Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

I wonder how things would be if Williamsburg became the American capital. At the least it'd be an interesting string of continuity to Jamestown - the first Anglo-American city and its direct successor now the capital of the Colossus of North America.

Between Vancouver Island and Washington State, there's an archipelago called the San Juan Islands, which both America and the UK claimed. The Oregon Treaty of June 15, 1846, tried to resolve the situation by saying "You get one half and you get the other" However, complicated natural boundaries and disagreements really made it hard to decide what qualified as "half"

This basically created a weird legal limbo where America and the UK both had sovereignty over the islands at the same time. Basically, you had a few dozen American farmers and a sheep farm run by the British Hudson's Bay Company.

On June 15, 1859, exactly 13 years after the adoption of the Oregon Treaty, an American farmer named Lyman Cutlar found a black pig rooting around in his potatos, so he took his gun and killed it. Said pig belonged to an Irish Hudson's Bay Company employee, who had several pigs he let roam freely, and wanted compensation. Cutlar offered $10 (equivalent to $280 in 2019), but the employee, Charles Griffin, wanted at least $100 ($2,800). Cutlar refused, and at least one anecdotal account suggests their argument went something like this:
Cutlar: Keep your pigs out of my potatoes
Griffin: Keep your potatoes out of my pigs

When British authorities moved to arrest Cutlar, the settlers called for American military support. Brigadier-General William S. Harney moved his force in to occupy the island on July 27th, and by August 10th, 461 Americans with 14 cannons under Colonel Silas Casey were opposed by five British warships mounting 70 guns and carrying 2,140 men

The governor of the Colony of Vancouver Island, James Douglas, ordered British Rear Admiral Robert L. Baynes to land marines on San Juan Island and engage the American soldiers, but Baynes refused, rightfully saying that "two great nations in a war over a squabble about a pig" was foolish. The men on both sides spent days trading insults, trying to goad the other side into shooting first, but those were the only shots that were fired.

The Pig War of 1859 ended that October without any bloodshed.
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Between Vancouver Island and Washington State, there's an archipelago called the San Juan Islands, which both America and the UK claimed. The Oregon Treaty of June 15, 1846, tried to resolve the situation by saying "You get one half and you get the other" However, complicated natural boundaries and disagreements really made it hard to decide what qualified as "half"

This basically created a weird legal limbo where America and the UK both had sovereignty over the islands at the same time. Basically, you had a few dozen American farmers and a sheep farm run by the British Hudson's Bay Company.

On June 15, 1859, exactly 13 years after the adoption of the Oregon Treaty, an American farmer named Lyman Cutlar found a black pig rooting around in his potatos, so he took his gun and killed it. Said pig belonged to an Irish Hudson's Bay Company employee, who had several pigs he let roam freely, and wanted compensation. Cutlar offered $10 (equivalent to $280 in 2019), but the employee, Charles Griffin, wanted at least $100 ($2,800). Cutlar refused, and at least one anecdotal account suggests their argument went something like this:
Cutlar: Keep your pigs out of my potatoes
Griffin: Keep your potatoes out of my pigs

When British authorities moved to arrest Cutlar, the settlers called for American military support. Brigadier-General William S. Harney moved his force in to occupy the island on July 27th, and by August 10th, 461 Americans with 14 cannons under Colonel Silas Casey were opposed by five British warships mounting 70 guns and carrying 2,140 men

The governor of the Colony of Vancouver Island, James Douglas, ordered British Rear Admiral Robert L. Baynes to land marines on San Juan Island and engage the American soldiers, but Baynes refused, rightfully saying that "two great nations in a war over a squabble about a pig" was foolish. The men on both sides spent days trading insults, trying to goad the other side into shooting first, but those were the only shots that were fired.

The Pig War of 1859 ended that October without any bloodshed.
Except for the pig ;)
Tokyo is under joint occupation (gold), so I think the presumption was that like Berlin it would see the non-Soviet parts combine.
I understood that.
However, as another user said:
The problem with it is that "East Tokyo" is neither the eastern half of Tokyo, nor part of Tokyo proper.
And from the map I posted, none of "East Tokyo" is part of the joint occupation zone (which looks to only cover Tokyo City).

The Ethnocacerism is a Peruvian (thought it has spread to Bolivia) far-left post-Marxist ideology that holds the idea that the failure of Leftists in the Global South exists due to the fact that Marxism is a inherently euro-centric idea that erases the native pasts of developing regions and thus ends up becoming a new internal form of Colonization, with the path to the future being build via the study of the past, developing pride in your roots and trying to find ways to catch up to the rest of the world while remaining independent.
Sounds logical, right?
Except for, well, the complete hatred and resentment towards the world that permeates the whole ideology.
Examples of how bad it goes? Their leader says the jews should shut up about the Holocaust because the Kingdom of Israel commited genocides centuries ago. This is coming from a man that is always screaming about how the Native American Genocides give him a moral right to wanting to get rid of the western heritage of his own country and spread his crusade to his neightboors to completely reshape their cultures and force them to break contact from the external world to start a "fully independant development".
And well, this pic here is his end goal. The "colonial states" of Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador are no more, the Neo-Tawantinsuyo has born and they also have managed to fulfill their ancestor's dreams by conquering parts of Chile and Argentina.
Don't forget how despite their rants about how Modern Peru and Bolivia are colonial faux-states, they are perfectly glad to keep territory that wasn't part of the Inca Empire
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Soviet plans in Persia, Afghanistan, and Xinjiang, circa 1925

Edit (July 8, 2022): Downloaded and inserted the full image, something I should have done last year lol
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What you mean it don't match?
Ahhh, I see I misread the map key. My apologies. Where did you find the map anyways? I see it is from the War Office, but I wonder if there was more of a reason than linguistics that the British saw possible Soviet expansion. Such an odd choice, using the word adumbrated. Well, different time, different social class.

Crazy Boris

What territories would it have?

Wiki doesn’t say anything about the exact territorial makeup, but says there would be 8 Slavic regions. So I assume Czechia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatian, Bosnia, and the Polish, Ukrainian, and Serbian parts of the empire. Possibly one might be a Rusyn region, but given that Rusyns were considered a subgroup of Ukrainians for a long time, I don’t know