By the Grace of God, His Imperial and Royal Majesty <Insert Name Here>, Imperator Universalis, Caesar Augustus, King of Kings, Prince of Princes, Sultan of Sultans, Shah of Shahs, Maharaja, Padishah, Khan of Khans, Chosen and Beloved by Heaven, the Most Serene, Defender of the Faith, Greatest Monarch of the World;
Most Christian and Faithful King of England, Castile, France, Ireland, Scotland, Bohemia and Sicily, and the Dominions Beyond the Seas; the Great Elector, Prince Elector of the Rhine, Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg, Duke of Saxe Coburg and Saxe Gotha, Count of the Lower and Upper Palatinate;
Emperor of the Romans; Emperor of the Western and Eastern Indies; Emperor of India and of China; Lord of Asia;
By Election, forever August King in Germany; Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias; Emperor of Afghanistan; Apostolic King of Hungary; King of Italy, of Poland, of Norway, of Finland, of Illyria, of Tartary, and of Nova Anglia; King of the Plurinational Kingdom of Syria; Tsar of Bulgaria; Grand Prince of Moldavia and Wallachia; Stadtholder-General and Hereditary Grand Prince of the United Provinces; Grand Mediator and Prince-President of the Swiss Confederation; Protector of Denmark, of Aragon, and of Navarre; Grand Duke of Livonia; Prince of Catalonia; Duke of Franconia, of Further Austria, of Romagna and the Pentapolis; Margrave of Tuscany; Count of Rugen
and so forth