Map Thread XVIII

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A bit of a silly one-shot I put up on dA. Red Alert-style Soviet wank (there is more to the background, here). I liked how ToixStory did pixel art off to the side of some of her maps to give a "slice of life" of the world, so I've also decided to start doing that myself more.


I absolutely love this. I strongly, strongly encourage more people to do pixel art mapping, akin to Toix and Xianfeng Emperor. I like some of the artificial seas, along with the internal borders in North America. I assume they're for native reservations? :extremelyhappy:
I absolutely love this. I strongly, strongly encourage more people to do pixel art mapping, akin to Toix and Xianfeng Emperor. I like some of the artificial seas, along with the internal borders in North America. I assume they're for native reservations? :extremelyhappy:
Thanks my guy. And yeah, the Soviets set up more meaningful native reservations/ASSRs in the balkanized US and in Canada.

A new (short series of maps from me depicting the ancient middle/near east - i'll upload two of these every weekend and they span
a time from this one (1450 BC) to after the Bronze Age Collapse (BAC) - the final one is set for 1150 BC.

And the next one - they don't change too much between these rather short periods, but when the BAC comes you'll see why i did use a 25 year period
Jeeves and the Kingmaker
In these long memoirs of mine, one will inevitably encounter a change of scenery. Indeed, the backdrop to my life has had a tendency to change with such frequency that Berkely Square, Market Snodsbury, Chuffnell Regis, Long Island, New York City, Washington DC, Peking, Moscow and what they now call “Zhukov-grad” (I still think ‘Berlin’ was a tad snappier) don’t even cover half the places I’ve been! But as I came closer to the tail-end of my career, said backdrop-changes diminished in number significantly. The Downing Street workload was enough to exhaust my day’s energy to the point that when it was done there was little I could do save recline in my armchair and snack on whatever Jeeves could rustle up for me. On more than one occasion I wondered if I may have been somewhat over my head on deciding to take the Regency, Prime Ministership and Commandership-in-chief of the old UK of GB for myself, if it meant my life would be solely dominated by dull and dreary paperwork for the foreseeable.

Today had been one of those days dominated by the straining of my eyes and the stroke of my pen. I lay back into the soft plush of the chair and reflected on that fateful choice of mine to burden myself with all this, and in turn was taken back down the long road that had carried me too that choice. I relaxed my eyelids and was for a moment transported back to Berkeley Square, all those years ago, before the Invasion, before the War…

I was interrupted in my rumination by the biffing in of Jeeves, bearing a heavy wad of papers.

“No more, Jeeves!” I declared, aghast, “No more!”

“Sir?” He inspected me with that look of his, somewhat like the eye of a schoolmaster who’s caught a student defacing his exercise book with words to the effect that his face resembles a squashed apricot. I could tell he was in one of those moods of his.
“Jeeves, I am sorry, but I cannot stand this gruelling lifestyle! I clear one stack of papers, having to study each and every letter on the page for a blemish in its print, sign it off with some essay or other, and then what do I find? You hovering along bearing another! I repeat, Jeeves, no more!”

“If you would pardon me for reminding you, sir, such paperwork is the bedrock of national service on which Britain depends.”
“That one of yours, Jeeves?”
“No, sir, one of yours. You gave it in your address to the National Periodical Authority in 1956.”
“Oh yes, so I did. But that does not change the fact Jeeves,” I surged from my seat to snatch the wad of files to his hand, “that today I draw the line.”
“You’re resigning your post, sir?” Jeeves asked, with sufficient monotony that it was clear he knew my answer.
“Certainly not!” I answered, “However, your master and Regent shall be...taking a holiday for a while. Haven’t had one in years. Time for a change of scene.”

Jeeves looked distinctly crumpled at his failure to persuade me, “I understand, sir. Will I be deputising for you in this interim?”
“Possibly Jeeves, possibly,” I pondered the notion, “You can’t come with me, I suppose? Sort of, deputise for me there?”
“It very much depends where you want to go, sir.”
I stepped over to that vast map of the world which dominates one wall of my office. It was dotted with little red markers to show where all the little armies and navies and so on were, which made it a dashed nuisance to find ideal holiday destinations since they had a tendency to be blotted out.
“Europe’s a no-go of course.”
“Indeed, sir.”
“No more trips to Paris for me!”
“Indeed, sir.”
“Or Cannes, for that matter.”
“Indeed, sir.”
“I went to America quite recently. On business, you know.”
“Indeed, sir.”
“Met President Goldwater.”
“Indeed, sir.”
“Strange chap.”
“Indeed, sir.”
Jeeves' interruptions were disturbing my train of thought, but I didn’t mention it for fear that I would hurt his feelings further.

