Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes III

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Oh yes, that makes complete sense. In fact, I think he'd be better in that position than his current OTL one.

I'm very skeptical that he even wants his current job.

By the way, just to make sure that we both suffer in this timeline, I made my least favourite Social Democrat in the government Minister for Higher Education.
Invisible like the sticks in a moving wheel? Sorry, Mr. H.G. Wells, but that doesn't make sense.

My point is that he shouldn't disappear. Since it's the world around him that appears to go faster from Hartdegen's perspective, Hartdegen himself would appear to be immobile (thought he would be revealed to be moving when comparing photographs taken decades apart), yet perfectly visible to the world around him. So he is in Wikipedia because he is an odd landmark in the middle of New York City (also explains why nothing and nobody never would go throught him, because they would see he was there the entire time).
Decided to start doing some sketching on what the emerging Grand Coalition from my vignette the other day would look like. I'm sure Ares will much enjoy this. Quite the dream team, ey?

The Social Democrats giving away Justice and Finance? Not the best deal, Göran Persson or not.
I was inspired by some comments in the Canadian Politics thread to see what would have happened if the sovereigntist Québec solidaire (QS) had merged with the Parti Québécois (PQ) prior to the 2014 election, solidifying the strong sovereigntist vote.


Compared to OTL, where the PQ won only 30 seats (QS won 3) and Marois lost her seat, this is a good result for them. It doesn't prevent them from losing control of government, but holds the Liberals to just shy of a majority.

Of the 18 seats that IOTL went to the Liberals or Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ), slight majority (10) were won by the CAQ- it seems that sovereigntist vote-splitting really helped them in the Centre-du-Quebec and Montérégie regions where they picked up plenty of seats IOTL.

The first thing brought up at the first Presidential debate was Bernie Sanders' lack of experience. Sanders responded by saying he was actually a hardworking, pragmatic, effective mayor who helped transform Vermont’s largest city (population: 38,000) into a thriving town. The next debates really were between Clinton and Sanders, as Bush's approval ratings were very low. Bush did manage to get more votes than Clinton as he was the President. Bernie Sanders was considered the best President of the 20th century. He was assassinated by a Clinton supporter in Atlanta in 1996 while running for reelection.
In an attempt to make this more than just Sanders becoming Clinton and Clinton becoming Perot, I tried my hand at this.
I just kinda threw random numbers in for the %s.

When an ASB has too much fun...


...Shinzo Abe launches a self-coup, repeals Article 9 of the Constitution, and further amends the Constitution to give himself MOAR POWERS (that is, the PM appionts and dismisses all members of the House of Councillors, can dissolve the House of Representatives at will, is no longer responsible to the Diet, and is commander-in-chief of the army).

And re-establishes the Empire for shits and giggles.

And also some dead dictators (Saddam Hussein, Ferdinand Marcos, etc. etc.) come back to life for MOAR shits and giggles.
Alright, here is a wiki page with box from Turquoise Blue's Blue Flames Burn Brightest project, with which I have been assisting - a link to the wiki thereof can be found in her signature.

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