Map of the Fortnight: Main Discussion Thread

Oh! Well, make a treaty that cuts down a nation, like Germany was in WWI. The contest is kind of restricted in that it's only other countries from WWI.

My main problem with interpreting the challenge is that the whole Treaty of Versailles-esque part can widely vary... Mostly due to you choosing that particular wording, because the Treaty of Versailles formally did only apply to Germany: Ignoring the colonial concessions, Germany got off mild when it comes to territorial losses (though cases like the Free City of Danzig and the North Schleswig area were kinda dubious). The real humiliation was the military limitation, the reparations and the exclusive war guilt.

All other Central Powers nations received separate treaties, some harsher than others: Bulgaria as the fourth Central Powers member received a fairly light punishment, with the primary intent being of them losing access to the Aegean Sea (for Greece's benefit) and shifting the border with Serbia in a way which weakened Sofia's defensive capabilities. Only Austria-Hungary and the Ottomans received treaties which genuinely "cut them up" and even then almost all territorial concessions of the Central Powers were in their basic form outlined in the original Fourteen Points.

Sorry to nitpick, by the way, I just wanted to expose how much leeway one can have with this, even if one is limited to states which were sovereign in 1914 or gained it during the course of the war.
Wait, why are there now two different MotF threads on two different sites?


Because some people decided that they didn't like the administration here, and thus moved to a new site. One of these people was the original proprietor of the MotF, and so he left the MotF here in Upvote's hands but made a new MotF on the site that he moved to as well.


Because some people decided that they didn't like the administration here, and thus moved to a new site. One of these people was the original proprietor of the MotF, and so he left the MotF here in Upvote's hands but made a new MotF on the site that he moved to as well.

Roughly, yes. Dissatisfied with Ian's hypocrisy, inconsistency, and refusal to be held accountable I decided I'd rather be somewhere else, ultimately resulting in the creation of AltHistoria. Currently there are two parallel but separate MotF contests - one on here, run by Upvoteanthology, and one on AltHistoria run by me. I feel I should note that I'm not the original proprietor of the MotF contest though; I'm actually the third person to run the contest with Scarecrow being the first, though I've been running it for the vast majoirty of its existence. :p
Really, no entries? :( Do people want to extend it a week or so, or just skip this topic and move on to a better one? We also don't have any suggestions, should I just make something? :S
IMO the big problem with the current challenge is that it is kinda limiting, using a strict interpretation of the challenge, largely for the reasons I have outlined in the essay-ish post I made earlier (very narrow time period/limited country selection AND most of the countries involved are frankly huge XD)

But I have an idea now, so if you can extend the challenge by one week... I should get a map done.
IMO the big problem with the current challenge is that it is kinda limiting, using a strict interpretation of the challenge, largely for the reasons I have outlined in the essay-ish post I made earlier (very narrow time period/limited country selection AND most of the countries involved are frankly huge XD)

But I have an idea now, so if you can extend the challenge by one week... I should get a map done.

Fraid that's not my choice to make. Everyone voted on it, and while I proposed a new proposal, it seemed that it was what the people wanted. But fine, challenge extended a week.
Fraid that's not my choice to make. Everyone voted on it, and while I proposed a new proposal, it seemed that it was what the people wanted. But fine, challenge extended a week.

I'm not complaining much in regards to the challenge itself. Also would you say that one needs to show the entire partition of the subject nation or is just showing a portion fine? And if it's only a portion of it, would focusing on one of the colonies be okay, too? And can one also show neutrals which existed at the time (in an ATL where they joined the war with a POD after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand)?

Just asking because I have a bunch of ideas instead of just one now.
I'm not complaining much in regards to the challenge itself. Also would you say that one needs to show the entire partition of the subject nation or is just showing a portion fine? And if it's only a portion of it, would focusing on one of the colonies be okay, too?

Just asking because I have a bunch of ideas instead of just one now.

Anything like that is fine.
MotF is dead, long live MotF!

Upvote, are handdrawn maps allowed? or do they need to be computer-made and of decent quality? (I can't really do either of those, bad with the old mouse)