Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes VI (Do Not Post Current Politics or Political Figures Here)

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Sequel post to Alan Keyes' End of History by @Oppo


I'm proud of how this one turned out even though I couldn't quite get the whole box in the shot nor how to insert my own custom map here it is.
Stassen Reporting for Duty.JPG

Stassen Reporting for Duty map.JPG
Lyndon Baines Johnson was an American naval officer, politician and religious leader who served both as President and as de-facto head of state of the United States from 1941 to 1945, and again in various offices from 1949 until his death in 2003. He assumed the Presidency following efforts within the Democratic-Republican Party to nominate him, although he was fiercely contested in the convention by a South Carolina senator in that regard. An influential backroom man that would secure political deals for the Roosevelt administration, he won the loyalty of him and the party machinery that came along with it, being able to be elected President in an era of uncertainty from Nazi aggression in Europe. During his time in office he worked to press forwards with FDR's new deal, calling his alteration the "Great Society". He committed to a controversial "War on Poverty" which saw various poorer neighborhoods "liquidated". Among other projects was a rampant industrialization within the Great Plains, modeled after the five year plans of the soviet union (although denied by LBJ following the start of the cold war). Following a surprise victory by Democratic-Republican vice president Barry Goldwater into the white house, he pressed forwards with the Atlantic Conventions, which saw at least fifteen new constitutional amendments added that altered the federal and state government structures, the legislature, court systems and executive powers.

Following the end of his Presidency, the 22nd Amendment was passed to allow for "Fields of Expertise" to effectively manage the general government, replacing the various departments that had previously sat there. The original Fields were Oil and Petroleum, Segregation and Racial Policy, Federalism-Farming and the Plow, Urban Development, Tariffs and Taxes, Warfare and State Affairs, and Legislative Oversight. Former President Johnson was elected unanimously by the governing Council of Expert Management, which was comprised of the former justices of the U.S Supreme Court.

The Next year he maneuvered around President Goldwater to appoint him to the oversight council known as the Strategic Operations Board. Obstenially used to monitor the political effects and affects of the various experts, he expanded the SOB to the role of a counter-intelligence/religious and secret police to instill terror and enforce loyalty for his next moves. Johnson then oversaw a bloody revolution, egged on by a failing economy, general discontent with the incumbent administration and undertaken during the woes of the second red scare. He formally declared the formation of a Council of Permeant Revolution, chaired by 7 alternating members that were elected in public ballot every seven years. The Council would morph into the chief-executive branch, rendering the position of President ultimately nothing more than "a bucket of warm piss", as former Vice President turned alternating member on the Council John Nance Garner so unfavorably compared it to. The only way to remove a Chairman was by losing the support of 5 of the 7 members on the Council. Given Johnson's frequent deployment of his aptly named Johnson Treatment on wavering members of the Council, he won attempts to defeat him in 1958, 1963, 1974, 1978, 1984, 1991 and narrowly in 2001.

The Johnson administration would see military involvement arise in the North Pole following the discovery of oil, the assassination of numerous religious and political leaders during his time as head of the SOB, the survival of bloody New Years Protests to his rule in 1968 and 1979. Upon Johnson's death in 2003, an emergency meeting of the other 7 members of the Council formulized the Decree of Boise, named after the sleepy Idaho potato facility owing to the mass secrecy following his death. The Decree formally forbid any one person from holding the offices of Chairman, Presiding Officer and Secretariat, all which went to different staunch Johnson allies.

Lyndon Baines Johnson was an American naval officer, politician and religious leader who served both as President and as de-facto head of state of the United States from 1941 to 1945, and again in various offices from 1949 until his death in 2003. He assumed the Presidency following efforts within the Democratic-Republican Party to nominate him, although he was fiercely contested in the convention by a South Carolina senator in that regard. An influential backroom man that would secure political deals for the Roosevelt administration, he won the loyalty of him and the party machinery that came along with it, being able to be elected President in an era of uncertainty from Nazi aggression in Europe. During his time in office he worked to press forwards with FDR's new deal, calling his alteration the "Great Society". He committed to a controversial "War on Poverty" which saw various poorer neighborhoods "liquidated". Among other projects was a rampant industrialization within the Great Plains, modeled after the five year plans of the soviet union (although denied by LBJ following the start of the cold war). Following a surprise victory by Democratic-Republican vice president Barry Goldwater into the white house, he pressed forwards with the Atlantic Conventions, which saw at least fifteen new constitutional amendments added that altered the federal and state government structures, the legislature, court systems and executive powers.

