Eisenhower in the Pacific: Part 1 The Shoestring Warriors of Luzon

My Dad passed away this evening. I wouldn't be writing this story if he hadn't passed his love of history, particularly naval and military history, on to me.

One of my prize possessions for decades was a copy of "Newport News Ships" he bought me at the Mariners Museum in Newport News, VA.

So its dedicated to him


You have my condolences, though words aren't sufficient in these situations. It sounds as though you and your dad were close. Treasure the memories of how he shaped your life.
My condolences and every time you read a book on history, you will remember him. If you see a ship painted haze grey and underway, you will remember him. As long as they are remembered, the dead live.
My Condolences, It appears your father had a good innings as we Brits say and certainly he has a son to be proud of in my humble opinion.
Take your time family comes first.