Effects of a stalemate peace or a late CP victory in WW1 on Spain?

Can't really expand on the question, I really don't know much about Spain from this era. Still, I'm curious about any kind of views and thoughts on the matter. How would Spain develop in such world? Would the monarchy still be overthrown? What about the civil war?

Please tell me what you think!
Can't really expand on the question, I really don't know much about Spain from this era. Still, I'm curious about any kind of views and thoughts on the matter. How would Spain develop in such world? Would the monarchy still be overthrown? What about the civil war?

Please tell me what you think!
Well, ITTL Alfonso doesn't get infected with Spanish Flu. Mainly they would be some sort of economic partner in Germany's Mitteleuropa.

Whether its civil war occurs depends on what situation is located Spain by 1936.
Having lost the Great War (or atleast not won), would France still intervene in the Rif War? If not, what could be the consequences of such development? Could the Spanish be convinced to give up on Morocco? Perhaps the Africanists could lose the king's favour eventually, who would oust them as a result. Would that save the monarchy?
Or even if things develop in a similar vein compared to OTL, and the army launches its coup and the civil war begins on schedule, is it safe to assume that they wouldn't receive any external support, unlike IOTL? Would that mean the Republicans would win?