The vanguards of the sovereign peoples: A Cold War thread.

4/07/1949, Beirut, Lebanon.

"Early in the morning, our brave comrades of the party stormed the vast majority of government buildings, including the presidential palace, capturing the president and executing him for his treason against the Syrian people, now Lebanon is free from imperialism, sectarianism and petty, abominable and short-sighted "Nationalism", now the whirlwind reigns supreme... ¡Hail Saadeh, hail Syria and hail the Syrian Social Nacionalist Party!

Communique from the radio central in Beirut by a party member."

After the ascension of Saadeh and the SSNP to power in Lebanon, a constitution based on the party philosophy and a wholehearted secularism was drafted, giving supreme power to Saadeh and turning Lebanon in a third position dictatorship and a black spot in the Middle East, rapidly attracting some funny german fugitives and creating a uncomfortable situation in the region.

He helped with the coup against Husni Al Za’im in Syria, who signed a peace treaty with Israel and betrayed the party ideals, with some money and persuasion he convinced the army to give him the presidency, uniting the both countries and proclaiming the Greater Syrian Social Republic.

His secularist, anti-monopoly and pro-workers policies displeased both Muslims and the oligarchy, that tried to oust him, but they were exterminated or intimidated by the party armed wing.

With this, Saadeh officially started the "Age of Purification", that lasted three years and was compared by Thomas Payne to the Night of the long knives.

The ascension of the SSNP marked the start of a new age...
Flag of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party and the Greater Syrian Social Republic.
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04/07/1950, Damascus, Greater Syria.

"In the first anniversary of our glorious revolution we have accomplished several tasks of capital importance: Complete secularization of the government and its administrative apparatus, a extense agrarian reform to end feudalism in the nation, nationalization of natural resources, liberation of the women and the start of a ten years plan to create a light industrial sector to develop a heavy one immediately after.

The purification age has ended, but external enemies threat the stability and even the mere existence of our glorious nation: The sionist agencies and terrorist organizations, western "free market" imperialist and all organizations that owns their loyalty to the different strains of bolchevism, but i tell to everyone who wants to hear, there is no power in the earth that can’t break our spirit, crush our hopes or destroy our great nation... God bless Syria and its people."

Speech of the president Antoun Saadeh in the first anniversary of the Revolution.

The machinations in the mind of Saadeh aims to make Syria a industrial state with no reliance in natural resources, after investigating about the matter he discovered that the pivot of the European industrialization was light industry, that produced the necessary influx of money and resources to create a proper heavy industry, the industrial centers were Aleppo, Deiz iz Zor, Biblos, Damascus and Beirut.

In therms of military might the situation was horribly bad, the equipment was outdated and the training was a complete joke, he realized why they lost against israel, but soon that will change.

Thomas Payne and Pío Moa concluded that the Saadeh dictatorship was sane, pragmatic , somewhat benevolent and heavily opportunistic in every aspect that was contemplated and that’s why it lasted until his death and the transition of power was peaceful.

He attracted some nazi war criminals mostly because of their knowledge in military and intelligence activities rather than ideology, like Mengele and Brunner.

He started to finance Pan-Syrian nationalist in Iraq and Palestine to assure a peaceful unification of the great Syrian nation.

He also started a infrastructure project that aimed to unite all the cities of the country to the ports, also expanded the national railway starting in Homs and was projected to end the Turkish border.

Saadeh also desired to create a nuclear arsenal to secure the state independence and, in a extreme case, erase the sionist and pan-Arabist filth with nuclear hellfire, a program that will, at least partially, remain a fantasy.
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29/5/1951, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

With the death of the Emperor Haile Selasie and the ascension of his son, Ahma, to the throne, Ethiopia entered into an age of reformation, modernization and expansion, that will lead her to be the aspiration of every sub Saharan nation in Africa and a important player in international affairs.

The first reform of the emperor Ahma was an agrarian one, made with the purpose of end the feudal plutocracy that reigns in the country, the measure was unpopular with obvious victims of it, but sacrifices were to be made for the sake of Ethiopian survival.

He started an ludicrously expensive infrastructure program to create a railway that traveled trough the nation and a road and highway system.

He started the modernization of sanitary and educational facilities with help of some western companies.

He also wanted to industrialize the country, so he let western companies to invest in the country like Ford, General Electric, Coca Cola and the clothing industry, with the exception of natural resources extraction companies, because he nationalized all natural resources of Ethiopia, the industry was centered in the capital, something that will lead to a huge overcrowding problem in Addis Ababa and the surroundings in the future.

