AHC: Castille-screw

Any POD you want, any time period, any degree of screwing, etc... it's all your choice, just fuck up Castille somehow.

I was hoping that this would end up with a bunch of languages/Spanish-dialects that were marginalized and replaced with Castillian OTL surviving (because what Spain needs is more heterogeneity!), but I understand that's pretty hard to do in later scenarios and also that it's just as likely that Castille's neighbours would come in and do the same thing, so it's not a requirement. It'd still be neat, though.
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Any POD you want, any time period, any degree of screwing, etc... it's all your choice, just fuck up Castille somehow.
Al-Andalus goes trough a worse crisis in the IXth, with more Asturo-Leonese victories in the marches, expanding the kingdoms borders a bit more southern and eastern than IOTL. While Bardulia-Castille remains divided in small counties on a larger zone, preventing the appearance of a christianized "Lower March" and instead of a bordering ensemble of two, maybe three sub-regional entities.
With a royal power more affirmed on this divided gathering of Middle and Lower marches, Castile doesn't really emancipate as such, and whatever does may be too limited in scope to be this autonomous.

If you manage to curb down Pampelune enough, you might also avoid the temptation making the region playing both sides.

And, voilà! Castile killed in the crib.

Spanish-dialects that were exterminated
*rolling eyes so far that only bleeing pulsating meat can be seen*
Spain is probably one of the countries in Western Europe where you had the least of cultural unification and standardization (let alone that outright linguistical slaughter is fairly absent elsewhere, that's another debate alltogether).
*rolling eyes so far that only bleeing pulsating meat can be seen*
Spain is probably one of the countries in Western Europe where you had the least of cultural unification and standardization (let alone that outright linguistical slaughter is fairly absent elsewhere, that's another debate alltogether).
Oh I know, I just have a thing for keeping dialects alive.
Oh I know, I just have a thing for keeping dialects alive.
Vocabulary aside, the PoD I proposed above is probably the best way to have a less divided Spanish language : vasconisation could be relatively limited to Bardulia, Leonese/Asturian would be more close to the norm if not the norm, Mozarabic speeches relatively closer to Asturian means an even more quick absorbtion, which essentially leave Pyrenean dialects such as Aragonese to be distinct (mostly trough vasconisation, possibly occitanisation) with Galician.