans and the Taiwan Chinese against one another in perpetual conflicts. We are forever weakened and they remain strong,” the Prime Minister said.

“I have no objection to the Koreans and Chinese killing one another,” Genda added between drags on a cigarette. “If that were the end, I could approve.”

“But we must become powerful.”

“The Empire must be brought back from its sleep.”

“I wouldn’t put it that way,” the Prime Minister objected. “It is better if we re-define the meaning of self-defence, so as to fit within the terms of the Constitution.”

“Bah! I curse that gaijin abomination!” Genda hissed, before coughing loud enough to ring in Nakasone’s ears. “But yes, you are right. We must remain within the appearance of the Constitution.”

“So, we are left with the knowledge of American plans, but how shall we act upon this? Shall we make peace with the Koreans, or the Taiwan Chinese?”

Genda spat with obvious disgust. “Lie with animals and you will get fleas. No, Yasuhiro, we must be clever, and in so doing we must choose the impossible path, and so awe our enemies with their own ignorance.”

“You sound like Sun Tzu,” Nakasone scoffed.

“He may have been a Chinese, but he was a gifted thinker.” Genda said. Nakasone didn’t look convinced. “First rate mind, third rate ethnicity,” he added, laughing at his own joke. “No, Yasuhiro, we must use the cloak of our opponent’s ignorance to prepare a surprise even they won’t be able to overcome.”

“Fortunately, they are as stupid as they are powerful.”

“And as you say it, Yasuhiro, so you lay open our logical move.”

Power and stupidity? Yes, as he reflected on Genda’s words, Nakasone saw his point.

Vladivostok, USSR

It was a strange meeting, held in the tightest security, but Ryzhkov had been sufficiently interested to accept the terms. His guest wasn’t even officially in the USSR: he had slipped in on a cargo flight under an assumed identity.

“Our nations have had many conflicts,” Yasuhiro Nakasone said. “But we also have common interests. I am here to ask if our mutual interests, at this time, outweigh our conflicts.”

Ryzhkov didn’t give a fig for Sakhalin or the Kuriles, though of course he would use them as bargaining chips. However, the Japanese Prime Minister’s opening intrigued him, and he was always open to exploring a good deal.


Thursday, May 1, 1986

The Justice Department announces a new task force set-up under Associate Attorney General for Special Investigations Kelsey Grammer (Malleus Democrats) which will try the leadership of Organized Labor for conducting a “centuries-long conspiracy to defraud the American public” under existing anti-Racketeering laws.

Assistant Attorney-General Robert Bork: “For too long these so-called leaders of the working men and women of America have been defrauding the workers and businesses of this nation, by stealing billions in the form of dues from their members, while extorting billions from business in the name of outrageous and un-Constitutional so-called labor agreements. This conspiracy has been going on for a century, and represents the greatest example of organized crime in this country today. This administration will put an end to it, and free American workers and businesses from this extortion mob! We will restore freedom to the economy of America, as our founders intended.”

The leadership of the UAW, the AFL-CIO, the SAG, the USW, the Teamsters and many other major unions are soon indicted for RICO act violations. Some flee to the United Kingdom, and join the exile group, while others decide to stand trial and resist the charges.



Friday, July 18, 1986







Wednesday, September 10, 1986

Japan launches its first aircraft carrier since 1945. The nuclear powered Amaterasu, at close to 90,000 tons, is said to have many of the same capabilities of the U.S. Nimitz class with a few new refinements.



President Rumsfeld: “Well, you can’t argue that Jefferson was a slave owner, and owning slaves is a pretty socialistic kind of thing, isn’t it?”

Thursday, September 11, 1986

It had taken fourteen months of planning for Lt. Col. Jeb Bush to get an assignment aboard Air Force One, but he had managed it. At the same time Haig had managed to get a friendly air crew assigned to SAM 27000 as well. The time had finally come, when the President was flying to northern Wisconsin to inspect a nuclear plant site. The air crew would fly the plane further north, to a pre-prepared hiding spot in rural Saskatchewan. Meanwhile Jeb’s job was to sedate the President. In keeping with his plan, and his older brother’s Hollywood connections, he planned to give Rumsfeld more than just a sedative.

Jeb nervously entered the President’s cabin with what appeared to be a report, a syringe tucked up one sleeve. He would have to quickly subdue the President, take the safety cover off the needle and inject the man. He had rehearsed this with a member of the Special Forces who had used his training to resist, and advised Jeb how to overcome defensive moves. No one expected Rumsfeld to resist to the level against which Jeb had trained.

When Jeb came into the President’s cabin he was surprised to be greeted by two members of the Executive Protection Agency (the unit which had replaced the Secret Service years before) with weapons drawn.

“We know what you’re going to do, traitor,” one of them said with more than a little menace.

Jeb thought of running, but with a sickening sense of certainty he realized that he had nowhere to go.

Haig burst in on the Vice President.

Haig: “You must take control now. Rumsfeld has been arrested.”

Edwards: “Arrested? I don’t understand.”

The phone on his desk rang. Edwards picked it up.

Jimmy Carter: “We don’t have a lot of time Jack. This is a chance to make things right. You need to decide now what you’re going to do. Will you save the nation?”

Edwards went with Haig to the White House. When they got there Haig expected to find confusion and perhaps a little chaos, enough at any rate to give him room to work. To cover themselves Haig had arranged with the Navy for an alert to go out about the possibility of a Soviet nuclear submarine in Chesapeake Bay. The incident would direct eyes elsewhere, while causing command-and-control concerns with the President being out of touch. It would make it easier for Vice President Edwards to move into control, and then he hoped they could proceed form there. Senator Carter had assured him that Edwards was ready to see the back of Rumsfeld.

But, when they got the White House, they found EPA agents, backed by the FSB, waiting there to arrest them.


Rumsfeld entered the room and glanced over at the surprised Cheney (who had expected him to be in Wisconsin).

President: “They tried a coup.”

Cheney: “That explains it. I saw them arrest the Vice President and Haig outside a few hours ago.”

Rumsfeld: “There are going to be a lot more arrests. I’m going to clean out that nest of vipers at the Pentagon.”

Cheney: “How did you know?”

President: “One of their group remained loyal to the Constitution.”

Cheney: “I see. I’ll have to prepare a statement on Edwards, then?”

Cheney noted that Rumsfeld’s expression didn’t soften. In fact he glared at his Chief of Staff with a very skeptical eye.

President: “Dick, you’re supposed to guard my back. That’s your job.”

Cheney: “Well, yes, but-“

President: “You really should have known, Dick. You should have known.”

Douglas Coe and Pat Robertson greeted Sarah Louise Heath with great cheer.

“I am a servant of the Lord,” she said, humbly.

“You have served Him well, sister in Christ,” Robertson replied.

