Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond

Great update. Interested to see President Bush working with the Democrats in Congress. Bush was happy to compromise in OTL so I expect the same will be said for this Bush.
Great update. Interested to see President Bush working with the Democrats in Congress. Bush was happy to compromise in OTL so I expect the same will be said for this Bush.

I feel that OTL Bush Sr. is the most underrated President of the 20th century.

Honestly, despite my politics being somewhat left-wing, I honestly think he was the best post-Reagan President.

He was the last generation of politicians who, despite calling themselves conservatives, still understood the importance of compromise. It was shortly after he left office we begin to see the partisan politics that plagues us today.


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I was in a car accident last week and have been sorting out repair stuff, which has eaten up a lot of my time. Thankfully, no one in the car was hurt, it just ran off the road a bit in a bad snow storm. I should be able to post the Midterm update sometime this week.

Glad to hear you are alright! I hope that all gets sorted out in due time, my friend!

Chapter 90: You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet

Added to the playlist!

So Bush actually made gains in the '74 midterms? Interesting, and fun! 1976 is anybody's game right now in the USA. Grand update, as always!
I feel that OTL Bush Sr. is the most underrated President of the 20th century.

Honestly, despite my politics being somewhat left-wing, I honestly think he was the best post-Reagan President.

He was the last generation of politicians who, despite calling themselves conservatives, still understood the importance of compromise. It was shortly after he left office we begin to see the partisan politics that plagues us today.

Yeah, his big mistake was the "Read my lips: no new taxes" pledge--he never should have made it. IMO, not that it would have helped him in 1992...
Yeah, his big mistake was the "Read my lips: no new taxes" pledge--he never should have made it. IMO, not that it would have helped him in 1992...

Well, it wasn't just that.

His very demeanor screamed, well, blandness. The super market incident and other things showed he was just unable to connect with everyday Americans during a period of economic trouble.

Bush Jr. proved much better at this, transforming himself into a barbecuing loving, good ol' boy.

The electoral defeat of Bush Sr., and the two term victory of Bush Jr easily demonstrates how Americans increasingly replaced substance with style.
Ron Paul (R) is elected to represent the Texas 22nd in the U.S. House.

Decent chapter there Mr @President_Lincoln - nice set of twists and turns.

Thanks, @Ogrebear! :) Much obliged.

Would you mind if I share an article from the 1970's?

Here it is

It is an event that when steel corporation closed up their factory in Youngstown, the community and workers, along with the religious proposed reopening the factory. They asked the FED for loans ($15 millions) and they would improve the factory by upgrading it.

But the Fed said no, and by saying no, they prevented an alternative pathway of saving the middle class industrial class, thereby keeping the whole of the middle class intact.

Even in this article proves that it could keep jobs in the community and INCREASE profitability.

From the article:

Wow. Great midterms update. Agnew's a Senator, huh? Wow.


Thanks @historybuff, and indeed! Former Governor and now Senator Spiro T. Agnew (R - MD) is (much as he was IOTL until becoming Nixon's VP) a relatively centrist, even Liberal Republican, except for his TTL use of "Law and Order" rhetoric and opposition to desegregation through busing. Though he's content with his newly won Senate seat at the moment, Agnew is seen as something of an up and comer in the party, and could make a decent running mate or even Presidential candidate in the future. Rumor around the capital has it that Vice President Reagan is watching Agnew carefully as a potential running mate in 1980 for his own run if all things go according to plan.

Okay heres my first suggestion

Bob Casey, a lawyer who decided to throw his hat into the ring aganst a rockefeller republican, running on Unions and Irish Catholic values, enormusly influenced by the writings of Catholic Political Activist Ellen Mccormack who is setting up her own magazine American Values, a New Dealer magazine with a strong Catholic influences.

Love it! :D Bob Casey, Sr. (D - PA) was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives for the first time in 1974. He would soon make a name for himself as the de facto firebrand of the Democratic Party's pro-life wing.


The Democrats must feel like the world is conspiring against them, while the Republicans must feel like the universe is finally self correcting after the 1930s and 40s

You've got that right! Circumstances have cost the Democrats election after election despite their fundamentals and campaign organization being very sound. Count on a big effort in '76 to win back momentum and get back on track.

