
  1. What are all the actions that the Emirate of Granada could've taken to maximize its economic, political and military potential?

    Despite its precarious position, the Emirate of Granada enjoyed considerable cultural and economic prosperity for over two centuries and the Nasrids became one of the longest-lived Muslim dynasties in Iberia. The famed Alhambra palace complex was built during its existence and the population of...
  2. Horus Lupercal

    The Roman (Byzantine,Eastern Roman,Rhomania.) Theme system worked in Very differently then people think in popular discussions

    Very interesting and neserasy and rather modern and new information about how byzantine theme actually worked
  3. Optimize German Army for WW1

    The German Imperial army IOTL was very volatile and powerful as it stood, not only in technology but in pure numbers as well as organization, however it can still always be improved upon, especially if given appropriate PODs. With a POD of no earlier ghan 1900, what can you do to optimize and...
  4. How could've the Imperial German Army fixed its inefficiencies before WW1?

    It's very known that the Imperial German army suffered very big inefficiencies such as a lack of mobilization capabilities, proper inspectorates and many more problems. How could've they been fixed before the outbreak of WW1?
  5. What if Enver Pasha had been a truly competent military leader?

    It is undeniable that Enver was a nationalist willing to do anything for the Turkish cause, however, as we all know, his enthusiasm and bravery were his main strengths, but as a military and political leader, he left much to be desired, but, what if it had been the opposite? What if he had...
  6. What if Toyotomi Hideyoshi invaded Siam?

    Assuming that Hideyoshi was somehow able to conquer Korea and then decided to set his eyes on the Kingdom of Ayutthaya for whatever reason (pick your reasoning: desire to control one of the largest and wealthiest cities in Asia at the time, he wanted to see an elephant, he felt bored, etc.)...
  7. defconh3ck

    Scorpion's Tale - A World Unseen
    Threadmarks: Chapter One: Ocean of Tears

    Hello everyone, and welcome to a brand new adventure. While we wait for my next large scale project, Horizon, I began to wonder about a new project, and a new story - one that takes us not to space (Right away, at least), but the bottom of the ocean. Scorpion’s Tale is a story of Cold War...
  8. GameBawesome

    WI/AHC: Janissary "Shogunate"

    This is based off an old thread I did years ago, but with a slightly modified scenario. As we know, the Janissaries of the Ottoman Empire were the Sultan's household guard, and became the elite infantry of the Ottoman Empire, helping in their conquests in Europe. However, the Janissaries...
  9. Ryker of Terra

    WI: Unified Warsaw Pact military (and secret police)?

    I'm not sure if there's a specific name for this phenomenon, but since time immemorial, militaries have tended to 'mix' their soldiers, meaning that you generally won't see a unit comprised solely of people from Region X or Town Y or Village Z, and you sure as hell won't see a unit like that...
  10. WWII alternative military "workhorses": what if there had been no Jeep, no Kubelwagen, no Ju-52, no DC-3 ?

    Few vehicles in WWII are more instantly recognisable than the ones aforementioned in the title. I am focusing on those specific aircrafts and cars as I feel that they were litterally used for anything and everything, the Jeep obviously chief among them. But what if the Jeep never got to become...
  11. MNM041

    AHC: Elvis serving on the front lines

    As I'm sure many people know, Elvis Presley was drafted into the U.S. Army On March 24, 1958. The day he arrived at the base, he famously said that he didn't want to be treated differently than anyone else and that, "The Army can do anything it wants with me." Would have included going to war...
  12. GameBawesome

    AHC: Form an Alliance with Alternate Nations, Organization or Union

    The Premise of this thread is to create an Alternate Alliance, Organization or Union around the world, with alternate nations. It could be an alternate alliance from OTL (Like an alternate Entente) or a fully new fictional alliance. You must discuss the history of why that Alliance formed Here...
  13. AHC: Military Revolution Outside Europe

    This challenge calls for one or more military leaders outside of the Western World to be able to develop and field small, cohesive and highly organized, professional, technologically advanced, and highly motivated armies that can function in long, extended campaigns that may involve combat in a...
  14. Is 6.5 mm cartridge overrated?

    Firearms are not my speciality, but I've noticed praise for 6.5 mm cartridge on other forums (I've encountered it especially on Polish forums, with some users regretting, that Second Polish Republic adopted Mauser rifle with 7.92x57 mm cartridge as standard service rifle instead of Arisaka...
  15. Could a Hydra (anti-air) tank work?

    Could a Hydra (anti-air) tank work? (A tank where most of its weapons are anti-air). Terrible vs. other tanks, but this is used primarily as support for tanks to deal with enemy fighter aircraft or attack helicopters. In theory this can reduce enemy air superiority advantage via Surface to air...
  16. WI: The Mauryan Empire adopts the phalanx infantry of the Macedonians after Chandragupta meets Alexander?

    A brief overview of how North Indian military worked from the ancient to early medieval period. I feel like this is important before I talk about the WI scenario: There were 4 main units: elephants, charioteers, cavalry, and infantry. The infantry consisted of very well equipped bowmen with...
  17. AHC: Nighthawk active and Blackbird successor

    What it says in the title keep the Nighthawk in service and make a successor to the Blackbird it cannot be a drone and it has to be able to reach maximum Match 8
  18. Why did the discipline of the Roman Army fall apart?

    The Roman Army was legendary for its discipline. Toward the end of the Empire, the army got way weaker. Some think it was due to the changes in weapons, but others claim that discipline falling apart caused the Army to become weaker? Why did the Roman Army's discipline fall apart? Was it the...
  19. JEF_300

    Japanese Military in 1949

    Let's assume that MacArthur decides, for whatever reason, that retaining the relatively high paying jobs in Japan's military-industrial complex is vital to rebuilding Japan, and the Japanese military is reorganized into the Japan Self-Defense Forces in either late 1945 or early 1946, rather...
  20. Furthest European advance into Africa without medicine

    Supposing European militaries are almighty and the African geopolitical landscape is hopelessly fragmented. I'm imagining a no industrial revolution scenario, hence why the pre-1900 category.