Map Thread XIX

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For instance, your map devotes at least three colors to what appear to be the Slavic languages, yet only two for the incredibly diverse Niger-Congo family, even though the former is probably more tight-knit than the latter.

More than probably. The Slavic languages are a very well-established branch of the Indo-European family; in fact, most linguists consider it a branch off the larger Balto-Slavic branch. The Niger-Congo family is a primary language family with some controversy over which languages should be included and a protolanguage that predates Proto-Slavic by several thousand years.

But yeah, "Nothing ever happens in South America" applies to Africa too, so I could see the Linguistic Map Thread having one color for the whole thing.
The Confederate Civil War - 1891 A.D.

This is really cool. I'm surprised either faction of the CSA managed to hold on to Eastern Tennessee, given the region's Unionist leanings. And is "Free Gullah" just a name, or is it primarily inhabited by the Gullah? The latter seems unlikely for a region that includes Charleston and Savannah, but maybe I'm underestimating the rural population of that area.
Sequoyah too given I can't see the Native Americans being able to fight back against the much larger, and powerful USA.

I'm wondering about that too- I could see the US keeping them around as a puppet state, but I could also see them being annexed.

If the USA is smart, they could support the Free Gullah and Free Tidewater to aid in their march if they really want to push southward into the Deep South, or at least take NC and so control the Upper Southland plus SC.

That would work. Do you think Free Gullah and Free Tidewater could be convinced to join the US as states voluntarily, or would they be better as puppets/forcibly incorporated? I'd like to find out.

For Texas, the US could either side with Mexico (Recognizing it current territory gains to gain an ally in the South and box Texas in.) or cut a deal with the rest of Texas. (Promise to retake what Mexico have taken so far, and at beat, an status as a independent, yet puppet Republic of Texas may live.)

I could see the US getting pissed at Mexico for trying to take "its" territory and Texas potentially managing to play Philadelphia and Mexico City off against each other to maintain real independence. Not that your ideas couldn't work, just that it's a possibility.

For some odd reason, I like the idea of a British backed/influence Republic of Florida and like to see more of it. And even that of the Socialist Federation of Dixie if only to see whatever they an hot burning mess, or not.

Yeah, Florida works and is probably going to still be around. But what the heck is going to happen to the SFD?


Made a real nice worlda map from finding resources off line, the map itself was free to use from anyone. I just overlayed Donjon textures for land and water color textures for oceans.

Hey hey, you found that somewhere, yes? For the love of YHWH, Zeus, Brahma, and all that is holy, give my mans MrImperatorRoma his proper credit!

Link to the OP map btw:
Quick question, how would you show joint occupation of a territory? stripes?
If you want to go complicated: Dotted lines around the contested area showing the claimed borders, maybe a dashed line showing de-facto border, stripes showing the actual area, with maybe one color being thicker on side of the border and vice versa.
The Republic of Tai-oan:


National Flag


Map showing territory and major cities


Territorial evolution of Tai-oan. Declaration of Independence by the Republican Government (1945) in green, Dutch surrender of Phin-o (1947) in red, and US handover of Peh-tang (1948) in blue.

I'll write some background history for this later. I also want to make more graphics for this timeline at some point. The jist of it is that Dutch Formosa survives until WW2 and post-WW2 it becomes independent as a Hokkien-speaking republic.

A religious map of the world in 1200 AD. Largest religions:
  • Christianity:
    • Catholicism (yellow)
    • Orthodoxy (orange)
    • Miaphysite (greyishpink around Red Sea)
    • Nestorian (brighter pink in Mesopotamia and Central Asia)
    • Donatism (yellow-greenin Africa)
  • Buddhims
    • Mahayana (North India, Xinjiang, Manchuria
    • Vajrayana (Tibet)
    • Theravada (Sri Lanka, Burma)
  • Hinduism
  • Confucianism
  • Tengriism
  • Manichaeism
    • Denawar (Aral Sea, Volga, Siberia)
    • Mazdaki (Oman, Indian Ocean
  • Zoroastrianism..
I'm wondering about that too- I could see the US keeping them around as a puppet state, but I could also see them being annexed.

