The Fire Never Dies, Part II: The Red Colossus

Hey @Meshakhad - I have an idea for the ASU's National Anthem: America The Beautiful...funnily enough there has been multiple attempts to at least have it made the National Anthem or a National Hymn.

Here's what the most current version would look like as this version was written in 1911:

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for pilgrim feet,
Whose stern, impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!

O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine,
Till all success be nobleness,
And every gain divine!

O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
Hey @Meshakhad - I have an idea for the ASU's National Anthem: America The Beautiful...funnily enough there has been multiple attempts to at least have it made the National Anthem or a National Hymn.

Here's what the most current version would look like as this version was written in 1911:
America the Beautiful came in second to Solidarity Forever
America the Beautiful came in second to Solidarity Forever

Honestly, I don't agree with this choice at all. Particularly since it was completed in 1915, it's quite plausible that due to Butterflies it is simply not very well known considering that the war began like a year later. Plus given that it was actually written specifically for the IWW, it is quite plausible that the writer, Ralph Chaplin, might have gotten arrested before he finished it due to having Socialist leanings or even shortly afterward and all copies of the work banned - it's something that I would expect Hebert Hoover to do if he found out that it was being written.

Thus, if it was never completed, then this leaves America The Beautiful as the only logical choice.
Honestly, I don't agree with this choice at all. Particularly since it was completed in 1915, it's quite plausible that due to Butterflies it is simply not very well known considering that the war began like a year later. Plus given that it was actually written specifically for the IWW, it is quite plausible that the writer, Ralph Chaplin, might have gotten arrested before he finished it due to having Socialist leanings or even shortly afterward and all copies of the work banned - it's something that I would expect Hebert Hoover to do if he found out that it was being written.

Thus, if it was never completed, then this leaves America The Beautiful as the only logical choice.
Authorial fiat. Also, Ralph Chaplin was in Chicago so he was safe before the war. A major factor in the socialist victory in this timeline is that the socialists gained control of state and local governments. Chaplin did die during the war - he was in the Army of Chicago and was among the first victims of the American Flu.
Authorial fiat. Also, Ralph Chaplin was in Chicago so he was safe before the war. A major factor in the socialist victory in this timeline is that the socialists gained control of state and local governments. Chaplin did die during the war - he was in the Army of Chicago and was among the first victims of the American Flu.

I still disagree with it on principle - I can see the Socialists wanting to get rid of the Star-Spangled Banner, but I see the Non-Socialists not wanting a National Anthem that prompts Socialism either. A compromise would thus have to be reached that satisfies everyone and unfortunately, Soldiatry Forever doesn't match, this is why America The Beautiful is the better choice. Particularly since I can't see it reaching the same popularity that it did OTL simply because the Second American Revolution broke out a year and a half, roughly, after it was written.

It just doesn't make any sense at all.
I have 3 questions?

Does a equivalent exist to the League of Nations in this timeline?

Will the us governments in exile become falangist?

Does anyone recognize either us government in exile?
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I have 3 questions?

Does a equivalent exist to the League of Nations in this timeline?

Will the us governments in exile become falangist?

Does anyone recognize either us government in exile?
Probably not because of how the war ended.

For that, they would first have to last long enough to make the ideological change.

Answered in the second question.
So I will take a hazard guess that neither William Sharp’s Democratic government in exile and Nicholas Longworth’s Republican government in exile take off, so they event just become exile communities with little legitimacy that slowly fade away into the background.
So I will take a hazard guess that neither William Sharp’s Democratic government in exile and Nicholas Longworth’s Republican government in exile take off, so they event just become exile communities with little legitimacy that slowly fade away into the background.
TBH I could see the Falangists forming battalions of American exiles much like how the Nazis did in WW2. However it'd probably be little more than a PR move for the falangists and a last gasp of relevance for the exiles politically speaking.
TBH I could see the Falangists forming battalions of American exiles much like how the Nazis did in WW2. However it'd probably be little more than a PR move for the falangists and a last gasp of relevance for the exiles politically speaking.
These guys would be a better equivalent for that, on that note:
And for a potential leader of such an emigre formation, may I suggest George van Horn Moseley?
TBH I could see the Falangists forming battalions of American exiles much like how the Nazis did in WW2. However it'd probably be little more than a PR move for the falangists and a last gasp of relevance for the exiles politically speaking.
Yeah that’s probably true although they might try to prop up one of the governments in exile as a puppet government in a hypothetical victory
I have 3 questions?

Does a equivalent exist to the League of Nations in this timeline?
Not yet.
Will the us governments in exile become falangist?
What remains of them will.
Does anyone recognize either us government in exile?
No, by virtue of there being two of them.
So I will take a hazard guess that neither William Sharp’s Democratic government in exile and Nicholas Longworth’s Republican government in exile take off, so they event just become exile communities with little legitimacy that slowly fade away into the background.
TBH I could see the Falangists forming battalions of American exiles much like how the Nazis did in WW2. However it'd probably be little more than a PR move for the falangists and a last gasp of relevance for the exiles politically speaking.
Yes, but they'd be a drop in the bucket at best.
These guys would be a better equivalent for that, on that note:
And for a potential leader of such an emigre formation, may I suggest George van Horn Moseley?
Moseley was killed in the Battle of Washington. He led the doomed defense of the National Mall.
I can't really see the League of Nations coming around, that was an idea pushed by President Wilson, and now that he's dead - I just can't see an equal coming about.
A talking/debating shop of some form on an international level is not all that esoteric an idea. Although there may be an initial split....
Also, I am working on Naval Elements of the Red Colossus for @Meshakhad, but I want somebody who is more familiar with economics and shit to double-check my work to see if it's plausible - if interested, please PM me.
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