The White Rose Blooms - A Collaborative Timeline

May 1493
Anne of York's betrothal to Philip of Burgundy is broken off after she is discovered to be pregnant out of wedlock. She is shuffled off into a convent, with the public reason given being that she is too sickly to be able to consummate any marriage. That same month, Elizabeth Woodville, dowager queen, dies and she is accorded a magnificent funeral.
Queen Elizabeth Woodville already died. Who is the father of Anne of York’s child? And why would you not want her as Duchess of Burgundy? Not gonna lie, I was hoping she would be.
After the fall of Granada, with Malaga and the Alpjuarrra mountains as the only parts of Granada still ruled by Abu'l Hasan Ali, he knew that in a maximum of one year all would have been lost; beside he felt death close, so he negoziated a treaty; Malaga as a vassal state of Castille to be ruled as a princedom by his son Sair who was to convert to Christianity along his brother and be under his mother regency untul adulthood. Malaga would have had a special status, with no inquisition, and non forced conversions, forever,

The Treaty of Malaga is signed, and Abu'l Hasan Ali dies after signing in the arms of queen Isabel. He is baptized by Hernando de Talavera seconds before his last breath with the name of Afonso, and Isabella and Ferdinand swears to him that the deal will be honoured. Sair is babtised soon after as Juan Afonsez de Malaga and he get his princedom; As he is a baptized christian and under Isabella and Ferdinand overlordship, and the rest of Granada is annexed, the Reconquista is completed.
All of Granada already fell.
Queen Elizabeth Woodville already died. Who is the father of Anne of York’s child? And why would you not want her as Duchess of Burgundy? Not gonna lie, I was hoping she would be.
I put that she'd died in 1492, previously. She died earlier? I edited that.
If you prefer Anne as Duchess of Burgundy then I can edit that too. I thought the father would just be a rando in court, but it can be anyone you prefer
I put that she'd died in 1492, previously. She died earlier? I edited that.
If you prefer Anne as Duchess of Burgundy then I can edit that too. I thought the father would just be a rando in court, but it can be anyone you prefer
She died in 1492. No, this is fine, but you need to put the father of the child.
May 1493
Anne of York's betrothal to Philip of Burgundy is broken off after she is discovered to be pregnant out of wedlock. She is shuffled off into a convent, with the public reason given being that she is too sickly to be able to consummate any marriage. That same month, Anne, Duchess of Brittany gives birth to a son named after her father.
Anne of Brittany just had a son in October 1492. She cannot have given birth to another child yet.
Catherine of York gives birth to a healthy son whom she names John after the man who should have been her husband. She is allowed to keep the child in the convent with her as she reacted very violently towards anyone trying to separate them. Elizabeth of York announces a pregnancy, as does Kunigunde. Cecily of York was pregnant, but lost the child after she fell off her horse. She was only alive because she landed on her stomach, but she is consumed with grief and spends days on end just weeping and praying. The relationship between Richard and Anne of Brittany, both still in exile, breaks down. Both openly take lovers and live separately, blaming each other for their deteriorating finances as well as their ruined reputations, and communicate only through their children. Henry Tudor and his wife, Elizabeth de la Pole, have a daughter Margaret together and she is betrothed to the youngest of the triplet sons (Juan, Fernando and Enrique) Isabelle of Brittany gave birth to. Anne of York discovers that her husband finds her unattractive, and he is taking a lot of lovers but leaving her a virgin, which infuriates her. The sisters of the Prince of Asturias, all of them considered great beauties, are set to marry.
Catherine of York gives birth to a healthy son whom she names John after the man who should have been her husband. She is allowed to keep the child in the convent with her as she reacted very violently towards anyone trying to separate them. Elizabeth of York announces a pregnancy, as does Kunigunde. Cecily of York was pregnant, but lost the child after she fell off her horse. She was only alive because she landed on her stomach, but she is consumed with grief and spends days on end just weeping and praying. The relationship between Richard and Anne of Brittany, both still in exile, breaks down. Both openly take lovers and live separately, blaming each other for their deteriorating finances as well as their ruined reputations, and communicate only through their children. Henry Tudor and his wife, Elizabeth de la Pole, have a daughter Margaret together and she is betrothed to the youngest of the triplet sons (Juan, Fernando and Enrique) Isabelle of Brittany gave birth to. Anne of York discovers that her husband finds her unattractive, and he is taking a lot of lovers but leaving her a virgin, which infuriates her. The sisters of the Prince of Asturias, all of them considered great beauties, are set to marry.

You need to go to 1495. Isabelle and Juan marries in December of 1494. And I find healthy triple sons born to Isabelle rather a stretch. Either she or one or two of the children would have died. And the match between a Infante and Henry Tudor's daughter is absolutely useless.

And why would Philip leave his wife a virgin? He needs heirs, mistresses are another thing. And I don't think the duchess of Burgundy would stoop to that level.
Catherine of York gives birth to a healthy son whom she names John after the man who should have been her husband. She is allowed to keep the child in the convent with her as she reacted very violently towards anyone trying to separate them. Elizabeth of York announces a pregnancy, as does Kunigunde. Cecily of York was pregnant, but lost the child after she fell off her horse. She was only alive because she landed on her stomach, but she is consumed with grief and spends days on end just weeping and praying. The relationship between Richard and Anne of Brittany, both still in exile, breaks down. Both openly take lovers and live separately, blaming each other for their deteriorating finances as well as their ruined reputations, and communicate only through their children. Henry Tudor and his wife, Elizabeth de la Pole, have a daughter Margaret together and she is betrothed to the youngest of the triplet sons (Juan, Fernando and Enrique) Isabelle of Brittany gave birth to. Anne of York discovers that her husband finds her unattractive, and he is taking a lot of lovers but leaving her a virgin, which infuriates her. The sisters of the Prince of Asturias, all of them considered great beauties, are set to marry.
Eleanor is also twelve, so you are going to need to wait a bit. And triplets are incredibly unlikely in this time.
1494 - Part 1
Mathias I Corvinus of Hungary dies ,his son John (Not his natural son, TTL legitimate one by Lucrezia de Medici) is elected as successor, with the beloved Lucrezia as regent.

King Charles VIII marries his bethothed Margaret of Habsburg

Queen Margaret announces she is pregnant.
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I've decided to delete the Isabelle and Juan chapters. If someone has a idea of a new Princess of Asturias then feel free to make their own.