Might I suggest some ideas for railroads in Messages?

Of course! I'd be happy to hear them.

I hope Harvey Milk goes far in California politicis ITTL.

Stay tuned! ;) I can promise his career will be fruitful.

Also got an idea: Maybe Bill Moyers could get involved in NY politics, with the 74 campaign running attack ads like this aganst Jim Buckley:

(A man in a NYC hospital on life support) This is Joe Luigi. He is a hard working Construction man who got injured in a horrible work accident and was almost killed. Fortunately he was helped by New York’s top of the line Health care system and is on the road to recovery. That is if Jim Buckley and his Republican Lackawanna don’t have their way. If they got what he wanted the Health Care system would be cut and Hospitals would be emptied.Men like Luigi would be left out in the cold (New man comes in, resembling the governor comes into the room and turns off life support, video ends with a steady beep sound) stop this before it’s too late. Vote Carey, Vote Democratic.
I got an idea for Moyers accomplices too: He now has a bright new aide by the name of Roger Stone who has been very inventive for the last couple ads.

I like this idea, Mr. President! :) Well written attack ad.

Also how are Representatives Denton, Will and Kemp doing?

Could you remind me who Reps Denton and Will are? :) I just want to make sure I'm answering the correct question.

Congressman Jack Kemp (R - NY) was handily reelected in 1974 and is quite popular in his district for his libertarian, supply side ideals. He's been convinced by former Governor Jim Buckley and others to throw his hat into the ring for the GOP nomination to oppose RFK for his Senate seat in 1976. Polls are tight at the moment, but Kemp is currently the front-runner for that nomination.

Good update.

Like that Shirley Temple Black won; IIRC, she was in Czechoslovakia during the Prague Spring and its crushing (and helped evacuate American citizens in the aftermath (1)), and served as ambassador there when the Velvet Revolution happened, accompanying the Czechoslovakian president to Washington. Of course, it helps that a lot of voters were likely fans of her movies...

Also like that Gary Hart won, even if I think his womanizing (which went on for a long time before the Monkey Business; his wife put up with a lot, similar to Lady Bird Johnson (2)) will catch up to him...

Like the mention of Ron Dellums; he was the African-American equivalent of Bernie Sanders (and I wouldn't be surprised if he and Sanders were friends IOTL) and he was opposed to Apartheid in South Africa (there was an interesting Disney movie, of all things, made about this--The Color of Friendship)...

Like that Lloyd Bentsen won as governor (how is the Texas HSR proceeding, BTW?)...

Also, hope Harvey Milk avoids Dan White ITTL (what is he up to; BTW, an interesting thing about him was that he was supportive of black firemen and police officers when he worked in both occupations (he did so before being appointed to the San Francisco City Council) to the point of helping them study for exams for promotions) and goes very far in his career; he deserves it, IMO...

The song "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet" was sung by Bachman-Turner Overdrive and released in September of 1974, so congrats for continuing the pattern, @President_Lincoln, and waiting for more, of course...

(1) This is probably an urban legend, but it has been stated that part of the reason the convoy went through without difficulty was because the hardline Communists were Shirley Temple fans, which would not be surprising...
(2) Lady Bird Johnson's basic quote about her husband's womanizing should be quoted: "My husband loved people. He loved all people. It'd be unfair to ask me to withhold his love from half the people."

Thank you for all of this lovely information and feedback, @Unknown! :D I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the update. :) The political landscape of TTL is beginning to expand as more and more players take the stage, that's for sure. It's not just about the Kennedys anymore, and as '76 draws closer and closer, expect more "on the trail" and intimate updates with the candidates!

Gotta catch up, but this timeline is still looking as fantastic as ever.

This is tremendous news, especially with the implications that he will go far. On the flip side, have we heard what’s happened to Jim Jones ITTL? I seem to remember him having ties with San Francisco politics at the time, including with Milk.

Awesome! :D Thank you @cmakk1012. :) I haven't included Jim Jones in an update yet, but I plan to soon.

I feel that OTL Bush Sr. is the most underrated President of the 20th century.

