Yaroslav the Wise is killed in 1018


Maybe, Brest? In OTL it was captured by Yaroslav about 1022.
But will agree Casimir give all asked? It's seems - yes, because he can take Slovakia.

Yes, definitely Brest ( I've fogotten that it was captured by Boleslav).

Mayby also a part of Mazovia between Western Bug and Wkra ( it was more or less empty in that time if I'm not mistaken). But that is optional while Brest and independent archbishop are must have.
Chapter Eleven. January-October 1041.

In January 1041, Henry III released the son of Bretislav, who was held hostage, in exchange for Bretislav released German prisoners.
In March, Henry III assembled nobles to discuss, what he should do.
[1] Casimir and Sviatopolk come to Utrecht and proposed their plan of the campaign. Sviatopolk asked archbishopric for Kiev, and Casimir asked Bohemia - as the vassalage of the emperor.

In summer Sviatoplok with Pechenegs invaded Hungary. [2] Peter Orseolo had not time call back troops, which he sent to help Bretislav. He went against Pechenegs, but was defeated. [3] Pechenegs captured Transylvania. Sviatopolk ravaged Hungarian lands and took a large loot and many slaves.

In same time Casimir attacked Hungary. He besieged Estergom, and Bela asked citizens to open gate, he promised safety. Hungarians revolted, killed garrison, who refused recognize Bela as new king, and gave the city to winner. [4] Bela returned Slovakia to Poland, then he made peace with Sviatopolk - he agreed gave some lands to his brothers, Andrew and Levante. [5] Andrew and Levante received the third part of the kingdom. [6] Peter Orseolo tried to escape, but he was arrested and blinded by the followers of the princes. [7]

(the blinding of Peter)

In same time Henry III attacked Bohemia. Czechs tried to trap him again, but the emperor escaped and ravaged Bohemia. In September he besieged Prague. Nobles come to him and promised gave him Bretislav, if he refused to make a peace. The Emperor demanded to imprisoned the Prince as a condition of the peace. Bretislav was caught and then imprisoned in Germany.

In October, Casimir, Bela and Sviatopolk come to Regensburg.
Henry III gave Bohemia to Casimir, [8] and Henry III asked Pope to make archbishop of
Casimir, in his turn, gave Brest to Sviatopolk. [9]
Bela made a peace with Henry III. He did not become the vassalage of the emperor, but promised to help him with armies, if it would needed. Henry III recognized him as king of Hungary.
Sviatopolk proposed marriage between one of his daughters and Henry III. The emperor refused.[10]

Mstislav, the Prince of Chernigow, died [11].

After his death, Anna, his widow, become the regent of Konstantin, who was only 2 years old. Teopempt, the Russian Metropolitan, supported her. He remembered, that Olga, the widow of Igor (Prince of Kiev in mid X century) ruled, while their son Sviatoslav was too little.
Sviatopolk claimed, that he could be better regent, than a "greek" woman, but all bishops and nobles (and citizens) were afraid, that Sviatopolk should destroy Orthodox church and refused his claims. Moreover, Mstislav died, while Sviatopolk was at Hungary, and when he returned, Anna was "elected" as Princess of Chernigow.

In the late summer Byzantines defeated the Bulgarian troops and Peter II Delyan was captured and executed. This uprising ended.
Serbs continued his rebellion.

On March 16, 1041, near Venosa, on the Olivento, Byzantines was defeated by the Lombard-Norman army.
On May 4, at Montemaggiore, near Cannae, in the new buttle Byzantines was defeated again, and many of soldiers drowned in the Ofanto on the retreat.
On September 3, a new catepan Boioannes was defeated and captured.

[1] - as in OTL.
[2] - in OTL Pechenegs attacked Byzantium about 1032-36 years. They attacked Hungary about 1068. Salamon, exiled king of Hungary, led Pechenegs against Ladislav. In OTL Yaroslav defeated Pechenegs, in TTL Sviatopolk made a peace with them, and Pechenegs were ally of Sviatopolk and Poland in past. So, it's seems, Sviatopolk can led them against Peter Orseolo.
In OTL Yaroslav in this year attacked Masovia - probably, he helped to Casimir. So, in TTL Sviatopolk helped to Casimir, but in another place, because Mazovia is part of Poland.
[3] - in OTL Hungarians won in 1068, but his king was wounded. In TTL Peter was weaker, and Pechenegs had support from Russians.
[4] - in OTL Hungarians revolted against Peter in same year, 1041. Samuel Abd, a husband of a daughter of Stephan I, was elected as king. In TTL Bela has some more tights, it's seems. In OTL Andrew, the brother of Bela, was elected as king in 1047.
[5] - in OTL Andrew was king of Hungary from 1047, and Bela revolted against him and became king in 1061. But in OTL Bela was in Poland and then came to Hungary. In TTL Bela came first, so, he can be elected.
[6] - like Bela received in OTL.
[7] - like OTL in 1047.
[8] - in OTL Henry forgot Bretislav and returned him Bohemia. But in Bretislav was much stronger - he had Moravia and Silesia, and in TTL Casimir was a friend of Henry, and Casimir had Hungary and Rus' as allies.
[9] - in OTL Brest was captured by Boleslav in 1018 and returned by Yaroslav in 1022 (or 1030).
[10] - like OTL: Yaroslav proposed, Henry refused.
[11] - in OTL he died in 1036. So, in TTL he lived five years longer.
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Discussion post

Discussion post.