Following the end of his Presidency, the 22nd Amendment was passed to allow for "Fields of Expertise" to effectively manage the general government, replacing the various departments that had previously sat there. The original Fields were Oil and Petroleum, Segregation and Racial Policy, Federalism-Farming and the Plow, Urban Development, Tariffs and Taxes, Warfare and State Affairs, and Legislative Oversight. Former President Johnson was elected unanimously by the governing Council of Expert Management, which was comprised of the former justices of the U.S Supreme Court.

The Next year he maneuvered around President Goldwater to appoint him to the oversight council known as the Strategic Operations Board. Obstenially used to monitor the political effects and affects of the various experts, he expanded the SOB to the role of a counter-intelligence/religious and secret police to instill terror and enforce loyalty for his next moves. Johnson then oversaw a bloody revolution, egged on by a failing economy, general discontent with the incumbent administration and undertaken during the woes of the second red scare. He formally declared the formation of a Council of Permeant Revolution, chaired by 7 alternating members that were elected in public ballot every seven years. The Council would morph into the chief-executive branch, rendering the position of President ultimately nothing more than "a bucket of warm piss", as former Vice President turned alternating member on the Council John Nance Garner so unfavorably compared it to. The only way to remove a Chairman was by losing the support of 5 of the 7 members on the Council. Given Johnson's frequent deployment of his aptly named Johnson Treatment on wavering members of the Council, he won attempts to defeat him in 1958, 1963, 1974, 1978, 1984, 1991 and narrowly in 2001.

The Johnson administration would see military involvement arise in the North Pole following the discovery of oil, the assassination of numerous religious and political leaders during his time as head of the SOB, the survival of bloody New Years Protests to his rule in 1968 and 1979. Upon Johnson's death in 2003, an emergency meeting of the other 7 members of the Council formulized the Decree of Boise, named after the sleepy Idaho potato facility owing to the mass secrecy following his death. The Decree formally forbid any one person from holding the offices of Chairman, Presiding Officer and Secretariat, all which went to different staunch Johnson allies.

I'm really digging the Council of Permanent Revolution. I had an idle idea for replacing the offices of president and vice president with a troika of Consuls to achieve a similar effect. Each would serve a single six year term, and they would be staggered so that one would be elected every two years, with judicial and executive nominations made with a simple majority vote of the triumvirate and the Supreme Court altered into a fifteen member body locked in staggered fifteen year terms. My thinking is that the Executive branch would be refreshed frequently enough to be responsive to voter preference while never being so drastic as to cause political whiplash, while the regularly scheduled changes to the Supreme Court would defuse the brinkmanship that can paralyze the process while allowing a steady, gradual evolution of jurisprudence.
Hey everyone! I thought it would be fun to start a new graphics series with a main focus on the presidents of the Cooperative Commonwealth of America, a syndicalist federal republic based off of the ideals of Daniel De Leon formed in 1905 after the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 is much more widespread and violent and subsequently results in a boost in support for socialism in the US. My hope is to create an infobox for each of the CCA's presidents, starting with De Leon himself.

The Proletarian Presidents: Daniel De Leon

Hey everyone! I thought it would be fun to start a new graphics series with a main focus on the presidents of the Cooperative Commonwealth of America, a syndicalist federal republic based off of the ideals of Daniel De Leon formed in 1905 after the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 is much more widespread and violent and subsequently results in a boost in support for socialism in the US. My hope is to create an infobox for each of the CCA's presidents, starting with De Leon himself.