Honestly, despite my politics being somewhat left-wing, I honestly think he was the best post-Reagan President.

He was the last generation of politicians who, despite calling themselves conservatives, still understood the importance of compromise. It was shortly after he left office we begin to see the partisan politics that plagues us today.

I totally get where you're coming from there, @Bookmark1995. :) Bush Sr. was an American patriot and a fine President, dare I even say an American hero! I'm really happy that I can feature him so prominently ITTL, especially in a unique situation like being President in the 1970's.

Reps Denton and Will
Here ya Go
George Will, a YAF wiz kid from Maryland who managed to primary a corrupt moderate Republican incumbent and beat off the Democratic candidate by flaying him in a debate. Currently hard at work trying to build a Coalition of Younger conservative congressman to make changes in Washington and in the Republican Party.
Jerimiah Denton, another Republican victory in the South. Unlike his Senatorial Colleagues, he did not use Race as a dividing issue, instead focusing on his heroism in Cambodia and commitment to Christianianity and Anti Communism.(he gets along swimmingly with fellow Vet John Kerry)
He's been convinced by former Governor Jim Buckley and others to throw his hat into the ring for the GOP nomination to oppose RFK for his Senate seat in 1976.
Also if I were Kemp, I would save up my political capital for a run at the Govenors office in 78. More achievable than a go at Mr. Popular (and let's face it,destined to be President given this Tls direction) RFK. I'm guessing Buckley is scheming to come back in 78 himself and told Kemp to lay off.
I totally get where you're coming from there, @Bookmark1995. :) Bush Sr. was an American patriot and a fine President, dare I even say an American hero! I'm really happy that I can feature him so prominently ITTL, especially in a unique situation like being President in the 1970's.

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Let's not put the man on a pedestal.

He was a CIA director, meaning he was involved in some downright shady shit.

He also ignored the collapse of Yugoslavia.

On the other hand,

How can you hate a man who escaped from a cannibal?
When the Soviet Union and Pakistan invaded Afghanistan on July 12th, national security and military issues immediately surged to the top of every voter’s list of most important concerns. It was as if all of the sudden, domestic worries were blissfully put away for a moment, and the entire world turned to pay attention to a small, mountainous nation in Central Asia. Though some everyday Americans were more concerned with the economy than an aggressive war half a world away, Cold War paranoia was old hat in American political consciousness, and many who were considering demanding a change would wind up voting for the Republicans, believing that the party of Eisenhower might be better poised to protect them from a suddenly once-again hostile Soviet Union. Some even went so far as saying that the Soviets “needed to be taught a lesson” and only the GOP could provide such tough foreign bluster. The Democrats were the party of Jack Kennedy and detente. It was time to bring in the tough guys. Sensing that they could gain an edge with this issue, the GOP took the Soviet ball and ran with it. Republican senate, gubernatorial, and house candidates all ran masterful smear campaigns, accusing their Democratic opponents of being “peaceniks” and questioning whether the Dems would have the cojones to do what it took to keep the Soviet Union contained. Democrats shot back that such thinking was a by-product of a forgotten age. They reminded the American people that it was really President Kennedy that had won South Vietnam’s independence through peace and diplomacy, rather than war. It was also JFK who had opened up China and brought them to the negotiating table with the west. President Bush had his diplomatic achievements to be sure, they said, but President Romney, for all his good qualities, had been naive at foreign affairs, and cost thousands of Americans their lives in Cambodia. They argued that the American people should trust them to protect their interests overseas. Generally, the public would vote with the Republicans, rallying behind their Commander in Chief and advocating for some “tough love” at the very least with the USSR. In the House of Representatives, Speaker Gerald Ford (R - MI) was pleased to find that this trend would grow his majority to have a little bit more leverage on Capitol Hill.
You know I'm shocked the Democrats wouldn't push harder on the idea that when JFK was in office the USSR had practically stood down from a war footing and had a major coup not happened would likely have been currently reforming, while Romney had gotten America involved in a destructive foreign conflict that likely is part of the reason the Soviets have attacked Afganistan. It just seems like it'd be very easy to blame the continuing Cold War on Republican politics.