What will do Henry III in 1042? In OTL he fought against Hungary, but in TTL Hungary is ally of the Empire. It's seems, Henry III can go to Rome for the emperor crown.
Because Hungarians don't ravage Bavaria, Henry III can leave the Bavaria for himself (in OTL he gave it to Henry VII).

In OTL in 1042 the Prince of Novgorod went to north against tribes. It's seems, in TTL he should to go against Ladoga. He can gather a rather large army and take the city, but Scandinavians in Ladoga should understand, that Novgorod will attack them, so, they must defend the city. But, it's seems, they can not, but I don't sure.
Chapter twelve. Way to Rome.

Chapter twelve. Way to Rome. Autumn-December 1041.

After the diet in Regensburg, Henry went to Rome.
Casimir accompanied the emperor.
Bela wanted, but he could not - pagans rebelled in his country, Samuel Abo wanted to be the king, and Pechenegs threatened Hangury with ravage.
Sviatopolk sent his son, Yaropolk, with the emperor to Rome. Yaropolk wanted to attack Ladoga [1], but Sviatopolk did not want. Sviatopolk was not sure, that Russians would win the war. Moreover, Sviatopolk wanted to ally to Ladoga, and Anna, the daughter of Sviatopolk was betrothed to Harald Olafsson, the son of Ingegerd, the queen of Ladoga [2].


Henry come to Pavia at November, 1041, and many men brought complaints to the emperor about Pope [3]. Henry assembled Council, and Benedict IX was declared deposed. [4] The German Bishop Suidger was crowned Pope Clement II. [5]

On Christmas, Henry was crowned the emperor.

[1] - in OTL in this year the son of Yaroslav attacked Finnish tribes at north of Novgorod. In TTL Ladoga is the competitor and the enemy of the city, so, Yaropolk should fought with Ladoga.
[2] - in OTL Anastasia was the wife of Haral Hardrode, the uncle of Magnus, the king of Norway, and Harald Olaffson. Anna was the wife of French king.
[3] - in OTL Pope was exiled from Rome in September, 1044. So, probably, men were displeased.
[4] - like OTL, in 1046.
[5] - like OTl in 1046. Suidger become the bishop in 1040, so, he could be crowned in 1042.
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So in this timeline the European geopolitics is completely different than in OTL. Poland, Hungary and Kievian Rus' are firmly in Western Empire's grasp. And it looks like Pechenegs are steady allies of Poles and Kievians so maybe they would get their help against Cumans which are to come soon.
With Polish kingdom only slightly pillaged and not completely destroyed and needed to be recreated from the scratch the christianity is going to catch up earlier in this region. It does mean that Pomeranian and Polabian pagans would be soon under pressure.
Basically the holy Roman Empire is shaping along the ways of Otto III as more universal realm than in OTL. With it's influence reaching to the Dnieper it has much more cultural weight. And this is in time of temporary weakening of Byzantium's influence after Basil's II conquests.

I think that Henry would try to eradicate the last pagan bastion near his realm first and then maybe he would try to help the christians in the Mediterranean: maybe a limited campaign against Sicily or Balearic Isles?
So in this timeline the European geopolitics is completely different than in OTL. Poland, Hungary and Kievian Rus' are firmly in Western Empire's grasp.
Yes. And I try understand, what should do Henry in TTL :) It's seems, that with help of Hungarians (and Polish), he will easy defeat Gotfrid of Lorraine. Thanks for help!
And it looks like Pechenegs are steady allies of Poles and Kievians so maybe they would get their help against Cumans which are to come soon.
I think, Cumans will fight with Chernigow, and will not with Kiev. I don't sure, that Kiev will help Konstantin of Chernigow.
It does mean that Pomeranian and Polabian pagans would be soon under pressure.
Yes, probably. And, maybe, Prussians too, some later?
I think that Henry would try to eradicate the last pagan bastion near his realm first and then maybe he would try to help the christians in the Mediterranean: maybe a limited campaign against Sicily or Balearic Isles?
I think about meeting Henry and George Maniakes in Southern Italy in summer 1042. It's seems, the war may begin in 1043, the Empire against Byzantium. And from another side, Rus' should attack Byzantium in 1043 (I think, I may use version, that the reason was a killing of Russian merchants in Constantinople).
Yes. And I try understand, what should do Henry in TTL :) It's seems, that with help of Hungarians (and Polish), he will easy defeat Gotfrid of Lorraine. Thanks for help!

I think that the most important difference would be that in Poland (and maybe in Hungary) the tradition of supporting the emperor (not to oppose him like in OTL) is starting to develop. On generation later there can be no investiture controversy or the pope who dares to question emperor's surerainty would have much less influence and support. So the power structure between emperor and the pope would be similar to this in Byzantium between basileus and the patriarch of Constantinople.

I think, Cumans will fight with Chernigow, and will not with Kiev. I don't sure, that Kiev will help Konstantin of Chernigow.

I think sooner or later they would fight Pechenegs just because they want to rule the steppe. Pechenegs did the same to Magyars in their time. And both Kievians and Poles would like to have neighbours who don't invade them, at least don't invade them too frequently.

