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Map and Flag Challenges

Usually to be found in the form of Map Challenges, with Flag Challenges being rarer.

Not to be confused with the AH Challenge in which a question is posed: “Challenge: How can we get a Muslim CSA by 1734?” Map Challenges are more of the 'what happened here' type, in which a map is posted and the poster asks viewers to surmise how the world got to that stage.

Often the original poster doesn't quite know themselves and is hunting for ideas from the viewers. Sometimes this can still provoke useful discussion and eventually a collaborative timeline. For example, an older Map Challenge by Hermanubis, seen in the thread Medieval Map, created the successful ATL Dark Ages Map TL, written by Midgard.

However, if the original poster comes across as lazy or reacts indignantly when people fail to justify the political prejudices that informed the map, things get ugly. Gladi created a put-down for the lazier Map Challenges : “How did we get this map? Easy, you drew some lines on a blank map and coloured it in”.

alternate_history/map_and_flag_challenges.1338116328.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/29 15:17 (external edit)

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