八紘一宇 - Hakkō Ichiu

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Erm, Communist-Nationalist Quebeckers carrying out a high-profile assassination in 1936? That seems very implausible to me. I mean, it happened in 1970, but Quebecois Nationalism didn't even exist until the late 50s (French-Canadian nationalism did, though, but it had beeen getting rather weak after WW1) and at this time, Quebec is deeply and devoutly Catholic... if not widely anti-communist...

I mean, maybe the French communists had something to do with it, so I guess it is possible? I'm not particularly convinced, though.
Quebec is deeply and devoutly Catholic

The Communists nearly won the Italian elections in the forties, not to mention their huge partisan presence. Communists were a huge part of the Spanish Civil War, and the IRA was in large ways inspired by Radical Left wing thought. Catholic states actually probably had more Communist threats than the Protestant North of Europe did.

Add some nationalism to spice it up, and I fail to see how this is implausible.


February 26, 1936 was the third major attempt by the radicals to enforce their will upon the Japanese state and government; but this time was especially notable as it had the first public involvement of a member of the Imperial Household. Chichibu took a leading position amongst the conspirators, joined by the Prince Kan'in Kotohito, Konoe Fumimaro, and Hata Shunroku, along with several others.

In one of the alternate history books I'm writing, Chichibu is also the head of the 2-2-6 conspiracy.


Anything on Kita Ikki?

He was implicated in Chichibu's coup and arrested by the Kempaitei on February 28th, 1936 for conspiracy to commit treason, violating the National Security Act by fostering radical intent, and participating in unconstitutional activities (membership in far-right societies). He, along with most of those arrested, are currently being held at a Kempaitei camp outside of Tokyo while they decide their fates.
Erm, Communist-Nationalist Quebeckers carrying out a high-profile assassination in 1936? That seems very implausible to me. I mean, it happened in 1970, but Quebecois Nationalism didn't even exist until the late 50s (French-Canadian nationalism did, though, but it had beeen getting rather weak after WW1) and at this time, Quebec is deeply and devoutly Catholic... if not widely anti-communist...

I mean, maybe the French communists had something to do with it, so I guess it is possible? I'm not particularly convinced, though.

The Communists nearly won the Italian elections in the forties, not to mention their huge partisan presence. Communists were a huge part of the Spanish Civil War, and the IRA was in large ways inspired by Radical Left wing thought. Catholic states actually probably had more Communist threats than the Protestant North of Europe did.

Add some nationalism to spice it up, and I fail to see how this is implausible.

The difference is that the Italian Socialist and Spanish Communist are both present and well established prior to the Civil War and the 1940s.

The Canadian Communist party was illegal when it was initially established and teetered between legality and illegality between the 1930s and 1940s.

More so, the Quebecois communist party didn't have any strong separatist tendencies.

The Quebecois nationalism at this period was Clerico-Nationalism, which accepted British rule and was focused on maintaining the language, culture and religion.

Any Pro-communist, pro-Independence movement would be an extremely fringe movement.


Any Pro-communist, pro-Independence movement would be an extremely fringe movement.

I should note that the development of the French state ideology and their efforts to spread this ideology directly lead to the formation of the group that assassinated the Duke of York. Their previous mention during the Red Summer should be noted as well.


Kempeitai Report (incomplete)
Major figures arrested during February 26th Incident

"We're still collaborating with the local authorities and the loyalists from the IJA and IJN to determine who else has been arrested. Final report will be available for the Emperor in March, best I can guess. Not all will be executed, but I'd say the majority will be."

Yasuhito, Prince Chichibu
Yasuhiko, Prince Asaka
Prince Kan'in Kotohito
Hiranuma Kiichirō
Kōichi Kido
Fumimaro Konoe
Kita Ikki
Masaharu Homma
Seishirō Itagaki
Sadao Araki

[ Note written by Chief Tōjō: "We will be investigating all members of the Parliamentary Faction of the Seigitou, to see if they are... culpable in these crimes." ]
Shunroku Hata
Shirō Nonaka
Kiyosada Kōda
Yasuhide Kurihara
Teruzō Andō
Takaji Muranaka
Asaichi Isobe
Hisashi Kōno
Shūmei Ōkawa
Kenji Doihara
Henry Pu-yi
(scrawled into margin: "Manchu rat; why we wasted money on him in 1917 is beyond me.")
Toshizō Nishio
Ryōichi Sasakawa
Otozō Yamada
Sato Shunji
It's amazing to see the difference between Japan and China ITTL. Japan is peaceful and prosperous, and has easily crushed its few rebellions. China, on the other hand, has been embroiled in a multipolar civil war for decades, and lost over half of its territory including its old capital Beijing.
It's amazing to see the difference between Japan and China ITTL. Japan is peaceful and prosperous, and has easily crushed its few rebellions. China, on the other hand, has been embroiled in a multipolar civil war for decades, and lost over half of its territory including its old capital Beijing.
Yep, poor China.
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