Alternate History Combat Aircraft

Focke Wulf Ta-333*
Ta-333 +.png

*Inspired by a pic of a plane from some video game. might have been "Hearts of Fire" but not sure.
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Looks fairly awesome, but it does raise at least one question. Where do you fit the fuel tanks? Oh, and as a supplementary, how do you cool the rear engine?
Looks a bit like a VTOL thing from a commando comic from the 70s.
I'd like to see a pic of that.

Looks fairly awesome, but it does raise at least one question. Where do you fit the fuel tanks? Oh, and as a supplementary, how do you cool the rear engine?
Good questions, there would be an air-scoop on the opposite side of the rear engine like on the front engine.
There's a fuel tank beneath the pilot's seat and I will add a drop tank on a new pic.
Looks fairly awesome, but it does raise at least one question. Where do you fit the fuel tanks? Oh, and as a supplementary, how do you cool the rear engine?

At work.

Well the classic 335 had a honkin' big scoop under the fuselage if I recall. Which vented out from the ventral tail fin.

Any one got a P-51 scoop image handy they want to graft under there? :)

From what little I know. I think the aft engine is mainly taking up MW-50 tank space, no?

So. For losing the MW-50 thirty minute boost your getting a whole second engine's worth of power. Sanse extra engine weight of course plus extra fuel consumption. Maybe being able to turn an engine off for better cruise range?

Would that be a fair trade, I wonder.

Any one want to go the extra step and work in Jumo 222 engines.... I mean Unicorns as well? XD
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You'd be better off putting the drop tanks under the wing as that could block airflow to the radiator. May need to look at the shape of the intake too.

The Do335 had real issues with cooling the rear engine. Quite a few were lost due to rear engine fires as they burned through the control cables.

Indeed. I've just finished re-reading Eric Brown's Wings On My Sleeve and he recounts one of these crashing for this very reason. The pilot was apparently totally unaware that there was even a fire.
You'd be better off putting the drop tanks under the wing as that could block airflow to the radiator. May need to look at the shape of the intake too.

The Do335 had real issues with cooling the rear engine. Quite a few were lost due to rear engine fires as they burned through the control cables.

Well, that's another reason to use the (Possibly?) bigger P-51 scoop? I don't think I've ever seen a 335 scaled to a P-51.

The comparative images of 'The Jug' super imposed on/over various other contemporaries is really informative of just how 'Beefy' the P 47 was, for example.

Also don't forget that captured machine's operations didn't benefit from all the little nuances that would have been available to one being operated by its 'Owner'/'Builder's'. There might have been a 'Vent setting' some one missed. Jus' sayin'.
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