Now is the Winter of Our Discontent

It was cold in the gardens of Greenwich, Constance Fitzroy didn't notice the chill much - across the courtyard she could hear the lusty cries of the Prince of Wales. It wouldn't be long before he was moved to his own household but with the Queen only just rallying from childbed, it had been thought that it would raise her spirits to have the boy so close. At least until Bess was churched. Constance had seen the life come back into her cheeks and it had been enough, her sister had done what had been needed - a healthy boy after all the turmoil. A sign of God if there ever was one.

Though Constance did not believe much in God, not most days.

"I thought you were avoiding my missives Lady Fitzroy," A voice came from behind and the redhead turned, her features relaxing into an anxious smile. "Not that you would send me a note to ask me to meet you without your usual chaperone,"

"I have been doing a lot of thinking while attending to my sister Lord Rochford," Constance answered as the handsome young courtier stood before her. "Would you sit by me?"

"Anything for the fairest rose in all of England,"

"How many women has that worked on?"

Arthur Boleyn considered this for a moment and then laughed "Are you calling me a cad?"

"I would never call you a label you did not assign yourself,"

Constance paused, her face troubled for a moment before she asked, "You have asked for my hand more than once, none could ever say your family is nothing but ambitious but I know your cousin well and she says you are a good man. I trust her judgment, she has the shrewdness of her mother in her but I wish to know if that offer still stands,"

"You mean if I still wish to marry you? But Her Majesty -"

"My sister has long been kind to me, I think her sympathies about my upbringing and what our -" Constance swallowed hard "Father. What he did to us and to me and our mothers, they will remain for a long time. In terms of my marriage, she has left it to me and I stand in a unique position than most women do. She does not want me harmed any more than I have been,"

"I would not harm you," Arthur said softly, "I would swear it upon all the Saints, upon England, upon our someday King Edward. You would have my word,"

Constance regarded him, almost curiously. "I have heard many promises from men Arthur Boleyn," She said quietly, far too sadly than any young woman had the right to be. "None have been kept, but if your offer for my hand still remains I would give it to you,"


"I am not obligated to do this, I have thought about it for a long time and -"

"What about Kathryn Howard?"

Constance tilted her head up, her eyes flashing with something that she couldn't name.

"You love her," Arthur Boleyn said quietly into the morning air, not a question but a statement of fact.

"And what will you do about it?" Constance asked quietly, "Who will you tell? You would bring shame on my sister? I could go to a nunnery but -"

"Kitty Howard would follow you," Arthur replied "She would follow you into hell itself and I would not be so cruel as to unleash Mistress Howard upon some poor unsuspecting women of God,"

Constance let out a low humorless laugh, "So what would you do?"

Arthur sighed, "I know enough of the heart to know sometimes there is no choice, you have stayed by each other's side through many trials and love is something for God. I chose to put my faith in God instead of question anything else,"

Constance considered Arthur for a moment, a flicker of understanding falling on her face. "Who is he?" She asked after a long moment.

It was Arthur's turn to laugh then, "You are far more clever than anyone gives you credit for Constance Fitzroy,"

"Will you then? Will you have my hand?"

"What about our -"

"We can figure it out I believe, I wish to be a mother more than anything. That's why I want to marry and -" Constance smiled "Is he unmarried?"


"Then I may have an idea,"

"Ah, well I have a letter to write to my father,"

"And I will speak to my sister, the Portugese have landed on our shores they wish for their Infanta Maria to be Queen someday, so perhaps it is the spirit of things,"

Arthur took her hand then and kissed it, "And I swear to be your loyal heart or simply just your friend,"

A smile came across Constance's face, like a rose coming into full bloom. "You are a good man Lord Rochford,"

And in the cold early morning air, they did not let each other go.
The door slammed open violently as Edward, Earl of Rutland came into the room.

He hadn't been announced or sent word and the sudden sound had caused Constance Fitzroy to jump up in fright her face pale, "Apologies for disturbing you ladies," Edward said, though he didn't sound terribly sorry at all. "If I might have a moment to speak with my wife," None of the women in the room made to move, until he barked out an angry "Now!" Then they all hurriedly began to move, Elizabeth Dudley glanced back towards the Queen who shook her head, her back ramrod straight and unflinching. Whatever her husband wanted, she would hear him out - not that he had come much to her since she'd been churched after their son's birth.

"May I help you," Elizabeth, Queen of England said - her tone polite but cool, "My lord?"

"May I inquire as to why you see fit to make decisions about our son without consulting me?"

"On what grounds,"

"The fact I had to be told by the Ambassador to Portugal of his delight at the union between our two countries instead of by you, when you had not indeed even consulted me. That our son is to be betrothed to Infanta Maria without even a whisper to myself,"

"I'm hearing the Portuguese delegation out," Elizabeth said coolly, "You do realise Ned will have to be married at some point and there are no shortage of Kings who are eager to make their daughters a Queen, the last King -" Not that Elizabeth could even bring herself to call him father, not now. "Was not the most able at foreign policy, we still are on tender ground with France and Scotland. Queen Catherine of Scots only has sons and the French have offered a few candidates but the King's daughters are a little too old for Ned. If you had thoughts about who I ought to consider, then by all means share them,"

"And what of our son's nursery? I went to visit him when I arrived and he was not there,"

"Because I took the liberty of arranging matters with his household, he was removed from Greenwich a fortnight ago and Lady Percy has taken up charge of his household at Eltham for the time being. Of course he will eventually go to Ludlow but as he is only a baby, I thought it fitting for now,"

"And you did not think to tell me?"

"I would not be so assuming My Lord, I sent you a missive to Lady Chastity Talbot's residence,"

There was silence between them as Elizabeth's sarcastic tone sunk in.

"You are a selfish, spoiled girl, I am your husband -"

"And I am your Queen," Elizabeth snapped, standing up. "Tell me if you cared enough to visit our son, when was the last time you saw him?"

Edward opened his mouth but he did not have an answer for her and Elizabeth, temper flaring couldn't resist another jab.

"Of course because he is not your bastard in the North,"

"Do not speak of my son that way,"

"In case you haven't noted, My Lord Rutland," Elizabeth said icily "You have two sons and all of the court can see which you favour,"

They stared at each other, Elizabeth with her arms folded - looking more her age than she ever had. Edward, angry and seething before he spat out

"I know who my true wife and child are Madam and they certainly aren't you or your boy,"

Then he was gone, the door slamming behind him and, Elizabeth sank into her seat - pale and feeling sick.

Whatever she had expected of her marriage, she had never expected this.
Something needs to happen to Edward of Rutland, and I mean fast! Also, it's not encouraging to hear that female characters will experience "collateral damage"...
Agreed, Edward needs to get what's coming to him. At the very least I can't see his and Elizabeth's son being very fond of him, which I'm sure will come to bite him in the ass one day.