“Liberty and Freedom unto those who believe,” she said.

“Indeed, sister. Praise the Lord.”

Later Robertson and Coe met alone.

Robertson: “We are close now.”

Coe: “Closer than we have been in a very long time. Now we must proceed carefully, least that inveterate sinner Rumsfeld slips away.”

Robertson: “He needs us more than ever. But soon, soon we will have the power of the state in our hands.”

Coe: “No, brother. In His hands. Then the power of Christ on Earth will be manifest.”

R: “Praise the Lord.”


The Oval Office

President: “I’m downplaying what happened. We can’t let word get out that there was a coup attempt. After all, that would make us look like a banana republic.”

CIA Director Ikle: “The CIA stands by you Mr. President.”

P: “Well that you should. I have kept you independent of the FSB, and increased your budget I don’t know how much. You should be grateful.”

Ikle: “As long as you recall that my silence allowed you to become President in the first place. But our gratitude can be mutual – mutually assured or mutually destructive. So, lets choose the first and not worry about the second.”

P: “Did you know this coup was going to happen?”

Ikle: “You’ll recall that I warned you about the possibility, even put into writing in report which we have on file, if you need to refer to it. But of this one, specifically? No. I would never plot with generals. You can see for yourself why that is a bad idea.

Rumsfeld was not reassured, but he had to remember that Ikle did have a lot of dirt on him.




Friday, September 12, 1986

Vice President W. Jackson Edwards officially resigns from office due to a nervous breakdown. Former Admiral and 1984 Christian Values Vice-Presidential candidate Jeremiah Denton is nominated by President Rumsfeld to succeed Edwards.

Confirmation Hearings before the Joint Committee for Admiral Denton

Chariman Sen. William Roth (R-DE): Admiral, while we all admire your record of service to our nation in the Navy, I have to ask about how your political beliefs will affect this nation. After all, in your recent 1984 campaign for the Vice Presidency, the same office you are now nominated for, you made several speeches in which you explicitly endorsed creationism as an absolute truth, and called for the enforced abolition of Darwinism, going so far as to recommend the burning of all pro-evolution materials, and the “re-education” of – in your words – the dark priests of the Darwin cult. How does that –

Rep. Jimmy Swaggart (CV-LA-5): I object to this persecution of a good man, who stands for the fundamental biblical principles upon which this nation was built! Admiral Denton served our God and nation in the dungeons of Vietnam, and now the United States Congress is subjecting him to the same torture-

Chairman: You are out of order, Mr. Swaggart.

Sen. George McGovern (WTP-SD): Admiral, let me ask the question this way. As Vice President will you support the idea that underlies our Republic, which states that the church and the state must remain separate?

Adm Denton: Senator, are you suggesting that there is a doctrine of separate but equal that I should be upholding?

McGovern: That was not my meaning, and you know it.

Rep Britt Schuler (CV-AL-5): It is not a man who the Senator mocks here, but God Himself! Oh, low are you, doubters and false prophets! Heed them not! This nation needs men like Admiral Denton to re-assert the primacy of God in all the affairs of the nation.

Chairman: Order! Order! Admiral, do you believe in separation of church and state?

Denton: The state can have no moral legitimacy without God as its guiding light, Senator. We need look no further than the Soviet Union, China and India to see the effects of a nation which forsakes God as the primacy of all laws and codes of behavior. God has visited his wrath on China and India for the evil disregard for his laws through the false doctrines of atheism and Satanic paganism. So shall he visit his wrath on us, if we do not bow before his words.

Sen. Jimmy Carter (D-GA): I take no second place to anyone on the question of honouring God and our Savior in my life, and this is well known. I also find little in scripture to support your views Admiral, and I find plenty in our Constitutional form of government to argue against such a narrow and potentially disastrous view being allowed to propagate itself from high office. As some of us are about to lose our seats here, in this body, to a low, deceitful manipulation of the Constitution, I would argue that we cannot allow this form of extremism to sit one heartbeat away from the most powerful office in the land.

Denton: Tell me Senator Carter, if you can, where in the Constitution it says that God and the State should not be one?

Carter: That is an attempt to evade the question, Admiral. You know the Constitution does not once mention God –

Denton: Then, perhaps – no, no perhaps – IT MUST – be brought into service of God and his name added throughout!
The Oval Office

Cheney: “Why the Hell are we bring this fire down on ourselves with Denton. He’s alienating just about everyone-“

The President shows him a page from Denton’s testimony, in which the Admiral’s answer reads:

Denton: “I am convinced that the capitalist economy, the free market, is the absolute expression of God’s will. He is Adam Smith’s invisible hand, and in serving him we must ensure the absolute freedom of our economy from the man-made, hypocritical poison of socialist regulation.”

President: “We believe that a free market is good for this nation, Dick, because we know it is right from a logical, an economic view. This guy, and all these Jesus nuts like him, believe it as a matter of religion. It is the world of God to them, Dick! The word of God! If something happens to me, he’ll continue my work without hesitation; his belief that he is fulfilling God’s will won’t allow him to backslide or compromise for a moment. A man like him will make my legacy if I can’t, and that’s why I need him here, ready to do his best for (with a sarcastic bite) God’s free market. And if not Denton, then some other free market bible thumper just like him. And here’s the thing, because they believe it is God’s will, they won’t suffer a loss of nerve, not like that traitor Edwards did.”

CBS News: “Reports have come out today that a number of senior generals and admirals have abruptly retired, while some have had nervous breakdowns. This comes in light of several recent nervous breakdowns among members of the Cabinet, and by the Vice President. We alone are reporting this, and we alone are asking the question of whether this sudden turnover seems suspicious.”

All through Denton’s confirmation hearings Senator Jimmy Carter had sensed he was under increased surveillance, and after a while his instincts told he would be arrested soon. So, with the help of several church members (who did not support the Christian Values leadership) he slipped away and was hidden. It didn’t take long for word to reach him that his home and offices had been raided by the FSB.



Thursday, September 18, 1986

Texas Governor George H.W. Bush suffers a nervous breakdown and is replaced as Republican candidate for Texas by Dallas businessman, Mayor and Rumsfeld supporter Starke Taylor Jr. Some note that Governor Bush’s oldest son has fled to Europe, while his second son Jeb has mysteriously disappeared.

Friday, September 19, 1986

The South Korean frigates Ulsan and Seoul, along with a Type-206 submarine purchased by South Korea from West Germany, sink several merchant ships bound for Taiwan.


Friday, October 3, 1986

WTP activist Elaine Brown disappears under mysterious circumstances.







Tuesday, October 7, 1986

Secretary of State Jeanne Kirkpatrick, implicated in the military plot, resigns over “policy differences” with the President, and is wise enough to quickly move to London, where she joins the exile group based in Oxford headed by Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon.

