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Douglas (a.k.a. fenkmaster and FENK)

American member, from Washington State and studying mechanical engineering in Texas.

Claims to Fame

  • Has actual girlfriend.
  • In fact, had two actual girlfriends, at once (see Dilemma thread)
  • Stupidly, as is universally acknowledged, broke up with the more attractive of these.
  • Bears a spooky resemblance to Boris Johnson (in 2007) and Bill Gates (in 2008).


Fire in the Farosund, a scenario about a Russian attack on the Swedish fleet that drags Sweden into WW1 on the side of the Central Powers.

Schnaeble War: An OTL diplomatic incident between France and Germany in 1887 escalates in TTL into open war.

Fenk also contributes his skills to wargame naval battles for other TL writers.


After spending his first few months as a tough-talking conservative, he shocked the world by coming out as a lousy, flimsy, flip-flopping (etc.) liberal. Since when he appears to have drifted back to the right again. His politics are really as changeable as his name(s). Politics

Was formerly the Prime Minister of and was a member of the EVIL Party.

Is also traditionally the Board's Electoral Officer in charge of organising the Elections and posting polls for the Presidential and Parliamentary votes which he has set up since they began. He also has responsibility for kicking off the official Parliamentary threads and other Politics related polls.

Name changes

Much like Nekromans, he has changed his name from fenkmaster to FENK and back again. “Fenk” is allegedly a general expletive or exclamation in his circle of friends.

Most people appear to prefer the name fenkmaster; during the interim period there were frequent remarks along the lines of 'He who was the master has become the servant', etc.

Has changed his handle again to 'Douglas', which meant a fair amount of re-editing of the wiki.

Mosaic Earth

fenkmaster was a noted player of Mosaic Earth, and was (in)famous for his insistence on realistic military numbers and population figures.

In fiction

No Series appearances thus far.

Appeared in Wars as an Imperial lieutenant.

offtopic/fenkmaster.1259445247.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:14 (external edit)

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