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The other Aussie Member, no, not Scarecrow. Psychomeltdown's chief foil. Flocculencio's partner in crime.

Along with Scarecrow, is attempting to organise the first Australian meet-up. Plans are for it to be held in May. This failed due to his relying on Scarecrow not bailing. A severe tactical error.

Recently, it has come to light that his threads have a bizarre preponderance for drawing out the crazies, not theories have emerged as to why they should choose his thread. The Series

The Series has rarely featured him, this has lead to a massive silent outcry of people demanding more of him, his character is the token “aussie” seeming a redundancy with there also being DMA, therefore he mostly spends his time in the lounge trying to find something other then the Red Hot Man Channel to watch.

As insinuated numerous times in The Series, Michael has an inconquerable fear of ducks and a deep hatred for red heads.


offtopic/michael.1178595644.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:15 (external edit)

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