Everyone knew that Ethiopia is an ethnic powderkeg and a burocratic nightmare, henceforth the country was decentralized and every ethnic minority was represented in the Derg.

Talking of the Derg, the emperor in his wisdom and benevolence expanded their powers, westerners believe that the Ethiopia will become a parliamentary monarchy, but no, he retained almost all executive powers and a unlimited veto power.
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21/2/1952, Damascus, Greater Syria.

"Our beloved leader, Antoun Saadeh sign a law creating the ministry of public enlightenment and education, that will teach our children the necessary knowledges to be functional and productive members of the society and obedient to the gracious party, loyal to Syria and will secure our nation of religious fanaticism that can corrupt our beloved Syria, from the Damascus Free Radio we express our eternal gratitude to the leadership and the party... ¡Good night!

Ahmed Al-Ahmad of DFR.

Saadeh, in order to expand and impregnate the party ideology in the minds of the youth, created a special ministry.

He also started the "Syrian Educational Telecommunications Network", basically a series of public radio and television stations and channels that showed educational content and party propaganda to every house in the nation.

In April of the same year he nationalized the almost inexistent banking system and created the "Syrian People’s Central Bank", that worked like a normal central bank.

He called more military advisors to the country mostly from Spain, Taiwan and Portugal, he also started the production of artillery, chemical weapons, rifles and medic equipment in the Syrian heartland on underground facilities, defended by small garrisons.

In January of 1953 the party decided to start an advanced technical and technological research program, using its emergency powers during a dental operation that went wrong and let Saadeh without speaking capabilities for more than a month.
interesting combination , why these three ?
Spain and Portugal have some philosophical and ideological similarities, also because he promised to enforce religious freedom to Catholics in the nation and Taiwan because its anti communist ideology and a promise of perpetual recognition of its legitimacy.
12/02/1942, Jerusalem, Dominion of Palestine.

¡He did it, he escaped the British oppressor, he is alive!

Avraham Stern survived to fight another day, but first he need to recover from his wounds and find more support for the struggle...

After the dust settled in the aftermath of the Second World War and Israel was finally established, he left his safe house and started to participate in the national politics, gaining some popularity after his brave participation in the war against the gentiles.

But he wasn’t precisely popular with the vast majority of the nation, mostly because of his nazi-like deranged ideology and his virulent intolerance to virtually everything that wasn’t a Jew, he was even less popular in the rest of world, he was seen as a Jewish fascist, a deranged psychopath and, in the catholic world, one of the biggest Antichrists of the century.
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25/04/1954, Rwanda.

"With the aims to the modernization of the country, the elimination of inequity and ensure economic growth and a peaceful inter-ethnic relationship, I, Rudahigwa, Mwami of Rwanda, declare the start of a substantial land reform to end feudalism, tribalism and inequality from our beloved nation, eliminating the landless farmers once and for all"

Rudahigwa, Mwami of Rwanda, speech that was published in the newspapers of all the country.

Another step to end tribalism was the expulsions of the Hutu radicals of the Rwandese National Union and cutting significantly the power of the Tutsi nobility and Belgian resources extraction enterprises in the country.

He proceded in 1954 tho further democratize the nation while keeping huge amounts of power in every aspect, including justice and legislation.

While Rwanda will be a poor and backward country for some years to come, the stability, security, ethnic tolerance and the monarchy will survive for a long time to come, all because of a land reform...
26/04/1955, Tel Aviv, Israel.

"It was a normal morning, nothing special or different happened, some soldiers patrolled the road, some persons were working and kids were studying, but at the Ten o’clock a massive explosion shaked the city, and disseminated poisonous gas through the city, from the blast and the shockwave 609 persons died, but the gas killed 941 more, it was horrible..."

Reuben Feinstein, survivor.

The mossad was shocked after this attack, they didn’t expect it and didn’t know how or who caused it, suspectedly, a truck was charged with explosives, fuel, and Sarin gas and was detonated.

This tragedy was very well exploited by Stern and the Lehi, blaming the "inferior races" and the "treacherous left", doing a propaganda and agitation campaign like no other in the region, doing populist promises and discrediting the government, he effectively won the election with almost no effective opposition.

The army was worried about his ascension to power and its effects on Israel, some left leaning officers (Almost all Israelite military staff), tried to coup him, but failed miserably and Stern started a Israelite version of the great purge, effectively crippling the military, the Mossad and almost every aspect of the state apparatus of Israel, letting it almost defenseless against Arab nations...
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