A Thorn In The Rose: A War Of The Roses TL

Let's be clear, on a moral ground the Yorkist faction is all bound to Antenora in Cocito, last circle of Dante's hell, section of Traitors of your own Country. That said let's hope the Scots gavethem some sound kick in the boot.
Well then they will find there Henry Bolingbroke of Lancaster and friends ready to welcome new addictions...
Chapter 165: Roxburgh


Chapter 165: Roxburgh

June, 1463

The ground was flat as they approached Roxburgh. It had taken them longer than he would have liked to get to this point, but they were approaching it now, and he couldn’t complain.

Soon they would be outside the gates of Roxburgh and they would demand its return.

James knew that expending this much effort on getting an old and ruined town back, was perhaps nonsensical, but Roxburgh held sentimental value for his dynasty.

It had been where King David I, the founder of modern Scotland had ruled his Kingdom from, and where he had died. It had been in Roxburgh that James’ ancestor had been named Lord High Steward.

Roxburgh had sat as a seat of Scottish power until the War of Independence when the English had taken it.

Over the next few decades they had tried to regain it, only holding it for months at a time before the English regained it.

If they could regain Roxburgh now, that would be brilliant, and it would ensure a permanent sore spot for his dynasty was removed.

James glanced to his right, where the Earl of Westmorland was riding. That he’d had to rely on someone who had fought his father, did not escape him, but sometimes the enemy of your enemy could be of use.

As the walls of Roxburgh came into view his heart started to race. This was the moment he had been waiting for. Soon, they would get everything.

When they were right in front of the walls he raised a mailed fist, calling the army to a halt.

Orders were barked and his men surrounded the town.

The Earl Marischal advanced forward and called out. “People of Roxburgh, your King has come to free you from English yoke, come forth and answer his call!”

There was a long moment of silence and then a figure appeared on the wall before them. “Who are you?” The figure asked in a slightly accented tone.

James looked at the Earl Marischal and then replied. “I am James, Second of His Name, King of Scotland, and owner of Roxburgh. Who are you?”

There was a brief pause and then the figure replied. “I am Sir Charles Cavendish, Castellan of Roxburgh. Why have you come here?”

“To retake what is mine.” James called back.

Cavendish didn’t reply immediately, instead, another figure appeared on the wall with him. It looked as if the two of them were talking, then Cavendish replied. “What makes you think that we will accept you reclaiming Roxburgh? We swore a vow to defend the city against all threats.”

“And how has that been rewarded?” James asked. “You have been left here, stranded, without enough money or supplies to feed the garrison and to pay them. You have been left to the whims of a distant people in London. You are not seriously telling me that you would remain loyal to London?”

Cavendish and his colleague exchanged more words before Cavendish replied. “What are you offering?”

James took a moment, he had thought there would be a bit more of a struggle, but apparently not. “Full pay, for what is owed to you.” They’d calculated this based on figures that Westmorland’s men had managed to sneak out. “An option of becoming full Scottish citizens with the rights that entails, or the chance to return home, safely. And of course, the chance to be reunited with your families.”

“And how do we know that you will uphold that promise?” Cavendish asked.

James wanted to be offended, but he understood why that question had been asked. No doubt they had been told Scots were treacherous bastards. Only his mother’s guiding hand had prevented James from seeing the English like that. James clapped his hands and two servants brought forth a chest of gold, leaving it before him and the city. James gestured to the gold. “This is the first payment. It is a sign of my good intentions.”

James saw Cavendish exchange words with his colleague, and then they both disappeared from the walls.

James exhaled, wondering what would happen now.

A moment passed, and then another, and then the gates opened. Cavendish appeared. He was shorter than James had imagined and his hair was shot through with white.

“Are you genuine in your intentions?” Cavendish called out.

“I am.” James replied. He looked at two of the servants and gestured for them to take the gold toward Cavendish. They did just that, leaving the gold before Cavendish. “Take it.” James urged.

A moment passed and then another, then Cavendish touched the chest, opened it and stared, then looked up and knelt. “The city of Roxburgh is yours, Your Majesty.”
Assuming they want it, definitely
It would strengthen the importance of Roxburgh, as the Scots would be in control of the mouth of Tweed, which would make it easier for trade to get there. The ideal scenario for the Scots would be getting control of all the debatable lands (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debatable_Lands), thus securing the Scottish border. The Wars of the Roses is probably the last real good chance they’ll have, and it would give Scotland a more equal chance against England in the future


It would strengthen the importance of Roxburgh, as the Scots would be in control of the mouth of Tweed, which would make it easier for trade to get there. The ideal scenario for the Scots would be getting control of all the debatable lands (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debatable_Lands), thus securing the Scottish border. The Wars of the Roses is probably the last real good chance they’ll have, and it would give Scotland a more equal chance against England in the future
Indeed very true
He allowed complete misgovernance of the realm and favoured people who were completely corrupt.
Is this just about Henry Vi or his grandfather Henry IV. As for Henry Vi I believe he was just totally unfit to rule Dan Jones they historian believe he was developmentally disabled. Others believe he inherited his mental disability from his grandfather Charles the mad or Charles the beloved. Is even possible he may have been schizophrenic the same accusation has also been made about King Richard II of England. It's a shame Kings can't be removed when no longer fit for the throne like Edward ii, Edward III during the last few years of his life, Henry Vi who was unfit to rule.