Oops, I disappeared for a long time there - I've been very busy. I'm still interested in this topic and this thread, but sadly it seems to have encountered some problems.

I'm thinking of starting a new thread just for posting some of the information I've been researching about Julian, and brainstorming (as a group) about what his reign might have been like. Would anyone else be interested in this?
Oops, I disappeared for a long time there - I've been very busy. I'm still interested in this topic and this thread, but sadly it seems to have encountered some problems.

I'm thinking of starting a new thread just for posting some of the information I've been researching about Julian, and brainstorming (as a group) about what his reign might have been like. Would anyone else be interested in this?
I'm down
I am here to reassure that this thread is still fully operational.

The update coming is VERY story-important so it takes a while to make it correctly. If that is what you were referring to (lack of update) don't worry it is coming.
Chapter VIII

The Return of the Imperator

August 19 363 CE

Susa was falling. (1) A flood of fire poured through the streets. Persians lay dead in the thousands. Steadily the thumps of a mighty army were audible. The All-Conquering Sun's servant had come. The rays from above scorched the dead, and they too burned. Julian rode into Susa, as Shapur still hid out somewhere in the city.

"Shapur! You flith! The Sun has decreed your death or obediance, and so I shall either take your life or your freedom. Resistance will not work. None can oppose the Sun. Come here and face me, conqueror of your pathetic empire!"

A citizen of Susa still alive aside the military procession of the Romans screamed. They were instantly silenced.

"Find him!" Roared Julian.

The soldiers dug through the ruins of houses, the piles of corpses, and the heaps of ashes. Shapur could not be found. The last Sassanid after this wretch was under Julian's tutelage. This was all he needed. Suddenly, a man could be heard wheezing as he ran out of the city. Julian immediately stopped and raced after him. Suddenly Julian noticed a small flame on his back. It grew and grew. This man screamed incomprehensibly and writhed in agony as flames consumed his entire body. He died outside Susa, a burnt and charred husk with nothing to its credit. (2)

"A fitting death for the King of Kings." Spat Julian.


It's very short, yes. There is a map coming. If you all have seen my UOTS:E maps, you will recognize the format. :)
So yeah. Bigger update coming soon. I just had to get this out. Sorry I didn't do it sooner.

(1)- yes the story skipped a bit of time. needed to be done. I may have to go back and retcon some of the older chapters due to "recent events."

(2)- Ritual immolation. Even Zoroaster can't save you from getting roasted there. The promise of a world away from the Romans of Ahriman is a dream come true.