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Points of Divergence : Capetian and Valois dynasties

French medieval history after the early Middle Ages is dominated by two dynasties: The Capetian dynasty, the founders of the French monarchy and French state (often outright referred to as “The House of France”), and their cadet branch, the Valois dynasty (House of Valois) that succeeded the Capetians after their dynasty died out in the early 14th century.

These are points of divergence concerning various alternate developments and outcomes in the two dynasties.

Capetian dynasty (House of France) PODs

Plausibility check: A Capetian or Bourbon ruler of a Rus state (e.g. in today's Ukraine)

Challenge: Have the land holdings of the Capetian House of Anjou belong to one man by 1400

Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.

House of Valois PODs

Branches of the Valois

Challenge: A Valois England and Bourbon France

WI: Lines of Valois, ~Orléans, ~Burgundy and ~Anjou last an extra century

Plausibility check: Could a Valois Spain coexist with a Bourbon France ?

Differences between a surviving Valois-Orléans-Angouleme France and the Bourbon France of OTL

Know of any PODs or POD discussions ? Feel free to add them.

See Also

Points of Divergence: The Bourbons

Points of Divergence: Napoleonic dynasties

French PODs

Famous People PODs Main Directory

Points of Divergence Main Directory