Question about conventional war casualaties

Hey, its been a super long time, and honestly I am very surprised myself that I am actually doing this online now. I've moved to a different city for college that I transferred to, so I am probably not going to be doing this 24/7 because of school. But I want to try to be more active on here if I can. Its not always a guarantee though.

So with that out of the way, to my question.

Lets say in the cold war in the early 70s to early 80s around that time period, that war breaks out between NATO and the Soviet/Warsaw Pact forces. Lets assume in this scenario that, the war will stay conventional and that it doesn't last for a few days but it lasts longer without the use of nuclear weapons on either side. How many NATO soldiers and US forces would be killed a day? How many Soviets and Warsaw pact troops would be killed per day?

I'm sure that a precise number can't be pinned down, but its something that I have been wanting to ask for a little while now. This all assuming that nuclear weapons are not used and it stays as a conventional war.