On April 14th 1912, the RMS titanic sank on it's maiden voyage. Down with it, went 3 prominent opponents of the creation of the US Federal Reserve System, Isador Strauss, Ben Guggenheim, and John Astor, but what if they survived and the US Federal Reserve system never was created? Now I originally envisioned this as a hearts of iron 4 mod hence why this timeline is heavily world war 2 focused.
Anyways, following the Titanic's successful maiden voyage, Guggenheim, Astor, and Strauss are able to successfully argue against the creation of the US Federal Reserve System, most of world history continues to go the same until the great depression. While the federal reserve system grossly mismanaged things and contributed to the great depression, they still kept the US going. The great depression would have happened anyways. So without the federal reserve, the US government grossly mismanages to the financial crisis. Large scale protests break out as there is a run on the banks and the stock market crashes. Herbert Hoover is largely by himself as there is no federal reserve system and government infighting gets out of control.
This results in left wing rebellion in 1931 in the steel belt, angry disaffected workers, upset with capitalist barons mistreating them combined with the government doing nothing about the great depression. The government attempts to send in the military but the massive rebellion is able to push them back and take control over the city of Chicago, resulting in the declaration of the American Socialist Republic with Earl Browder taking it's reigns and it stretches from Minnesota to New York. Following this new secession of states from the instability, general Douglas MacArthur leads a coup against Hoover and the US government. Hoover flees, this results in the US collapsing completely as the deep south breaks away now led by Oklahoma governor William Murray. Douglass MacArthur struggles to hold onto Washington DC and Maryland but manages too and isn't able to muster a force to stand up to the secessionists, the pacific states form their own country as does the rocky mountain and dustbowl states. The PSA elects Walt Disney and the New Republic of Deseret elects Barry Goldwater. Canada seizes New England and turns it into a puppet state but struggles to keep communist influence at bay. A 2nd American civil war does not break out right away as there is still the financial crisis and now massive discontent to deal with as the US has collapsed from the great depression and MacArthur's attempt to overthrow the government before more states can attempt to secede or rebel.
Meanwhile, following the collapse of the US, in mid 1931, Germany is unable to continue paying their debts without the US. Germany stops the payments. An angry and out for blood France declares war and tries to invade expecting help from the British and the low countries who all refuse citing not wanting another war. The Weimer Republic rapidly remilitarizes and is able to stop the French from advancing, the long angry and jingoistic Germans through numbers and anger are able to push back to French who thought Germany would rapidly capitulate due to the treaty from world war 1. The Weimer Republic wins the war, retakes the Rhineland, and is even able to seize Lorraine and Nancy from the French. This stops the Nazi and Communist parties in Germany as the democracy is seen as Germany's new legitimate government. There is no reichstag fire and hitler ends up returning to Austria after Germany rejects far right ideas and maintains democracy.
Meanwhile, in France following the loss in as it comes to be known the war of the great loss, massive riots and protests break out. During the chaos, Russian exile Pavel Gorgulov murders the French president, however instead of being executed, he is instead pardoned and forms a friendship with this timeline's stand in for Hitler, Joseph Darnard. Darnard served in both the great war and the war of the great loss and fell in with a group called the French legion which preaches French superiority, antisemitism, anti islam, anti communism, anti german sentiment, ruthless xenophobia, catholic supremacy, corporatism, and doesn't wholly reject monarchism. Darnard and the French legion have a racial hierarchy similar to the Nazis at the top is the French race, pure ethnic Frenchmen have the highest status in french society. Just below them are the Dutch, Walloons, Flemish, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese, Croatians, Poles, and Irish as well as the Russians and eastern slavs who Darnard sees as not as racially pure as Frenchmen given they're not white or Catholic but still not inferior enough to be undermen especially as he found commonality with Gorgulov who also preached violent antisemitism, anti communism, and anti German sentiment. Below other catholic Europeans and eastern slavs were non catholic europeans such as albanians, bulgarians, and greeks who Darnard sought to convert rather than kill as well as non muslim black people, asians, and the nordic peoples. at the very bottom were the undermen, racial groups the French Legion considered too inferior or dangerous to live such as the Germans, Jews, Muslims, Arabs, Communists, and Homosexuals. Darnard dreamed of colonizing Germany and exterminating the Germans and helping Gorgulov get into power in Russia and carving up Europe between them.
Darnard also held some kind views for the American warlord states seeing that they had large populations of Frenchmen and the descendants of Frenchmen but feeling that they were oppressed by the communists, jews, and Germans. Darnard was friendly with and willing to aid Murray but felt he was too soft on the Germans. Meanwhile, Benito Mussolini had taken power in Italy but he lacked the industrialization needed to stack up to the French. in Austria, Hitler simply becomes a background character as Engelbert Dolfuss takes power creating a German supremacist Austrian state which wants to attack Italy and German and restore the austrohungarian empire. In Bulgaria, Hristo Lukov seizes power but keeps the Tsar around. Darnard, Mussolini, and Lukov sign the Axis alliance pact. Darnard ends up seizing total power in France in what comes to be known as the second French revolution in 1934 and he declares himself emperor Joseph the 1st house of Darnard and has a lavish coronation ceremony like Napoleon's.
