Map Thread XVII

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So when and how did Mexico become independent in this TL?

Independence was declared in 1803 and the fighting lasted till 1808. ITTL, Mexico got an easier ride out of the Spanish Empire: When a mob of angry liberals approached the Viceroy, the ambitious viceroy concedes and begins reforms. These reforms anger many Peninsulares and royalists, who mobilize in the name of Charles IV. However the Royalist faction is split when Ferdinand usurps the throne, creating two rival royal governments. Then Ferdinand gets caught by French Republican invasion and meets Madame Guillotine. Charles IV and Hoche sign a treaty which just creates more resentment against the monarchy in New Spain. The Drought of 1806 serves to mobilize farmers into militias under the independence umbrella, and flight from haciendas to these militias is not actively discouraged by the Criollo commanders. Many royalists abandoned hope for the monarchy and were offered safe passage to Cuba. A Royal armada set to reconquer Mexico is intercepted and defeated by a coalition of US, Mexican, and pirates in the Miracle of Veracruz. Spain had bigger fish to fry at the time and the Armada defeat pushed the reconquest of New Spain to the back of the list of priorities. Spain would attempt to reconquer New Spain as late as 1817, but by then Mexico was standing on two feet.

"This New World truly is the glorious land of freedom. Under the guidance of enlightened figures, such as their President Azcárate and the saintly Hidalgo, the peoples of this land are prospering. As all souls are equal before God, the people are all equal to one another, and theirs is a society which knows no slavery of any kind. I cannot say the same of Great Britain or the United States... I wept at the statue of Nike on their great boulevard. So graceful is she, born to the sound of bells"

- Neill D'Isgny, Journals of an Irishman in California, Entry #56: El Bajio

Early Post-Independence Mexico is a balancing act of various parties. President Juan Francisco Azcárate y Lezama deftly navigated the choppy waters of statecraft into a more stable regime by the 1810s. The path to the abolition of slavery as well as the wearing down of the hacienda system by autonomous peasants and immigrant labor have slowly been undercutting the power of traditional patrón class. With the end of Spanish mercantilism, Mexico's trade with the United States began to come above table, and the Mexican state began receiving revenue from the vast amount of trade undertaken both via the hide and tallow trade of California, Fur Trapping in Alta Pequistanui [OTL Missouri River area], and coffee in Veracruz. With the British Blockade of Charleston in 1830 and Caribbean embargo, The United States has turned to Mexico for its coffee and sugar concerns. This is not to say smuggling did not still occur, as it would play a major factor in future confrontations between the two republics. Georgia found a particularly close relationship with Mexico, particularly after the Savannah Regiment returned from the Mexican War of Independence. Robert O'Toole and Warren Beady were two such men whose military careers helped get them to the Governor's seat.

The Western Mississippi Basin is balanced between French elite, who have been in the region since the 1640s, and Freedmen, both manumitted from French owners and runaways from the United States. The Mexican government tries to aide the entry of freedmen into the territory to dilute French influence, so long as they convert to Catholicism and at least try to take up Spanish. The Chaos continues on the Great Plains as Natives pushed further West by settlers in the Virginia pour in, and clash with established communities. The Comanche in particular are using The Chaos to grow influence in the region. In the West, The Catholic Church retains control over many haciendas, but the political interests of the Rancheros and a growing number of migrants from China have begun secularizing local politics. Mexico still trades in silver with China, and has officially sent a tributary mission in 1824, with a base of operations near Macau. Central Mexico has seen mobilization by autonomous peasants for land reform, still stirred up by the War of Independence. The Government has tried to solve this by giving away land along the fertile Mississippi, but the overall majority of these people do not wish to move. Many have set up make-shift towns around Mexico City, and several riots recently occurred, several threatening the Ayuntamiento.