Yes, probably. And, maybe, Prussians too, some later?

Much, much later. Right now they are relatively peaceful and unorganized and their land is poor (jantar/amber as the only valuable resource). But after few generations they will become a danger to colonization efforts in Mazovia and as the last pagan people in neighbourhood they would be too sticking out.

I think about meeting Henry and George Maniakes in Southern Italy in summer 1042. It's seems, the war may begin in 1043, the Empire against Byzantium. And from another side, Rus' should attack Byzantium in 1043 (I think, I may use version, that the reason was a killing of Russian merchants in Constantinople).

This is interesting. Or something completely different: no Russian invasion on Constantinople (the boyars had plenty fights recently so they aren't so restless as in OTL) and Henry would offer some troops to George Maniakes to fight in Sicily again. It depends on whether Henry finds fighting with Eastern empire useful or not. I think he would rather not. But knowing the mentality of warriors of that time they would attack the wealthy but fractured and weakened people even if this makes no sense from political and religious point of view.
I think that the most important difference would be that in Poland (and maybe in Hungary) the tradition of supporting the emperor (not to oppose him like in OTL) is starting to develop. On generation later there can be no investiture controversy
I think, Rus' will support the Pope. Will it enough to make balance like OTL? Hangury and Poland (and, probably, Polotsk) will fight against Rus', and the emperor will not have help from new allies. Or Rus' is too weak in this time? Or it will be seen :)
And, moreover, after death of Henry III, it seems, rather long time archbishops ruled the Empire in OTL - and, probably, in TTL too. So, power of church will grow, I think.
I think sooner or later they would fight Pechenegs just because they want to rule the steppe.
Yes. Thanks!
I thought about Cumans against Kiev, and forgot about Cumans against Pechenegs.
Much, much later. Right now they are relatively peaceful and unorganized and their land is poor.
I thought about missioners, who was killed there. If Henry will not fight with Byzantium, what will do Casimir after taking Pomerania?
This is interesting. Or something completely different... It depends on whether Henry finds fighting with Eastern empire useful or not.
I'm trying to understand, what is Southern Italy in 1042.

It's seems, in this time there are 3 main rulers:
- Pandulf III and Landulf VI of Benevento. In OTL, in 1047 they refused to open gates for Henry III.
- Atenulf, the ruler of the revolt of Langobards. He was brother of the Prince of Benevento, but, probably, in 1041 he tried to capture Benevento and then fled.
- Guaimar IV of Salerno, who captured almost all Southern Italy, except Benevento and Apulia. He supported the revolt. In 1047 he was besieged and he lost many lands, probably, because henry thought, that Guaimar was to powerful.
In the beginning of the year Pandulf IV of Capua, returned from Greece and begin the war against Guaimar of Salerno. But he could not win a long time.

In February northmen and Langobards fought with Byzantium. In this month, Atenulf, probably feeling abandoned, and perhaps bribed by the Greeks, he negotiated the ransom of Exaugustus and then fled with the ransom money to Greek territory, where he died in obscurity (but probably wealth). Argirus was crowned as the King of rebels.

In spring Maniakes come to Italy and began to fight. In August Maniakes went away, Argirus took the side of Byzantium.
There is a version, that Argirus took the side, because he was afraid of northmen. It is like true, because later he formed an alliance with the Papacy to counter the emergence of the Norman menace in the area.
His father, Melus, was given the empty title Duke of Apulia by Henry II in 1018.

In TTL Henry III in spring (probably, February) come to Capua. It seems, in TTL Henry had more troops, because he had allies and he had not any war at the Empire, and in TTL Pandulf III probably, didn't rebel against the emperor.

Argirus, it's seems, will asked help against Byzantium and northmen both.
It's seems, Herny should support Argirus and Guaimar and attack last cities of Byzantium and then will think about future of Southern Italy. But here Henry met Maniakes.
I think, Rus' will support the Pope.

First the pope will need to have allies in Italy. In OTL they were the Normans. But in TTL Henry is ready to something with them before they are too independent. And what would be a reason to support the pope against the emperor?

Yes. Thanks!
I thought about Cumans against Kiev, and forgot about Cumans against Pechenegs.

Right now the Pechenegs are infesting Balkans thanks to instability and incompetence in Constantinople. I think that because of this they have spread thinly and soon will have not enough manpower in OTL Ukraine to defend against new determined quests. Or they just became too civilized.

I thought about missioners, who was killed there. If Henry will not fight with Byzantium, what will do Casimir after taking Pomerania?

I doubt Casimir would be able to conquer the Pomeranians in one go. Especially if he wants to christianize them. It would be more similar to campaigns of OTL Bolesław the Wry-mouth as the Pomeranians would probably get help from Polabians. But after this he would at least try to subjugate some Prussian tribes (especially Pomezanians and Pogezanians). Or this would wait for another warrior-king to be accomplished. Besides he has plenty of problems on his head: he needs to spread the net of parishes and monasteries throughout his kingdom and rebuild the towns and fortresses destroyed during wars with Bezprym and Bretislav. But his task is easier when he has an instant access to Silesian ores and is able to field larger armies (as he rules over larger population than in OTL).

I'm trying to understand, what is Southern Italy in 1042.

