
  1. mango

    Effects of the french wars of religion never happening?

    Say for whatever reason peace is made between the catholics and protestants in france, what would change in europe, america and beyond?
  2. How would Russian continental hegemony in Europe look like?

    In Europe, there are realistically only 4 major players capable of any kind of hegemony: Britain, France, Germany, and Russia. Now, I was thinking about how would the "perfect" Europe look like from Russian POV. Main things I've considered: Balkanized Britain: Ireland, Scotland, Wales -...
  3. FernandoPerla

    Kingdom of Burgundy (1473)

    Can you imagine a longstanding Kingdom of Burgundy, born in 1473, after the meeting between Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy, and Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor? I can imagine the emperor granting Burgundy kingship status. Charles, now king of Burgundy, could abolish the Salic Law, in order...
  4. How could we get a more populous French Louisiana?

    French Louisiana, despite its ginormous size occupying more land than the 13 colonies and the Hudson bay holdings combined had, at its peak, only 70,000 settlers who were mostly concentrated in New Orleans and nearby areas. How could we, from the start of the 18th century manage to boost...
  5. What if the French navy rejected the armistice with Germany in 1940 and kept fighting with the British?

    What if following the fall of France, the French admiralty and French navy, under the command of Admiral Darlan, rejected the armistice and decided to continue the war against Germany along with the British? How would the continuation of a sizeable portion of the French navy in the...
  6. AHQ: Economics and Governance of a French left-bank of the Rhine

    What would the economic, and political practicalities of a French governed left bank of the Rhine look like? Crucially, this is not imagining a French hegemony in Europe, and as such no French control over the right-bank of the Rhine. Numerous scenarios have been envisioned OTL for France to...
  7. AHC: Easiest way to abolish Salic Law in France.

    True Salic Law has always barred women from succession to the French throne since Philip IV (Thanks @isabella for correcting me), but there were some times female succession had been considered. Isabel Clara Eugenia of Spain was heavily championed by her father and the Catholic traditionalists...
  8. Math

    WI: alternate beginning of the Franco-Spanish war

    The beginning would be a worse siege of Leuven and disastrous for France with thousands of losses (The relief army manages to attack the French army), The Dutch cannot recover Schenkenschans, The Spanish Decisively wins in tornavento, Then the cardinal-infante Ferdinand decisively defeats the...
  9. The Isles of Strangers: A Timeline of a Francophone Aotearoa
    Threadmarks: Chapter One: The Tragedies at La Rochelle and Ajaccio (1320-1660)

    Îles d’étrangers The Isles of Strangers: A timeline of a Francophone Aotearoa "One thing that is most remarkable about these islands and the people that inhabit them, is their persistent isolation and indifference to worldly affairs. The great war barely impacted them, as they continued their...
  10. Bernadotte remains in France, what does he get up to?

    Say Jean Baptiste Bernadotte, eventually Karl XIV Johan, either never receives the invitation to become king of Sweden (perhaps because someone else received it or Karl August survives) or declines for whatever reason, then what does he get up to in France? What role does he play in the...
  11. possibility and impact of France intervening in the second Schleswig war?

    I vaguely remember reading somewhere that Napoleon III considered intervening in the second Schleswig war against Prussia (and Rasmus Glenthøj + Morten Nordhagen Ottosen point out France looked favourably upon Scandinavia as a whole and the possibility of a Scandinavian union.) What...
  12. John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy, escapes assassination, 1419

    Instead of dying at the hands of the Dauphin's (future Charles VII) companions at a false diplomatic meeting, let's assume that John is rescued by his bodyguards and flees to Paris, which had been captured by his forces the previous year. My understanding is that John had great popularity with...
  13. Rubrum

    WI: The huguenot colony in Brazil - France Antarctique - survived, expanded and eventually colonize the Center-South of Brazil?

    Hello, everyone! This is my first time posting practically anything in this site, so I hope I'm not breaking any rule. I think it's important to warn that english isnt my first language, so expect some misspellings and grammatical mistakes, but I'll try to avoid these as much as possible. The...
  14. VadisDeProfundis

    AHC/WI: 1890s French build a Kra Canal

    A canal in the Kra peninsula of Thailand is a project that has been proposed on and off for more than four centuries. The point of this thread is to explore how one could get the French to attempt to build one during the 1890s. Ferdinand de Lesseps had attempted to survey the area and was...
  15. Basileus_Komnenos

    AHC: Interwar/Post-World War 2 French Monarchical Restoration

    With a pod set after November 1918, when the first world war ended, devise a scenario in which the French monarchy is restored after WW2 or perhaps even before the war starts. After the Franco-Prussian War, France elected a majority of monarchists, mostly legitimists and Orleanists into the...
  16. Charles VIII captured at Fornovo in Italian War

    In 1476 the young Duke of Milan Galeazzo Maria Sforza was assassinated leaving behind his minor son Gian Galeazzo Sforza. He ascended to the throne and his uncle Ludovico Sforza became his regent. He was married to Isabella of Aragon. She requested her father Alfonso II of Naples to help her...
  17. Kurd Gossemer

    France gets Burgundian Inheritance, what now?

    The question is simple, basically France is capable of acquiring the whole of the Burgundian Inheritance, either via Mary of Burgundy being born later and being wed to Charles VIII of France or the French having success in conquering it fully from the Austrians or maybe Charles the Bold is...
  18. Zestinobambino

    A Second White Rose - Edmund, Earl of Rutland Survives
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Prologue A map of Europe in 1460, before the Battle of Wakefield in northern England. This map therefore shows Europe as it was before ANY butterflies are released. Screenshot is from The History of Europe: Every Year (timestamp 8:58). Credit to the YouTuber Cottereau for the excellent video...
  19. Bomster

    WI: Further Muslim Expansion into France

    I know this scenario may be ASB, and I’m not an expert on Medieval European history, but hear me out. Let’s say that the Umayyad raiders win the Battle of Tours, and Charles Martel is killed. The Umayyads use this as an opportunity to expand their borders past Septimania into more of Southern...
  20. Could a Pittite Britain ally with a calmer Revolutionary France

    Picture this. The French Revolution stabilized with the constitutional monarchy instead of turning republican, and the National Assembly endured. I know that the British public was quite receptive of the French Revolution in its earlier stages, before the republic and execution of Louis XVI. Is...