Assistant Secretary of State Spencer Abraham becomes the acting Secretary of State. He is later nominated to replace Kirkpatrick as Secretary of State.

Attorney General George Deukmejian, also implicated in the military plot, is relieved of his post after suffering a “nervous breakdown” and is hospitalized. Assistant attorney General Robert Bork is named to serve as acting-Attorney General.

Senator Jimmy Carter (D-GA) also implicated in the military plot escapes underground through the assistance of African-American communities in Atlanta. While underground Carter underwent a regimen of large oral doses of the anti-vitiligo drug methoxsalen, and spent up to fifteen hours daily under an ultraviolet lamp.




The Oval Office

Cheney: “You’re replacing me as Chief of Staff?”

President: “I need a steady hand over there, Dick. I’m keeping you on as a Presidential counsellor, so that you’ll have less day-to-day responsibilities and you can focus more on bigger picture issues for me.”

Cheney: “But we had a partnership, working here together.”

President: “You’ll continue that, as a special counsel. Meanwhile Tim will take over your Chief of Staff responsibilities.”

Cheney: “Lahaye?!” He wanted to add “that’s nuts!” but the hard glare in Rumsfeld’s eye dissuaded him.

However the President characterized it, Cheney just realized that LaHaye had muscled him out of the inner circle.

The White House announced that Timothy F. LaHaye would replace Dick Cheney as White House Chief of Staff. Dick Cheney was to remain as a Special Counsel to the President.
No More Mr. Loveable

Wednesday, October 22, 1986

The nomination of Jeremiah Denton for the office of Vice President is defeated in both the House (229-206) and the Senate (53-47).


Thursday, October 23, 1986

A bomb goes off in the U.S. Capitol building, causing some damage to the Senate gallery. The bomb starts a fire which severely damages the Senate wing. The Rumsfeld Administration immediately blames terrorists for the act and uses it as a pre-text to clamp down on dissidents.

After the fire the Senate convenes in an auditorium in the old Commerce Building, where its sessions are held under the careful watch of the FSB.

The Capitol Attack (as it is characterized) allows the Rumsfeld Administration to insert fear of terrorism and distrust of the WTP’s true intentions (and some good old fashioned fear mongering) into the Congressional campaign.


Secret History (at this time): French and British intelligence develop a joint framework with the IRA to use IRA forces in combating the PJO. The IRA also provides a cut-out for the PLO to conduct negotiations with the British and French, and through them with the Israeli government.


Friday, October 24, 1986

The Oval Office:

President (to re-constituted Joint Chiefs): “I want to prepare a plan for the liberation of Cuba. Its past time that that business was taken care of.”


Saturday, October 25, 1986

WTP Elaine Brown is shot and killed “while resisting arrest” in Washington DC. The Justice Department soon concludes that Brown set the bomb that exploded in the U.S. Capitol.

Later inquiries conclude that the evidence points to the fact that Brown was already dead before the shooting, and that the elements of it were staged to appear as a “resisting arrest” situation. These analyses were done years later and lacked some of the immediate evidence, which was destroyed at the time, and so any conclusions about Brown’s disappearance and the Capitol bombing, and if indeed they are linked, remain speculative. Brown’s defenders claim with certainty that she did not willing participate in the bomb plot. Other conspiracy theories point to the FSB and President Rumsfeld as the instigators.

Tuesday, November 6, 1986

United States mid-term elections for the House of Representatives only.

These are the first elections held since the passage of the UCEP and since it and the Religious Liberty Act were incorporated into the Twenty-Eight Amendment.

Widespread fraud and voter suppression is reported in many districts across the United States. Many registered Democrats are barred from voting on trivial grounds. Polls located in known Democratic areas don’t open, while those in Republican areas remain open under heavy guard (and those guards check voting identification, and often turn away registered Democrats, who are quickly arrested for “rioting” if they protest.)

In many formerly Democratic districts the vote for a Republican or Christian Values member is “directed” by the intervention of federal government forces, or by the intimidation of Democratic voters by the Liberty Defenders, often supported by the FSB. In fact, Secretary Casey is said to have engineered the entire election result.

Interestingly enough, in many urban districts there is no interference, allowing for re-election of more liberal Democratic and WTP members, while the interference in suburban and rural districts ensures that moderate Democrats are replaced by Republicans often hand-chosen by the Rumsfeld Administration.

The United States Senate – 100th Congress (Jan. 3, 1987 – Jan. 3, 1989)

This is the first Congress to have Presidential members appointed under the twenty-eight amendment to the Constitution.

Republicans = 53+ 17 = 70
Democrats = 39 – 18 = 21
Christian Values = 4+3 = 7
Libertarians = 3 - 1 = 2
We The People = 1-1=0

President of the Senate: Vacant (to January 7)
President pro-tempore: Sen. Jesse Helms (R-NC)
Majority Leader: Sen. William Brock III (R-TN)
Minority Leader: Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (D-TX)

2. John Gracen (Christian Values)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (CV)

2. Donald Hobbs (D)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

1. John. B. Conlan (R)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

2. David Pryor (D)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

1. G. Edmund (“Jerry”) Brown (D)
3. Paul Gann (R) (Reconfirmed)

2. Ken Kramer [R]
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

1. Lucien DiFazio (R)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

1. William Roth (R)
2. James Baxter (R)

1. Reubin Askew (D)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

2. John Stokes (R)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

1. Nelson Doi (D)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

2. A. Libertarian (Lib)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

3. David O'Neill (R) (Reconfirmed)
2. Judy Koehler [R]

1. Richard Lugar (R)
3. Roger Marsh (R) (Reconfirmed)

3. Charles Grassley (R) (Reconfirmed)
2. Arthur A. Neu [R]

2. Lucille Biggler [R]
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

3. Mary L. Foust (R) (Reconfirmed)
2. Mitch McConnell [R]

2. Gary Howard (Christian Values)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (CV)

1. Robert A.G. Monks (R)
2. Llewellyn Smith (D)

1. Paul Sarbanes (D)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

2. Donald Dwight (R)
1. Elliot Richardson (R)

1. Marvin L. Esch (R)
2. Jack R. Lousma [R]

1. Hubert “Skip” Humphrey III (D)
2. Joan Growe (D)

1. Harvey J. Johnson Jr. (D)
2. William Winter (D)

1. John Danforth (R)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

2. Ronald C. Galtieri (Lib)
1. Bill Christiansen (D)

1. John Y. McCollister (R)
2. Donald Shasteen (R)

1. Paul Laxalt (R)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

New Hampshire
2. Gordon Humphrey (R)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

New Jersey
1. David A. Norcross (R)
2. Mary V. Morachy (R)

New Mexico
1. Harrison Schmidt (R)
2. Toney Anaya (D)