It's seems, in this time there are 3 main rulers:
- Pandulf III and Landulf VI of Benevento. In OTL, in 1047 they refused to open gates for Henry III.
- Atenulf, the ruler of the revolt of Langobards. He was brother of the Prince of Benevento, but, probably, in 1041 he tried to capture Benevento and then fled.
- Guaimar IV of Salerno, who captured almost all Southern Italy, except Benevento and Apulia. He supported the revolt. In 1047 he was besieged and he lost many lands, probably, because henry thought, that Guaimar was to powerful.
In the beginning of the year Pandulf IV of Capua, returned from Greece and begin the war against Guaimar of Salerno. But he could not win a long time.

The demise of Guaimar would be earlier as Henry is not distracted by the events on north.

Argirus, it's seems, will asked help against Byzantium and northmen both.
It's seems, Herny should support Argirus and Guaimar and attack last cities of Byzantium and then will think about future of Southern Italy. But here Henry met Maniakes.

When they met? After Maniakes was informed of his deposition or before? Well, it doesn't really matter. Maniakes afer all would probably ask Henry for some troops and money to go to Constantinople. He may get killed or not. Henry has the room to political maneuvers. He would probably extract some concession for his support, for example Naples.

The more I think the more probable it seems to me that OTL Russian invasion on Constantinople was agreed with Maniakes. Just the journey of the latter was prematurely ended. And besides in the period 1041-1042 three emperors ended their reign and the one who begun to rule was completely dominated by women (Zoe and Maria Scleraina) so the "Tsarogrod" was too tempting prize to resist. In this timeline where there is special bond between Constantinople and Kiev the invasion is even more probable.
First the pope will need to have allies in Italy. In OTL they were the Normans. But in TTL Henry is ready to something with them before they are too independent. And what would be a reason to support the pope against the emperor?
I will think about it. Maybe, Dukes of Southern Italy, e.g., Agrirus, if Henry helped him in 1041?
Right now the Pechenegs are infesting Balkans thanks to instability and incompetence in Constantinople.
And Sviatopolk, probably, will paid them to attack Byzantium in 1043. So, Pechenegs moved to west. Thanks!
Or this would wait for another warrior-king to be accomplished.
Bolesław II the Generous, probably. Children of Casimir are not changed in TTL, I think.
The demise of Guaimar would be earlier as Henry is not distracted by the events on north.
Yes, I agree.
Upd. Sorry, I reread history of Southern Italy in 1038-1042. Conrad in 1037 helped Guaimar, he gave Capua to him. Guaimar was named a Duke of Apulia and Calabria in 1042, and he was supported by nothmen - probably it was a reason of the demise. But in 1042 Guaimar should be the ally of the emperor.
When they met? After Maniakes was informed of his deposition or before?
Probably, before. And, if Henry supported Agrirus, i think, they must fight before Maniakes will informed of his deposition.
In this timeline where there is special bond between Constantinople and Kiev the invasion is even more probable.
And, probably, Bela attacked Byzantium too, as he promised help to Henry.
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I will think about it. Maybe, Dukes of Southern Italy, e.g., Agrirus, if Henry helped him in 1041?

You would know better. I don't know too much about politics in southern Italy of that time, only knew about Maniakes and his failed conquest of Sicily and later failed putch.

And Sviatopolk, probably, will paid them to attack Byzantium in 1043. So, Pechenegs moved to west. Thanks!

You're welcome :) Interesting times for Greeks, even more than in OTL. And Sviatopolk would be named "Quite wise" in this timeline. He managed to bring peace and prosperity to his realm and isn't seen as such a looser like in OTL. His prematurely deceased brother is completely opposite :)

Bolesław II the Generous, probably. Children of Casimir are not changed in TTL, I think.

And their characters intact? O my. Bolesław II was a curious man who managed to make his knights tired of war so much that they exiled him. And he waged successful wars. So the previous suppositions of yours weren't too wrong :0
And Władysław, though he was quite good administrator, also had some stupid ideas: allegedly he lost Pomerania (previously conquered by his brother) because he decided to burn every Pomeranian towns and provoked successfull uprising.

But both had also some good points so they weren't complete failures - just not as good as their father.

Probably, before. And, if Henry supported Agrirus, i think, they must fight before Maniakes will informed of his deposition.

And when Maniakes defends Byzatnine Italian possessions from Henry's enroaching he is once again backstabbed by his court. He would be even more determined than in OTL to get rid of Scleroi once for all.

And, probably, Bela attacked Byzantium too, as he promised help to Henry.

He would never excuse himself if he does not catch the opportunity to prey on Byzantium. I need to read more about contemporary Croatian. Would they be also eager to join the party?
Chapter thirteen. 1042.

After the coronation, Henry III went to South, to Guaimar IV of Salerno.

Southern Italy, 1020s.
Changes before 1042:
Amalfi is under the control of Solerno.
John V of Naples is ally of Guaimar of Salerno.
Ranulf Drengot become the count of Aversa, he is ally of Guaimar too.
Duchy of Capua and Gaeta are added to Duchy of Salerno in 1038, by Conrad II. In the beginning of 1042 Pandulf, the exiled Duke of Capua, returned and began to fight for his Duchy.
In 1040 the Apulian Revolt began. Arduin gave rebels Melfi, then rebels won Byzantium forces in 3 battles, and in 1042 he had almost all Apulia - except Trani, and part to the south of Taranto-Brindisi. The leader of rebels was Atenulf, the brother of the Duke of Salerno.

