Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

Some more proposals.
do you have a source for the germany proposal?
A 1944 map of the proposed Lander for Germany made by the OSS (precursor to the CIA) from the Truman Library:

Clipped version showing only the proposed lander (the original included administrative divisions of Greater Germany in 1944):

View attachment 634807

As can be seen it is rather similar to what pertains in OTL except for differences mainly in the west with a separate Westphalia and Rhine Province, a larger Hesse and a larger Baden-Wurttemberg (or Wurttemberg-Baden in this proposal). In the east, there are differences in the border of Saxony and OTL's Saxony-Anhalt is called Middle Germany
It was also a fairly common view that the best manner in which to weaken Germany was to dismantle it through an "Austrian" solution, where the number of separate countries would be created and forever banned from uniting barring the express approval of the Allied Powers. Below is one such proposal to divide Germany into three States posited by Sumner Welles in 1944; this is before the Polish annexations however, so I'm not sure whether Eastern Germany as shown would have remained viable compared to the other two.
Having just rediscovered my copy of that Life Magazine, Welles’s border redrawing proposal extended beyond Germany to include Poland, and even a new world order. The structure of which wasn’t what the UN became, so it’s interesting to see. Here’s Poland, if it hasn’t already been posted. I could also link to a PDF of the whole article or just OCR it if people are interested.
Having just rediscovered my copy of that Life Magazine, Welles’s border redrawing proposal extended beyond Germany to include Poland, and even a new world order. The structure of which wasn’t what the UN became, so it’s interesting to see. Here’s Poland, if it hasn’t already been posted. I could also link to a PDF of the whole article or just OCR it if people are interested.
"East Prussian may migrate to Germany, leaving new Polish state without significant minorities"

Talk about wishful thinking.

It's also bizarre that the fact that Poles were only a plurality in the Kresy is treated as a reason to detach it from Poland, while the fact that Germans were a majority in East Prussia is no obstacle at all. But then again, at this point I'm just complaining about the injustice of the OTL settlement.
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Having just rediscovered my copy of that Life Magazine, Welles’s border redrawing proposal extended beyond Germany to include Poland, and even a new world order. The structure of which wasn’t what the UN became, so it’s interesting to see. Here’s Poland, if it hasn’t already been posted. I could also link to a PDF of the whole article or just OCR it if people are interested.
I wonder how they decided to calculate numbers for Jews. It also appears that ‘others’ has rather strongly increased.