Since no one has touched it yet...
POD: The Union somehow (ASBs?) gets ahold of a copy of Lee's order 191 and avoids defeat, going on to win the war. Mocked for turning Gemany into a freedomite state, indentical to the origional except for the names and the anti-semitism. Has America allied with the Entente powers, including a Socialist tyrrarny in Russia. No war fought in North America. TL extended all the way out to 2008. Future developments are quite far-fetched, especialy communications and entertainment technologies. Red socialism viewed as barbarirc failure, american socialism found almost everywhere except america.
TL refered to as United we Stand, after the first novel.

Super cool! :cool:

The fact that it would make sense to name the POD the same name on both branches really points out it's significance!

Like the ASB comment. ;)


From the perspective of my TLs...-The Dragon Rises High................Tokugawa Japan-The Realm of the Mountain..........The fall of the Mountain, the Takeda-less TL or the Three Dragons-A Red Eagle Rises................A Third Reich...or...A Fascist Germany-Fuego en el Magallanes.........Divina Intervencion (since the Pope stops the war)-Kings of Camelot.................No Glory that was Camelot, or JFK is King-The Fallen Prince................Vive L'Emperour...or the Napoleon Survives TL-Times of Trouble.................A Happier world, a splendid little world?
I never realised how endemic those sneaky space bats are in our universe....they pose a threat...someone's got to tell the pentigon! oh wait...the pentigon doesint exist...why am i speking english now instead of german?


simple - in this timeline the poster has created the paradox that one of the newest nations has, through various peculiarities, had the second (or third? - Switzerland... Iceland?) longest continually operating government with no significant alteration of it's founding.

Other states have been around far longer. But the regime, the system of government, in the US in this TL is one of (but not, see again Switzerland) the oldest as of the timeline's end in 2008).
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simple - in this timeline the poster has created the paradox that one of the newest nations has, through various peculiarities, had the second (or third? - Switzerland... Iceland?) longest continually operating government with no significant alteration of it's founding.

Other states have been around far longer. But the regime, the system of government, in the US in this TL is one of (but not, see again Switzerland) the oldest as of the timeline's end in 2008).

I must disagree with you, the institutions and government of the USA are older than the ones of Switzerland. The federal state of Switzerland and with it the federal council (Bundesrat) were set up in 1848 after the liberals had defeated the conservatives in a short war.

Of course the Landsgemeinden (I don't know how to translate) which are still around in two cantons are much older and exist since more than seven centuries but saying that Switzerland existed before 1848 is like saying that Canada existed before 1867: not totally wrong but it gives you the wrong impression about how things were.
The War of European Successions timeline
POD: War of Spanish Succession?
TL Names: Sanity Prevails, The Saner Option
What if the teachings of the radical German political philosopher Karl Marx had found support from the poor workers of the Russian Empire?

I call it, “The Discreet Charm of the Proletariat”

Also, while I know this is ASB, what if Roosevelt had died in 1945 instead of Stalin and as a result, instead of the peaceful co-existence that we all know and love, a “Cold War” developed resulting in near total conflict and civil tension for the second half of the 20th Century.

This I call “Chalk and Cheese”

Finally, from "For All Time"

What if President Wallace, or someone else had been able to set up an Organisation that was able to monitor and control the use of Nuclear Weapons. While we all know that Nukes are a perfectly legitimate part of warfare, aside those loony pinkos in the Liberal and Social Republics of Belgium and Iberia, it would be interesting to see what the effects of limiting atomic weapons would be. Perhaps if this TL had areas such as an interventionist USA and a stable USSR.

This TL is called "Mutually Assured Destruction"
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from a TL I'm working on where christianity adsorbs pretty much every other religion in the world resulting in an unusually united world the name for OTL is Discord and Aborted Unity of Faith:D:D
From "What if Gordon Banks had Played"

What if the Tories had won the 1970 Election? Hopfully this gives a boost to Heath and allows him to get rid of Enoch Powell. Instead of the neo-Facist '70s it would be nice to have seen somone like Thatcher push his economic policies without turning the UK into an international basketcase!

