Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

Here's a nice example of what this meant in practice, beyond what you might already know about corporatism and the actual political structure of the regime:

Salazar made the use of academic honorifics mandatory. Any man would be entitled to be called Senhor/Mister (Sr.) out of convention, but you couldn't just call anyone that. Nono. A Doctor's name, for instance, would always be preceded by Doutor, more specifically Senhor Doutor (Sr. Dr.), shortened phonetically to "sotôr". An engineer would always be called Senhor Engenheiro "sôr engenheiro", and a government Minister would always be called Senhor Ministro "sôr ministro".

Radio broadcasts from the era are especially memeable because of how they refer to Salazar almost exclusively as "Sr. Presidente do Conselho Doutor António de Oliveira Salazar", i.e. "Mister President of the Council Doctor António de Oliveira Salazar". It was a return to the feudal title, almost, but built around merit and personal accomplishment, not nobility. But even some styles bordering on the nobiliarchic made their way into the system, like calling members of one of several national orders bearing the grade of Commander or higher using the style Senhor Comendador.

Brazil in everyday conventions makes things simpler: Doutor is the default form of formal address for men in high places, from people who had an actual doctorate like Kubitschek, to your local representative who doesn't have one.

Can ya'll give me some feedback on how plausible some of these map/lore changes are?
Portuguese Integralism was very similar to Charles Maurras's ideas, who was an arch-conservative ultranationalist royalist but was scornful of Nazism and Italian fascism. Not the return of feudalism itself, but a romanticized ideal of it.

The brainrot is affecting me. I re-read your commentary and came to one single conclusion, oh might Pyro.

Integralism is Dengist feudalism.

Can ya'll give me some feedback on how plausible some of these map/lore changes are?
Again Soviet Russia would still win against White Army
  1. Because the White Army leadership was decentralized and disunited force.
  2. Germany would have not helped the White Army because the Whites were more aligned with France and Britian and thats why Germany would of not helped Whites because if they did there is a possiblty that Russia would of join forces again with their old allies to attack Germany.
  3. Soviets had prominent industrial cities like Moscow and Petrograd so they could make more ammo for weapons and other materials.
Again Soviet Russia would still win against White Army
  1. Because the White Army leadership was decentralized and disunited force.
  2. Germany would have not helped the White Army because the Whites were more aligned with France and Britian and thats why Germany would of not helped Whites because if they did there is a possiblty that Russia would of join forces again with their old allies to attack Germany.
  3. Soviets had prominent industrial cities like Moscow and Petrograd so they could make more ammo for weapons and other materials.
... Did you even read your Kaiserreich lore?
Again Soviet Russia would still win against White Army
  1. Because the White Army leadership was decentralized and disunited force.
  2. Germany would have not helped the White Army because the Whites were more aligned with France and Britian and thats why Germany would of not helped Whites because if they did there is a possiblty that Russia would of join forces again with their old allies to attack Germany.
  3. Soviets had prominent industrial cities like Moscow and Petrograd so they could make more ammo for weapons and other materials.
...and the other changes?


Woah woah woah, Kaiserreich Cold War?

Is this going to be another "What if Germany won WW2?" scenario?

(@CountofDooku that was a fast reaction)

there’s a couple of mods which have been in development for years now depicting the world of Kaiserreich in an Cold War setting—I believe Kalterkrieg is Entente vs Reichspakt and Krasnacht is Third Internationale vs Moscow Accord, but I could be mixing them up.
there’s a couple of mods which have been in development for years now depicting the world of Kaiserreich in an Cold War setting—I believe Kalterkrieg is Entente vs Reichspakt and Krasnacht is Third Internationale vs Moscow Accord, but I could be mixing them up.
Yes that’s right. However, Krasnacht is mostly dead at this point from a developer team split and lack of coders.
The future is going to be dominated by the terminally online children who were taught everything they know by Paradox mods, Polandball, political compass memes, and Jreg, not to mention TikTok. Pity the future.

Integralism is Dengist feudalism.
If you try to compare it to Falangism and national syndicalism and try to tease out the differences between them you'll end up like
