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A Filipino-American board member from the state of Maryland (Germantown, Montgomery Cty. to be precise).

Is a HUGE fan of Isabella G.-S. and Hannah W..


  • Rebirth of Nationalism - A Future History-ish TL based on Vexacus's (closed) TL “Japan and the Island Wars”, covering the rise and fall of ultranationalism/fascism from 2014 (with the onset of the First Island War) to 2027 (with the fall of Russian President Vladimir Zhirinovsky): Link.

In Addition, he has contributed to a number of TLs, including. . .

  • The Future is Now - Another Future History TL (albeit a collaborative one). Is a noted contributor there.
offtopic/gian.1388715033.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:16 (external edit)

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