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The Abstention Bill of 2009

After the 2009 Procedures and By-Laws Bill passed Parliament, MP Jimbrock (FFF) introduced a bill to change the function of “Abstain” votes in Parliament. The bill was introduced on September 18 and amounted to a modification of the Legislative Procedures Act and a change to Parliamentary precedent. MPs Benkarnell (ESP) and Stalin's Pipe Organs (PRSP) objected most to the bill's second provision mandating a weeklong postponement in case of a tie vote. MP Krall (BWS) gave the most eloquent speech against the bill, arguing that it could result in Parliament passing bills for which there was no strong support. Jimbrock was persuaded to withdraw the bill on September 21.

Text of the Bill

WHEREAS an abstension is de facto a 'NAY' vote;

BE IT ENACTED that if an MP declares his abstension, he is excluded from the voting (unless he later changes his vote) altogether.

BE IT ENACTED that if a tie is formed due to the abstension of an MP resulting in an odd* number of MP's, the bill is postponed by a week so that the abstaining MP may be convinced to join either side.

* odd meaning “strange, not undivisible by 2”.


Voted Aye

Jimbrock (FFF), Susano (FFF)

Voted Nay

Douglas (E), lothaw (E), maverick (E), Benkarnell (ESP)

See also

AH.Com Politics

2009 - 2010 Legislation