八紘一宇 - Hakkō Ichiu

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Mussolini savior of the italian freedom...ok it's a sentece that is hardly seen everywhere; but knowing him and due to the fact that he has remained socialist, it's almost certain that he killed (politically speaking...mostly) any potential challenger to his leaderships in the cradle.
Btw, Benny is just the leader of the socialist party or Italy has become a social repubblic?
Things will be really tense at the italian-french border and incidents will be probably frequent, at least during the red summer and in her immediate aftermath.

While I understand that the anachronism of the computers is part of the joke I'd think that they'd only be able to accelerate computer development to the point the equivalent of early 70's computers being made in the mid-to-late 60's instead.
If current alliances stand, communist Franco-Iberia is toasted. They need a heavy hitter or two, perhaps Russia and the UK, or they will be crushed in the next war.
Nope, the Revolutionary Russia (if Stalin falls) or a realpolitik driven UK. Or well, someone, otherwise the French won't last a year, especially with the previoulsy stated anti-mechanization in their armed forces.


Now, this whole development of things is Spain and Portugal is not even remotely possible in my opinion

Fair enough; but the intent was to be a counterfactual version of the 1940 Franco-British Union attempt; but with Franco leading the charge for it, and succeeding in having it implemented.

So what's Marshall Petain's "France" like? it seems to be very African, and Arab, but with it's eyes set on reconquering Europe or at least the Baleares :rolleyes:(potential 19th century Brazil analogue?)

White governing body, Afro-Arabic majority; military dictatorship in all but name, but plenty of non-communists get by with whatever they want to do as long as it doesn't interfere with Algiers' goal of liberating the Metropole.

Hitler testifying in front of a Reichstag commission of Communist atrocities against Jews after being kidnapped by KPD militiamen while discussing with Otto Frank and Albert Einstein on a computer project? This is real alternate history!

There was also a parallel to the Beer Hall Putsch with the Opera Hall in Munich being seized by the KPD.

Btw, Benny is just the leader of the socialist party or Italy has become a social repubblic?

Benny is the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Italy, and is the leader of the domestic socialist party.

Nope, the Revolutionary Russia (if Stalin falls) or a realpolitik driven UK. Or well, someone, otherwise the French won't last a year, especially with the previoulsy stated anti-mechanization in their armed forces.



And why not? They did it OTL regarding the Soviets.

Except Stalin didn't just try to force a communist revolution in the UK.
And why not? They did it OTL regarding the Soviets.
True, very true.

But you're telling me London would be fine with a Communist regime that's just across the channel? Also the British had the Nazis to worry about.

Stalin just had Britain infiltrated by NKVD agents, he didn't actively seek to instigate revolution there.
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And why not? They did it OTL regarding the Soviets.
With Hitler on his way to becoming the German Steve Jobs and Stalin being a genuinely valued ally* I can't see the Brits tolerating the existence of the Latin People's Union.

*Instead of a paranoid tyrant everyone barely tolerated because of the Nazis.
Fair enough; but the intent was to be a counterfactual version of the 1940 Franco-British Union attempt; but with Franco leading the charge for it, and succeeding in having it implemented.

Yeah, but while the Franco-British Union in the 1940s was something very unlikely to happen itself, a Spanish-Portuguese Union in the 1920s would be completely impossible for a multitude of reasons.

First of all, there's the fact that Spain has always been cast as the boogieman in Portuguese popular imagination. Many of our national heroes were people who fought to preserve Portugal's independence from Spain, and one of the most basic tenants of Portuguese nationalism, which was always widespread in society and was faring particularily well as political force in that period, consists of affirming the differences between Portuguese and Spanish national identities. A communist/fascist revolution may seem scary for some Portuguese people, but not as much as the prospect of being absorbed by their larger neighbours

Also, we must consider that the Portuguese and Spanish regimes at the time had radically different political ideologies. The Portuguese republic was a new one, and, as such, it was naturally very militant when it came to its republican character. They were also avowedly liberal, strongly anti-clerical and somewhat nationalistic, and they would become more and more of that as time passed. Spain on the other hand, was a highly conservative Kingdom under a reactionary autocracy. The two regimes had almost nothing in common, and were most likely to be antagonistic toward one another. Having someone like Franco being put in charge could only make things worse.