The Proletarian Presidents: Daniel De Leon

This is awesome 😎 I'm really curious about the Second Constitution
This is awesome 😎 I'm really curious about the Second Constitution
Thanks! I’m kinda tempted to write up the entire CCA constitution if I have the time, given that such a document would really help me visualize how the American government works.

The Commonwealth constitution shares a lot of similarities with that of the US, however, the biggest difference is economic governance. Private property is replaced with industrial unions that managed workplaces and are then organized into industrial federations that collectively manage workplaces. Seats in the All-Industrial Congress, which is the upper house of the Commonwealth, are allocated proportionally to federations.

Some other notable differences between the CCA and US constitution include statewide multimember districts for the All-Regional Congress (successor to the House of Representatives), ten-year term limits for all Supreme Court justices, representation of industrial unions in municipal, countywide, and statewide governments, the right to call a snap election for any public office via referendum, and universal suffrage for all citizens at least twenty-one years of age. Other changes will be introduced by future presidents in the form of amendments.
Hey everyone! I thought it would be fun to start a new graphics series with a main focus on the presidents of the Cooperative Commonwealth of America, a syndicalist federal republic based off of the ideals of Daniel De Leon formed in 1905 after the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 is much more widespread and violent and subsequently results in a boost in support for socialism in the US. My hope is to create an infobox for each of the CCA's presidents, starting with De Leon himself.

The Proletarian Presidents: Daniel De Leon

Damn son

Edward VIII (Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David; 23 June 1894 – 28 May 1972) was the final King of Great Britain, reigning from 1936 to 1938, and King of Canada and of the Commonwealth of Nations for one week prior to his abdication.

Edward was born during the reign of his great-grandmother Queen Victoria as the eldest child of the Duke and Duchess of York, later King George V and Queen Mary. He was created Prince of Wales on his 16th birthday, seven weeks after his father succeeded as king. As a young man, Edward served in the British Army during the First World War and undertook several overseas tours on behalf of his father. While Prince of Wales, he engaged in a series of sexual affairs that worried both his father and then-British prime minister Stanley Baldwin.

Edward became king on his father's death. As king, he showed impatience with court protocol, and caused concern among politicians by his apparent disregard for established constitutional conventions. Only months into his reign, a constitutional crisis was caused by his proposal to marry Wallis Simpson, an American who had divorced her first husband and was seeking a divorce from her second. The prime ministers of the United Kingdom and the Dominions opposed the marriage, arguing a divorced woman with two living ex-husbands was politically and socially unacceptable as a prospective queen consort. Additionally, such a marriage would have conflicted with Edward's status as titular head of the Church of England, which, at the time, disapproved of remarriage after divorce if a former spouse was still alive. Edward refused to heed to Parliament's demands, forcing Stanley Baldwin to resign and a fresh election to be called. A coalition government of Conservatives, Liberals, and Labour emerged in the 1937 general election, led by Winston Churchill, who was supportive of the king's marriage. Edward and Wallis were married on 3 June 1937, and Edward would be crowned in September of the same year. The failing British economy and the extravagant ceremonies held for the king and his wife led to civil unrest that same winter, culminating in the 1938 British Revolution, where general strikes broke out across the country and centered on the City of London. After the coalition government collapsed, protests centered around Westminster and Buckingham Palace, ending with a rump government led by the newly formed Socialist Labour Party and Edward VIII under house arrest. The monarchy was formally abolished in July and the king and the entire royal family were exiled from Great Britain.

Upon arriving in Canada, Edward VIII was forced to abdicate at the behest of the government, and was succeeded by his younger brother, George VI. Edward would live in relative obscurity in Vancouver up until his death in 1972.
In Your Mind, You Know Forbes Is Right.

Things were looking good for Bill Clinton heading into 1996 until The Great Recession hit and the economy took a nosedive and Clinton's approval ratings plummeted. And out of nowhere, an unusual figure appeared, Steve Forbes, the publisher of Forbes Magazine took advantage and swept the Republican Nomination selecting Lamar Alexander as his running mate the sky was the limit.

Clinton did everything he could and used every trick in the book, but Forbes was proven right in the end.
Forbes FTW.JPG

Forbes FTW map.JPG
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