
  1. Basedwanger

    The Black Order: Last Days of Mankind

    A story in the name of an old friend CBS News, Christmas Eve, 1950 DOUGLAS EDWARDS: In the next part of the news: This morning, president Douglas MacArthur has issued the authorization of the use of nuclear weapons in the recent Korean War. Just a month ago, Mr. President voiced his concern for...
  2. for WW3 stories: the Soviet dilemna about... French nuclear weapon or "Why the Rhine was the limit"

    I've been able to read many threads about WW3s and I would like to provide some context to allow readers and writers to get a much better understanding of the complex situation that French nuclear weapons generated in Europe. Just to give some context: we all know that France left NATO in...
  3. Operation Unthinkable goes ahead - how much longer does the war last?

    I have been looking into a number of threads about Operation Unthinkable as the idea has quite taken me, though something barely anyone seems to touch on is just how long a war between the Western allies and the Soviet Union in 1945 would last... Regardless of whether people believe it would be...
  4. 40 years since the Stanislav Petrov incident - where were you on Sept. 25/26, 1983? Would you have survived if the nukes were launched?

    Today is the 40-year anniversary of the false alarm incident in which Stanislav Petrov prevented a nuclear war from happening (depending on what part of the world you’re in - it was just after midnight on Sept. 26, 1983 in Russia when the incident happened, so it would have been the middle of...
  5. The Food Truck: A different Missile Crisis

    In this timeline, Cuba Invades Mexico in the Cuban Missile Crisis with the help of the USSR, which threatens the US and NATO to unify into the North Atlantic Republic and invades Finland, planting bombs there. The Soviets assassinate JFK in 1962, which triggers the 3rd World War. This was the...
  6. How could the shootdown of KAL 007 escalate?

    On September 1st, 1983, the Soviet Union shot down Korean Air flight 007 after it flew off course and entered Soviet airspace. All 269 people on board were killed, including US Congressman Larry McDonald, significantly increasing tensions between the US and USSR. I've always been interested in...
  7. What would a world where China won WW3 look like?

    Suppose in the near future there is a war between the West and China-Russia and it is the latter that wins,what would the treaty look like and what would the world look like?
  8. Omnicide: World War III In 1953
    Threadmarks: Opening

    "1941 was not the worst, oh no. And 1945 was not the end. All we went through together was meaningless. Those desperate, brutal battles against the fascists in the long first summer of the war, the bitter cold outside Moscow and Stalingrad, and our heroic march to Berlin- none of it mattered...
  9. 4449Boi

    45 Year Reich and Wolves of the South

    Hello, my name is 4449Boi, welcome to my thread of this Alternate history saga, 45 Year Reich and Wolves of the South. If you have any questions, feel free to drop a comment. This series takes place from 1945 to 2025.
  10. United States of the American Empire

    What if the United States was a global Imperialist Power pretending to be a Republic? Ok, that is what happened. But what if it was an even BIGGER Imperialist Power that pretends to be a Republic? The American Empire outlines the history of the United States and Earth where American expansion...
  11. A WW3 without nukes

  12. General Kenobi

    How would a post-nuclear world look like?

    Let's say this nuclear exchange occurs between 1966 and 1970, assuming the contingency operations of every major power goes as planned and civilization manages to rebuild, what would a post-nuclear world look like say 30 to 40 years after? How would this affect culture including music, cars, and...
  13. The aftermath of a limited nuclear exchange

    Consider a scenario where a general war broke out between NATO + allies and the Warsaw Pact + allies in what could be described as the 'peak' of the Cold War - the period between the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and the Chernobyl disaster (1979-1986). In this period, both alliances were at...
  14. I am kinda stuck with my alternate history Cold War gone hot scenario, I don’t know whether to place it in the 60s or the 80s.

    I want to start a timeline but I don’t know when to place it, I want it To either take place in the 60s or the 80s. Both have their pros and cons and both have their own vibe to them. Hopefully by listing the pros and cons of each that you can decide for me which decade for me to place my...
  15. WI: Solar Flare starts WWIII

    What would've happened if the 1967 solar flare caused the Soviets to panic and lob their nukes at the US forcing NATO to retaliate? Was the world arsenal at the time large enough to cause total human extinction or is it more like the Cuban crisis arsenal where we'd still be able to rebuild...
  16. How accurate is the description of the Naval War in the Atlantic in Tom Clancy's "Red Storm Rising"?

    I'm currently reading "Red Storm Rising" by Tom Clancy, and I've wondered how accurate/realistic the book's description of the Naval War in the Atlantic between NATO and the Warsaw Pact is. The Total NATO Atlantic Fleet during the late 1980s consisted of 21 Aircraft Carriers, 2 Iowa Class...
  17. WW3 in the early 1960s

    During the Berlin Crisis of 1961, a small group of officials in the Pentagon and the White House had worked out a plan for a first strike that would virtually wipe out the Soviets' nuclear arsenal, minimizing the chance of retaliation. The plan was concrete and highly detailed, and was seriously...
  18. AltoRegnant

    AHC: Dismantle Both Cold War Superpowers by 1995

    after the cold war ended, the United States enjoyed a period of sole dominion, and according to some, actually had very little to fear from the soviets. But I'm curious, is there anyway to fully dismantle the United States and the Soviet Union as world powers by the late twentieth century...
  19. WW III during the early 80s

    Let's say the soviet leadership's worst fears come true, and the US, under the Reagan administration, assembles a coalition of the willing (and the pressured) and launches a "preventive" attack against the socialist camp. How would this conflict develope, and which implications would it have...
  20. the Imperium of Canada

    In a America-Nazi Cold War scenario, how likely is World War 3?

    So let's say that Operation Barbarossa is (miraculously) completely successful and the Soviets are pushed beyond the Urals. Let's also say that the Western Front drags into a stalemate and peace is made in 1945 or 1946. Let's again also say Hitler is in much better health then OTL and can be...