Alternate Electoral Maps II

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Oklahoma? Mississippi?
Mississippi is the one. Oklahoma, like Wyoming and Idaho, is also close, being carried by 2.30%. Oklahoma and Cleveland Counties, the most and third most populous counties in Oklahoma, both vote for Holland, as you can see on the map. They are the two counties that tip the state into the Democratic column. And though Holland wins 45 of the 82 counties in Mississippi, he does not carry certain critical counties in the state. Can you say which ones those would be?

Also, any thoughts about what the popular vote would be, or the vote by racial demographic?
I am posting another map, this time of a future election taking place in a alternate timeline: the election of 2020, between a popular, centrist Democrat and an unpopular, "extreme" Republican. This is not another "Rutherford" map. The map is below:


This is a 49-state win for the Democrat. The first question is: which state is the Republican holdout? And also, which states are close, which ones are not, and what would the vote by racial demographic, as well as the vote overall, look like?​
Holy shit, what'd the Republicans do?
and i take it the economy crashed and were in an unpopular war, too? ;)
No. The Democrat is the incumbent here, and the economy is actually doing very well, in this scenario. This, along with the opponent's awfulness, pad on to his margin of victory. Can you guess as to what the Democratic percentage of the popular vote is, and the breakdown by racial demographic?
No. The Democrat is the incumbent here, and the economy is actually doing very well, in this scenario. This, along with the opponent's awfulness, pad on to his margin of victory. Can you guess as to what the Democratic percentage of the popular vote is, and the breakdown by racial demographic?
Id have to say at least 59-41, probably somewhere in the 60s for the democrat. I have no guesses for the demographics
No. The Democrat is the incumbent here, and the economy is actually doing very well, in this scenario. This, along with the opponent's awfulness, pad on to his margin of victory. Can you guess as to what the Democratic percentage of the popular vote is, and the breakdown by racial demographic?
Maybe 60% D-30% R-10% other? Unsure of what by race.
Id have to say at least 59-41, probably somewhere in the 60s for the democrat. I have no guesses for the demographics
Holland (the Democrat) wins 66.05-32.45%, a margin of 33.60% nationwide. As for demographics, I used the Real Clear Politics and Five Thirty Eight calculators (along with my alterations, as with Texas and other states, and information from US Election Atlas), to come up with approximate figures. I assume that Holland gets ~95% among African Americans, ~76% among Hispanics, ~73% among Asians, ~60% among other voters, and ~59% among whites. He wins every age group by double digits, and every religious demographic. He gets ~75% among Catholics, ~58% among Protestants, ~85% among Jews, and ~90% among Other/Non religious voters. I think those figures are accurate.
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Holland (the Democrat) wins 66.05-32.45%, a margin of 33.60% nationwide. As for demographics, I used the Real Clear Politics and Five Thirty Eight calculators (along with my alterations, as with Texas and other states, and information from US Election Atlas), to come up with approximate figures. I assume that Holland gets ~95% among African Americans, ~75% among Hispanics, ~73% among Asians, ~60% among other voters, and ~59% among whites. He wins every age group by double digits, and every religious demographic. He gets ~75% among Catholics, ~58% among Protestants, ~85% among Jews, and ~90% among Other/Non religious voters. I think those figures are accurate.
I think thats the biggest non-Monroe margin of victory in American history right?
Meh I don’t think anyone counts those
The electoral tally, also, in this scenario, is 531-7. The only electoral votes Dickenson wins are those from Mississippi and Nebraska's 3rd congressional district (which he carries by a narrow margin, probably 51-49% or something like that). Mississippi is the closest state, decided by 0.99%. Wyoming, Oklahoma, Alabama, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee are the other states decided by single digits.
The U.S. Presidential election of 2084 was the last Presidential election to use the Electoral College.

What i actually find oddest here is some of the EV (and thus population). In a TL where fighting the sea rise is a significant issue, Louisiana gains Population relative to the rest of the country? Washington State going from twice Oregon's population to three times also seems odd. And Puerto Rico must have had its economy/infrastructure completely crash in order to drop that far relatively to the rest of the county. (in your map Alaska and Puerto Rico have the same number of EV. In 2010 Puerto Rico has more than five times the population of Alaska)
Current Composition of the 115th Congress (House)

Darker Shades indicate more party control.
Green = People's Party
Blue = Republican
Also of note, three Democrats were Elected in Florida, Georgia, and Texas. All of them would caucus with the People's Party

The Free American States were created after the end of the stalemate that was the American Civil War to act as a buffer between the United States of America and the Confederate States of America. The constitution of the FAS is an amalgamation between the US Constitution and the Articles of Confederation of the early US. States have great autonomy, even being able to decide their own forms of government within each state as long as it's democratic in some way, shape, or form. As of the present day, there are three parties major parties in the FAS.

The former ruling coalition of the Democratic-Republican Party, which is a classically liberal, socially conservative party, has run the nation since 1895. They are large supporters of Hamiltonian Democracy. They're in favor of supporting Confederate, a more conservative nation, interests.
The Worker's Party is a coalition of multiple regional parties (including the Mountain Party of West Virginia, the Socialist Party of California, and the Missouri People's Party) that support socialist ideas and worker's rights. They're in supporting United States, a more socialist nation, interests.
The largest third party is the Farmer-Populist Party which is a party in support of Jeffersonian Democracy, preferring to keep neutral and out of international affairs.
Delaware is generally seen as a moderate left wing state that can swing Conservative in an big Conservative year. However, that reputation was blown out of the water when former Senator and Secretary of State Joe Biden announced his run. Biden is known as probably one of the most qualified politicians in history. Biden served as Governor, Senator, Attorney General, and Secretary of State. After a short retirement following president Clark's defeat in 2012, Biden was ready to return to politics. Biden took the Progressive and Liberal Party's nomination in a storm, Uniting the left behind him. The Citizen's Right, on the other hand, failed to find anyone with name recondition, and seemed ready for failure. Even the Independence-supporting Delaware Party got their lowest numbers since 1990. While the election was closer than expected, the end was never in doubt.


Joe Biden (United Left) 64.3% PV
Christine O'Donnell (Citizens Right) 28.5% PV
David Graham (Delaware Party) 7.2% PV
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