Meanwhile, the British retreat further into extreme isolationism, Oswald Mosely and his British Union of Fascists end up taking a very anti French and anti Catholic stance and the government of the UK in general wants to focus on keeping itself secure rather than getting involved in any outside war especially as the people are still traumatized from the immense loss of British life in the last war and wish to avoid a state collapse similar to the Americans. Winston Churchill never comes to power. Rather Oswald Mosely does and creates a seawall and moves Britain toward full isolationism creating a sort of fascist North Korea.
Meanwhile, Gorgulov starts an underground railroad in France for Russians fleeing Stalin's purges with Darnard's help and endorsement. Also, an event known as the Lyon conference happens. Darnard after taking power purges Marcel Deat and his more left wing groups and hands power of the French legion which becomes the military arm of the French government and party (basically this timeline's version of the SS) to Marcel Bucard (this timeline's Himmler.) At the Lyon conference, Bucard, Pierre Laval, Pavel Gorgulov, Charles De Gaulle, Eugene Deloncle (this timeline's adolf eichmann,) Francois De La Rocque, and Jean Mermoz (who doesn't die in a plane crash in this timeline,) meet to decide the final solution to the semetic question and ultimately decide on the extermination of Jews and Muslims, erecting concentration camps for the Holocaust.
Gorgulov forms a shaky alliance with Mikhail Tuchachevsky and Karlias Goppers who become the defacto leaders of the Russian diaspora in the west. In 1936, things in the US start to break when Douglas MacArthur is assassinated by anarchist William Z Foster and Leonard Abbott leads an anarchist rebellion against the Canadian puppet government in New England. This drags Canada in but the Canadian army is unprepared for the New England rebels with their guerilla tactics and fanaticism forcing Oswald Mosely to order Canada to let New England go which they reluctantly do and Canada remains under the British boot as Mosely orders British troops over to keep order and make sure Canada sits out the second American civil war which happens as Murray and Browder both try to take Maryland and Washington DC. Darnard sends volunteers to assist Murray, Stalin who still came to power in this timeline sends volunteers and aid to Browder, the Germans aid the pacific states. This causes Murray to view the Germans as an enemy and to Darnard's delight, makes Murray more aligned with him.
Barry Goldwater is assassinated during a massive Mormon uprising led by the radical pro Darnard legionarist Willard Skousen but even though Skousen shares Darnard's anti semitism and anti communism, Darnard doesn't entirely approve of Skousen's hatred of black people as he and Murray wish for segregation not extermination. Darnard rebukes Skousen and following the death of Goldwater, Deseret collapses with it's remains easily being lapped up by the other powers all backed by a major superpower. By 1939, the war ends with the rocky mountain ceasefire. Murray makes an alliance with Henry Ford and anti communist blacks as well as the mormon remnants to beat back the communists. This is a massive blow to Stalin already outraged by the underground railroad in France as what was once the United States is split in two between the Constituional American Republic still led by Murray stretching from the midwest to the eastern seaboard and the pacific states behind the shield of the rockies which also owns hawaii.
Japan meanwhile has also gone increasingly militaristic but with no American oil embargo despite the pacific states being weak, the Japanese decide to focus on attacking the Soviets and southeast Asia and China. The pacific states really has nothing the Japanese want regardless so there is no pearl harbor. However, in 1938, at a great cost of life, the Soviets beat the Japanese back. Leaving them to fight China and southeast Asia to find oil. In the US, Murray's new increasing Germanophobic leaf, sees large numbers of ethnic Germans either flee toward the pacific or back to Germany in the great migration, large numbers of Jews also leave fearing for their safety going to Germany or the pacific states. In Spain, the civil war never happens as Darnard sponsors a legion takeover with Jose Astray taking over Spain. Germany, the pacific states, and the soviet union sign a treaty solidifying the allied nations. The 2nd world war starts in 1940 with a joint French, Italian, Spanish, and Russian exile force invading Germany and Belgium, along with an uprising in Latvia lead by Karlias Goppers and Mikhail Tukhachevsky, as well as a Bulgarian and Romanian attack on southern Ukraine, Romania and the Constitutional American Republic both join the Axis with the CAR attacking the PSA. France focuses a lot of resources on the holocaust. By 1942, Goppers' uprising was defeated and he and Tukhachevsky are executed by Stalin and the Romanians and Bulgarians have pushed back to the Danube by the Russians overwhelming them. Meanwhile, France declared war on Britain to help the Constitutional American Republic in their ambitions of taking Canada promising to hand French Canada back to France and give them a launchpad to attack Haiti. Mosely reluctantly takes the British to war when this happens in 1941 and the CAR has lost a lot of men with the PSA holding back waves at the rockies, with the CAR bleeding manpower, the Canadians and PSA are able to advance. The Germans are able to hold with Russian support and they combined are able to fight through Belgium. In 1944, Spain surrenders and switches sides. Bulgaria and Romania also surrender. In 1945, Italy fearing the loss of colonies, Mussolini also surrenders and switches sides. The British are able to raise enough of a force to attempt a d day which is successful. On April 30th 1945, Joseph Darnard finalizes his will handing over the title of president to admiral Jacques Costeau Marcel Bucard secretly makes an attempt to surrender to the Germans but instead tries to evacuate with fleeing refugees but is picked up by the Germans and commits suicide. Joseph Darnard also commits suicide. Costeau and the remnant government are arrested in Dunkirk. He is sentenced to 10 years in the lyon trials and after his release, moved into ocean exploration. Jean Mermoz and Eugene Deloncle both flee to Argentina together. Where Delconcle is eventually captured and taken to Lyon to face trial and is executed. DeGaulle, Laval, De la Roque, and Gorgulov are all executed. Of all the French legion participants in the Holocaust, only Mermoz manages to escape.
