seven years war

  1. Quick French victory in the "Seven" Years War

    This is basically if the French initial war plan was successful. Take Hannover and defeat Prussia as fast as possible, hoping the colonies resist long enough; trade Hannover (George II is still alive and he's biased towards his homeland unlike his son) for border concessions in North America...
  2. Better Spanish performance in the 7 Years War

    It's known that Spain performed in the (almost) worst way possible, with its entrance being arguably more harmful than helpful for the French side. This is not about an earlier Spanish entrance, that's its own topic and would result in a completely different war (assuming they join in 1758 or...
  3. Empress Elizabeth beats Prussia before dying: what now for Peter?

    So on the precipice of a Russian victory over Prussia, the late Empress Elizabeth was replaced by her nephew Peter, who immediately gave his idol Frederick a white peace so that he could have a free hand to expand his native Slesvig-Holstein-Gottorp at Denmark's expense. Some threads here in the...
  4. Flavius Iulius Maiorianus

    Medium-term impacts of a Swedish GNW victory?

    Whenever people talk about Sweden winning the Great Northern War, they talk about either the immediate effects or the fact that unless something changed, Sweden would never remain a true great power long-term. However, I want to look at the medium-term in this thread. So first off, what is the...
  5. WI: Late French-Austrian victory in the European Theatre of the Seven Years War, possible effects and peace treaty

    By 1761 France had already lost the colonial war, but in the continent its allies still had the advantage, so what if they won? The PODs are: 1. French victory at Villinghausen: The french actually had a good chance of decisively winning this battle, had Soubise launch a full scale offensive at...
  6. The Fools Who Dream: A 7YW Timeline
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    The Fools Who Dream An Account of mid-18th Century Europe at War. The Seven Years’ War, French and Indian War, Third Silesian War, etc., whatever you want to call it, was undoubtedly a pivotal moment in history. It’s no wonder that it is (relatively) so often the subject of alt-history works...
  7. Catherine the Average

    [From Timeline: The Tiger's Leap]: The Treaty of Potsdam

    After suffering a crushing defeat at the hands of Russia in the Battle of Potsdam (August 3rd 1761) Frederick II's Kingdom in Prussia was too exhausted to even attempt and continue the war effort. Great Britain begrudgingly acknowledged Prussia's surrender, choosing to continue the fight on...
  8. Emperor of Panama

    What if Elizabeth of Russia has children and lives longer?

    Honestly I don't know much about the 18th century but this is an important point for my story "Victoria Austracista" (where Archduke Charles (Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor) becomes king of Spain in 1710) so I wanted some opinions to know what could happen. Elizabeth of Russia ruled the country...
  9. French Victory in Seven Years’ War: No American Revolution?

    French Victory in Seven Years’ War: No American Revolution? I have sometimes seen that a French victory in the Seven Years’ War or French and Indian War would have prevented the American Revolution. The logic behind this is that with a French potentially enemy presence so close to the American...
  10. Sons of Flanders, Sons of Bearn: A 7YW Timeline
    Threadmarks: Part 1: Walk the Line

    ‘It would require a greater philosopher and historian than I am to explain the causes of the famous Five Years’ War in which Europe was engaged; and, indeed, its origin has always appeared to me to be so complicated, and the books written about it so amazingly hard to understand, that I have...
  11. Plausibility check: would Peter III keep the Wettins on the throne of Poland?

    Let us say the Tsarina died later and Prussia was dismantled during the 7YW. When Peter III comes to the throne, he is slightly more liked for not having reversed course against Prussia. Is it possible he would appoint Frederick Christensen as the election winner for the Polish crown? Peter was...
  12. Snatching defeat from a miracle - Prussia loses the Seven Years War, after the Miracles of the House of Brandenburg

    So Prussia had a very lucky streak during the Seven Years War, when by all rights they really should have lost. Matched against France, Austria, Russia, and assorted minor German powers like Saxony only backed by British financial might, Hanover and even more minor German allies. The Miracle of...
  13. Carp

    WI: Sardinia joins the Seven Years' War

    Charles Emmanuel III, the King of Sardinia, fought on the side of the “Pragmatic Allies” (Austria, Britain, and the Netherlands) during the War of the Austrian Succession. By the end of that war, however, his relationship with Austria was extremely strained. The alliance forged between them by...
  14. Basileus_Komnenos

    Geopolitical and Societal Implications of a Successful Jacobite Restoration

    Supposing the Jacobites manage to successfully restore the House of Stuart to the throne in 1715 or in the 1740's, what would be the geopolitical implications of such a change? How would his affect the American Colonies, the wars of France in Europe against Austria, and the broader state of the...
  15. WI: No miracles for Brandenburg: Friderick II is killed, Prussia defeated

    Friderick II of Prussia is accidentally killed in August 1759 during the battle. Prussia is completely demoralised and begs for peace, and eventually ends up being reduced to Brandenburg and Pomerania, with Russia taking East Prussia and Austria taking back Silesia. I seriously doubt it would...
  16. treefreak32

    Published Alternate History about the Seven Years War?

    Asking this here because besides some SL press stuff and one volume of Jour J, I can't think of any published alternate history with a POD in the seven years war. If anyone knows of any, let me know.
  17. Ersatz Sequoyan

    Into the Unseen Era - A Timeline
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: The End of a War

    Hello everyone! A quick introduction first, I'm a long time lurker and have finally decided to throw in my hand into writing a timeline of my own. You will have to forgive me if I sometimes stray from a more accuracy-based timeline, while I am trying to be as accurate as possible, my resources...
  18. WI: Austria won the War of spanish Succession

    Lately I've been trying to flesh out the survival of the Ostend company again with the POD being the war of Spanish succession. I have been reading up a lot and came to the conclusion that the Austrians were buffoons who had all the right cards to make Austria a power to be reckoned with for...
  19. The Braganzas flee to Brazil in 1762?

    Spain invaded Portugal three times in 1762 as a part of the Seven Years' War, but their attempts to conquer their smaller neighbor failed miserably thanks to the scorched earth and guerrilla tactics adopted by the Portuguese. What if the invaders were able to protect their supply lines more...
  20. AHC/WI: The Albany Plan of Union is approved

    In our timeline, the Albany Plan of Union was a plan to create a unified government for eleven of the Thirteen colonies that would later form the United States of America (Delaware was considered part of Pennsylvania at the time and Georgia was considered too young and too pro-monarchy). While...