An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government

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They're also holding a rather larger share of the Ukraine than they + their Crimean vassals ever did (at least, during the time the Crimean Khanate _was_ a vassal).

You are correct. That vassal also doesn't seem to own crimea (that is regular ottoman territory) and seem to own Kiev so they might be a Kievan Rus/Principality of Kiev (so an orthodox and slav ruled state) type of deal which is a turkish vassal.

Deleted member 108228

Such as how would a Modern Cromwell-Protectorate work? Who would rule, would the military rule, how so? Not about cultures.

Deleted member 108228

This thread is about forms of government, not cultures.

No, not about cultures, but about the systems of government. Like a Phoenician federation of cities, that is oligarchic and has survived by moving peoples to new cities. An example would be a modern Xiongnu, that has a council of nomads and settled people, ruled by a diarchy. That was what I meant by adding the waht if. Sorry for the confusion

Deleted member 108228

The Ken'ani Confederation of Cities

As I travel the timelines, searching for nations, it always intrigued me the Timelines that had Phoenicia last, most had the generic story of not being invaded or some Phoenicia-wank. Instead this timeline provides a refreshing new attempt, to make this more real, yet nonetheless interesting. This world had not an idealistic nation, or a horrible authoritarian nightmare, but a hint of the old. Timeline 124-BCO-298.

As I travel across the megalopolis of New Tyre, the city doesn't fell orthodox in its zoning, as in the New Paris of the Free French, nor does it remind you of the bleak nature of existence, such as in Runway One in Airstrip One of Oceania. It feels more human, and more friendly. I feel, welcome. The people seem more human than the other cities in this world. The traders don't fell as predatory, nor do they have a sense of imbecility. 10 minutes ago, as I headed to my destination, I stopped by the local trading center, I saw people of all kinds. Poor rich, and men, women, and any different groups of people. Ellan, Assyrian, Hatti, and Sarmatian, no matter what person, all were equal in what the Ken'ani were the masters of: trade. As I went to the barter corner, I saw men trading valuable electronics. Another place was the Finance corner, where in a building, men traded stocks, but wasn't like the insane, and sporadic parts of NASDAQ, Alymanian Stock Bazaar, or god forbid, the Pearl River Delta Finance Prefecture. They had resemblance of the old barter system, and had reminded me of the times of the Anarchist Union of Workers and Communes.

I felt like I could get lost in the trade. But business was business. The same went for me.

As I headed to the Governmental building, I noticed that there were a certain lack of guards and weapons, and this had me worried of a a potential attack in the future, but I had to cram that worry away, and was time to meet the head of this city of New Tyre.

"Ah, Mr. Titus, I was expecting you!" Said the man in a purple suit, related to the snails dye that made this place famous. "Oh! Where are my manners! I'm Aqhat, head of this city."

"How do you know Enlg-uh.... Angle, I mean." [I almost slipped up]

"Nonsense! We Kan'ani must know others languages to be experts in our craft. One cannot dominate the seas unless we know what we are trading for!" Aqhat said, while transferring certain documents to his secretary.

The Ken'ani are a confederation of 26 different regions composed of ten 'command cities'. Each command city was to head a certain region, and depending of the region, specialized in agriculture, mining, trade, or fishing. This is to maximize efficiency in a sector, and each command city was granted benefits by the Confederate Law to devote that city to its selected or desired skill. Each city also has a certain proportion of a certain class. Some cities have a majority Trader class, and specializes for Traders, while the support, and auxiliary work for the trader. Same with the Workers, and Experts. The normal subdivisions are: National, Provincial, Communal, Block. For command cities, they are: District, sector, protected areas. The districts are assigned special roles such as government, financial and managerial, to ease administration. Instead of all sectors being lumped, they are put into finance, consumption, etc.

To add information, there are three classes of the Ken'ani society/government: Workers, Traders, and Experts. There are three assemblies for each of the classes, similar to the public assemblies of Rome. The Assembly of Workers elects and appoints the bureaucrats, engineers, and general blue-collar jobs. Physical labor, or 'work'. The Assembly of Experts appointed, and managed Ministers, Directors under their ascribed control, Scientists, Researchers, and Technical Geniuses. This apllies to the scientific sector. Then there are the Assembly of Traders who elect Committees, Diplomats, and Committees, and Coordination activities. Each one is ascribed certain powers and legislation for those classes. There is no general legislature. To give an example of the structure, The Assembly of Workers also deals with military actions ascribed to it as a part of its duties and obligations through recruitment as each applicant, depending on his location, would be reviewed by a sub-committee, known as the Soldiers Union, to oversee, the military process. Soldiers who became officers and commanders became under to oversight of the Assembly of Experts. And diplomats and exchange students became under the oversight of the Assembly of Traders.

This system is deeper in the General Tripartite Law. The constitution of this land.

"Are you sure this is effective? Wouldn't this create inequality." I stated in regards.

"How ridiculous! If a doctor botches an operation, he should be held at his level accountability. A person who litters is held to the other one." He replies with breakneck speed

At the head of this is the national government, composed of the executive, and judicial. The head is the General commissioner who is elected by a national election. He must be able to work with the three classes, and must gain a majority of each classes vote, unless a new election is held. Below are the directorate. Three cabinet are representatives for the three classes, and a Joint Coordinator, followed by the 3 Military Cabinet Members: The Army, Navy, and Special Forces (Air Force was dissolved after space colonization in 1893 ACE, and became a special part of the army and navy). The Commissioner have powers to call the armies of each state, and unify them to fight, make treaties, and to call any assembly election if important.