In February the emperor come to Salerno.
In same month, Atenulf, probably feeling abandoned, and perhaps bribed by the Greeks, he negotiated the ransom of Exaugustus and then fled to Greek territory. Argyrus was elected as a new leader. [1]
Argyrus come to Henry and become his vassalage. Henry gave him the title Duke of Apulia. [2] Argyrus asked a help against northmen, and Henry promised the help. [3]

Byzantium was some weak in that time. Michael IV died in December 1041. The new emperor, Michael V, was not too popular. German emperors for a long time tried to exile Greeks from Italy.
So, Henry helped the rebels - and rebels seized Trani and went to Taranto. [4]
In March Maniakes landed in Southern Italy [5].
In April enemies met near Taranto. Maniakes defeated Henry and Argyrus, [6] and went to north, killed everybody and burnt everything. [7]
Henry went to Rome, and begun to prepare for new campaign. He sent Yaropolk to Rus' and Pechenegs, Casimir - to Hangury, and messengers to call new troops.
After the battle, a part of northmen, and the leader William Iron Arm, went across to Maniakes [8] - so, Maniakes lost warriors in the battle, but he get a new ones, and his army didn't become weaker.

In Byzantium, in April, people revolted. Michael V was arrested, blinded, and castrated. Zoe and Theodora, daughters of Constantin VIII, become ruled over together.
In June, Zoe married Constantine IX Monomachos, and he become a new emperor.


In August Maniakes was deposition. He revolted, he was proclaimed emperor by his troops, and he went to Constantinople. [9]

In October Henry went to Taranto with new troops of Italian vassals and seized the city before Christmas. [10]

In winter Pechenegs attacked Byzantium across Danube. [11]
In winter Bela led his army to Belgrade. [12]
In winter Yaropolk, the son of Sviatoplok, led his army to Chersonesos. [13]


So, Constantin IX had a too many problems: Stefan Vojislav rebelled in Serbia, Maniakes rebelled and was going to the capital, and 4 enemies attacked northern borders of the Empire. But Constantin IX wanted to live. He very wanted to live.

In June Harthacnut died. Magnus I the Good become the ruler of Norway and Denmark. Edward the Confessor become the ruler of England.

[1] - like OTL.
[2] - as Henry II gave the title to Melus, the father of Argyrus.
[3] - in OTL Argyrus defected to Byzantines. There is a version, that he was afraid of northmen and wanted to exile them from Italy. In OTL Henry supported northmen, because they were the force against the Duke of Salerno, and later fought against northmen himself. In TTL the Duke of Salreno is not too powerful, and northmen are same bandits as in OTL.
[4] - in OTL rebels almost seized Trani in August, but Argyrus defected. In TTL Henry helped rebels, so, Trani is captured early.
[5] - like OTL, the time of landing from January to May, probably.
[6] - Maniakes was very talent commander, and he had a good army.
[7] - like he did in OTL.
[8] - in OTL they did not. But in TTL they know, that Agryrus dosen't like them and, probably, he will refused to give them lands. Moreover, after battle Maniakes can win. And William served Pandulf against Guaimar, then he served Guaimer against Pandulf, then he served Maniakes against Arabs, then he served Argyrus against Maniakes. And in TTL he will serve Maniakes against Argyrus, because he doesn't know, that Maniakes will be deposition soon.
[9] - as in OTL.
[10] - it's seems, he can create a new army in 4 months (May-September), and he had Argyrus troops. Otto II captured Taranto in two months after the beginning of the campaign. So, Henry can do too.
[11] - in OTL, Pechenegs fought with Byzantium about 1036. So, they can attack in 1042 again.
[12] - as did Solomon, the king of Hangury in 1071.
[13] - in OTL Yaroslav sent his son with fleet against Constantinople. In TTL there is winter, and fleet cannot fight. Moreover, Sviatopolk has Chernigow with "Greek" rulers, so, he wanted to know - what they will do during the war against Byzantium, and wanted the army "near" Kiev.
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Interesting times for Greeks, even more than in OTL. And Sviatopolk would be named "Quite wise" in this timeline.
Or, maybe, simple: "the Great" :)

And Władysław
Maybe, he become the bishop of Krakow, instead St Stanislaw :rolleyes: So, the son of Boleslav can live longer, and rule as Mieshko III after his father, without revolts. But, I don't sure about this.

I need to read more about contemporary Croatian. Would they be also eager to join the party?
In this time Serbs revolted, but Croatian, it's seems, supported Byzantium. But in TTL Croatian invaded Hungary during civil wars, so, they can try take his a piece of cake.
Or, maybe, simple: "the Great" :)
Title "the Great" would go to Vladimir. Sviatopolk rules over much lesser realm. Even if he is na overlord of Polotsk and Novgorod, the whole Chernigov state is outside of his reach. In OTL Yaroslav managed to reunite whole country.

Maybe, he become the bishop of Krakow, instead St Stanislaw :rolleyes: So, the son of Boleslav can live longer, and rule as Mieshko III after his father, without revolts. But, I don't sure about this.