New York
1. James Buckley (R)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

North Carolina
2. Jesse Helms (R)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

North Dakota
1. Wayne G. Sanstead (D)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

1. Robert Taft, Jr. (R)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

2. David L. Boren (D)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

2. Denny Smith [R]
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

1. Donald L. Ritter (R)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

Rhode Island
2. Claiborne Pell (D)
1. John Chaffee (R)

South Carolina
2. Oliver Gilgamesh (CV)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (CV)

South Dakota
2. Larry Pressler (R)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

1. William E. Brock III (R)
2. Victor Ashe [R]

1. Lloyd Bentsen (D)
2. Phil Gramm [R]

1. Orrin Hatch (R)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

1. Thomas P. Salmon (D)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

1. Robert J. Davis (D)
2. Stan Parris [R]

1. Doug Jewett (R)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

West Virginia
1. Robert Byrd (D)
2. Grim Baylor [CV]

1.Scott McCallum (R)
3. Rumsfeld Appointee (R)

1. Malcolm Wallop (R)
2. Victor A. Ryan (D)

Election results - United States House of Representatives – 100th Congress (Jan. 3, 1987 – Jan. 3, 1989)

Republicans: = 219 + 65 = 284
Democrats: = 200 - 110 = 90
Christian Values Movement = 7 + 47= 54
We The People: = 6 - 1 = 5
Libertarians:= 4 -2 = 2
AAFP: = 1
Independent = 1-1=0

Speaker of the House: Trent Lott (R-MS)
Majority Leader: Delbert L. "Del" Latta (R-OH)
Minority Leader: John Brademas (D-IN)

Ron Dellums (WTP) is returned to the House of Representatives from his home district in Oakland, California, although his right to retain that seat will soon come into question.


Spiro T. Agnew (I/Consv) is elected as the 54th Governor of the State of New York.

Agnew – 27.1%
Democratic – 25.9%
WTP --- 24.2%
Republican – 20.2
Others – 2.6%

Starke Taylor Jr. (R) is elected as Governor of Texas.

Taylor – 35.2%
Christian Values – 30.1%
Democratic – 14.8%
Libertarian – 14.4%
WTP – 4.3
Other – 1.2%

Jean King (D) is elected as Governor of Hawaii on an anti-Rumsfeld platform (despite efforts by Federal officials to fix the election).

R. Budd Dwyer (R) is elected Governor of Pennsylvania, despite a corruption charge. Ballot fixing by the Rumsfeld Administration is suspected.

Attorney-General George C. Wallace (D) is elected Governor, despite a concerted effort by the FSB to stop him. He wins on a States Rights platform which is strongly opposed to the Rumsfeld Administration and this, together with Wallace’s high popularity in Alabama (especially among black voters who see Wallace as their only defender against the white supremacy side of the Christian Values movement) overcomes the Christian Values tide in much of the South.

First Round Run Off
Christian Values – 38.8% Wallace – 58.6%
Wallace – 36.7% Christian Values – 41.4%
Libertarian – 10.1%
WTP – 8.3%
Others – 6.1%
(The Republican Party of Alabama did not contest the election).

Governor Paul N. “Pete” McCloskey Jr. (Fusion*) is declared re-elected to another term as Governor of California. His Republican challenger (a Rumsfeld Administration front man) Gary V. Miller contests the election in the courts and the Rumsfeld Administration brings pressure on the courts to declare Miller the actual winner, despite the fact that he lost the popular vote by over 8% (58% to 42% in favour of McCloskey). All but one Justice on the bench of the California Supreme court resign rather than participate in what the Chief Justice clearly calls “a fraud”. One lone member (a Republican) then upholds a lower court judgment in favor of Miller, and the federal courts in turn reject McCloskey’s challenge to that ruling.

McCloskey then appeals the decision to the United States Supreme Court in a case titled McCloskey v. Bork.

(*Fusion = a working alliance of all parties [except the American Independent, American Communist Party and the Libertarian Party] backing McCloskey (actually a Democrat) against the Republican challenger). The Republicans in term have an alliance with the Christian Values and American Independent Party.

Edward H. Crane (L) (aka. “Governor Ed”) elected to a second, non-consecutive term as Governor of Idaho on an independence platform.

Thursday, November 8, 1986

The Ohio Secretary of State throws out 30% of Democratic ballots (which affects ten House races, tipping them to Republican candidates). The Secretary of State explains that his studies show that “30% of Democratic voters were completely misguided on the issue, so our action today will ensure that vote count reflects the true wishes of an informed and freedom dedicated citizenry.” Court challenges follow, but are stopped at the United States Supreme Court after the “McCloskey seven” incident.

Friday, November 9, 1986

Alabama Attorney General (and Governor-elect) George C. Wallace mounts a challenge to the Alabama Secretary of State’s ruling on a number of controversial cases regarding the suppression of non-Christian Values votes. His successor as Attorney General is not enthusiastic about pursuing the challenges. The cases, ruled in favor of the Secretary of State by lower level federal courts, are ultimately refused certiorari by the U.S. Supreme Court in December 1986.





President Rumsfeld: “What the Hell does he know? How many divisions has he got?”

Sunday, November 25, 1986

The Taiwanese Navy detonate explosives aboard an oil tanker (false flagged as being from Panama) off the South Korean port of Busan, causing damage to the port facilities.

Monday, December 1, 1986

Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) speaking during the lame-duck session of the Senate:

“Today I weep for my country. I have watched the events of recent years past with a heavy, heavy heart. No more is the image of America one of strong, yet benevolent keeper of democracy, of the shining city on the hill that was the light of inspiration to a weary, oppressed world. The image of America has changed. Around the globe, our friends mistrust us, if not ridicule us. Our word is disputed, our intentions are questioned. Instead of reasoning with those with whom we disagree, we demand obedience or threaten recrimination. We have ceased to be the leader of the free world, and instead descended into the dark world of tyranny from which out Founders once tried to free us.”

Geraldo Rivera (Hughes Network): “The Senator weeps? He weeps for what? For government by stoners and the enabler of stoners? For government by the socialist-liberal bureaucrat who steals from the working man and gives to the welfare bum. It sound to me more like his city on the Hill is Moscow! As for these so-called friends who ridicule us? Who ridicules us? Euro-socialists who drink champagne in the Kremlin and impose Red tyranny on their own subject peoples? Are these our friends? Were these ungrateful, feckless people ever our friends? The United States of America has no friends anywhere, only opponents seeking to destroy us. If they hate us, then I say bring on your hate! I do not weep for them Senator! I put on the great American flag and proudly declare that I will stand with Donald Rumsfeld in the fight for true freedom!”

Thursday, January 1, 1987

The Canadian Government re-affirms that the major community on Baffin Island shall retain the name Frobisher Bay.

