AHC/WI: The Albany Plan of Union is approved

In our timeline, the Albany Plan of Union was a plan to create a unified government for eleven of the Thirteen colonies that would later form the United States of America (Delaware was considered part of Pennsylvania at the time and Georgia was considered too young and too pro-monarchy). While it was approved by the Albany Congress who created it out of mutual defense purposes, the Crown and Parliament opposed it because they thought it gave them too much authority and eventually surpass Great Britain on the world stage and colonial authorities didn’t want to give up their power. Hence it was rejected. However, it would be the blueprint for the non-materialized Galloway Plan of Union. On the other hand, what would it take for the Albany Plan of Union and other plans of Union it later inspired (or Galloway) to be approved by the Crown? How would it impact the American Revolution? Would it be possible for not all of the Thirteen colonies to be involved? Lastly, how successful would this United government be?
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