“We could always go to Peking again.”
“Meet my old chum Chiang Kai-Shek!” I said, “Haven’t seen him in a long old while. We could see their Forbidden City, Jeeves.”
Jeeves hesitated for a moment.
“If you’d pardon me saying, sir, China is currently engulfed in a situation of civil strife to the intensity at which foreign travel would be an election of poor circumspection.”
“Oh. Rather.”
“If I may suggest, sir, an ideal choice of holiday destination may be within the United Kingdom itself. It would indicate the perpetuity of the emotional bond between yourself and this country.”
“What, show how much I’m a sucker for this sceptred isle of ours?”
“Precisely sir.”
I studied the map again.
“No, I don’t think so, Jeeves. I mean, I’ve already liberated this country from tyrannical foreign oppression and governed it for the next 20-odd years. I think my undying love for it is pretty bally obvious.”
“If you say so, sir.”
“I do say so.” I had a thought, like a little light-bulb had gone off over my head, “I say, Jeeves!”

“How about we go to South Africa? See how Claude and Eustace are doing over there?”
Long-term readers may remember that a good few decades back, my erstwhile cousins Claude and Eustace had been unceremoniously deported to the furthermost fringes of the Empire by our Aunt Agatha, that sworn enemy of all things Wooster. I had sort of forgotten about them ever since that episode, until a couple weeks back when a letter or missive had arrived at the door of Downing Street announcing that they had seized power in an umpteenth of the coup d’etats that seem to rock Cape Town almost weekly. They’d asked me over to ‘legitimise their regime’, and while I had unceremoniously dismissed the letter back then, it now seemed quite an attractive invitation.

“I would advise against it sir, without consultation with President Goldwater and General-Secretary Salazar.”
“Oh, old Slippy won’t mind.”
“And the President, sir?” Jeeves asked, his intonation betraying that he felt it very much appropriate that I discard this train of thought and get back to the paperwork he was still bearing, dutifully. He had a point though. Goldwater and I had hardly hit it off during our little get-together in Washington. That being said, it didn’t help that Tuppy Glossop had decided to leak the minutes of the entire Defence Conference to a journalist because he took offence at having his name mispronounced (some cove by the name of Kissenger had insisted on pronouncing it "glow-sup"). Sometimes you just begged him to put the ‘secret’ into ‘Foreign Secretary’.

But no matter what the President thought, I reasoned. On occasion, one must be prepared act unilaterally.
“The President will just have to put up with it. Ready the old jetliner, Jeeves, we are going to South Africa.”
Jeeves hesitated for a moment, but his feudal instinct remained steadfast as ever, “Very good, sir.”

And so began one of the greatest ordeals of the Clan Wooster...
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lasaga is good.png
alternate world map
it had things from 1400s to 2000 and its ma fav map
edit: how do we make country influences easily (because i just trace inside border and its tedious
Certainly original! What's happened to Britain, the Nazis get it? Or did Edward V3 go fash?
Glad you like it! It's a sequel to this post. Germany invaded Britain in 1940 but Bertie Wooster led an armed resistance movement against the Nazis and essentially ended up a British Tito. He now rules the country under a benevolent dictatorship in which the Drones Club and British Government have to all intents and purposes merged.
Really great map. Although, weren't Hayasa and Azzi closer to Lake Van?

My only source for this is the Wikipedia article who mentions the confederation of the two. Although the article later mention that it lay around
Lake Van the introduction positions Hayasa south of Trabzon and north of Azzi and Azzi north of the Euphrates and also north of Isuwa.
The map this article includes also positions Hayasa north of the Euphrates. So i'm not to sure about it and i don't want this to be a final answer.
If someone knows it better and can provide a source (of good quality) i'll change it based on it.
A bit of a silly one-shot I put up on dA. Red Alert-style Soviet wank (there is more to the background, here). I liked how ToixStory did pixel art off to the side of some of her maps to give a "slice of life" of the world, so I've also decided to start doing that myself more.


This is a very pretty WorldA map!

That is all
Here's something I've been working on for quite some time now. It's the Middle Eastern theatre of the First World War, which isn't usually focused on in comparable videos.

Map of North America 1910.


In 1841 Britain accepts John Tyler's tripartite pact over the Oregon territory dispute. At first the Mexicans are unwilling to enter any negotiations and the British and Americans come to a separate agreement over the Oregon territory. Fast forward a couple years and the Mexican-American war starts, when the Americans start knocking near Mexico city the Mexican government decides to accept to enter the tripartite agreements but the near victorious Americans under Polk refuse. But unfortunately for them The British with the Backing of the French intervene.

In the end the British are able to strong arm and buy off the disgruntled Americans when the French give them a blank cheque.