Monday, January 5, 1987

The Rumsfeld Administration attempts to install Gary V. Miller as the 36th Governor of California. The Assembly, controlled by Democrats, refuses to recognize Willis as Governor. Instead Paul “Pete” McCloskey is inaugurated by the assembly for another term as Governor. Later that day California State Police, backed by National Guard troops, block attempts by “Governor” Miller to enter the Governor’s office, which is occupied through the crisis by Governor McCloskey.

Governor Crane declares Idaho independent of “the Federal tyranny”, based on what happened in California.

Tuesday, January 6, 1987

In an emergency session, the U.S. Supreme Court rules 7-2 in favour of Governor McCloskey’s petition, citing poor legal reasoning and unconstitutional irregularities in the lower court decisions affirming Gary Miller’s election to the office of Governor of California.

The Oval Office

The President: “Now, by God, we’ll break the bastards.

Cheney: “We have to be careful how we craft the petition, since…”

Chief of Staff Tim Lahaye: “Nonsense. We have Congress and we have the Righteous cause. I say we smite these left-wing, atheist Pharisees and set an example.”

P: “You take care of it, Tim.”

Cheney watched Lahaye leave the Oval, dismayed at what he had just seen. “Mr. President, Don, isn’t this giving these fanatics a little too much –“

P: “No, Dick. They’re motivated and they’ll make it happen, without our fingerprints necessarily being on it, since Lahaye and not me will be in the chair at the trial.”

C:”We can’t give these people full reign. I mean, I understand how they can help politically, but to give them actual power-“

P: (With a dismissive wave of his hand): “No, no. I admire their efficiency, and their dedication. We could use more of that. No, Dick, let them get their hands bloody, then when the time comes we’ll clean house.”

C: “The problem is, they won’t let you clean house. Can’t you see, Don, that they’re already getting a hold on this administration, ever since you let Lahaye into the inner circle – against my advice – they been grabbing power from within. Look out in the hall Don, half the people out there I don’t recognize. They’re not our people, they’re Christian Voice, and they are planning to take you down.”

P: “I suggest you take a rest, Dick. You seem to have lost your perspective. I hope you are not having a nervous breakdown on me?”

Dick Cheney resigns as a Presidential counsellor, in order to return to the Hughes Network.

Indian government forces are defeated by anti-Federal forces at the Battle of Aurangabad. Retreating government forces use a tactical nuclear weapon to slow the progress of their enemy.

The Oval Office

Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Kent: “The Indians, the government forces, used a nuke this morning to cover their retreat north.”

President: “Good, the nuclear taboo is breaking down. It won’t be long before people get used to the things. Add some tactical strikes to the Cuba plan.”

Kent: “Already done.”

Lane Kirkland of the AFL-CIO and Lynn R. Williams of the USW are convicted of racketeering and sentenced to life imprisonment.

UAW President Owen Bieber (speaking from exile in Oxford): “Today it is clear that from the Pacific Coast in the West to the Atlantic Coast in the east, from California to Maine, from Alaska to Florida – an iron curtain has descended over the land we Americans still love, but which has been captured by an absolutism, a tyranny that will brook no laws, no moral decency, no shame in its rush to absolute power. Today they have squashed the last, best hope for working Americans of a just society and decent working conditions. Today I stand in exile, here in Britain. Here I stand with our brothers and sisters in the TUC and our French counterparts, dedicated to the proposition that the rights of the worker shall not be forgotten. The flame may not burn as bright, it may flicker in the cold wind, but the flame of liberty – of true liberty, will never blow out.”

Geraldo Rivera (Hughes Network): “You notice how all the enemies of freedom run to Britain to escape the law. Why is that? Could it be they secretly want to destroy the American Revolution and the freedoms it gave us? Is that why they run home to King George?”


Wednesday, January 7, 1987

Jeremiah Denton is confirmed as the 44th Vice President of the United States in a vote of 55-45 in the Senate, and 225 – 210 in the House of Representatives. He is sworn immediately upon confirmation.

Taiwanese jets based on mainland China manage to bomb port facilities in South Korea.

Oval Office

President (reflecting on the House vote): “The bastards still don’t get the message.”

LaHaye: “We’ll teach them!”

The Office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives

LaHaye: “The President wants to know why you couldn’t bring your troops into line. Fifty-six of your own people voted against Denton!”

Speaker Lott: “You can assure the President that we’ve got it under control. I know there was a problem-“

LaHaye: “Problem?! Fifty-six traitors is a cancer, and you have to cut it out!”

Lott: “It’s that damn hill-billy Clinton; he’s set himself up as an opposition leader and-“

LaHaye: “You are the Speaker of the American Congress, you don’t have opposition leaders! That Clinton went to Yale and Oxford – he’s infected with the anti-Christ liberal message and he’s propagating it among your weak-sister members. You have got to get in there and stop it.”

Lott: “I am the Speaker of the House, and you can’t come in here and speak like that to me. I don’t care if you are the President’s new –“

LaHaye: “While the Vice Presidency was vacant, you were next in line. I have to wonder if you didn’t like it that way. Maybe, after removing that traitor Edwards, you had a plan to remove the President?”

Lott: “Get out of here! No body speaks to me like that!”

LaHaye: “You can be removed as Speaker very easily. A lot of your members are afraid of what our people can do to them in the primaries, and more than a few only got here because we agreed to stay our hand – in the interest of the greater cause. But if we should change our mind, if we decide that your members are infected with the Satanic plot, then, well –“

Lott (nervously): “I resent the implication that I would plot against the President, but of course, I share his vision. I’ll speak to my members.”

LaHaye: “Good. I’m glad to see you’re not having a nervous breakdown.”

Later – The Speaker’s Office

Lott: “Look, Bill, I understand where you’re coming from on this. But you have to look at our position. I can control this House only so far, those Christian Values people are going to make it hard-“

Rep. Bill Clinton (R-AR-2): “Damn it, Mr. Speaker, we are two-hundred and eighty six to their fifty-four. We can outmuscle them –“

Lott: “You barely survived a challenge from one of them last November, and only got back here because there was no Democratic challenger in your district. The primary winner had legal problems, uncovered by the FSB, and had to withdraw at the last minute, as I recall. The President did that for you – he did that for a lot of our two hundred and eighty six – against Democrats and Libertarians – and you owe him a little loyalty in return.”

Clinton: “I am loyal to the Constitution, Mr. Speaker. I can’t be loyal to a president who is tearing it up.”

Lott: “Son, you had better learn the facts of political life-“

Clinton: “You’re only five years older than me, so don’t pull out this “son” crap. Denton is not qualified to be vice president, and potentially president, not as long as he’s in bed with these Christ-fascists. Man, don’t you see it? They’re one step away from a coup – a coup Trent! All they have to do is get rid of Rumsfeld, and the government is theirs. They’ve already extended the coup to the Supreme Court-“

Lott: “I’m not an idiot, I can see that – but we have no control over the confirmation of the justices.”