The Stability of Post-Colonial Mexico in these early years sets in place systems and groups which will help Mexico through its darkest days. The military is subordinate to the civilian government, and Officers are chosen on merit as often as they are for the right blood. President Juan Aldama has banned the hacienda system from the northern territories in favor of autonomous peasantry. Slavery has been abolished for several decades, and unlike the United States there is no forced resettlement in Africa. The Federal system of Three Capitals is in place to distribute power to areas of potential rebellion, as well as make military coups significantly harder. Semaphore lines and a precious few railroad lines have begun connecting the country together. The Treaty of Kingston has kept Great Britain off of Mexico's back, and even brought them together to fight American smugglers and pirates.

With the election of José Figueroa, Mexico will enter a new period of crisis, and come out the other side stronger.

View attachment 376305

Do you have anything else for this timeline?

Hello my dear watchers and lurk-arounders!

I have just recently hit the 100 watchers mark!

Originally I wanted to post a very large and detailed Danube Monarchy map, but the last 3-4 watchers have made their way to me very quickly, like in one week or so.

As you might see from my recent maps, I tried to make some framing and other stuff to improve my maps. While I was away, I have practiced a bit and decided to make a first map in my new style for my 100 watcher anniversary.

Here it is, the map of the Holy Britannian Empire, an isolationist, anti-metahuman races, radical-christian Country that has isolated itself from the rest of the world with the exception of a few opened Harbour cities (The largest: Dover).
It sees itself as the last "pure human fortress in the world" and thus operates a constant witchhunt/jewish exodus on any awakened being, which they call corrupted. If the populace spots a "corrupted citizen", they are obliged to report it to the police guards, and it will be likely disappear within days. What happens with them is unclear, but it is assumed they are slaughtered or made slaves.

Translation of the map:

Legend (Lower Left Corner):
City [of] London (This is the County of London, not the actual City of London)
Holy City
Large City
Holy Town/Location
Town/Midsize City (Chosen Examples)
Opened Harbours
Occult Locations
"Demonic Areas" (Explained in main text)

Text below map: Map of the Wagner press: Vienna/Warsaw/Kiev/Hermannsburg (Jakarta)

Main Text:
The Brittanian Reich [Realm],
Native Name "Holy Britannian Empire", is one of the most
well-known Examples of a state of anti-metahuman racial laws. ["Anti-Metahuman-Races State"]
It is divided into England, Scotland, Walisia [Wales], the english Western March, the Free City of London [& the City of London], The Hebrides and the opened trade cities.


The Britannian Reich arose from the Anglican coup d'état in 1857, in which the English Queen Victoria, mutated to an Archwitch, was expulsed from the country, which introduced a new era in the country's history.
Since then, the Country isolates itself from the rest of the world like the Japanese once did.
Only 6 cities remain opened to the strongly limitated international trade.
Additionally, the country maintains a constant witch hunt on every awakened race [& being], and sees itself as the "last pure human fortress of the world". Thus it has sorted some of its "counties" into the status of "increased Corruption rate", meaning increased awakening rate. Counties with this status are marked with red stripes on this map.
They mostly comprise the Northwest of Scotland and the formerly independent Scottish Hebrides & Islands.


This hermitness is so extreme since several decades, as that the Britannian government indoctrinates the populace that the world is a flat disk [Created by god], which only comprises the British Isles, Ireland and some outer territories [like Calais].
The Danube Monarchy is portrayed as the devil's kingdom on the cloud-smothered downside of the diskworld [which extends its claws onto the Calais Area, which is called Gallia].
The phenomenon has become so widespread as that the British Royal Family has been seen believing this System as well.

Original post:

Hello my dear watchers and lurk-arounders!

I have just recently hit the 100 watchers mark!

Originally I wanted to post a very large and detailed Danube Monarchy map, but the last 3-4 watchers have made their way to me very quickly, like in one week or so.

As you might see from my recent maps, I tried to make some framing and other stuff to improve my maps. While I was away, I have practiced a bit and decided to make a first map in my new style for my 100 watcher anniversary.

