Socioeconomic and Geopolical Implications of a Monarchical United States

Supposing that the US chose to go down the path of monarchism instead of the new and unfamiliar road of Republicanism, how would this alternate United States develop. There were monarchist supporters in the Continental Congress after all. A prominent Founding Father like Alexander Hamilton favored a strong Central Government and Army proposed an alternate plan where there would be an Elective Monarchy. At one point there was a scheme to grant the Crown to a Prussian Prince. Washington likely could have become King, but he chose to step down and set the precedent for a peaceful transition of power.

But supposing America did go down this path what sort of monarchy would this be? think it would likely be a Constitutional Monarchy, but what kind of structure would be behind this state? How would the institutions in this Kingdom develop? How much power would the King have?

Assuming most monarchs are quite popular and competent (best possible scenario, as otl history was basically an America Wank), how far could they push against the constraints of their monarchical power here? The nature of otl's "checks and balances" were not set in stone as things such as Judicial Review was something that emerged later on in Jefferson's term. In otl people like Andrew Jackson had the potential to upend the system becoming a sort of Napoleon of the US. And later presidents began expanding the scope and scale of the Federal Government in what's dubbed the "Imperial Presidency" by its detractors. I think

Who do you think would the most viable candidate to head this monarchical US here? Someone from Washington's line, the House of Hohenzollern, a Jacobite Claimant as a way to stick it to the British?

What would be the implications in the wider world with this monarchical US? How would France develop? Would the French Revolution even occur at all without the American Revolution providing inspiration for Republicanism? How would this affect things such as slavery and its abolition? Would slavery be abolished earlier, or would it be prolonged like it was in Brazil?