Clinton: “But we did the vice presidency. Why did you allow that to happen?”

Lott: “I support the President and I’m a political realist. That’s how it is now, and if Denton becomes president, we’ll have to work with him. You need to get a dose of reality, and go along to get along, Mr. Clinton.”

Clinton: “You are a coward, weak at the knees –“

Lott: “Get out of here!”

The Rumsfeld Cabinet – January 1987

President: Donald H. Rumsfeld
Vice President: Jeremiah Denton

Secretary of National Intelligence Coordination and Oversight: William P. Casey
Secretary of State: Spencer Abraham
Secretary of the Treasury: Herbert Stein
Secretary of Defense: William Kristol
Attorney-General: Robert Bork
Secretary of the Interior: James Exon
Secretary of Agriculture: Whitney MacMillan
Secretary of Labor: Phillip Cagan
Secretary of Energy: David H. Koch

Commerce. HUD. HEW and Transportation abolished.

Over the Supreme Court ruling in McCloskey v. Bork, charging “unconstitutional abuse of power” Chief Justice Warren Burger, and Justices Brennan, Thurgood Marshall, Harry Blackmun, Lewis Powell, Cornelia Grofsema-Kennedy and Bob Dole (the “McCloskey seven”) are impeached by the House of Representatives. They are then convicted in the Senate and removed from office. Rather than choose one of the two remaining Justices (William Rehnquist or Byron White) to succeed Burger as Chief Justice, President Rumsfeld instead nominates Secretary of the Interior Strom Thurmond, who is quickly confirmed. President Rumsfeld then presents a slate of six new nominees to the Congress. They include:

Robert Bork
Antonin Scalia
John Ashcroft
Phyllis Schlafly
Clarence Thomas
Richard Viguerie

All are confirmed by the Senate, as a slate, with only perfunctory hearings. There is no electronic lynching. Objections are made over the fact Viguerie is not an attorney, however there is no Constitutional bar on a non-attorney becoming a Supreme Court Justice.

Alfred S. Regnery is nominated to replace Robert Bork as Attorney General.

Saturday, January 10, 1987

Now disguised as an African-American (with darkened skin) [] fugitive former Senator Jimmy Carter escapes from Atlanta with the help of activist Barry Obama. The two, masquerading as father and son, drive across the country to join-up with the resistance. Carter and Obama’s cover story is that they are travelling to California to attend a family member’s funeral. Carter passes through federal checkpoints largely unnoticed because of his darkened skin, although he, along with Obama (who was raised by white relatives) receive some first-hand experiences on what it is like to be a black man in Rumsfeldia. Carter observes that with the dominance of the Christian Values movement, and with Rumsfeld’s disregard for Civil rights, de-facto segregation has returned to many Southern states, and seems to be spreading into the mid-West. Carter is amazed when, in Omaha, an ordinary white person, who seems otherwise friendly, asks him in all earnestness if his welfare payments have run out where he came from.

Tuesday, January 13, 1987

New York mafiosi Anthony "Fat Tony" Salerno and Carmine Peruccia are sentenced to death for racketeering. New York mob boss receives an offer he can’t refuse: work for the Rumsfeld Administration as an underground ‘funding enabler” or be liquidated. Gotti decides that he is a loyal Republican after all.

Monday, January 19, 1987

George C. Wallace is sworn in as Governor of Alabama. Notably California Lieutenant Governor (or Vice President) Mervyn M. Dymally and Rep. Dellums (once a Cabinet Secretary in Wallace’s Administration) attend as an invited guest of Wallace. (Wallace has arranged with the Alabama State Police to have elaborate security measures to ensure that Dymally and Dellums are smuggled into Alabama and out again, without falling into the hands of federal authorities. Although Wallace’s overall health is in question, the fight against Rumsfeld seems to have reinvigorated some of his fighting spirit.


Tuesday, January 20, 1987

R. Budd Dwyer inaugurated as the 42nd Governor of Pennsylvania. Two days later at a press conference he meets allegations of corruption (from his term as Pennsylvania Treasurer) by the press by placing a revolver on the podium before him and daring anyone to come and “make my day” over the allegations.

Donald Trump, former manager of a failed White Castle franchise and now bald from years of selling his hair to wig makers, starts the Hair Club for Men.

Thursday, January 22, 1987

South Korean agents steal a Singapore Airlines 747 and crash it full of explosives into Songshan Airport in Taipei, causing damage to the airport.

February 5 – July 30, 1987

The Soyuz TM2 mission rendezvous with the Mir Space Station.

Saturday, February 7, 1987

The Senate votes to remove the “McCloskey seven” Justices from the Supreme Court.

Monday, February 9, 1987

In response to the attempt by the Rumsfeld Administration to impose an ideologically friendly Governor on the state, and specifically in response to the speedy impeachment of the eight Justices, both Houses of the Assembly pass the California resolution of secession. California declares itself to be the independent Republic of California. Governor McCloskey is named as provisional President.

That evening a tape is played on many California television stations in which Ronald Reagan and former President Richard Nixon congratulate the Assembly and President McCloskey on their “stand for freedom and democracy.”

The French Republic officially recognizes the Republic of California.

“Governor” Miller is arrested and deported from California.


Wednesday, February 11, 1987

Florida Governor Jack Eckerd, although a Republican, begins to distance Florida from the central administration in Washington. He declares publicly he has “grave reservations” over the removal of the “McCloskey seven” Justices.

Someone throws Ann Coulter from a fiftieth-floor balcony. This murder leads to an investigation and a scandal over drugs and lifestyle issues in the New York fashion industry.

Thursday, February 12, 1987

In response to the removal of the “McCloskey seven” Justices, both Houses of the Hawaii State Assembly pass an ordinance of secession.

Hawaii Governor Jean King proclaims Hawaii and independent state. Within a few weeks a Regency is established (for the pre-American monarchy) with Governor King assuming the role of Prime Minister. Hawaii, now a Constitutional Monarchy (in deference to its history before U.S. Annexation), becomes the Commonwealth of Hawaii.

Edward A. Kawānanakoa, presumptive heir and descendant of the last monarch of Hawaii, agrees to act as Regent for the “Crown, in service to the People of Hawaii” acting in a strictly ceremonial role, but refuses to be crowned as King.

The Oval Office

LaHaye: “We need to smash the pagan bastards – and fast!”