Or archbishop of Gniezno. After all he was prince - king's son and a brother to the next king. It would be an interesting display of power struggle in early Polish church: Władysław against Stanisław. If Władysław stays in Church the next monarch after Bolesław would be his son Mieszko.
I think he would be numbered as the second, not third of this name. OTL numbering is quite messy because of losses and reaquisition of the crown so the dukes were also counted in. If the crown stays (no reason why not if the kingas are emperos' allies) only the kings would be counted in.

In this time Serbs revolted, but Croatian, it's seems, supported Byzantium. But in TTL Croatian invaded Hungary during civil wars, so, they can try take his a piece of cake.

Probably yes. Henry's position is much more strong than in OTL. So the Croats would probably rather ally themselves to strong western empire than to unstable eastern. At least until some strong basileus emerge.

BTW. Great map. I just sow one error on it: in OTL Obodrites didn't rebel until 1066. I have a vague memory that the reason was misdeeds of the archbishop of Hamburg. But I need to confirm this.
Title "the Great" would go to Vladimir.
I don't sure about Vladimir. Sviatopolk didn't like Vladimir, he was (or he thought, that he was) the son of Yaropolk, the brother of Vladimir. And, probably, by historic books of TTL Vladimir killed Yaropolk himself. Moreover, Vladimir baptized Rus' "wrong" faith, and, probably, by historic books of TTL, Yaropolk baptized "right", but his achivments were destroyed by Vladimir.
Probably, Yaropolk will be named as Saint in Kiev. Probably, by historic books, Boris and Gleb both are killed by "Yaroslav the Cruel", same as other brothers, but they will not Saint. And I'm not sure about Olga - more probably, Russian Saint will be Bruno of Querfurt, who baptized the Pechenegs during the ruling of Vladimir and was killed by Prussians. Sviatopolk should brought his body from Poland to Rus'.

And in Chernigow Rus' - yes, Vladimir, probably, will be the Great, and Olga will be Saint, but I don't sure about Boris and Gleb. It's seems, they will not Saint in any church.

Or archbishop of Gniezno. After all he was prince - king's son and a brother to the next king. It would be an interesting display of power struggle in early Polish church: Władysław against Stanisław.
But could Władysław be the archbishop? Does the Pope agree?

If Władysław stays in Church the next monarch after Bolesław would be his son Mieszko.
I think he would be numbered as the second
Yes, probably so.

Probably yes. Henry's position is much more strong than in OTL. So the Croats would probably rather ally themselves to strong western empire than to unstable eastern. At least until some strong basileus emerge.
One more enemy for Byzantium.

BTW. Great map. I just sow one error on it: in OTL Obodrites didn't rebel until 1066.
I based on the map Qazaq2007, and thought, that borders after Great Slav Rising in 983. By Wiki "The Obotrites joined the Lutici in the bishopric of Oldenburg and assaulted Hamburg. A hastily assembled Saxon army was only able to retain the Slavs behind the Elbe for a short while."But I'm not good with Obodrites of this time.
Chapter fourteen. 1043.

Constantine IX assembled an army and sent it against Maniakes. [1] Then he sent messenger to Samuel Abo and Andrew at Hungary. The emperor proposed to help in the revolt against Bela, promised the gold and the crown. In same time, troops of Rashka, which are prepared for the war against Stefan Vojceh (the Duke of Duklja), were ordered went against Hungarians.
Second messenger was sent to "Anna and Constantin, rulers of Chernigov" at Rus', with the proposition to begin the war against Kiev. Third messenger went to the Pechenegs, and he must know - "how much is the peace".

Henry successfully besieged cities of Apulia. Many cities opened gates itself, because they had not any hope of help from Byzantium. In April he took last city and went to Calabria. [2]

Maniakes met the Byzantines army near Solun (Thessaloniki), he won, but was killed. [3] Many warriors went across to Constantin IX, and northmen from Southern Italy too. [4] The army went to Hadrianopolis - to wait, where it will be needed more.

Andrew refused propositions of Byzantines and executed messengers. [5] Samuel Abo was interested in the rebellion, but he had not enough forces. Hungarians besieged and seized Belgrade. Bela defeated troops of Ljutovid [6] and took the theme of Sirmium [7]

Bulgarians rebelled again and captured number of cities. [8]

From west, Croatian army attacked Byzantium and took some areas. [9] Stephen I of Croatia sent messengers to Henry III.

The Pechenges crossed Danube and ravaged the theme of Paristrion. Their vanguard reached Central Macedonia and Thessalonica was threatened. [10] The army went against the Pechenegs - and was defeated near Thessalonica. [11]

In Crimea, posadnik of Tmutarakan met the messenger from Byzantium and tried to help to
Chersonesos. He called khazars, and other allies, and attacked Yaropolk. Kievian were defeated, Yaropolk retried to north.
Sviatopolk now get a "casus belli", assembled a new army and attacked Chernigov. He ravaged the Principality, but can't take the city. Yaropolk, which returned to Kiev, with another army, with help of northmen from Ladoga, attacked Pereiaslav, the second large city of the Principality.
In same time Volga's Bulgarians attacked Eastern border and seized Murom. [12]


So, Constantin IX defeated Maniakes and prevented the attack of Russians, but still had too many enemies - Croatian, Hungarians, Pechenegs. He recalled forces from Pontus and forces from Western Asia Minor, and he thought about the peace with Henry III.
He proposed the marriage between Henry and Maria [13], the daughter of Constantin, [14] and he proposed Southern Italy as dowry. It was a some trick, because Henry already had Southern Italy. Byzantium was weak, but still prestigious. Henry III took all, that he wanted, and he didn't want to fight with the Empire longer. So, he agreed. Bela of Hungary stopped the war too -
theme of Sirmium become Hungarian. Croatian Stefan received less, but it was more than nothing, and now he had a union with the strong Empire, not with the weak one.

