Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VI (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

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Here's my take on something that happened in the What a Wonderful World TL on the Althistory Wiki. You might want to see TTL's articles on Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton for context.
View attachment 754073
So my take on this is that Trump refuses to allow Hillary to be inaugurated as President and declares war on the CSA.
Keep in mind that what is in OTL known as the American Civil War is known as the War of Southern Succession ITTL due to the Confederates winning.
Here's a link to the current politics Wikipedia infoboxes thread.

The Norge-class battleships a pair of semi-dreadnought battleships built for the Imperial Norwegian Navy (KS) in the first decade of the 20th century. They were the last class of pre-dreadnoughts of Norway and marked a transitional stage between the pre-dreadnought and true dreadnought designs. They saw no combat during World War I, although Norge led a squadron that occupied several German colonies in the Southwestern Africa in 1914. Both ships were disarmed and expended as targets in 1922–1924 in accordance with the terms of the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922.
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What if the water could not have been drained from the Chernobyl tanks?

(...and if for some reasons computer science had stagnated after)

In short, the disaster takes on an apocalyptic dimension with a large part of Europe rendered uninhabitable for centuries and numerous consequences due to mass irradiation and tens of millions of refugees.

This explosion put an end to the cold war by destroying a large part of the Soviet hearthland and ironically by creating this large strip of irradiated land, the explosion created the clear western border that the Russian powers have always dreamed of.

Most of the Central and Eastern European states collapsed and were massively depopulated withn most cases the state presence limited to a light control of the cities while the countrysides remained lawless zones.

Soviet power managed to survive at the cost of a violent takeover of power by the army and orthodox factions of the party.

Western Europe found in the European Economic Community a good scale to face the crisis and its sanitary and security consequences. A large wall has been built on the eastern border of the Community to limit the flow of refugees from the East, who have settled in the still relatively stable states of Austria and East Germany.

Switzerland became a radicalized version of itself, increasingly paranoid and xenophobic and its border with Austria is one of the most militarized in the world.

The UN quickly became the preferred organization to deal with the international consequences of the disaster, but its action is limited to a mostly theoretical control of the Continental Exclusion Zone.
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Love the style, any lore behind the USSR and Eastern Bloc not falling?
Thanks, style is what took me the most time here lol

Basically there is not really an Eastern bloc anymore. The USSR has become a brutal and isolated autocracy like Stalin's before the Second World War (here it is physically isolated from the rest of the world by Siberia on one side and a radioactive desert on the other) and its satellite countries are just failed states in a chaotic wasteland (and the CPSU has completely abandoned them anyway)
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