
  1. How would a non-abrahamic 'righteous gentile' avoid breaking the first law of Noah without converting?

    In Judaism, the Seven Laws of Noah, also known as Sheva Mitzvot B'nei Noach, Noahide Laws, or Noachian Laws (from the Hebrew pronunciation of "Noah"), are universal moral directives. According to the Talmud, these laws were given by God as a covenant with Noah and all humanity. They include...
  2. The Effects of the Roman Industrial Revolution on Christianity

    Christianity has historically been a religion mostly associated with the cities, while folk customs having pagan origins persisted in the villages, and the word "paganus" for a pagan comes from the word "pagus" for a village. Only with the emergence of Lutheranism in the 16th century did the...
  3. Pagan Western Roman Empire, Christian Eastern Roman Empire

    Let's say Constantine never converts to Christianity and the Roman Empire still splits between West and East. IMO, it's possible that the Eastern Roman Empire would still have converted to Christianity as it had a much larger Christian population. However, the Western Roman Empire almost...
  4. AHQ: What effect did Christianity have on family structures?

    a while back i watch about video Christianity and its effects on European family structures that got me thinking Basically his main thesis is that prior to religions like Christianity and Islam most of Europe was based on tribal family unites deriding their authority through ancestor worship...
  5. AHC/WI: Saxons settled Iceland?

    What if as a result of the Saxon wars, some Saxons fled to Iceland? IOTL Charlemagne executed 4,500 Saxons at Verden and deported thousands to other areas of the Carolingian empire. Could a few thousand Saxons have escaped to Iceland? Did they have the technology to do so? I presume a key...
  6. Imperium Universalis (Roman TL)

    Welcome to the world of Imperium Universalis. The premise behind this timeline is “what if the Romans survived to the present day in one form or another” based on the OTL concept of Dominium Mundi or Universal Monarchy. Which means the recognition of one supreme monarch over all other monarchs...
  7. Oba Cahokia

    WI Rome split into a Mithraist West and a Christian East

    How different would Europe be with Mithraism popular in the West and Christianity in the East. How would would this affect cultures in Northern Europe, the Near East and in Africa? Would this affect Islam?
  8. Sierra

    Syncretized Roman Christianity in the Late Principate/Early Dominate

    In the Late Roman period, Christianity was a fast growing force, the rough number of Christian converts increasing at exponetial rates from its rough founding during the reign of Tiberius until Christians were the majority in or around 350 AD. At the same time, as has been well hashed out, here...
  9. How will medieval Europe and modern Europe be if Europeans stayed pagan up to modern times and never converted to all Abrahamic religions?

    So what if this is what happened? All Europeans never converted to all Abrahamic religions. They ignored all Abrahamic religions and stayed pagan up to modern times. What are the things that will happen to Europe especially medieval Europe? What will the medieval Europeans and the modern...
  10. GameBawesome

    Save one Pagan Religion to the modern-day

    So, in the Ancient Past, before the rise of Monotheistic religions such as Christianity and Islam, many states such as Persia, Egypt, Rome, all worshiped various gods and goddesses, that by the modern standard, are considered Pagan. When Christianity and then Islam rose, these ancient religions...
  11. Neopagan Napoleonic Empire?

    Now, this scenario is very, very implausible and frankly, very out there. But bare with me, let's imagine that during the French Revolution, we see the rise of an anti-clerical movement that embraced neo-paganism (specifically Helleno-Roman) rather than the Cult of Reason. The cult gains...
  12. GameBawesome

    AHC: Pagan Ethnoreligious group survive to the modern day

    Context: An Ethnoreligious Group is a ethnic group that is unified by a common religionists background, like for example, Sikhs. Challenge: From any point in time before 19th-21th Centurit’s, from BC to AD, create an ethnoreligious group centered around any pagan religions, like: Ancient...
  13. Sarthak

    The Sword of Ongenþeow and the Songs of Guðir. – An Old Norse TL
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Prologue:- *** Ongenþeow, the King of the Swedes was not having a good time. He was already in his middle age, and his dueling skills had dimmed quite the bit in the past years when peace reigned over the lands. The Geat King Hygelac had come back, bounced back from a war that his swedes had...
  14. Italy in the Migration Period – No Pope, No Christianity, No Islam

    I have a challenge for you that may require a somewhat liberal approach to butterflies. The main focus in this one is Italy during the Migration Period but in a world where Christianity (and consequently Islam) never took hold. Let’s imagine that Christianity rises in the first-century as yet...
  15. AltoRegnant

    Why Was Islam So Good At Conversion?

    The caliphates spread from arabia to Spain to Pakistan, and the islamic faithspread farther, into india, central asia, subsaharan africa, and indonesia, converting people from native pagan faiths, Hinduism, buddhism, zoroastrianism, and christianity. My question is, why? I know about the tax on...
  16. Sierra

    WI: 20th Century Mesoamerican Fascist Great Power

    Mexico has frequently been a rarity as a mover and shaker in alternate history timelines, in spite of its very strategic position in the New World. It has a lot of potential with some butterflies.Unfortunately, U d not have much in the way of knowledge when it come to Central American history or...
  17. WI: The hypothetical "witch-cult" religion really existed

    What if there really was a "witch-cult" religion in Europe similar to that hypothesized by multiple scholars in the 19th and 20th centuries? It could have any number of different origins, but for the purposes of having a starting point, I'm going to go back a very long time and say it has its...
  18. WI: The witch-cult hypothesis was true

    The witch-cult hypothesis was a theory that the witch trials in Europe were at least partly an attempt to suppress a pre-Christian pagan religion. This theory is often credited to Margaret Murray, but while she did play a major role in popularizing it, it was actually proposed in the early...
  19. Eivind

    Why did Lithuania remain Pagan long after the rest of Europe became Christian?

    As the title says. Why did other parts of Europe give up their old religion, while Lithuania resisted Christianity for centuries? Some regions became Christian by conquest, while others, like e.g. Scandinavia, became Christian after their monarchs converted.
  20. Etruscan-enthusiast35

    Christianity Paganism syncretism.

    Now I know that Christianity had in fact absorbed certain pagan elements into itself, but what would a religion that more fully blended Christianity with the various types of Paganism across Europe look like? would it be something similar to say Sikhism were it starts off as a sort of blend of...