At Rus' Yaropolk took Pereiaslav.
There was a legend, that the bishop of
Pereiaslav fled to Chernigov. The metropolitan met him near the city and asked "Quo vadis?" Then the metropolitan, without any guard, on foot come to Pereiaslav. Kievian and Yaropolk met him friendly. Theopepmt said the mass in the church, and he made the peace with Kiev. Yaropolk took Pereiaslav, but promised to no change the faith, and Iziaslav, second son of Sviatopolk, married Helen, the daughter of Mstislav [15].

[1] - as in OTL.
[2] - northmen in 1060 took both, Apulia and Calabria.
[3] - Maniakes was killed in OTL. Maybe, it was the order of the emperor. In TTL Constantin may ordered to kill Maniakes.
[4] - as in OTL. Northmen, probably, easy changed the commander. There is a version, that Maniakes was killed by Harald Hardrode, so, he can accept northmen.
[5] - Andrew had not a son in 1043. In OTL he agreed to give the kingdom to Bela, in TTL he agreed to recognize Bela as the king.
[6] - in OTL Ljutovid was defeated by Stefan Vojislav, probably, Bela defeated his army too.
[7] - as they did in OTL in 1071.
[8] - as they did in 1070s, when Byzantium was weak. In TTL the last uprising ended only year before.
[9] - in OTL Croatian troops took the part of Hungary, when the civil war began. So, in TTL they used problems of Byzantium.
[10] - as in OTL in 1052.
[11] - this army was tried. In 1049 the Pechenegs defeated the army of Byzantium.
[12] - as they did in OTL in 1088.
[13] - in OTL Henry married Agnes de Poitou in November 1043.
[14] - it's doubt, was Maria the daughter of the emperor or not. Her son was Monomachos - so, probaly, she was a close relative.
[15] - in OTL in 1043 he married Gertrude of Poland, but in TTL he can't.
Man and woman could marry, if there are "7 steps" between them. So:
Iziaslav (1) - son of Sviatopolk (2) - son of Yaropolk (3) - son of Sviatoslav (4) - father of Vladimir (5) - father of Mstislav (6) - father of Helen (7).
And with Gertruda:
Iziaslav (1) - son of daughter (2) - of Boleslav (3) - father of Mieshko I (4) - father of Gertrude (5).
Helen was 7 years old, so, the real marriage was in 1052, but Helen lived in Kiev until it.
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I don't sure about Vladimir. Sviatopolk didn't like Vladimir, he was (or he thought, that he was) the son of Yaropolk, the brother of Vladimir. And, probably, by historic books of TTL Vladimir killed Yaropolk himself. Moreover, Vladimir baptized Rus' "wrong" faith, and, probably, by historic books of TTL, Yaropolk baptized "right", but his achivments were destroyed by Vladimir.

Good point.

Probably, Yaropolk will be named as Saint in Kiev. Probably, by historic books, Boris and Gleb both are killed by "Yaroslav the Cruel", same as other brothers, but they will not Saint. And I'm not sure about Olga - more probably, Russian Saint will be Bruno of Querfurt, who baptized the Pechenegs during the ruling of Vladimir and was killed by Prussians. Sviatopolk should brought his body from Poland to Rus'.

So we have different saints in Russia. I think that in Poland also duke Mieszko and his wife Dobrawa would be promoted as saints as they brought the christian faith into the land. In OTL when whole ecclesiastic structure was wiped out and had to be reestablished the title of Polish saint went to Stanisław. In this timeline the church survived and now thrives so the deeds of the ancestors of kings would be venerated. I have also a hypothesis: it is possible that in OTL Czech Kosmas' relation was a reason why the monarchs who brought the true faith into Poland weren't wenerated as saints: Kosmas described her as non-serious woman who didn't behave as proper matron. His chronicle probably wouldn't exist in this timeline. Besides now Polish king has emperor's ear so he can give better testimony of his great-granparents.
You are right about Bruno of Querfurt.

But could Władysław be the archbishop? Does the Pope agree?

Why not? By now probably quite large part of clergy in Poland is indigenous as the development of christianity wasn't interrupted. So it is only natural that more slavic priests and bishops in Poland and the most important bishop would be from royal family.

I based on the map Qazaq2007, and thought, that borders after Great Slav Rising in 983. By Wiki "The Obotrites joined the Lutici in the bishopric of Oldenburg and assaulted Hamburg. A hastily assembled Saxon army was only able to retain the Slavs behind the Elbe for a short while."But I'm not good with Obodrites of this time.

