Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes IV (Do not post Current Politics Here)

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You know, I held off on liking this series for a while because I thought it was yet another middling commiewank.

But the amount of effort you've put into it makes it a benchmark commiewank!

:D Thanks that really means a lot!

Its been a little while since the last one because life is a thing but I'm finding it really enjoyable to explore just how ridicolous and interesting I can make everything!

I'm going to do at least 3 or 4 more wikiboxes on Countries, at least one for the wars and then a vignette.

From there, who knows!
I've been struggling coming up with anything to post here for a while (or rather I've been procrastinating on continuing the D'Hondte Presidential series), and nixed more than my fair share of near finished pieces on account of not being all that pleased with how they were coming, including an attempted series of British Parliamentary Elections turned into US Presidential elections that involved a lot of math in calculating down margins and swings to account for missing years (Trying to find figures comparable to the British leaders was ultimately what killed it, Ramsey McDonald in particular). Randomly remembered an election in which everyone's favorite 70's Democrat ran as an Independent and lost; I decided to calculate out a result and accompanying map for if he had managed to make it through the Democratic label stranglehold on the State and won.

Y'know, given the popularity of commiewanks around here, I wonder what a capitalismwank would look like.

I know what you're thinking, "isn't that OTL"? But, ah we do have several prominent nations that at least pretend to be Communist, and others that are sympathetic to them; we're really more of a commiescrew.

And now you're thinking "but krinsbez, there are plenty of TLs where Randroids run rampant and corporations rule the world". Yes, but those are dystopias.

What I'm talking about is a setting where Capitalism works, instead of the social darwinian, democracy-disrupting, borderline-neo-feudal nightmare it has become IOTL.

And it just occurred to me that this probably would fit better in the Oneshot Scenarios thread. 'Scuse me.
See you've already lost me.
I was being somewhat hyperbolic for effect.

I mean, obviously, we're not (to paraphrase @Flashman o'er in the Oneshot Scenarios thread) living in an rvbomally oneshot, but our current capitalistic society does have many problems due to reality not quite aligning with theory.

Since there are less of those than appear in, say, any given Communist society that has ever existed, how hard can it be to make a scenario where those problems don't exist?


I wonder what a capitalismwank would look like.

Well, theoretically, there are degrees of capitalismwank. My Eternal-New-Dealpunk universe is basically capitalismwank as most of the global economy is a mixture of corporatist, government interventionism, and small-business-protectionism.
Y'know, given the popularity of commiewanks around here, I wonder what a capitalismwank would look like.

I know what you're thinking, "isn't that OTL"? But, ah we do have several prominent nations that at least pretend to be Communist, and others that are sympathetic to them; we're really more of a commiescrew.

And now you're thinking "but krinsbez, there are plenty of TLs where Randroids run rampant and corporations rule the world". Yes, but those are dystopias.

What I'm talking about is a setting where Capitalism works, instead of the social darwinian, democracy-disrupting, borderline-neo-feudal nightmare it has become IOTL.

And it just occurred to me that this probably would fit better in the Oneshot Scenarios thread. 'Scuse me.

I understand your point, but I don't think there's any world in which an ideology can be as dominant as capitalism is iOTL. I mean, even thinking of non-capitalist economic and political systems is usually approached from a perspective that boils down to "capitalism, except ___". Countries that disavow capitalism are still deeply capitalistic. Almost every aspect of our life comes from a capitalist standpoint.

There's not many laissez-faire wanks (motion to call them laissez-fairy tales) but there's not a lot capitalism can do iOTL to be stronger.
Y'know, given the popularity of commiewanks around here, I wonder what a capitalismwank would look like.

I envision an alternate Caldari State (from Eve Online) where Ishukone's Gariushi didn't have a capital ship dropped on his head. :p Which would be rather interesting, because Gariushi was apparently a Guristas pirate at one point. I certainly can't make it work, though I'm sure someone's given it a shot. Would make for some rockin' wiki pages though. :)
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