Lukov and Boris along with the Romanian government are all purged by the Soviets and they end up as puppet states. Germany gives Lorraine back to France to stop further instability and seperates it into 4 halves with German, Soviet, American, and British oversight, as the PSA retakes the rest of the US, William Murray and his government are all executed for treason. Mosely remains in power in the UK keeping fascism alive, Mussolini is arrested and executed for war crimes with a democracy under German oversight is restored. Jose Astray agrees to disavow Darnard and cede control of Gibraltar to the British forever in exchange for not being deposed or prosecuted. The PSA sets to work reintegrating the CAR. The world ends up being split 4 ways as the African French colonies in particular Algeria, rebel and gain their independence sparking decolonization much earlier. The Soviets ultimately hand over their chunk of French territory oversight to the Germans in exchange for the French colonies in Lebanon and Syria. Japan is able to capture and subjugate China having been left to their own devices and they have a fragile peace with the Soviets. Nukes are not focused on or developed until after the war. The Soviets and their eastern bloc stretch from the German borders to Syria, the western democracies lead by Germany and the PSA now also include Italy and France. The remnants of the old fascist governments that disavowed Darnard including Spain and the UK form their own bloc.
The Cold War is far far more peaceful as while most of the great powers have nukes, no one wants to use them. As the last two decades have been almost nothing but death, the Pacific States after retaking the US never passes the 22nd amendment and the 14th amendment is repealed. Walt Disney remains in power for life and reshapes the new united states as a tomorrowland futuristic state, Walt had to forgo his own antisemtism and racism for the sake of pragmatism and softens his stance, he maintains an anti communist view but not to the extent of fascism and while he is a defacto dictator, he doesn't enforce segregation or anything like that. In Germany, they maintain a functioning democracy and stability eventually allowing France to reform their government in the 1970s. Stalin dies the same way and time he did in our timeline and the Soviet Union largely progresses the same. Japan remains loyal to the emperor, totalitarian, and isolationist. The UN is never created. After Mosely, Dolfuss (who stayed out of the war out of pragmatism and not wanting to ally with the French and Italians given their hatred of the Germans,) and Astray all die, fascism as a concept largely dies with them and Spain, Austria, and the UK transition to democracies peacefully with Austria voluntarily handing over Southern Tyrol to Italy to avoid war. Following Disney's death, a new wave of elections are held leading to Richard Nixon gaining the presidency and like in our timeline advances civil rights but in this timeline he remains president until his death, the US political system takes a much different turn as without the 22nd amendment, political parties largely remain loose and candidates largely stick to their own positions over party lines, so the US remains mostly divided but people are too haunted from the 2nd American civil war and the great depression to question anything, so while the KKK still exists, groups like the American Nazi Party, oathkeepers, proud boys, new black panthers, and other more militaristic and violent groups never arise.
The long peace remains, Joseph Darnard is vilified as Hitler in this timeline. Jews and Muslims both having been killed in the Holocaust, settle their differences and Israel is a much more peaceful and less divided place. There is more Christianophobia in the Islamic world and Israel owing to the Catholic supremacy of the fascist nations in the 2nd world war but they're not enough of them in the middle east for the Jews and Muslims to focus on them. Japan never pivots to the west and the Soviet Union does eventually collapse due to internal pressures and demographic collapses but the post soviet states most of them anyways never truly adopt western democracy and go a more ultranationalistic route but without antisemtism and other hallmarks of Darnard. This is where we leave the current state of the world over 100 years since the Titanic surviving it's maiden voyage changed the world forever.
This is my first alternate history timeline so please go easy on me but for a basic gist of this world, the tldr is, the titanic never sinks, federal reserve system is worse, US collapses, France is Nazi, Hitler never arises, the Holocaust happens in France. Thank you for reading.