Vice President Denton: “I agree – let’s move in the troops and –“

President: “Not so fast. We won’t start the violence. We’ll keep operating the bases in Hawaii – let them interfere with our operations – let them start a problem. In fact, Jeremiah, why don’t you pay a supportive visit to our bases in Hawaii? Ignore the state government, like it wasn’t even there. As for California and Idaho, we’ll squeeze them economically, make it illegal for businesses to operate here and there – force them to make a choice. Get the word to our friends there that the time has come – they’re either for us or against us. Tell them we’ll be counting the heads of who stands-up for us – and who doesn’t – and that everyone’s future will depend on which side of the ledger their name appears on. We’ll strangle the bastards, and they’ll come begging to accept our terms.”

LaHaye: “If they resist?”

President: “I like San Francisco, don’t have much feeling for LA, too many freeways. But San Francisco, that’s a beautiful city. I’d hate to have to give the order to pulverize it, but I will, if they force me to.”


Saturday, February 14, 1987

Pakistan troops invade western India.

Secretary of National Intelligence Coordination and Oversight William Casey collapses as a result of a brain tumor. He is hospitalized and dies on May 6, 1987. He is replaced as SNICO by a relatively unknown Justice Department officer named John Ashcroft. Former Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl Gates is appointed as the new FSB Director.

Monday, February 16, 1987

Japan launches its second Amaterasu class nuclear aircraft carrier, the Ninigi-no-mikoto.

USN Analyst: “Shouldn’t we be reporting this development – making an issue of it at Joint Chiefs? I mean with two carriers this is starting to affect the balance of power in the Pacific.”

Director: “Word from above is leave it alone, and after what went down last year, I’m not going to make myself too visible.”


The television reporter Al Gore brought former Senator Jimmy Carter to the dilapidated old building outside of Reno, Nevada. He followed Carter as they went through the old place – it had been a warehouse of some kind once, but now was just an empty, crumbling shell – to a warren of subterranean tunnels beneath the structure.

“I like your tan,” Gore commented.

“Fall-out shelter?” Carter asked.

“Older,” Gore said. “They built this during the depression – expanding some older mine shafts actually – to make an underground bootleg distillery – hidden well away from where anyone who would bother them.”

“The warehouse was a cover,” Bill Clinton said as he greeted them along one of the passages. “Now, we can use it. Senator, I have to say, I admire your tan. Did you take time-out on the beach?”

“Not the beach, Bill,” Carter replied after they had chuckled at his attempt at a joke. Looking around, Carter continued, “I’ve become something of an expert on basements these days. I admire your work.”

Carter followed Gore, Clinton and two of his assistants to the room where this new surprise waited. Carter was astonished to see who appeared on the television screen, waiting in another underground chamber hundreds of miles from them.

“We have an engineer who set-up the untraceable closed circuit,” Gore explained, thinking of the odd-ball genius Bill Gates who was doing so much for the resistance. “Our visitor is in a basement far away from here.”

“So if it’s a double-cross-“ Clinton began.

“We’ll know, and be safe from it,” Gore added.

Dick Cheney was queued by a red light that lit-up on the camera pointed at him. “It’s gone off the rails,” he said. “We need to stop it.”

“We?” Clinton asked with a wary frown.

“But can we trust him,” Carter heard Gore comment from behind him.

That was the question, wasn’t it?
This will be my first post on these forums, and it simply has to be in praise of this timeline and its precursor. I've been following the Gumbo-verse on and off for several years now, and I've finally got around to making an account here. FLaG is a magnum opus, and rightly deserves to be ranked among the very best AH fiction.
Thank you for creating this amazing (and often terrifying) world, and keep up the great work!

Thanks for the positive feedback
Jesus H. Christ. Rumsfeld has gone completely off the deep end. He's totally outrun Cheney, Connolly, Edwards and just about everyone else in his Cabinet, and he's so drunk on his own koolade that he can't even see how the media or even Cheney might take it.

At this point, the Rumsfeld regime has lost anything resembling an ideological coherence, rather, it's breaking down into a sweep of differing and even antithetical ideologies held together only by power and self interest.

But... and this is a huge But... the Rumsfeld regime is holding together. They'll cleave together even tighter as all the wheels start coming off. They literally have nowhere else to go, and their only viable strategy is to seize control of the regime from their other fellow travelling factions.

I think that the Haig/Pentagon Coup is doomed. Way too obvious, they've been an early source of resistance and controversy for the regime, so their loyalty is suspect. Rumsfeld's consolidated his control over security and paramilitary. And frankly, they haven't been stealthy enough. Carter's office is surely bugged, Carter is closely monitored, and that little conversation tips the hand.

The real question is how the Regime, or the Regime elements will leverage the Coup attempt, whether some factions will want it to succeed, or partially succeed. I could see someone like Cheney allowing it to reach the point where Rumsfield is killed before launching his countercoup. I doubt it will play out like that. More likely, Rumsfeld loyalists step on the Coup and it becomes a general excuse for a savage housecleaning.

Economically, the Corporatist Agenda has probably hit its zenith - basically, Rumsfeld has authorized the looting of every government asset and function - and looting is just what it's going to be. Social Security's going to be captured, the Army logistics are going to be sustainable but immensely corrupt, everything else is just going to be bonfire. Most government function are going to just implode. But of course almost no one will notice as the economy goes into catastrophic free fall.

The only thing that will hold it together, even temporarily, is the draconian measures for repression and centralization of repression that have been put in place, and Rumsfeld's near complete dominance of what's left of the political process. That and the fact that his backers Corporatist backers are so deeply committed and so closely tied to Rumsfeld that they'll try just about anything to salvage the collapsing ship, if for no other reason than that it's failure will mean they go down under it. But it'll only hold together temporarily.

My sense is that we're rapidly moving towards the endgame. The Rumsfeld regime is barely outrunning its own contradictions, they're massive and they're gaining. It's not going to last another year. Or even several months. I think now we're counting in weeks.

Collateral to that, can anyone explain to me what the hell is happening in the Middle east? From what I can tell, it looks like Israel's embarked on a foreign adventure into Saudi Arabia, somehow bypassing both Jordan and Syria. How the heck does that work? I can only assume that the Saudi Regime is falling apart and the Persian Gulf has destabilized.

And who the hell are the players in French Africa, and what's going on in South Africa.
They can't even maintain the same party discipline they were beforehand, it's literally running on Rumfeld's goon squads and ability to appoint flunkies. And it's implied with the TRW bit that the capitalists backing him are starting to get cold feet.
Wednesday, October 22, 1986

The nomination of Jeremiah Denton for the office of Vice President is defeated in both the House (229-206) and the Senate (53-47).

Oh, God. That... that just left me nauseous. I'm beginning to doubt the ability of any force to restore an America with its constituent 50 states at this point.

One small tweak, Drew: With Jimmy Carter on the run for two weeks at this point, the vote in the Senate couldn't be 53-47, as Carter can't be there to vote. Given how Carter would have voted, it'd be 52-47, I presume.
Hmmm. As predicted, the Coup fizzled badly. The savage housecleanings have begun.

