War aims of a "Nazi" France?

By "Nazi" France I mean a state governed by a similar ideology of race-as-biology, agrarian imperialism, military expansionism and the Fuhrer principle. Let's say that somehow a French answer to National Socialism takes control in the 1932 elections and the French Fuhrer, we'll call him Adolphe Blanc, dismantles French democracy more or less at the same pace and scale that Hitler did in OTL.

So, Nazis being Nazis, what does Blanc want when he starts sending the chars across the border? There aren't that many French(-speaking) people beyond the borders of France, not on the scale of the ethnic Germans outside Weimar at any rate, and "Belgium and parts of Switzerland, plus the Rhineland" isn't exactly grand, Hitler-scale megalomania. So what could serve as an analogue to the Nazi "Ein volk, Ein Reich" schemes here? Ancient Celtic domains? Anywhere the French Revolution & Empire laid down the flag?


..get an overlay of Napoleonic France, put over map of 1930s Europe, make adjustments as necessary for National-Socialist insanity.
The aim of the in this is to stop people speaking English and then get the whole world to speak French.

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité
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All of Bezlgium, the Channel Islands, Andorra, clear out North africa, take the Aosta Valley, grab Sardinina, force everyone to speak Parisian French, completely cruSh the Bretons, Occitanners, Savoyards, Basque, Alsatians, and others.
The aim of the in this is to stop people speaking English and then get the whole world to speak French.

liberte egalite fraternite

Well they'd certainly be Anglophobic and Anti-American. They would also want the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Oceans to be French lakes.

They would also push hard for more French influence in the Levant and Middle East.

What do you think their policies would be towards their African colonial subjects? Would they push more aggressively to convert them into "Black Frenchmen" or would they go for rapacious exploitation along the lines of Belgian Congo? :(
Ahhh right. They would want to call in those treaties which they had that would get them Equatorial Africa and Belgian Congo if the Spanish or Belgians could not handle things. What sort of countries would the French ally with?
Border on the Rhine sounds pretty impressive to me. Sure, its not exactly Lebensraum level but still.

If your going to go that far though might as well dismantle Germany as a state as well. These are Nazis after all. I'll say rather than Lebensraum or Crusade against Bolshevism, the driving force behind war with Germany is rather to ensure France will never be threatened again. Therefore, gonna have to balkanize that Germany. While various German states are (re)created Prussia's gonna receive especially harsh treatement. No revival for them expect partitioning of them between Poland and the other German puppets. And since these are Nazis a 'cleansing' of the Prussian and German military aristocracy can also be expected.

Actually another possibility is rather than partition between Poland and other puppet states, no point in making puppet states stronger. Give a lot of the Prussian lands to Poland then turn the rump of Prussia into an Israel.

Jews dont want to move to an Israel thats not in the middle east? Too bad, these are Nazis. Forced Jewish immigration to 'Israel' is in order.

Win win for Nazi France. Europe no longer has to deal with the Jews, and Prussia is wiped out.

For variety i suppose all of Catholic South Germany could be united in a single puppet.

You might also see some psuedoscience racial shit here. The Latins are the 'Aryan' master race of course. But what of the Germanics? Well there really isnt such thing as a single German ethnicity. Instead what has been known as German ethnicity is instead comprised of several ethnic groups under the banner of the 'Germanic' race. At the bottom there's the 'nueve-Prussians'. Ie the people the French Nazis are purging. Skilled in the ways of war and subterfuge, but naturally violent and completely lacking in any cultural talents. Then you have such 'Germanic' groups like the Saxons, Pomeranians, Westphalians, Hessians, and so on.

Generally the farther west in Germany you go, the more civilized the people are compared to those in Prussia. The people to the west have been influnced by French culture over time and are vastly more superior than those to the East, such as the nueve-Prussians/Junkers, Pomeranians and Thuringians. The Hessians and Westphalians can therefore be considered relatively civilized folk. The 'best' of the Germanics of course, are the Catholics of Southern Germany. Nearly equal to the Latins. Despite this they have all been 'poisoned' by Junker propaganda. Now that the 1000 Year French State has ensured Germany will never be a threat to the French people again, it is the duty of France to guide the Germanic people into their proper places in life. :rolleyes:

Hmmm, might have went a little too in character there. :eek: Still, thats what i got for Germany.

Any thoughts? Suit your scenario OP?
Depending on how crazy-Nazi our French regime is, they may want to go full Lebensraum on the "Germanic Barbarians" -- dismantle their cities, destroy their industry, and leave their population to exist as serfs for the French settlers. Didn't Thande's Evil Revolutionary France go in that direction?

Evil France probably also has an even bigger fixation on Britain than Nazi Germany, with dissolution of the UK at minimum being a French war aim.
force everyone to speak Parisian French, completely cruSh the Bretons, Occitanners, Savoyards, Basque, Alsatians, and others.

If you're speaking of languages they pretty much already did that OTL.

Border on the Rhine sounds pretty impressive to me. Sure, its not exactly Lebensraum level but still.

If your going to go that far though might as well dismantle Germany as a state as well. These are Nazis after all. I'll say rather than Lebensraum or Crusade against Bolshevism, the driving force behind war with Germany is rather to ensure France will never be threatened again. Therefore, gonna have to balkanize that Germany. While various German states are (re)created Prussia's gonna receive especially harsh treatement. No revival for them expect partitioning of them between Poland and the other German puppets. And since these are Nazis a 'cleansing' of the Prussian and German military aristocracy can also be expected.