Here it is, the map of the Holy Britannian Empire, an isolationist, anti-metahuman races, radical-christian Country that has isolated itself from the rest of the world with the exception of a few opened Harbour cities (The largest: Dover).
It sees itself as the last "pure human fortress in the world" and thus operates a constant witchhunt/jewish exodus on any awakened being, which they call corrupted. If the populace spots a "corrupted citizen", they are obliged to report it to the police guards, and it will be likely disappear within days. What happens with them is unclear, but it is assumed they are slaughtered or made slaves.

Translation of the map:

Legend (Lower Left Corner):
City [of] London (This is the County of London, not the actual City of London)
Holy City
Large City
Holy Town/Location
Town/Midsize City (Chosen Examples)
Opened Harbours
Occult Locations
"Demonic Areas" (Explained in main text)

Text below map: Map of the Wagner press: Vienna/Warsaw/Kiev/Hermannsburg (Jakarta)

Main Text:
The Brittanian Reich [Realm],
Native Name "Holy Britannian Empire", is one of the most
well-known Examples of a state of anti-metahuman racial laws. ["Anti-Metahuman-Races State"]
It is divided into England, Scotland, Walisia [Wales], the english Western March, the Free City of London [& the City of London], The Hebrides and the opened trade cities.


The Britannian Reich arose from the Anglican coup d'état in 1857, in which the English Queen Victoria, mutated to an Archwitch, was expulsed from the country, which introduced a new era in the country's history.
Since then, the Country isolates itself from the rest of the world like the Japanese once did.
Only 6 cities remain opened to the strongly limitated international trade.
Additionally, the country maintains a constant witch hunt on every awakened race [& being], and sees itself as the "last pure human fortress of the world". Thus it has sorted some of its "counties" into the status of "increased Corruption rate", meaning increased awakening rate. Counties with this status are marked with red stripes on this map.
They mostly comprise the Northwest of Scotland and the formerly independent Scottish Hebrides & Islands.


This hermitness is so extreme since several decades, as that the Britannian government indoctrinates the populace that the world is a flat disk [Created by god], which only comprises the British Isles, Ireland and some outer territories [like Calais].
The Danube Monarchy is portrayed as the devil's kingdom on the cloud-smothered downside of the diskworld [which extends its claws onto the Calais Area, which is called Gallia].
The phenomenon has become so widespread as that the British Royal Family has been seen believing this System as well.

Original post:

Ho-lee shit. This is some serious work. Major props.
Main Text:
The Brittanian Reich [Realm],
Native Name "Holy Britannian Empire", is one of the most
well-known Examples of a state of anti-metahuman racial laws. ["Anti-Metahuman-Races State"]
It is divided into England, Scotland, Walisia [Wales], the english Western March, the Free City of London [& the City of London], The Hebrides and the opened trade cities.


The Britannian Reich arose from the Anglican coup d'état in 1857, in which the English Queen Victoria, mutated to an Archwitch, was expulsed from the country, which introduced a new era in the country's history.
Since then, the Country isolates itself from the rest of the world like the Japanese once did.
Only 6 cities remain opened to the strongly limitated international trade.
Additionally, the country maintains a constant witch hunt on every awakened race [& being], and sees itself as the "last pure human fortress of the world". Thus it has sorted some of its "counties" into the status of "increased Corruption rate", meaning increased awakening rate. Counties with this status are marked with red stripes on this map.
They mostly comprise the Northwest of Scotland and the formerly independent Scottish Hebrides & Islands.


This hermitness is so extreme since several decades, as that the Britannian government indoctrinates the populace that the world is a flat disk [Created by god], which only comprises the British Isles, Ireland and some outer territories [like Calais].
The Danube Monarchy is portrayed as the devil's kingdom on the cloud-smothered downside of the diskworld [which extends its claws onto the Calais Area, which is called Gallia].
The phenomenon has become so widespread as that the British Royal Family has been seen believing this System as well.

Original post:

What happen to the rest of the Brittsh Empire after the UK itself went off the deep end?

God-Emperor Bob Katter has fulfilled his dreams of a North Queensland state. Capricornian secession will soon follow. :p


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