Whoever ended up in charge of the Portuguese government's would absolutely not make such a deal with the Spanish, and even if he did contestation would be so large that there would be no Portuguese government to unify with Spain to begin with.

Anyway, as I said, if you still insist in having a Portuguese-Spanish Union in your TL, it's your choice and I won't stop reading because of that. But I'm absolutely sure it's ASB.
Anyway, as I said, if you still insist in having a Portuguese-Spanish Union in your TL, it's your choice and I won't stop reading because of that. But I'm absolutely sure it's ASB.

Maybe, as the proposed OTL Anglo-Franco Union, it's just a temporary thing to be reverted once took back the mainland and both goverment-in-exile are not rich or have much resources to spare so setting shop together can be a 'forced' method to make end.
Not considering that this can be a very loosely confederation, a military and diplomatic alliance set as a Union as a show of diplomatic strenght
Maybe, as the proposed OTL Anglo-Franco Union, it's just a temporary thing to be reverted once took back the mainland and both goverment-in-exile are not rich or have much resources to spare so setting shop together can be a 'forced' method to make end.
Not considering that this can be a very loosely confederation, a military and diplomatic alliance set as a Union as a show of diplomatic strenght

Sorry, but I still don't see it happaning. Even if the Union was temporary, it would be an appalling idea to the Portuguese, You really can't get passed nationalism and idelological differences that soon.
By the way, I just realized something. I was under the impression that the revolutions had happaned in the the 1920s, but then I re-read the post and I realized they might have been in the 1930s?

This changes things, but It's actually for the worst if you want a Portuguese-Spanish Union. At this time, Portugal was actually under the authoritarian Second Republic, and Spain was also a republic, but a democratic one. This leaves ideological tensions more or less the same (though perhaps a bit less pronounced), though now with Spain being the liberal country and Portugal the conservative one, but greatly increases the problem of Portuguese nationalism even more.

Having Franco (somehow) take control of the Spanish government in exile (though wouldn't that destroy the Spanish government in exile?) would reduce the ideological divide, but Portuguese nationalism would still remain, and it would actually get even stronger in reaction to Spanish nationalism.


This changes things, but It's actually for the worst if you want a Portuguese-Spanish Union. At this time, Portugal was actually under the authoritarian Second Republic, and Spain was also a republic, but a democratic one. This leaves ideological tensions more or less the same (though perhaps a bit less pronounced), though now with Spain being the liberal country and Portugal the conservative one, but greatly increases the problem of Portuguese nationalism even more.

Note that the POD is in 1912; and neither Salazar, his Second Republic, or the OTL 1931 Spanish Republic have emerged.

Thus far in the timeline, Spain and Portugal have maintained a degree of moderation in their Republics. Franco is a vanilla military leader and not a fascist like OTL (much like Mussolini). This Iberian Union is very temporary, and was only established under the principle that 'hey, maybe we should band together while we're stuck in Africa to keep Europeans from picking our territory from us.'; there's a lot of politics involved and it may seem like a heavenly match, but it's really not. Tensions are tense, and things aren't always agreed upon in a proper manner between the two major governments in the Union.

Currently, Bento de Jesus Caraça runs the Second Republic of Portugal (which is one half of the Iberian Provisional Government); and is assisted by African administration assets in Mozambique and Angola. Francisco Franco is the current leader of the Provisional Government, and the de-facto military dictator of the Provisional Spanish Republic.

Caraça and Franco (as well as their armies) have only agreed to this union to attempt to pose some unified threat against the communists in Iberia, and to reclaim their homelands together. After the war against the LPU is complete, the Iberian government will be dissolved. Portuguese nationalism isn't very high in the Provisional Government because it's literally a bunch of African colonies and some far-flung territories held together with duct tape and glue; back home in Portugal, there is a massive nationalist movement boiling under the imposed French communist state, and is very difficult to suppress, despite great strides in that direction.

Spanish and Portuguese nationalism and animosity isn't wiped away; the two nations' anti-communists just set aside their differences long enough to hate France.

How is the Far Eastern Republic holding on to Manchuria?

What do you mean?
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