Alternate Electoral Maps II

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Raleigh is that city there next to the northernmost island, part of a canton with 12 districts on the southeast coast. And to its south is Chutney.
The Conservative constituency on the far northern island is like that because it's essentially Raleigh suburbia.
Can you say 'commuter belt' ten times fast? :p
Eh, maybe just not have a Wales analogue? You've clearly not drawn the map with one in mind, don't bother shoving one in.
2020 US election
Based on a PPP poll showing Warren beating Trump 51-42, then added in a 3rd party NeverTrumper bid

Elizabeth Warren/Doug Jones-Democratic: 375 EV 48.67%
President Donald Trump/Mike Pence-Republican: 163 EV 39.27%
John Kasich/Jeff Flake-Independent: 0 EV 10.58%
2020 US election
Based on a PPP poll showing Warren beating Trump 51-42, then added in a 3rd party NeverTrumper bid

Elizabeth Warren/Doug Jones-Democratic: 375 EV 48.67%
President Donald Trump/Mike Pence-Republican: 163 EV 39.27%
John Kasich/Jeff Flake-Independent: 0 EV 10.58%
Trump would do a lot worse due to vote splitting. Also, hate to say it, but this type of scenario has been overdone to death.
Trump would do a lot worse due to vote splitting. Also, hate to say it, but this type of scenario has been overdone to death.

Well Kasich could end up being a spoiler for both as he'd take college-educated whites who hate Trump but may be reluctant to vote for Warren, so some of Kasich's voters may have hated Trump so much they'd go to Warren in the end.
Eh, if you're having a Wales analogue, better do justice to it rather than shoehorn it in.
The country in which this map takes place has no perfect Wales analogue anyway. The Kingdom of Carolina, due to its status as an area annexed many centuries in the past, its (perhaps too hilly) terrain, and its relative size in population terms, is the closest thing I have.
Eh, if you're having a Wales analogue, better do justice to it rather than shoehorn it in.

I mean, a country based etimologically and kinda ethnically on dragons and on the UK would be kinda disserviced if it didn't have a Wales analogue, even if the Wales analogue is kinda shoehorned.
Today I learned about the existence of a Minnesota perennial candidate known as Ole Savior. Immediately, the thought of Ole Savior facing off against Idaho perennial candidate in the ultimate battle of odd names crossed my mind. I decided to toss in other politicos with odd names; Dick Swett, Augustus Invictus. I added several other parties in, and look at what we've got.

2016 US Presidential Election


Governor Pro-Life (R-ID) / Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) (Republican) - 302 EVs

Governor Ole Savior (D-MN) / Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) (Democratic) - 236 EVs
Former Representative Dick Swett (D-NH) / Former State Senator Tammy Irons (D-AL) (Independent Democratic)
Mr. David A. French (R-TN) / Mrs. Kendal Unruh (R-CO) (Independent)
Mr. Augustus Sol Invictus (L-FL) / Mr. Darryl W. Perry (L-NH) (Libertarian)
Dr. Margaret Flowers (G-MD) / Mayor Bruce Carlos Delgado (G-CA) (Green)*
Mr. Marty Riske (L-ND) / Mrs. Lucy Brenton (Freedom Libertarian)

* - Only on the ballot in several states. In some states, the Greens endorsed Governor Savior and the Democratic ticket.
Today I learned about the existence of a Minnesota perennial candidate known as Ole Savior. Immediately, the thought of Ole Savior facing off against Idaho perennial candidate in the ultimate battle of odd names crossed my mind. I decided to toss in other politicos with odd names; Dick Swett, Augustus Invictus. I added several other parties in, and look at what we've got.

2016 US Presidential Election

View attachment 360536

Governor Pro-Life (R-ID) / Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) (Republican) - 302 EVs

Governor Ole Savior (D-MN) / Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) (Democratic) - 236 EVs
Former Representative Dick Swett (D-NH) / Former State Senator Tammy Irons (D-AL) (Independent Democratic)
Mr. David A. French (R-TN) / Mrs. Kendal Unruh (R-CO) (Independent)
Mr. Augustus Sol Invictus (L-FL) / Mr. Darryl W. Perry (L-NH) (Libertarian)
Dr. Margaret Flowers (G-MD) / Mayor Bruce Carlos Delgado (G-CA) (Green)*
Mr. Marty Riske (L-ND) / Mrs. Lucy Brenton (Freedom Libertarian)

* - Only on the ballot in several states. In some states, the Greens endorsed Governor Savior and the Democratic ticket.
You could also include Sam Tejas.
I decided to make a revised version of my original Baker v. Manchin (yes, I know it's a dead meme) map, since the original was too generous to Baker:


2016 Texan Senate Elections
The Foxy Helen



George T. Mickelson (Republican-SD)/Everett Dirksen (Republican-IL)
def. Helen G. Douglas (Democratic-CA)/John Sparkman (Democratic-AL), James O. Eastland (Unpledged Democratic-MS)/various



Everett Dirksen (Republican-IL)/Walter Judd (Republican-MN)
def. Ernest Gruening (Democratic-AK)/Daniel Brewster (Democratic-MD)



Helen G. Douglas (Democratic-CA)/Edward M. Kennedy (Democratic-MA)
def. Walter Judd (Republican-MN)/William Scranton (Republican-PA), Happy Chandler (American Independent-KY)/George Smathers (American Independent-FL)



Helen G. Douglas (Democratic-CA)/Edward M. Kennedy (Democratic-MA)
def. Ronald Reagan (Republican-CA)/John M. Ashbrook (Republican-OH)

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