-In the end the Americans are forced to reverse the Texan annexation.

-Mexico and Texas are to cede all lands north of the 37th Parallel to the USA.

-Mexico is to recognise, Texas's independence and all lands east of the Rio grande as rightfully Texan.

-Mexico is to pay the USA 300 million dollars to the USA as war Reparation and 150 million Dollars to Texas as war reparations under the condition that Texans outlaws Slavery immediately and buy out slave owners in the Nation. (Money which is loaned to the Mexicans by the British, which ended up making Mexico a British protectorate in all but name)

In America, the war is seen as a great success by those in the North. The bay of San Francisco was secured along with their access to the pacific and the reparation from the war ended up making the adventure financially profitable. Many in the South however where outraged as they saw their sacred institution thrown aside for land that they couldn't use. The sense of betrayal would fuel Southern anger as successive administrations promised to create new slave states but never did. This culminated in the election of the Abolitionist Abraham Lincoln to president in 1860 leading to the South seceding, the American civil war was vicious but ultimately the North prevailed out and on Christmas day 1862 Jefferson Davis the President of the rebel Confederacy signed the instrument of surrender to General Sherman in Atlanta Georgia. Slavery would be outlawed in the USA following the war and unlike their Texan counterparts nearly all slavers not only didn't receive a buyout but a tax demand by the federal government for 2 years of unpaid taxes. Many historians now agree that the South lost due to the fact over 700000 poor southerners immigrated to Texas due to the abundance of cheap land in the now slave less nation, thus reducing their manpower pool and the Mexican reparations where used by Northern states to help build up their industrial base unlike the Southern states who used it as excuse to give their wealthy inhabitants tax cuts.

For the Texans it was a mixed bag, having been spit out by the USA they all of a sudden had nearly all the territory they claimed and enough money to pay of their debts and and start the process of nation building but had to spend just over 20 million dollars to free the near 50000 slaves within their borders. Texas after the war underwent a huge change no longer a slave based agricultural nation it was forced to industrialise, with the help of British and American investors Texas became a very attractive place for immigrants and would receive 3 million such people between its second independence on 1848 to 1860. Most Immigrants came from the USA, Ireland and Germany, with around 1000000, 700000 and 600000 people coming from those nations respectively. But many more also came from elsewhere in Europe as many former slave owners left Texas selling their land for cheap after Slavery was abolished and leaving for the southern USA which in hindsight was a one of the worst decisions they could have made. This caused many to immigrants to flock to Texas in search of land. By 1860 Texas had transformed from a conservative Plantocracy to the most liberal nation in the world. As the century finally ended Texas has seen itself go through a prolonged period of econmic slow down as their Northern neighbours economy booms leading to a "reannexation" movement that is supported by citizens on both sides of the 37th parallel and with Britain in a desperate war against the German-Russian-Italian Coalition many expect they would accept Texan statehood in return for American entry into the war.

As for the Mexicans they were humiliated, forced to accept such unreasonable demands that many thought it was better to have accept the american offer to buy out the land, at least then they wouldn't be saddled with this enormous debt. The next half century was a quite one for Mexico, British business men all but controlled the country through their puppets in government. Mexico would rebuild and overtime push out British interest for their own and by the start of the 20th century would be seen as a very respectable nation in its own right.

Population of nations in North America in 1910:

USA: 110 million
Mexico: 25 million
Texas: 17 million
Canada: 8 million
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Map of North America 1910.
I always find these scenarios pretty interesting. Mainly since to prevents the Southerners getting what they want. It makes me wonder if Texas didn't have slavery clause, would the plantation owners try to immigrate to Texas following the Civil War.
I always find these scenarios pretty interesting. Mainly since to prevents the Southerners getting what they want. It makes me wonder if Texas didn't have slavery clause, would the plantation owners try to immigrate to Texas following the Civil War.
Oh most definitely, if Texas got the Money without having to give up slavery, the moment the war looked bad many Southern planters would have packed everything they could have carried and moved to Texas.
And how long will they keep that up?
TBH I wouldn't know how long slaverly would last in Texas in this scenario, it could go the Brazilian route but I highly doubt it since many if not a majority of slave owners would be american and have experienced the civil war and would be very hostile to anabolism.
For my TL, I've decided to finally show off the flags of the current world. Majority of the flags are OTL, & some being different proposals as well. But one flag is a reference to a movie. ;)


(Higher quality version here.)
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For my TL, I've decided to finally show off the maps of the current world. Majority of the flags are OTL, & some being different proposals as well. But one flag is a reference to a movie. ;)


(Higher quality version here.)
Mainland ROC gets a like from me :)
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