Next is the judicial system, which is head by three class judges, and one national judge, appointed by the commissioner. They have matters delegated to their class and have Constitutional courts divided into the three classes. The law system is delegated to certain levels of intensity, and Class. If a man who killed someone in a Worker class, it would be different from the person who killed who was in the Expert class. The class system has given way to differing punishments, and leads to injustices, but are checked by the Censorate, an independent part of the government whose job is to monitor and report and take action on abuse and crimes. Sometimes leading to massive cases lead by a temporary committee.

"This system, seem so like Industan." I state in response to the information.

"Why, how derogatory!" Remarked Aqhat, with some disgust, "We don't have the brutality and depravity and untoucability of the Indus people, Workers, Traders, and Experts co-exist and interact, leading to harmony and cooperation. When you are a child, you get tested over 8 years to determine your skill, yet if you want to, with a certain fine you can join your selected class, and every ten years, you can pay a small fine to go to another class, albeit starting at square one. I know you are new in trades, but please don't degrade us, if you don't know the people. Now to our history..........."

Phoenicia began as a collection of trading city-states that started in what was in TL-0000 worlds Lebanon, and started to be known for their intricate dye, and their persistence in bartering. In 1000 BCE, they started to head into the Mediterranean, and created the first colonies in that region as a way to open up for markets and to find more wealth, and then in 950 BCE, something happened in their homeland. The Assyrians and Egyptians were fighting a brutal war to control Phoenicia, and while the cities became neutral, reports of invading armies soon spread, and the ones who did surrender to the invaders were slaughtered by the enemies, be it Assyrian or Egyptian. The 5 remaining cities; Tyre, Tripoli-Lebanon, and Byblos drew a dangerous card. They were to move everything west. 200,000 Kan'ani hopped on trading vessels, warships bought from the Hittites, and cargo ships from the Athenians, draining the treasuries of these cities. They headed for the colony of Qart-ḥadašt, Estu, and Kania.

They made it, albeit, battered and weakened but made it. The people were starving, and distraught from losing their homes, and many wanted to return. the kings refused, as giving an example to Baalbek. This began the 'Troubles', a series of overthrowing of governments, civil wars, and conquests from 846-485 BCE. The majority of the 'Transferred Ones' were starving or sick, and lead to many dying in the streets. This city couldn't handle this many people, and so, the leaders decided to spread the population to 12 cities, to sustain their people, and not straining the cities. This policy would be the defining feature of the Phoenicians for centuries to come. They used their network to create a backup plan for any scenario to survive. An old quote says "The Kan'ani are insects in the sense that they wont die, no matter how much you try." They transferred their people to the cities of Qart-ḥadašt-The-Furthest, and Qart-ḥadašt-Hyporea. They also had a policy of continuous colonization and population increase, to prevent an Hitler-esque person from doing that 'day'.

Many wonder, how did they stay one people, and that was a policy of continuous trade and transmission of ideas to create a homogeneous-like society, ideas, texts, and new rules were sent to create a cultural unity, but the governments varied, and he explained to me with simplicity, yet quality.

"Why simple. Don't put every egg in one basket, that lead the Latins to doom! We spread so that no one can stop us, like the Judeans, and the Xonu. We will find a way." He boasted.

"What about Action 4-K?" I said in defiance.

He stopped for a moment, and didn't speak until 2 minutes of silence. I sense that I did something wrong, and he spoke in a bleak tone.

"That day...... That day............ will be etched for 20 generations in every man, woman, and child. Please, I don't want to remember." He became dented for the rest, no matter how hard he tried.

To sum it up. A Slavo-Socialist leader in what is in my world Germany, became vindictive to the Kan'ani, seeing them as fathers and teachers to the Jews of their 'greedy' and 'degenerate' ways, and they were just as bad or worse than the cockroaches, and so started a massive purge in the Venedic Union first by stripping rights, forced labor, raids, purges, and eventually murder. The First Venede ultimately believing that they are worth more dead, starting the 'Great Cleansing' killing 100,000 in the first month of the War of the Venedes. 30,758,938 people died in 4 years, including 1,989,746 Kan'ani, 2/5 of the total population. The ways of murder were similar to the North Koreans, Mongols, and Huns, wrapped up to one monstrous event, that made the world so revolted at the years 1934-1940 ACE, you can't discuss it without unease and disgust. The tortures included impalement, boiling, gas, death pits, and many more. To say that the Ken'ani were distraught was a understatement.

They became broken. They did however make it, showing resilience as they have been, from the times of the Assyrians, to the Eturians, and the Venedes. Showing that even in the worst situations, man can survive, and thrive. "Like a rose in a charred forest, we have made beauty in destruction, and that beauty will never die out, and even if it does, our memory will still create beauties, long after the death of us." Aqhat said in a prose that made me feel warm, and hopeful.
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Deleted member 108228

Hey rvbomally could you see and make a map out of this?


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Deleted member 108228

Also some of Ken'ani is in the new world, like in New Orleans, the Caribbean, Panama, and Parts of Brazil. Could you add that as well?

Deleted member 108228

Could I suggest something to the Federation of Sovereign Voluntarists. Could the Ideology be Hoppean Voluntarianism. It could be a bane of many societies, with the Federation of Sovereign Voluntarists being a pariah as these could be the Islamic terror of TTL
Could I suggest something to the Federation of Sovereign Voluntarists. Could the Ideology be Hoppean Voluntarianism. It could be a bane of many societies, with the Federation of Sovereign Voluntarists being a pariah as these could be the Islamic terror of TTL

That is my plan. Read the past posts on this thread and I detail it.
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