Also as predicted, the different constituencies within the Rumsfeld administration have had their struggle for power. The emergence and victory of the Christian fundies should have been apparent. Rumsfeld is caught up in his mania, the fundies know how to feed mania.

It looks like the secular portions of the Rumsfeld coalition have been routed. I don't think that's final though. Cheney's been pushed out, and Lott's got his tail between his legs but the Hughes organization and the corporate backers aren't going to let go without a fight. Right now the politicals are in disarray, which is why Cheney's taken the radical step of talking to Carter - he just doesn't know which way to go. But there's backbone in the business community, particularly Hughes. I expect him to step forward.

There's going to be a Round #2 power struggle. Rumsfeld will bend corporate, but the Fundies are too entrenched now to dislodge. It'll end up with a brokered compromise, with both sides looking for a chance to slap the other.

The sweeping of the Supreme Court was a surprise, although that threat had already been made. It'll take time to purge the Appellate Courts, though, and it will take time for Appellate decisions to make it up to the Rumsfeld courts though, and the one thing Rumsfeld doesn't have is time. It's a bad move - a long term gambit, without the time to have it play out.

The Soviets are going to let Cuba go. Ryzkov's smart enough to know that the place can't be defended, and he's not going to commit to a nuclear war over an Island somewhere. Instead, he'll retrench and reposition himself in Europe. Rumsfield picks up an easy victory. Any nukes will be gratuitous, not necessary at all. Doesn't mean they won't happen.

But an easy victory is going to simply embolden the attacks on California and Idaho, and likely Hawaii and Alabama (? - Wallaces's state). Things are going to get bloody there, and Rumsfeld has just about hinted he might nuke San Francisco.

There's been no economic news at all. My guess is that the economy is in free fall, only some form of irrational optimism is carrying it at all. For regular people, I imagine that there's a daily state of terror. I can't imagine what things are like - we may be seeing hyperinflation, but more likely everything is in a holding pattern. People are seeing the wheels literally coming off. We're weeks or days from major rioting in urban centers. Rumsfeld seems to be anticipating it, and readying up some bloodbaths.

The Fundies are probably going to welcome an economic collapse - it'll put paid to their Corporatist rivals. Can't be the money men if there's no money. That's when the brokered compromise comes apart and they make their move.

On to collateral matters....

What the hell is Japan doing launching two nuclear aircraft carriers so rapidly. How the hell did they build them so quickly? The had to have been working on them for quite some time, with Rumsfeld's consent. I think a significant development there is that they're switching horses. The commitment to what seems to be an Imperial foreign policy and the emerging Taiwan/South Korea war is just screwy. Pearl Harbour 2 may be the Japanese Carriers defending the Hawaiin Kingdom from America.

I'm a little clearer on the middle east, but not much. Lebanon, Syria and Jordan appear to be neutralized puppet states. I suspect that Israel may occupy Damascus, and that there may be territorial adjustments. It's definitely pushed into Arabia. No idea what Iraq is doing, but the Persian Gulf is definitely a mess. The Egypt/Libya rapprochement is probably bad news... for Egypt - Israel has nuclear weapons and Egypt has the Aswan Dam.

Did I say weeks?

The crack up is in sight. The big question is what's going to come crawling out of the wreckage.
Hmmm. As predicted, the Coup fizzled badly. The savage housecleanings have begun.

Also as predicted, the different constituencies within the Rumsfeld administration have had their struggle for power. The emergence and victory of the Christian fundies should have been apparent. Rumsfeld is caught up in his mania, the fundies know how to feed mania.

It looks like the secular portions of the Rumsfeld coalition have been routed. I don't think that's final though. Cheney's been pushed out, and Lott's got his tail between his legs but the Hughes organization and the corporate backers aren't going to let go without a fight. Right now the politicals are in disarray, which is why Cheney's taken the radical step of talking to Carter - he just doesn't know which way to go. But there's backbone in the business community, particularly Hughes. I expect him to step forward.

There's going to be a Round #2 power struggle. Rumsfeld will bend corporate, but the Fundies are too entrenched now to dislodge. It'll end up with a brokered compromise, with both sides looking for a chance to slap the other.

The sweeping of the Supreme Court was a surprise, although that threat had already been made. It'll take time to purge the Appellate Courts, though, and it will take time for Appellate decisions to make it up to the Rumsfeld courts though, and the one thing Rumsfeld doesn't have is time. It's a bad move - a long term gambit, without the time to have it play out.

The Soviets are going to let Cuba go. Ryzkov's smart enough to know that the place can't be defended, and he's not going to commit to a nuclear war over an Island somewhere. Instead, he'll retrench and reposition himself in Europe. Rumsfield picks up an easy victory. Any nukes will be gratuitous, not necessary at all. Doesn't mean they won't happen.

But an easy victory is going to simply embolden the attacks on California and Idaho, and likely Hawaii and Alabama (? - Wallaces's state). Things are going to get bloody there, and Rumsfeld has just about hinted he might nuke San Francisco.

There's been no economic news at all. My guess is that the economy is in free fall, only some form of irrational optimism is carrying it at all. For regular people, I imagine that there's a daily state of terror. I can't imagine what things are like - we may be seeing hyperinflation, but more likely everything is in a holding pattern. People are seeing the wheels literally coming off. We're weeks or days from major rioting in urban centers. Rumsfeld seems to be anticipating it, and readying up some bloodbaths.

The Fundies are probably going to welcome an economic collapse - it'll put paid to their Corporatist rivals. Can't be the money men if there's no money. That's when the brokered compromise comes apart and they make their move.

On to collateral matters....

What the hell is Japan doing launching two nuclear aircraft carriers so rapidly. How the hell did they build them so quickly? The had to have been working on them for quite some time, with Rumsfeld's consent. I think a significant development there is that they're switching horses. The commitment to what seems to be an Imperial foreign policy and the emerging Taiwan/South Korea war is just screwy. Pearl Harbour 2 may be the Japanese Carriers defending the Hawaiin Kingdom from America.

I'm a little clearer on the middle east, but not much. Lebanon, Syria and Jordan appear to be neutralized puppet states. I suspect that Israel may occupy Damascus, and that there may be territorial adjustments. It's definitely pushed into Arabia. No idea what Iraq is doing, but the Persian Gulf is definitely a mess. The Egypt/Libya rapprochement is probably bad news... for Egypt - Israel has nuclear weapons and Egypt has the Aswan Dam.

Did I say weeks?

The crack up is in sight. The big question is what's going to come crawling out of the wreckage.

We know from the fact that Obama writes from the future that the world doesn't end in Nuclear fire. So that's a Hope Spot for you.
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