八紘一宇 - Hakkō Ichiu

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I figured as much, especially since Bennett would've been tagged by the whole Great Depression thing (which has brought down numerous governments, including the Belloc ministry in the UK). King it is.
Pretty much. I also believe he'd be the only one able to keep the country together after the whole Governor-being-assassinated-by-French-radicals issue.
Dude! The last update was only a week or two ago. PM the author.

If the only reason you're PMing the author is to pester them to post more updates or ask if a project is dead, I'd instead recommend taking a moment to consider whether you really need to do that, or if patience will suffice.

People work in their own time. It's polite to let them set their own priorities when it comes to free stories posted on the Internet.

Still loving the TL, by the way. It's an impressive piece of work.


If the only reason you're PMing the author is to pester them to post more updates or ask if a project is dead, I'd instead recommend taking a moment to consider whether you really need to do that, or if patience will suffice.

People work in their own time. It's polite to let them set their own priorities when it comes to free stories posted on the Internet.


Because if you PM me pestering me about updating timelines, you reduce the chance of it being updated by about 75%. Updates will come when I complete them, and not one minute earlier.
Indonesia is still Dutch, and India/Pakistan is British.
Is the Philippines still in Commonwealth era? I think with ignoring the butterflies ITTL, it should have a commonwealth government by 1935, and independence ( with bases ) at 1945.


Is the Philippines still in Commonwealth era? I think with ignoring the butterflies ITTL, it should have a commonwealth government by 1935, and independence ( with bases ) at 1945.

There has been no treatise (the 1916, 1933, 1934 and 1935 treaties never occurred, and have been butterflied away) between the United States and Philippines indicating a move towards independence. However, there are some whispers of statehood being a potential thing by 1950. The New Deal Coalition is supportive of Philippine, Puerto Rican, Alaskan and Hawaiian statehood with expedience, and so there is some talk amongst the New Deal caucus to admit all four territories to the Union ASAP to generate political support and entrench their 'civil rights' wing.

There has been reform in the Philippines, moving away from the Insular Government in the 1920s, and moved to a Commonwealth-style territorial government, but not towards independence thus far.

There is a sizable nationalist faction, but with fears of Japan and the Chinese at an all-time high, there has been a shift in public opinion in Manila and other regions of the Philippines towards Washington.
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There has been no treatise (the 1916, 1933, 1934 and 1935 treaties never occurred, and have been butterflied away) between the United States and Philippines indicating a move towards independence. However, there are some whispers of statehood being a potential thing by 1950. The New Deal Coalition is supportive of Philippine, Puerto Rican, Alaskan and Hawaiian statehood with expedience, and so there is some talk amongst the New Deal caucus to admit all four territories to the Union ASAP to generate political support and entrench their 'civil rights' wing.

There has been reform in the Philippines, moving away from the Insular Government in the 1920s, and moved to a Commonwealth-style territorial government, but not towards independence thus far.

There is a sizable nationalist faction, but with fears of Japan and the Chinese at an all-time high, there has been a shift in public opinion in Manila and other regions of the Philippines towards Washington.
So, you're planning for a permanent US Philippines?

EDIT: It will be interesting times indeed for the four most nationalistic states of the USA.

DOUBLE EDIT: Why do you always think we hate the Chinese and Japanese? We just want their money. :p

Anyways, I think by this point, a quite sizeable amount of Chinese were quite integrated not only in the middle class, but to the "old money" elite as well.
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DOUBLE EDIT: Why do you always think we hate the Chinese and Japanese? We just want their money.

Tut-tut, I never said that they hated either country, I simply said that there were fears of invasion/takeover/etc. from the two realms. Japan in particular. I did mention after the Japanese occupation of part of China, the Philippines were quite frightened.

So, you're planning for a permanent US Philippines?

EDIT: It will be interesting times indeed for the four most nationalistic states of the USA.

Rule with an iron fist in a velvet glove, maybe? :p
So, you're planning for a permanent US Philippines?

That would be interesting. I just did some calculations and, assuming demographics are the same as in OTL, the Philippines will have 56 electoral votes as of the 1936 presidential election. (assuming the number of members of the electoral college is increased from 531 to 587 to accommodate this)

That's the largest of all states, slightly ahead of New York.

Will be interesting to see whether or not the American populace is ready to accept Filipino statehood.


Will be interesting to see whether or not the American populace is ready to accept Filipino statehood.

If I do have the Philippines become a state, it wouldn't get to vote in a Presidential election until probably 1952. Most likely. But yes, the whole problem of 'Philippines growing without stopping' is an issue; since if it follows OTL demographics, you're looking at 100 million people living in one state come 2017. This is... obviously an issue, since it means that the Philippines would get a ridiculous number of EVs. That argument may come up and lead to Filipino independence... but maybe not. It all depends.
If I do have the Philippines become a state, it wouldn't get to vote in a Presidential election until probably 1952. Most likely. But yes, the whole problem of 'Philippines growing without stopping' is an issue; since if it follows OTL demographics, you're looking at 100 million people living in one state come 2017. This is... obviously an issue, since it means that the Philippines would get a ridiculous number of EVs. That argument may come up and lead to Filipino independence... but maybe not. It all depends.
Simple question: divide it into two, one comprising of Luzon and associated islands, one for Visayas and Mindanao, if not two states for both of them. Muslim Mindanao may want to break from the state down the line due to Moro heritage, however.


I was thinking about that, yeah. That's far more manageable. The Luzon 'region' has only a few more million folks than California; and the other two fit in the 'high-population US state' category but not excessively. I rather like that idea. :D


//whistles nonchalantly
If I do have the Philippines become a state, it wouldn't get to vote in a Presidential election until probably 1952. Most likely. But yes, the whole problem of 'Philippines growing without stopping' is an issue; since if it follows OTL demographics, you're looking at 100 million people living in one state come 2017. This is... obviously an issue, since it means that the Philippines would get a ridiculous number of EVs. That argument may come up and lead to Filipino independence... but maybe not. It all depends.
Well, if the Philippines becomes a US state, then the demographic transition happens earlier and the Filipino population would probably never reach 100 million in the first place.

Here are the relevant statistics. Note that in OTL 1960, the average Filipino woman had seven children!

If the Philippines become a U.S. state, then they'll have a higher standard of living compared to OTL, and thus a lower birth rate. Plus, if the Philippines gain statehood then a lot of Filipinos would probably emigrate to the continental United States, further reducing the population.

By the present day, I expect the population of the Philippines would be about 40 or 50 million (rather than 100 million as in OTL).
Simple question: divide it into two, one comprising of Luzon and associated islands, one for Visayas and Mindanao, if not two states for both of them. Muslim Mindanao may want to break from the state down the line due to Moro heritage, however.

Then they will get even more senators, raising even more its importence in the Electoral College.

Well, if the Philippines becomes a US state, then the demographic transition happens earlier and the Filipino population would probably never reach 100 million in the first place.

Here are the relevant statistics. Note that in OTL 1960, the average Filipino woman had seven children!

If the Philippines become a U.S. state, then they'll have a higher standard of living compared to OTL, and thus a lower birth rate. Plus, if the Philippines gain statehood then a lot of Filipinos would probably emigrate to the continental United States, further reducing the population.

By the present day, I expect the population of the Philippines would be about 40 or 50 million (rather than 100 million as in OTL).

Yeah, removing any impediment to U.S. capital, along with preventing Marcos from ruining the place, would do wonders for the local prosperity.
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