
  1. What if the British never Colonised Burma?

    What if Britain never colonized Myanmar and it remained independent like Thailand? What if in this scenario, the Konbaung Dynasty survived and modernized Myanmar with British help instead? In this scenario, the Myanmar is transformed into the...
  2. Prince Albert, later George VI, marries a German princess whose family would go on to have connections to the Nazis. Impact on the British monarchy?

    Prince Albert, later King George VI of the United Kingdom, was born in an age where royal intermarriage was the norm. As such his marriage to a woman from British nobility, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, was far from common. Germany, due to having plethora of existing royals, and mediatized ones too, was...
  3. Abbas II of Egypt isn't deposed by the British?

    Abbas II was khedive of Egypt and Sudan from 1892 until 1914, when the British deposed him in favor of his uncle Hussein Kamel. His relations with London were always tense, and even after he stopped opposing its interests in Egypt in public, he still supported those opposed to the British...
  4. Basileus_Komnenos

    Impact of a Restored Austria-Hungary/Habsburg Dynastic Rule on WW2.

    During the Interwar Years, there were quite a number of attempts to restore the Habsburgs to their thrones in either/both Austria and Hungary. In the 20's Blessed Karl I of Austria and IV of Hungary personally tried to take over Hungary in the 20's. In the 30's Chancellor Engelbert Dolfuss took...
  5. What if Hitler had been a monarchist?

    I've seen a lot of talk about what would have happened if Hitler had been a communist, a democrat, or even an anarchist, but I never read about this possibility, a Hitler who saw Republicans and Democrats as to blame for the defeat in the First World War and believed that the monarchy should...
  6. Great male heirs that could have been

    In most societies succession has been patrilinear, going from Father to son, thus lack of a male heir could doom the hard fought legacy of any great king and dynasty. So today I'm asking you which male heirs that never were could have changed history.
  7. PC: Russia remains total Monarchy to present day

    With better leadership ability from Nicky, avoiding the disastrous Russo-Japanese wars which caused a mini revolution and the even more disastrous move of getting into WW1 which lead to total revolution and him and his family getting killed. What if instead he listens to his advisers more on...
  8. The Windsors - A Short AH
    Threadmarks: Part 1: Intro

    The BBC is interrupting its normal programs to bring you an important announcement. This is BBC News from London. Buckingham Palace has announced the death of His Majesty King George VI. The palace said that the King died peacefully at Windsor Castle. The Queen and Prince Consort will remain...
  9. Good King George - A Republican Britain and a Monarchist America
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Good King George "The so-called Good King George III of Great Britain, Ireland and latterly America came to the throne with great ambition and a desire to rule, a trait of quiet absolutism that was quickly forced down as he grappled with his place as an increasingly constitutional monarch. But...
  10. Martin lancaster

    What if the majority of world monarchies had a matrilineal primogeniture

    Would they dominate the world stage? Would the minority patrilineal primogeniture be dominant? How would the world as we know it look under this hypothetical?
  11. TheWitheredStriker

    AHC: Make Andorra have its own hereditary monarchy (no co-princes)

    The challenge is to make Andorra have its own monarchy that lasts (any PoD after its foundation in 805); it basically ends up a lot like OTL Monaco, being a tiny little statelet with its own monarchy, bordering but seperate from large countries, and probably being a tax paradise. There are no...
  12. Emperor Max

    WI: Alternate Monarchs for British Dominions

    A couple of years ago now the YouTuber UsefulCharts did an alternate history chart, of who would be King of Canada if Canada‘s monarchy after independence had a monarch from the British royal family, but seperate to Queen Victoria. The Prince chosen in this video was Prince Alfred, Victoria’s...
  13. Semi-successful 1848 Revolutions

    So, I was just thinking about an alternate outcome for the 1848 Revolutions and I was wondering how plausible the scenario is, potential PoDs, and and how it might affect the future of Europe. The results of the Revolutions are: Constitutional monarchy, either Legitimist or Orleanist, in...
  14. WI: Assassination of James I Steward failed

    James I Steward - if remember at all- is remember for a few things, but the most well known thing about him is that he was murdered on 21 February 1437 by a group of 30+ people led by sir Robert Graham. Despite his death, his bloodline remained on the throne, despite the fact that his son - also...
  15. AHC: restore as many native monarchies abolished by foreign invasion as possible after independence

    if you have not been paying attention, many countries have lost their native monarchies to imperialism (which is why I find it odd that monarchists defend imperialism, British invasions alone ended more native monarchies then radical revolutionary republicanism ever did; in most cases...
  16. AltoRegnant

    WI: England Practice Sialic Law

    OTL, male preference was the defacto succession law of England and thus Britain. However, England inherited much of her early legal and political system from its Norman conquerors. What if, among this, was an official practice of sialic/male-only primogeniture? Obviously no Elizabeth I and thus...
  17. Modern Feudalism

    What might the culture of the modern world look like if feudalism was still the prevalent form of government? I'm talking about a society where the hereditary nobility and royalty still hold significant powers but the world's tech level is about the same as OTL. What would media and pop culture...
  18. Vitalis

    Would it be possible for minor royals/nobles to become a leader of a political party?

    What I have in mind is a quasi-federal monarchy such as the German Empire, where you had the Emperor and many kings and dukes throughout Germany. Were they all banned from being active in the politics at all? And if they were, would it be possible, in Germany or any other country, for royals to...
  19. Who would be leader of a monarchist Estonia?

    If Estonian Indepdence Moviment choosed Monarchy(ignoring the republican fellings at population) or if some country enforced it Who would be the most Legitimate or possible to be King/Queen of Estonia Info:UDB doesn't Count as Estonia
  20. pls don't ban me

    Simeon II goes for return of monarchy instead prime minister.

    in 2001, Simeon II won the elections with his party and become prime minister (a disaster). At the time people where really supporting him and i think he might have tried to bring back monarchy. SO what if he manages to make a call for a referendum, win and become again Tsar of Bulgaria? it's...