I call it "Long Live the New Right!" or "Don't Try the Seafood" :D
This is such a cool idea! :cool:

Depending on whether or not the real story gets out:

From: The Guns of the South
Initial WI: No Confederate invention of the repeating rifle
POD: Mad genius Andries Rhoodie doesn't invent the AK-47
TL name: Marching through Georgia
From: The Guns of the South
Initial WI: No time traveling white-supremacists
POD: AWB never gets its hands on a time machine
TL name: Monroe Doctrine in Time

From: Man in the High Castle
Initial WI: How could the allies win?
POD: FDR not shot in Miami
TL name: The Grasshopper Lies Heavy, sort of
(Despite not being quite The Grasshopper Lies Heavy, the entire site is shut down and purged by the Germans. :()

From: Fatherland
Initial WI: How could the allies win?
POD: Reinhard Heydrich assassinated in 1942 (AFAI can tell, the original POD)
TL name: A Horror Averted
(Assumijng it takes place after news of the Holocaust gets out.)

From: Falling off the Edge of the Earth (Shameless self-promotion! ;))
Initial WI: What if Columbus was right? (Dragged off-topic by people bitching about how that would imply a smaller earth, weird things with gravity, yadda yadda yadda. Eventulay someone suggests Columbus instead runs into a giant island in the middle of the Ocean Sea.)
POD: Giant Island (well, sort of two islands conected by a fiddly bit) in the middle of the Ocean Sea
TL name: Columbia
(honestly, what else would they name the giant island? After some two-bit mapmaker? :rolleyes:)
OTL titles from perspective of my favorite timelines:
Rule Britannia:
Initial Thread: WI Great War much more devastating?
Timeline Title: “House of Cards” (ITTL World strives salvage everything it can from a worst case scenario, which is the fall of British Empire. TTL is criticized for wanking USA, making Russia extremely left-wing and too early development of nuclear weapons.)
A Greater Britain: (it’s a not finished TL, so from their point of view OTL is FH)
Initial Thread: Challenge: WI Mosley never enters mainstream politics?
Timeline Title: „Greater Triumph and Fall of Our Enemies” (ITTL Austrian War is delayed, but when it comes it is much more severe. TTL sparked a very hot debate about anti-Semitism in Germany, after which many prominent German members were banned.)
Monarchy World:
Initial Thread: Challenge: Republican World
Timeline Title: “Unleash the Freedoms!” (TTL fallows are rather unorthodox POD that Chinese Empire fails to modernize until more than two centuries later, which in the long run destabilizes, decolonizes and francanizes Russian and British Empire. It discusses in great detail how existence of medium-sized, republican and libertine states impact scientific and sociological development. “We are glad not to live in such a dim and crazy world”.)
Cliveless World:
Initial Thread: WI British India?
Timeline Title: “Pale Red” (TTL has some very interesting premises: weaker France, no Ottomans, Britain and Germany relatively successful without being a part of The Union, ect. It’s also a prime example of existence of Great Man affecting the course of history.)

I'll try a couple more
XXth C:
Initial Thread: WI They Held a Peace and Nobody Came?
Timeline Title: "A German Europe, or a European Germany"
TTL features an absolute obsession with Germans -- they cause both world wars and are responsible for the worst political tragedies of the century and the greatest achievements in physics ... and then Europe voluntarily unites at their say-so?

Initial Thread: WI Nantucket Never Time-Traveled?
Timeline Title: "Nothing to See Here"
TTL explores an incredibly boring world where nothing of consequence ever happens on the island of Nantucket, gay people achieve equality gradually, and everything can be explained by the laws of physics. Only commonality is that America gets over-involved in Iraq.

2001: A Space Odyssey:
Initial Thread: How Could We Make Space Cost-Prohibitive?
Timeline Title: "OPEC World"
ITTL, the Space Race stalls when the USA experiences a series of minor political and economic tragedies under the "Nixon-Ford-Carter" years, causing the Federal government to abandon its heavy investment in space and AI technologies in order to deal with more pressing issues. In the 1980s, the tragic death of a civilian astronaut as well as the emergence of a private-sector computer market are the nail in the coffin, and the date on which mankind will discover the Monolith slips evre further into the distant future.

Pax Gallicana:
Initial Thread: Challenge: Bugger up the Napoleonic Wars
Timeline Title: “Pax Brittanica” (ITTL Napoleon is thwarted in 1815, and France goes through a political see-saw in the nineteenth century. Germany's fate is seen as somewhat ASB, and a bit Morchenkesque.)