This is an omission of my part. I knew about the death of Gottshalk and subsequent pagan reaction in Obodrite realm but I wasn't aware that the pagan and christian rulers of Obodrites were alternating. In OTL Gottshalk only regained his domain in 1043 and reestablished christianity and before his death he was on good path to make it stick there. He also made quite large conquest in Liutizi lands (the whole northern part). So the map so far is error-free. If wikipedia is believable Gottschalk's father was a christian though bad one and was assassinated in 1029.

I've got an idea:
If he is reestablished in this timeline the influence of pagans in Obodrite's land would be much lesser. First Poland is in better shape so it would exert pressure on Pomeranians earlier then the empire would have resources to make more gains in north. I would see some limited Polish conquests in Pomerania in fourties (maybe Kołobrzeg/Kolberg?) and the raids on Liutizi land to keep them busy. And then large push when the Liutizi confederation starts to fall apart in fifties - earlier than OTL. Even if there is the next pagan reaction in Venedia and Gottshalk still is killed, pagan Krut wouldn't be allowed to become Prince - Gottschalk's son Budivoy would be the next. And Liutizi would be split between Obodrites and Poles (maybe Stodorans would be made Saxon vassals and forcibly christianized).

What do you think?

I somehow overlooked the question of Illarion's script. Maybe in this timeline his alphabet would be used in slavic land between Elbe and Dnieper? It would be interesting.
Good point.
Thanks! :)
I think that in Poland also duke Mieszko and his wife Dobrawa would be promoted as saints
And Adalbert of Prague maybe "main saint", as his body are not stolen by Czehs. Gnezno may became the pilgrimage, not so popular, as Santiago de Compostela, but one of large centers in Europe.

I have also a hypothesis: it is possible that in OTL Czech Kosmas' relation was a reason why the monarchs who brought the true faith into Poland weren't wenerated as saints: Kosmas described her as non-serious woman who didn't behave as proper matron. His chronicle probably wouldn't exist in this timeline.
Maybe, he will be some "second Gall Anonim" as a writer, and yes, probably, he will write more friendly about Poland.

So it is only natural that more slavic priests and bishops in Poland and the most important bishop would be from royal family.
I read more about Rus', and only one Prince become a monk, not a bishop. So, a Prince as an archbishop is looked some strange for me, but it's logic.
And then I don't need to look the archbishop.

If he is reestablished in this timeline the influence of pagans in Obodrite's land would be much lesser... some limited Polish conquests in Pomerania in fourties (maybe Kołobrzeg/Kolberg?) and the raids on Liutizi land to keep them busy. And then large push when the Liutizi confederation starts to fall apart in fifties... And Liutizi would be split between Obodrites and Poles (maybe Stodorans would be made Saxon vassals and forcibly christianized).
What do you think?
I agree completely, that it's a logic way. I will remember about.
And I need read more about Gottshalk too.

I somehow overlooked the question of Illarion's script. Maybe in this timeline his alphabet would be used in slavic land between Elbe and Dnieper? It would be interesting.
In this case, will be some Russian(Kievan) influence on Poland? Or, maybe, will mix of two cultures?
And Adalbert of Prague maybe "main saint", as his body are not stolen by Czehs.

No need to steal the body if Czechs and Poles are in the same state. It is inevitable that the new monasteries and bishopric would be given relics of this saint (and of the others). But I think that sainthood of protoplasts of current kings (Dobrawa was one of Premyslid so it would appeal to Czechs too) would give additional prestige to both dynasty and the country. Besides they were successfull: Christianity survived in Poland.

Gnezno may became the pilgrimage, not so popular, as Santiago de Compostela, but one of large centers in Europe.

Possible but I would also see it as a coronation town (equivalent of Reims in France) with Poznań as an actual capital city. Poznań has much better position and possibilities to development. Kiev is much more predestined to be important center as it was at this time probably the largest city in non-mediterranean part of Europe.

Maybe, he will be some "second Gall Anonim" as a writer, and yes, probably, he will write more friendly about Poland.

If he is appointed in this timeline and Bohemia is still under Polish rule - yes, he would be praising the glory of Piasts :)

I read more about Rus', and only one Prince become a monk, not a bishop. So, a Prince as an archbishop is looked some strange for me, but it's logic.
And then I don't need to look the archbishop.

I tried to find some more information. I found that Bezprym was originally prepared to monastic life as Bolesław the Brave promoted his second son as his heir. And he resented it. Then in the period 1061-1071 certain Lambert Suła was bishop of Krakow, and he supposedly was a Piast. Then Polish bishops and archbishops were nobles and magnates but only in 1492 prince Fryderyk Jagiellon was established archbishop of Gniezno. So maybe indeed the princes weren't appointed bishops at his time. So we can make the second son of king the ruler of Masovia as in OTL. The province was neglected so far and requires development.

I agree completely, that it's a logic way. I will remember about.
And I need read more about Gottshalk too.

I don't want to suggest to much, this is your timeline. But I'm glad if you find it useful.

In this case, will be some Russian(Kievan) influence on Poland? Or, maybe, will mix of two cultures?

Certain influences would for sure appear. It would be interesting if the mixed cyrillic-latin script would be adapted in both countries. And prove me if I'm wrong but I have impression that in OTL Russians/Ruthenians thought that the writing is something that could be used by common folk and not only educated elites - thanks to the viking heritage and runes. If this attitude comes to Poland it would really change the development of Polish culture and hasten it much.