That would work. Do you think Free Gullah and Free Tidewater could be convinced to join the US as states voluntarily, or would they be better as puppets/forcibly incorporated? I'd like to find out.

I could see the US getting pissed at Mexico for trying to take "its" territory and Texas potentially managing to play Philadelphia and Mexico City off against each other to maintain real independence. Not that your ideas couldn't work, just that it's a possibility.

Yeah, Florida works and is probably going to still be around. But what the heck is going to happen to the SFD?

A puppet state for Sequoyah would likely be the best deal they could get from the Union. Be smarter too given they be busy in the Southland, and Sequoyah is really more of a side theater.

Not sure actually. I wound't know that much about Tidewater, but the Gullah are really cool, and may join voluntarily if the USA aid them and help persevere their creole culture.

I have no idea for the SFD. They control a great share of the Mississippi (Vicksburg, New Orleans.) so it works for them.


Monthly Donor
Made a real nice worlda map from finding resources off line, the map itself was free to use from anyone. I just overlayed Donjon textures for land and water color textures for oceans.

YOU made it?

Sure about that?

It looks exactly like a map posted on Deviant Art.
YOU made it?

Sure about that?

It looks exactly like a map posted on Deviant Art.
I don't think they're trying to claim they made the map itself, but just made a very pretty worlda style version of the map?
"The map itself was free to use from anyone." I think is them saying they got the map from somewhere else.
They then say they just overlayed some textures to make the land and water appear as they do in the image they posted.

They could have been more clear and provided more proper credit to the original creator, but I don't think they had any malicious intent to steal someone else's work.


I don't think they're trying to claim they made the map itself, but just made a very pretty worlda style version of the map?
"The map itself was free to use from anyone." I think is them saying they got the map from somewhere else.
They then say they just overlayed some textures to make the land and water appear as they do in the image they posted.

They could have been more clear and provided more proper credit to the original creator, but I don't think they had any malicious intent to steal someone else's work.

Pretty much.


Monthly Donor
I don't think they're trying to claim they made the map itself, but just made a very pretty worlda style version of the map?
"The map itself was free to use from anyone." I think is them saying they got the map from somewhere else.
They then say they just overlayed some textures to make the land and water appear as they do in the image they posted.

They could have been more clear and provided more proper credit to the original creator, but I don't think they had any malicious intent to steal someone else's work.
I sort of agree. That is why they aren't on the bench for a week for plagiarism. Still should give credit where due.


I don't think they're trying to claim they made the map itself, but just made a very pretty worlda style version of the map?
"The map itself was free to use from anyone." I think is them saying they got the map from somewhere else.
They then say they just overlayed some textures to make the land and water appear as they do in the image they posted.

They could have been more clear and provided more proper credit to the original creator, but I don't think they had any malicious intent to steal someone else's work.

Pretty much.

It would be nice though if @Cantra included this link, which is again the link to the original map by Mrimperatorroma.
My map was descibed as “free to use” or some such yes, but I assumed that those who used it would credit me somewhere abouts, similar to using Globolco’s Luna map, frex. I’ve changed it on dA now so that is not going to be the case anymore.


My map was descibed as “free to use” or some such yes, but I assumed that those who used it would credit me somewhere abouts, similar to using Globolco’s Luna map, frex. I’ve changed it on dA now so that is not going to be the case anymore.

Yeah you've got your name on it in that link, so either they found a version that doesn't have a name on it or they removed it. What seems most likely?


I could see the US getting pissed at Mexico for trying to take "its" territory and Texas potentially managing to play Philadelphia and Mexico City off against each other to maintain real independence. Not that your ideas couldn't work, just that it's a possibility.
The US capital is still in DC, but other than that yeah I'm pretty much thinking that's what will happen, with Texas exchanging most of their occupied territories by the US and Mexico in exchange for recognition and support against the SFD and Confederates.
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