Actually another possibility is rather than partition between Poland and other puppet states, no point in making puppet states stronger. Give a lot of the Prussian lands to Poland then turn the rump of Prussia into an Israel.

Jews dont want to move to an Israel thats not in the middle east? Too bad, these are Nazis. Forced Jewish immigration to 'Israel' is in order.

Win win for Nazi France. Europe no longer has to deal with the Jews, and Prussia is wiped out.

For variety i suppose all of Catholic South Germany could be united in a single puppet.

You might also see some psuedoscience racial shit here. The Latins are the 'Aryan' master race of course. But what of the Germanics? Well there really isnt such thing as a single German ethnicity. Instead what has been known as German ethnicity is instead comprised of several ethnic groups under the banner of the 'Germanic' race. At the bottom there's the 'nueve-Prussians'. Ie the people the French Nazis are purging. Skilled in the ways of war and subterfuge, but naturally violent and completely lacking in any cultural talents. Then you have such 'Germanic' groups like the Saxons, Pomeranians, Westphalians, Hessians, and so on.

Generally the farther west in Germany you go, the more civilized the people are compared to those in Prussia. The people to the west have been influnced by French culture over time and are vastly more superior than those to the East, such as the nueve-Prussians/Junkers, Pomeranians and Thuringians. The Hessians and Westphalians can therefore be considered relatively civilized folk. The 'best' of the Germanics of course, are the Catholics of Southern Germany. Nearly equal to the Latins. Despite this they have all been 'poisoned' by Junker propaganda. Now that the 1000 Year French State has ensured Germany will never be a threat to the French people again, it is the duty of France to guide the Germanic people into their proper places in life. :rolleyes:

Hmmm, might have went a little too in character there. :eek: Still, thats what i got for Germany.

Any thoughts? Suit your scenario OP?

One of these "Germanic groups" the French could never trust, ever, are the Anglo-Saxons, who are doubly germanic so doubly unworthy to trust. Besides, they always been in the path of the supreme race, trying to stop the French to apply their natural right to impose their hegemony in Europe (and the World). They burned Jeanne d'Arc, they exiled Napoléon, and oppress the Celtic nations of Wales, Scotland and Ireland (who are cousins to French, with their Gauls ancestry, and so superior to their illegitimate masters). Those are the ones from the perfidious Albion. The ones on the other side of the Athlantic are not worthy to be considered, they are themselves too degenerated with their black music, totally under the control of the jew, not Europeans, and despise wine and cheese.
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One of these "Germanic groups" the French could never trust, ever, are the Anglo-Saxons, who are doubly germanic so doubly unworthy to trust. Besides, they always been in the path of the supreme race, trying to stop the French to apply their natural right to impose their hegemony in Europe (and the World). They burned Jeanne d'Arc, they exiled Napoléon, and oppress the Celtic nations of Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Those are the ones from the perfidious Albion. The ones on the other side of the Athlantic are not worthy to be considered, they are themselves too degenerated with their black music, totally under the control of the jew, not Europeans, and despise wine and cheese.
Indeed. :D

Hmmm, possible POD for Nazi France below.

Let us not forget it was perfidious Albion that betrayed France at Versailles. Only a stones throw away from the capital and on the cusp of victory against the German Hordes, the French nation was stabbed in the back by the British and their stooge Wilson. The protests of Marshal Foch were ignored as they drafted their so called peace treaty.

The Anglo-Saxon betrayal would not end there. At the League of Nations the British would return the Saar to Germany against French protests. As Germany rearmed the British were obviously collaborating with them to destroy the French nation. Did the Anglo-Saxons do anything as the Germans broke every military limitation? Their allegiance could clearly be seen in their racial ties.

The Remilitarization of the Rhineland was the last straw. One last offer of partnership was sent to the Anglo-Saxons: To help stop the Austrian demagogue Hitler. Chamberlain's refusal would be the death for any hope of cooperation between France and Albion. But it was here also that Le Chef rose. As the Socialist weaklings in the Assemblée nationale dithered, it was Le Chef who rallied the military with his impassioned speech to march into the Rhineland. Thereby securing France's Natural Border on the Rhine, overthrowing the Hitler regime by extension and elevate Le Chef to power.

National Socialist France was born.
I would say the Rhineland and perhaps places like the Piedmont and such as well.

A crackdown on regional languages like Occitan is not necessarily guaranteed to happen. Primarily because they could be used as a vehicle for more annexations and expansion abroad. What I am thinking off here is claiming that Catalan and Piedmontese are for example "dialects of French" through Occitan and that these places are therefore French.

Having said that, Nazism is really unsuited to France. France lacks the cultural and historical ingredients for that to happen unlike Germany.


Perhaps they try to restore the Empire of Charlemagne, plus the areas of Napoleonic France outside of the Empire of Charlemagne
Adolphe Blanc, varyar ?
If there is analog to Fürher in France, he would call himself NAPOLEON the IV
The french Analog to the Third Reich would be Clerical fascism

they want to unite all French speaking European under reign of France, Means conquer Belgium Walloon, Luxembourg, French Switzerland
push french border to west side of river Rhine, recreate a "Kingdom of Westphalia" in Weimare Republic
Form a European union of fascism with Spain, Italy, Portugal and others dictators ?

also bring the Napoleon the IV the down fall to the FF (France Fascism)
with declaration of War to British Empire and the Invasion of USSR what bring the destruction of the "grand armee"
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